Bangalore to Delhi

Bangalore to Delhi

Fri, Jun 14
One Way
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Bangalore to Delhi Schedule

Bangalore to Delhi Schedule
Transport NameRoute TimePrice
IndiGo Economy 01:00 - 09:20₹ 10,993
SpiceJet Economy #SG13605:55 - 08:35₹ 8,018
Air India Economy #AI86807:40 - 10:25₹ 8,240
IndiGo Economy #6E218608:00 - 10:45₹ 8,238
IndiGo Economy #6E86911:50 - 14:40₹ 8,336
Air India Economy #AI51113:55 - 16:55₹ 7,831
IndiGo Economy #6E662114:15 - 17:10₹ 8,238
IndiGo Economy #6E603916:30 - 19:20₹ 8,336
Air Vistara Economy #UK81819:40 - 22:20₹ 10,256
Air India Economy #AI80820:55 - 23:55₹ 7,906
SpiceJet Economy #SG853723:00 - 02:05₹ 7,446

How to get from Bangalore (Bengaluru) to New Delhi

There are three main ways travellers get from Bangalore to Delhi; by flight, train or bus. Taking a flight is the fastest and most convenient method of travel while taking a train is a little cheaper and allows one to see the Indian countryside as they travel. Travelling by bus is more cumbersome; there are no direct bus routes between the two cities and one will have to travel by three different buses.

By road, the distance between Bangalore and Delhi is 2121 kilometres; one would take at least 34 hours (without any stops) to cover this distance. It’s a similar distance by train - 2379 kilometres which will translate to a journey of approximately 36 hours. The aerial distance is much shorter; 1740 kilometres. The flying time from Bangalore to Delhi would be under three hours.

A plane ticket from Bangalore to Delhi will be between INR 3500-6000 while a train ticket ranges from INR 700-8000 depending on the class and train you chose. Bus tickets will cost around INR 6000, as each ticket is priced between INR 800 - 2,200.

Flights from Bangalore to New Delhi

Flight tickets from Bangalore to Delhi cost around INR 3500 for budget airlines and from INR 4500 upwards for more premium carriers. To get great deals on tickets, book online a few weeks before you intend to take the trip. If you book early enough, you may be able to get a ticket for INR 2500. Late night and early morning flights are generally cheaper as these are the least in demand.

Most of India’s domestic airlines serve the Bangalore to Delhi route including budget airlines like SpiceJet, Indigo and Go Air. Other airlines which fly the route are Jet Airways and Vistara; these are considered high end domestic airlines and offer free meals on board. For these meals, travellers can chose between vegetarian and non-vegetarian fare which is typically Indian. Most domestic flights in India do not serve alcohol on board unless you are flying first class.

All flights allow travellers between 15-20 kg of free check-in baggage as well as small carry-ons. Each airline has a different maximum check-in baggage wait so be sure to check the airline’s website before setting off.

The flying time from Bangalore to Delhi is just under three hours, but one must also account for security, check-in and waiting timings when calculating the total travel time. There are connecting flights, but they add at least three hours to your flying time and are priced the same as direct flights.

Buses from Bangalore to New Delhi

There are no direct bus routes from Bangalore to Delhi, but if you would like to travel by bus, you can take a bus from Bangalore to Mumbai (INR 1500) followed by a bus from Mumbai to Japiur (INR 2800) followed by a bus from Japiur to Delhi (INR 500). Look for bus companies like Mahalaxmi Travels, Gujarat Travels and VRL Travels, all of which have AC Sleeper buses, ensuring comfortable travel.

From Bangalore to Mumbai, the trip duration is 16 hours, so it’s best to take a night sleeper bus. From Mumbai to Jaipur the trip will take upto 26 hours, while from Jaipur to Delhi the journey is much shorter; it’ll take approximately six hours. Road conditions are generally decent and there are plenty of bathroom and food stops, but the trip itself can be exhausting so we’d recommend you halt overnight either in Mumbai or Jaipur.

There are departures all through the day and night. Each bus company has different cancellation policies, but most require at least 24 hours cancellation notice for at least a partial refund.

If you chose the carriers mentioned earlier, you can expect air-conditioned buses and reclining seats. There are no toilets on board but every bus will have frequent bathroom stops. Many buses have overhead televisions that broadcast Indian movies.

Trains from Bangalore to New Delhi

Train tickets from Bangalore to Delhi can cost anywhere between INR 800-6000 depending on the train you take and the class you chose. We’d recommend taking the second class AC which has moderately priced compartments and a range of amenities.

The train journey takes around 40 hours but can take more time if it is stopping at other major stations.

Most of the trains that go from Bangalore to Delhi depart from Bangalore’s train station in the early afternoon or late night.Cancellations are normally possible at least 48 hours before your journey and you’ll be charged an extra fee to get a refund on your ticket.

In the Indian Railways system, there are four types of classes; the Sleeper Class, the Third AC, the Second AC and the First AC.

The Second AC is the best option with four to six berths. It’s also air-conditioned, includes free meals and has access to fairly clean washrooms.

Meanwhile, the first AC class has only two to four berths, cabins with doors for privacy, charging points, air-conditioning, free meals and an attendant to make up your bed. The bathrooms are cleaner and many have shower facilities. Tickets for this class cost the same as a budget airline plane ticket.

Transportation from Bangalore to Delhi

Facts about the transport from Bangalore to Delhi

Cheapest Transport$35
Fastest Transport2h 35m
Earliest Departure5:45 AM
Latest Departure11:00 PM
Departures per day2
Distance2829 kilometers
Transport CompaniesAir India, Air Vistara, Indian Railways, IndiGo, Mahadev Travels, Salasar Vaishnav Travels, SpiceJet