Nusa Penida Tanis to Sanur Tanis

Nusa Penida Tanis to Sanur Tanis

Nusa Penida Tanis
Sanur Tanis
Sun, Mar 9
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Nusa Penida Tanis to Sanur Tanis Schedule

Nusa Penida Tanis to Sanur Tanis Schedule
Transport NameRoute TimePrice
The Tanis Express Speedboat 10:00 - 10:30IDR 130,000
The Tanis Express Speedboat 15:30 - 16:00IDR 130,000
The Tanis Express Speedboat 16:00 - 16:30IDR 130,000

Transportation from Nusa Penida Tanis to Sanur Tanis

  • Ferries
    $ 8.16
  • Trains are not available
  • Buses are not available
  • Flights are not available
  • Taxis are not available
  • Vans are not available

Facts about the transport from Nusa Penida Tanis to Sanur Tanis

Cheapest Transport$9
Fastest Transport30m
Earliest Departure4:00 下午
Latest Departure4:30 下午
Departures per day2
Distance25 kilometers
Transport CompaniesThe Tanis Express

Nusa Penida Tanis to Sanur Tanis Destination Reviews

Boat was going way to fast for the conditions of the weather but we manage to get safely
Nusa Penida Tanis to Sanur Tanis, Ferry Speedboat, The Angkal Fastboat, Feb 19, 2025
Picked you from ubud art market to sanur and then to nusa penida good budget friendly tranfer
Nusa Penida Tanis to Sanur Tanis, Ferry Speedboat, Angel Billabong Fast Cruise, Feb 14, 2025
A little messy at boarding, but like all other companies I guess. Arrived on time.
Nusa Penida Tanis to Sanur Tanis, Ferry Speedboat, The Angkal Fastboat, Feb 9, 2025
Great fast boat, very reliable. Very smooth and inside the boat was very nice and comfortable
Nusa Penida Tanis to Sanur Tanis, Ferry Speedboat, Axe Stone Fast Cruise, Nov 23, 2024
It was ok, hot inside but bareable
Nusa Penida Tanis to Sanur Tanis, Ferry Fast Boat, Wijaya Buyuk, Nov 21, 2024
Great boat, smooth journey. Please allow yourself some buffer time as the journey takes longer than the 30 minutes they say. The check-in is 60 minutes early than departure, which is a long wait for no reason. Other than that, the experience was great!
Nusa Penida Tanis to Sanur Tanis, Ferry Speedboat, El Rey Fast Cruise, Oct 29, 2024
even though the boat was at its full capacity , we had good seats and it was ok. It parted on time and the trip was pretty smooth
Nusa Penida Tanis to Sanur Tanis, Ferry Speedboat, Semabu Hills Fast Boat, Oct 21, 2024
very bad experience. It was very hot, and since there were waves, closing windows was horrible. 2 fans, if you could call them that, very old and deteriorated. Luckily the journey was short.
Nusa Penida Tanis to Sanur Tanis, Ferry Speedboat, Angel Billabong Fast Cruise, Oct 1, 2024
The boat was very full and had no air conditioning, we were lucky that we didn't have such a big swell
Nusa Penida Tanis to Sanur Tanis, Ferry Speedboat, The Angkal Fastboat, Sep 30, 2024
The port in Nusa Penida is terrible basically a ruin. Not much of the companies fault though Ride takes more like 45 min (not 30 min not even in perfect weather conditions I believe) plus waiting time to get in and out of the boat. Staff was very friendly , they handheld our luggage with care and the boat comfortable enough for this duration. Tickets say to be there 1h before . Ride was at 8 o clock back to Sanur. Check in Office Opened up at 7:30.
Nusa Penida Tanis to Sanur Tanis, Ferry Speedboat, Semabu Hills Fast Boat, Sep 25, 2024
912 customer reviews

How to get from Nusa Penida Tanis to Sanur Tanis?

When you want to get from Nusa Penida Tanis to Sanur Tanis, your choices are limited. There is only one option we offer for this route:

  • Ferry

How far is Nusa Penida Tanis from Sanur Tanis?

The overland distance from Nusa Penida Tanis to Sanur Tanis is 16 miles (25 km).
The flying distance is 16 miles (25 km).

How long does it take to get from Nusa Penida Tanis to Sanur Tanis?

The travel time from Nusa Penida Tanis to Sanur Tanis takes approximately 1 hours.

How much does it cost to get from Nusa Penida Tanis to Sanur Tanis?

To get from Nusa Penida Tanis to Sanur Tanis prepare to shell out about USD 8.16 for your ticket.

How many trips per day are there from Nusa Penida Tanis to Sanur Tanis?

Ferries depart from Nusa Penida to Sanur 2 times a day.

Useful tips for travel from Nusa Penida Tanis to Sanur Tanis

While ferry is the only option we offer for this route, these simple tips and recommendations will help enhance your travel experience.


Things to remember before buying your ferry ticket:

  • Ferry rides are dependent on weather conditions - trips can be cancelled or postponed, especially during low or wet season.
  • Waters can be rough - always ensure you have necessary medications at hand if you are prone to seasickness.
  • If travelling during high season be sure to book your ferry tickets in advance as they are limited and normally sell out quickly.

Do many travellers take ferry from Nusa Penida Tanis to Sanur Tanis?

Up to now, 5611 booked ferry tickets from Nusa Penida Tanis to Sanur Tanis through our service. You can check reviews above.