Luang Prabang Railway Station to Vang Vieng Railway Station

Luang Prabang Railway Station to Vang Vieng Railway Station

Luang Prabang Railway Station
Vang Vieng Railway Station
Sun, Mar 9
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Luang Prabang Railway Station to Vang Vieng Railway Station Schedule

Luang Prabang Railway Station to Vang Vieng Railway Station Schedule
Transport NameRoute TimePrice
Laos Group Tour First Class 10:20 - 11:20LAK 596,888
Laos Fast Train Business Class 12:52 - 13:52LAK 806,989
Laos Fast Train First Class 14:49 - 15:49LAK 640,427
Laos Railway by RG Adventure First Class Seat 17:11 - 18:39LAK 577,268
Laos Railway by RG Adventure First Class Seat 19:10 - 20:02LAK 509,176

Transportation from Luang Prabang Railway Station to Vang Vieng Railway Station

Facts about the transport from Luang Prabang Railway Station to Vang Vieng Railway Station

Cheapest Transport$15
Fastest Transport49m
Earliest Departure7:30 AM
Latest Departure7:52 PM
Departures per day22
Distance41 kilometers
Transport CompaniesLaos Group Tour, Laos Railway by RG Adventure, Naluang, Vieng Chaleune

Luang Prabang Railway Station to Vang Vieng Railway Station Destination Reviews

The journey took about 11 hours, instead of the estimated 5. The operater just transfered me from my accomodation to the busstation and got me a ticket for the public bus, classic case of false advertisement!! Bus was overcrowded and the journey took way longer than told beforehand. It was quite an experience, although not the one I expexted when I booked this trip. Arrived a little past midnight and the transfer to the hostel was already waiting for me, kudo's for that. Busdriver was alright and the other passengers were nice, even though we didn't understand each other.
Luang Prabang Railway Station to Vang Vieng Railway Station, Van Van, RG Adventure (RG Adventure), Feb 23, 2025
We got on at 8am and spend 1hr 30 picking people up. The couple behind us had got on at 6.30am. There were 20 people on our bus and only 15 seats. We were crammed on. We arrived two hours late at our destination.
Luang Prabang Railway Station to Vang Vieng Railway Station, Van Minivan, Laos Group Tour, Feb 11, 2025
Clean, quick, a bit hectic at the train station but kind of expected in SEA
Luang Prabang Railway Station to Vang Vieng Railway Station, Train Second Class, Laos Group Tour, Feb 3, 2025
Railway puts ours in the U.K. to shame. Excellent service.
Luang Prabang Railway Station to Vang Vieng Railway Station, Train #C97 Second Class Seat, Laos Railway by RG Adventure (RG Adventure ), Jan 30, 2025
We booked a „Van“ Ride to Vang Vieng with Transfer to our guesthouse. Our driver picked us up 70 min earlier, then brought us to the Bus Station, where he booked Tickets and directed us to the Bus. We waited until it went off at 2pm und it filled more and more with people needing to sit in the aisle on Plastic Chairs. We made one Long stop without any Information if there is enough time to eat or not. We arrived two Hours Late (9pm) and were dropped off at the Minivan Station and there was no follow-up Transfer, we then walked to our guesthouse.
Luang Prabang Railway Station to Vang Vieng Railway Station, Van Van, RG Adventure (RG Adventure), Jan 11, 2025
The time busses go are not correct. When we arrived they told us the bus went an hour earlier. This is a problem that you can easily solve by contacting the bus station. For the rest was it ok, we got offered an other bus. Don’t expect luxury but it will get you from A to B. Road quality is very bad, so no seatbelts was a bit scary
Luang Prabang Railway Station to Vang Vieng Railway Station, Van Regional 14pax, Vieng Chaleune (เวียงเจริญ), Sep 26, 2024
The train overall was great, but keep in mind they have some stupid rules about carrying deodorants and other liquids. I lost a lot of bottles because of that and would never have taken the train if I knew it in advance.
Luang Prabang Railway Station to Vang Vieng Railway Station, Train #D887 Second Class Seat, Laos Railway by RG Adventure (RG Adventure ), Jun 12, 2024
Train on time, clean. Check in very fast and no issues.
Luang Prabang Railway Station to Vang Vieng Railway Station, Train #C97 Second Class Seat, Laos Railway by RG Adventure (RG Adventure ), May 16, 2024
Very comfy and the train has AC. Security at the station is strict, they don’t allow you to bring aerosols or alcohol - I had two snake whiskeys (for souvenirs) taken off me unfortunately.
Luang Prabang Railway Station to Vang Vieng Railway Station, Train #C83 Second Class Seat, Laos Railway by RG Adventure (RG Adventure ), May 15, 2024
Really helpful and attentive. Was messaging Lee Na on wattsapp throughout and she was very helpful. we booked very late and were a big group of 11 and she made sure to get us all on the bus together and book us for private transfer. Thank you
Luang Prabang Railway Station to Vang Vieng Railway Station, Train #D887 Second Class Reserved Seats, Laos Railway by Naluang (Laos Railway by Naluang), Mar 27, 2024
225 customer reviews

How to get from Luang Prabang Railway Station to Vang Vieng Railway Station

When you want to get from Luang Prabang Railway Station to Vang Vieng Railway Station, you have a few options to consider. Traveling between these destinations is possible by different means of transport:

  • Train
  • Van
  • Taxi

If you’re looking for a quick trip, it’s recommended that you use Train. However, if you’d rather take your time with a slower, more affordable travel option, you can book a Van ticket.

The cost of travel will depend on the means of transport you choose for your trip. A Train ticket is the most expensive option - it will cost you about USD 31.29. If you want to save on transportation, it’s better to take a train as a train ticket costs as low as USD 15.88.

How far is Luang Prabang Railway Station from Vang Vieng Railway Station?

If you’re traveling by land, it’s important to know the distance from Luang Prabang Railway Station to Vang Vieng Railway Station. Your trip will be a total of 26 miles (41 km). The flying distance is 26 miles (41 km).

How long does it take to get from Luang Prabang Railway Station to Vang Vieng Railway Station?

The travel time from Luang Prabang Railway Station to Vang Vieng Railway Station can vary depending on the mode of transportation you choose. All things considered, the whole journey should take from 1 to 6 hours.

How much does it cost to get from Luang Prabang Railway Station to Vang Vieng Railway Station?

The cost of the trip from Luang Prabang Railway Station to Vang Vieng Railway Station varies according to what means of transport you choose for your journey. The most affordable operator is Laos Railway by RG Adventure (RG Adventure): travelling by train expect to pay as low as USD 15.88 for your ticket.

However, if you’re after more upscale travel . The most expensive variant is to opt for a Train - a one-way Train ticket can cost as much as USD 31.29.

Here is a chart of the average ticket prices and transportation options available from Luang Prabang Railway Station to Vang Vieng Railway Station:

  • Van price : USD 14.48 - USD 15.99;
  • Train tickets - USD 15.88 to USD 31.29;
  • taxi+Train price: USD 16.43 - USD 21.68. From Luang Prabang to Vang Vieng starting from 17:00 Luang Prabang Transfer until 17:00 Luang Prabang Transfer

How many trips per day are there between Luang Prabang Railway Station and Vang Vieng Railway Station?

Depending on your choice of transportation, the number of daily trips varies.

  • Trains always run on a set schedule - there are 22 trains per day.

Which means of transport is the best for the route?


Things to remember while choosing a train ticket:
Consider everything carefully while choosing the class of your train travel. In most cases, the second class is comfortable enough – it features 2 or 4 berths in each compartment and is often air-conditioned.

If you’re in for a premium experience, consider getting a first class ticket. The price of first class tickets may include Wifi, and a choice of snacks and drinks.


A shared van is another means of transport for traveling from Luang Prabang to Vang Vieng. As far as travel time is concerned, it’s basically equal to a taxi ride, while price-wise it’s way more affordable. The majority of tourists book a van online in advance.

Sometimes, when trains or buses aren’t available, a van is your only way to get from Luang Prabang to Vang Vieng.

Things to remember: while traveling by van, you might not have as much space for luggage as you would on a train or a plane. It’s a good idea to pack only the most useful things for a van trip and put them in a backpack that will be easy to carry around..

The most popular transport from Luang Prabang Railway Station to Vang Vieng Railway Station

How to choose the most convenient way of travel from Luang Prabang Railway Station to Vang Vieng Railway Station? In order to make your choice of transportation easier, we asked 1000 users to range their preferences for this route. Here are the results of the poll:

  • 69% users enjoyed a train ride.
  • 20% opted for a van.
  • 11% chosen taxi+Train