Delhi to Bangalore

Delhi to Bangalore

Fri, Jun 7
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Delhi to Bangalore Schedule

Delhi to Bangalore Schedule
Transport NameRoute TimePrice
Air India Economy #AI51403:35 - 06:25₹ 8,457
IndiGo Economy 04:45 - 10:45₹ 10,001
IndiGo Economy #6E642407:20 - 09:55₹ 20,854
Indian Railways 2A - AC 2-Tier Sleeper 08:20 - 04:30₹ 3,870
IndiGo Economy #6E638311:45 - 14:40₹ 16,104
Air India Economy #AI50213:30 - 16:25₹ 9,744
Air India Economy #AI81515:35 - 18:35₹ 19,451
IndiGo Economy 16:50 - 21:25₹ 10,265
Air India Economy #AI51219:10 - 22:05₹ 9,009
Indian Railways SL - Sleeper Class 20:20 - 12:00₹ 1,133
IndiGo Economy #6E613123:00 - 01:45₹ 7,590

How to get from New Delhi to Bangalore (Bengaluru)

To get from Delhi, India’s capital in North India to Bangalore, a major city in the Southern state of Karnataka, one can take a flight, a train or journey by bus. Taking a flight is the fastest most most convenient way to get from Delhi to Bangalore, but a train is a wonderful way to see more of the country if you have time to spare.

The distance between Delhi and Bangalore by road is 2121 kilometres and would take one 35 hours on a non-stop journey. The distance by train is 2379 kilometres and would also take around 35 hours. However, this includes stops at several stations and is a more comfortable journey as there are berths and toilets on board the train. Meanwhile the distance by air is 1740 kilometres which takes only three hours to cover by flight.

To take a flight from Delhi to Bangalore, provided you oppt for economy class, a ticket will cost between INR 3500-5000 on a budget airline. A train ticket will cost between INR 800-7000 depending on the class you chose. Meanwhile, a bus journey will be similarly priced as you’ll have to change multiple buses; one will have to take a bus from Delhi to Jaipur, followed by Jaipur to Mumbai followed by Mumbai to Bangalore. The total cost will be INR 5000.

Flights from New Delhi to Bangalore

A flight ticket from Delhi to Bangalore costs between INR 3500-9000 depending on the class and airline you’re travelling with. To get the best prices, be sure to book your tickets at least a month before travelling and book online to avoid having to pay commission charges to a travel agent.

As Delhi and Bangalore are both major cities in India, there are several airlines flying the Delhi to Bangalore route everyday. These include Go Air, Indigo and Air India which are budget airlines and Jet Airways and Vistara which are the more premium airlines. Both sets of airlines allow free check in baggage of up to 20kg, but the budget ones do not serve free food or water on board; it has to be purchased from flight attendants. Alternatively, carry your own packed food along as the prices on the planes tend to be very high.

Direct flights take almost three hours flying time, but one should account for check in, security and baggage collection times. There are one-stop flights as well, but these can take up to nine hours and, since they are priced the same, are not worth considering.

Buses from New Delhi to Bangalore

To travel by bus from Delhi to Bangalore one will need to first take a bus from Delhi to Jaipur. Popular carriers include Mahalaxmi Travels and Rishabh Travels which have air-conditioned buses; tickets will be approximately INR 800.

One must then take a bus from Jaipur to Mumbai; take a Gujarat Travels bus for INR 2600 . Finally, from Mumbai to Bangalore, popular carriers are Orange Tours and Travels and Sharma Travels which are air-conditioned and will cost approximately INR 1500.

From Delhi to Jaipur, a bus ride will take upto seven hours with multiple stops along the way. In Jaipur, one will have to change buses; the trip from Jaipur to Mumbai will take twenty hours so it’s important to opt for an air conditioned, sleeper bus. Finally, the bus from Mumbai to Bangalore will take approximately 16 hours. There are no bathrooms on board most carriers but there will be frequent bathroom stops.

There are several bus carriers and departures from each city all through the day, early evening and morning. However, one must account for the time it will take to travel between bus stops in each city when deciding bus timings; most carriers do not depart from one central bus stop.

Most private bus services will have air-conditioning and reclining seats but there will be no toilet facilities on board.

Train from New Delhi to Bangalore

Train ticket prices from Delhi to Bangalore vary depending on the class you book. For second or third AC classes, ticket prices range between INR 3000-4000. Popular trains are the Karnataka Express, the Duronto Express and the Bangalore Rajdhani.

From Delhi to Bangalore, a train journey will take 34-36 hours with multiple stops at main stations along the way.

There are a vast number of trains which ply the route from Delhi to Bangalore and there are several departures in the morning, afternoon, evening and late night. Cancellations are normally possible not later than 48 hours before travelling for an extra charge.

It’s recommended that you travel either by second AC class or third AC class. Second AC has 4-6 berths, fairly clean toilets (which are shared by a compartment) and includes meals, pillows and sheets.

The third AC class has significantly more berths (eight to ten) and bathrooms tend to be less clean. It also does not include meals, but one can purchase snacks and meals from the stations the train stops at.

The first AC class is much more expensive but offers more privacy as there are only 2-4 berths in a compartment. Toilets are also cleaner and there are attendants to make your bed at night and serve meals.

However, first class tickets are comparable to flight tickets so it may be more convenient to simply take a flight from Delhi to Bangalore.

Transportation from Delhi to Bangalore

Facts about the transport from Delhi to Bangalore

Cheapest Transport$14
Fastest Transport2h 40m
Earliest Departure3:35 AM
Latest Departure9:10 PM
Departures per day20
Distance2126 kilometers
Transport CompaniesAir India, Air India Express, Air Vistara, Indian Railways, Northern Travels, SpiceJet