How to get from Manila to Busuanga and Coron
Fortunately, access to Coron from Manila is relatively easy and caters to a wide range of budgets. There are direct flights that will cost you PHP4,300 on average while sailing will set you back around PHP1230 minimum. The sea and land distance between Manila and Coron is approximately 450 kilometres; not much less if you fly. Flying there will take around an hour while sea travel can last, at the very least, 12 hours.
Boats from Manila to Coron
If you prefer to travel by sea, 2Go has a vessel that sails twice weekly from Manila to Coron. St. Augustine of Hippo leaves for Coron every Friday and Tuesday at 1.30 pm and the travel duration normally spans between 12 and 15 hours.
Note! 2GO sails from Manila to Coron on TUESDAY and FRIDAY.
There are four types of accommodations: Super Value Class (PHP1400), Tourist Class (PHP1900), and Cabin for 6 and 4 people (PHP2800).
Super Value accommodation is non-aircon while Tourist Class is in an airconditioned area. Both of these accommodations, however, do not include blankets and sheets and you pretty much have to line up for everything, getting your blanket, your meals, toilet use, etc. If you can afford it, go for the cabin type accommodation for a bit more privacy and comfort.
Either way, bring a jacket to keep you warm and a medicine for when you get seasick.
There's a convenience store onboard along with other amenities like salons, live entertainment, and a spa should you decide to venture out of your accommodation and have a bit of fun.
Also, there is a serious lack of electrical outlets in proportion to the number of passengers on board so make sure your gadgets are fully charged.
Other than 2Go, Atienza Shipping Lines also sails for Coron from Manila every Wednesday at 6 pm. Non-airconditioned accommodation should cost about PHP1200 while the airconditioned ones should be around PHP1300 per person. There isn't a lot of information about this particular shipping line compared to 2Go so we're not sure if the information is up to date. You can contact their office to confirm rate and schedule.
Flights from Manila to Busuanga airport
Flying is obviously the most convenient and quickest mode of transport between Manila and Coron and you're in luck because there are currently three commercial airlines that offer this route daily.
A well-known budget airline, Cebu Pacific, flies to Coron every day with tickets costing anywhere between PHP4,000 to PHP5,500. There's a fly-only option if you're not checking in any luggage can get along with a free 7-kilogram hand-carry baggage allowance. Of course, you can always a book a ticket that comes with a 20-kilogram baggage allowance and a meal depending on your needs. To be the first to know about Cebu’s seat sales, follow the airline’s social networks pages.
A lesser-known – at least to the tourists visiting the Philippines – boutique airline Skyjet Airlines have daily flights from Manila to Coron that cost only about PHP3,000-PHP3,600 per pax already inclusive of snacks and drinks. They also have heftier free 15-kilogram hand-carry baggage allowance plus a 10-kilogram check-in baggage allowance per adult passenger. Excess baggage will cost you PHP150 per kilogram.
Philippine Airlines also fly from Manila to Coron but there is a stopover in Cebu. Total flight time should be around 2 hours and 45 minutes and tickets cost between PHP6,200 to PHP12,500.
From Palawan to Coron
If you are already in Palawan though, there are several ways for you to go from Puerto Princesa to Coron which we have outlined in a separate article.