Trains from Hanoi to Hue

Trains from Hanoi to Hue

Mon, Jan 20
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Hanoi to Hue Train Schedule

Hanoi to Hue Train Schedule
Transport NameRoute TimePrice
Hue Happy Travel SUV 4pax Any timeVND 11,250k
Duc Duong Bus VIP 20 05:15 - 18:30VND 750k
Vietnam Airlines Economy 06:30 - 17:05VND 5,280k
Vietnam Airlines Economy 09:00 - 17:15VND 4,162k
Hahn Air Systems Economy #H1407111:10 - 12:25VND 3,308k
Vietnam Airlines Economy 13:50 - 22:25VND 4,259k
Vietnam Airlines Economy 15:00 - 00:00VND 5,898k
Duc Duong Bus VIP 34 17:00 - 06:15VND 546k
King Express Bus Sleeper 18:00 - 06:00VND 355k
Vietnam Railways Class II AC 20:55 - 09:59VND 702k
Vietnam Airlines Economy 23:20 - 07:20VND 4,169k

Transportation from Hanoi to Hue

Facts about the train from Hanoi to Hue

Cheapest Train$67
Fastest Train12h 45m
Earliest Train7:20 PM
Latest Train8:55 PM
Daily Train Routes11
Distance742 kilometers
TrainDamitrans, Damitrans, Laman Express, NewLivitrans Express, Violette Express Train

Hanoi to Hue Destination Reviews

The service was very reliable. Easy to find, book in and escorted to your cabin. The cabin was clean and laid out with a personalised welcome note, numerous snacks, drinks and a breakfast box. Downside is the beds are not comfy, the train is so noisy, sleeping is not high on the agenda. Altogether an OK way to reach alternative destinations but you will not be refreshed.
Hanoi to Hue, Train #SE19 VIP Sleeper 4x, Laman Express, Aug 21, 2024
All fine - and outstanding help from the woman in charge at Hotel Mango in Hanoi, who went out of her way to help me recover a phone I’d lost on the way. (Thank you so much again for this help.) Having such an excellent speaker of English and communicator in general is hugely helpful.
Hanoi to Hue, Train #SE19 VIP Sleeper 4x, Laman Express, Jun 23, 2024
It was nothing special, quite cramped and the rooms were fairly hot. Only snacks provided, personally I would go by bus or air instead.
Hanoi to Hue, Train #SE19 VIP Sleeper 4x, Laman Express, May 13, 2024
Carriage, compartment and definitely the toilet had seen better days. "VIP"? Not one bit.
Hanoi to Hue, Train #SE3 VIP Sleeper 4x, NewLivitrans Express (SONG HONG RAILWAY TOURIST SERVICES COMPANY LIMITED), Apr 17, 2024
This is a really good option for travelling from Hanoi to Hue, it was well organised and pretty comfortable for a train bed! There was a good selection of free things in the room and the food cart came round pretty regularly. It was on time and the toilets were clean, give it a go!
Hanoi to Hue, Train #SE19 VIP Sleeper 4x, Laman Express, Apr 3, 2024
Could’ve been worse. Any 14h train ride I feel wouldn't be ideal, especially when you’re on the top bunk and you can barely see out the window. The beds weren’t soft beds (by Vietnam standards anyway) they just felt like hard mats but was able to get sleep anyway. Toilets were filthy. Make sure you bring your own toilet paper. Staff weren’t that helpful helping you board like they say they would but they do alert you when it’s your stop. Overall, a very average experience and definitely the maximum amount of time I would take the train.
Hanoi to Hue, Train #SE7 1st Class Sleeper, Vietnam Railways (Đường sắt Việt Nam), Mar 23, 2024
+ Good service and the train was on time. - The ride was bumpy and we couldn‘t really sleep. The toilet could be modernised.
Hanoi to Hue, Train #SE1 1st Class Sleeper, Vietnam Railways (Đường sắt Việt Nam), Jan 19, 2024
Great trip! Exchanging the voucher for tickets was very easy. Staff were helpful. Train carriage was clean, beds were clean, toilets were pretty good for a train. We even got some snacks, water, ... overall a great experience!
Hanoi to Hue, Train #SE19 VIP Sleeper 4x, Laman Express, Oct 22, 2023
Even though we originally booked 2 lower births in a cabin. After a couple of stops the guard insisted that I moved to the upper birth to allow a lady to have the lower one. But the upper birth was comfortable once I had managed to get up there. The guard knocked on the door to let us know that our station was next and directed us to our exit.
Hanoi to Hue, Train #SE1 VIP Sleeper 4x, NewLivitrans Express (SONG HONG RAILWAY TOURIST SERVICES COMPANY LIMITED), Sep 20, 2023
first-class compartment is overpriced. For more than 130$ you have very poor breakfast and hot soft drinks and beer (that should be cold actually), no toiletries, no towel, even no trainman in our coach. AC works well. Toilet is clear. Wifi is promised but doesn't work.
Hanoi to Hue, Train #SE19 1st Class Sleeper, Laman Express, Sep 13, 2023
911 customer reviews

How to get from Hanoi to Hue by Train

Taking a train to get from Hanoi to Hue is a safe, fast, and scenic option to travel the country. On certain routes, there are multiple train departures per day every 10 to 15 minutes. This is typical for intercity travel, while for long distance train routes there are fewer scheduled departures – plan ahead to choose the one that fits your itinerary best.

For long distance train journeys, we recommend reserving your tickets at least a few days ahead of your travel date. Buying train tickets via our online booking system will allow you to choose and reserve the best Hanoi to Hue tickets.

Buying your tickets online will help you secure the trip on the selected date and avoid queuing at the station.. When travelling on weekends and holidays it is recommended to reserve tickets much earlier due to a much higher demand. During high season, train tickets sell out quickly – do book as early as you can.

How far is it from Hanoi to Hue?

Travelling by train, the distance from Hanoi to Hue is 462 miles. Before setting on for a train journey, have a look at the map to find out what tourist spots or landmarks you will pass by – maybe they are worth a quick stop?

How long does it take to get from Hanoi to Hue by Train?

Travel time from Hanoi to Hue is estimated to be about 12h 45m. Trains ensure the fastest time to travel by land. As normally there is no congestion, the speed of travel is more or less constant and stops at train stations are rather short, train is almost always one of the quickest and safest ways to get from Hanoi and Hue.

The most important thing that may affect train travel time is the type of train. Ordinary trains travel at a speed of about 40 mph or 65 km/h to 65 mph or 105 km/h. Some intercity trains with shorter distances between stations run slower than 40 mph. Even with these low speeds, it can still be faster than commuting by car, bus or taxi.

The speed of express trains can reach up to 100 mph or 160 km/h. Modern high-speed trains can run at speeds exceeding 250 mph or 400 km/h.

These speeds of travel together with relatively short stops between stations can greatly shorten the duration of your trip.

How much does it cost to get from Hanoi to Hue by Train?

The train ticket price from Hanoi to Hue varies depending on the types of trains or carriages available.

Some trains feature different types of carriages, seats and berths offering various amenities and level of comfort.

Basic passenger trains which are often non-air-conditioned and have wooden, hard or old seats are normally cheap. Premium or luxury trains and coaches have a higher ticket price but are equipped with air-conditioning, toilets, and large soft seats with sufficient legroom to make train rides comfortable.

Considering the distance travelled, train is the most affordable means of transport. Also, ticket prices include 2 or 3 bags – sometimes even more – per passenger.

Hanoi to Hue timetable

Trains are great for long-distance travel. Double-check your travel itinerary and use the Hanoi to Hue timetable above with train departure times and arrival times to find the best train for your route.

Best-Rated Companies for this Route

Unlike buses or taxis which have numerous companies offering their services, train service is usually offered by just one major company in each country. As railway service requires a large amount of infrastructure, most railway companies are government-owned and are a part of the national transport system.

One of the best advantages of travelling by train is that railway stations are often conveniently located within or very near major cities and urban areas. Immediately on arrival to their destination, travellers find themselves in close proximity to important facilities like hotels, supermarkets, and hospitals.

If you travel with a lot of bags and luggage, trains are your best option. Luggage weight limits on trains are rather flexible and allow you to carry multiple bags with you.

Special or luxury trains feature sufficient legroom which allows you to stretch your legs and relax. In comfort and space these train seats can be compared to business class airplane seats.

Similar to buses, trains can provide a variety of amenities to make your travel more comfortable and enjoyable. Modern trains have WIFI service, a snack counter and a drinking bar. Onboard toilets can be a life saver for travellers with queasy stomachs.

Lastly, unlike buses and other overland means of transport, trains are very rarely involved in accidents.