Ho Chi Minh Giant Ibis to Phnom Penh Giant Ibis

Ho Chi Minh Giant Ibis to Phnom Penh Giant Ibis

Ho Chi Minh Giant Ibis
Phnom Penh Giant Ibis
Sun, Mar 9
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Ho Chi Minh Giant Ibis to Phnom Penh Giant Ibis Schedule

Ho Chi Minh Giant Ibis to Phnom Penh Giant Ibis Schedule
Transport NameRoute TimePrice
Giant Ibis Transport Exclusive VIP Seater 09:45 - 16:15VND 888k

Transportation from Ho Chi Minh Giant Ibis to Phnom Penh Giant Ibis

Facts about the transport from Ho Chi Minh Giant Ibis to Phnom Penh Giant Ibis

Cheapest Transport$36
Fastest Transport50m
Earliest Departure12:10 午前
Latest Departure11:20 午後
Departures per day2
Distance709 kilometers
Transport CompaniesAsiana Airlines, Bamboo Airways, Cambodia Angkor Air, Giant Ibis Transport, Lanmei Airlines, Malaysia Airlines, Singapore Airlines, Thai Airways, Vietnam Airlines

Ho Chi Minh Giant Ibis to Phnom Penh Giant Ibis Destination Reviews

Excellent trip. Safe driving and smooth boarder crossing
Ho Chi Minh Giant Ibis to Phnom Penh Giant Ibis, Bus Exclusive VIP Seater, Giant Ibis Transport (Giant ibis Transport), Feb 19, 2025
A pretty good experience! The seats were very spacious and comfortable, with reclining backs and leg rests. We were allocated seats at the back of the bus which was extremely hot. The aircon did not seem to reach all the way to the back. There was not much communication when we arrived at the border, but we followed the crowd and managed easily enough. We would travel with this company again.
Ho Chi Minh Giant Ibis to Phnom Penh Giant Ibis, Bus Luxury, Long Phuong Cambodia, Feb 13, 2025
Problems with the person who try to surcharge us 10$ for the Visa at the borde
Ho Chi Minh Giant Ibis to Phnom Penh Giant Ibis, Bus Premium 25, Capitol VIP, Feb 11, 2025
Everything went smoothly. The staff on board were helpful with the border crossing and made everything simple for us. Only negative is we did arrive nearly an hour later than planned.
Ho Chi Minh Giant Ibis to Phnom Penh Giant Ibis, Bus Luxury, Long Phuong Cambodia, Feb 9, 2025
Excellent service m, felt very comfortable crossing the border and the staff helped along the way. They do take your passport off you, this is standard protocol. You get it back on exit border of vietnam, give it back to the staff and get it again when you go to the entry border gate for Cambodia. You keep the passport then. Would recommend them highly. You get a coffee, snack and water also and the bus does stop for toilet break too. Tip: have your Cambodia visa printed out twice, one is needed for entry the other for exit of the country. You need a copy of your vietnam visa also for the exit border of Vietnam too. You can get Ibis to do your visa for you at a cost stated on the page. You fill out another form that is your entry declaration form, this form and your visas and $5 go in your passport and smooth sailing from there.
Ho Chi Minh Giant Ibis to Phnom Penh Giant Ibis, Bus Exclusive VIP Seater, Giant Ibis Transport (Giant ibis Transport), Feb 8, 2025
Amazing experience - would highly recommend!!
Ho Chi Minh Giant Ibis to Phnom Penh Giant Ibis, Bus Exclusive VIP Seater, Giant Ibis Transport (Giant ibis Transport), Feb 6, 2025
The girl informed me that I cannot pass the border to Cambodia. Too bad we cannot get a refund as we dont know when we booked the ticket. But overall good service
Ho Chi Minh Giant Ibis to Phnom Penh Giant Ibis, Bus Sleeper, Khai Nam Transport, Dec 21, 2024
Clean and comfortable
Ho Chi Minh Giant Ibis to Phnom Penh Giant Ibis, Bus Seater, Kumho Samco Bus, Dec 3, 2024
Really easy to cross the border there’s a guide who speaks English and talks you through it all
Ho Chi Minh Giant Ibis to Phnom Penh Giant Ibis, Bus Exclusive VIP Seater, Giant Ibis Transport (Giant ibis Transport), Nov 29, 2024
The speed is too slow, I'm almost three hours late.
Ho Chi Minh Giant Ibis to Phnom Penh Giant Ibis, Bus Sleeper, Khai Nam Transport, Nov 26, 2024
970 customer reviews

How to get from Ho Chi Minh Giant Ibis to Phnom Penh Giant Ibis

When you want to get from Ho Chi Minh Giant Ibis to Phnom Penh Giant Ibis, you have a few options to consider. Traveling between these destinations is possible by different means of transport:

  • Flight
  • Bus

If you’re looking for a quick trip, it’s recommended that you use Flight. However, if you’d rather take your time with a slower, more affordable travel option, you can book a Flight ticket.

The cost of travel will depend on the means of transport you choose for your trip. A Bus ticket is the most expensive option - it will cost you about USD 35.02. If you want to save on transportation, it’s better to take a bus as a bus ticket costs as low as USD 35.02.

How far is Ho Chi Minh Giant Ibis from Phnom Penh Giant Ibis?

If you’re traveling by land, it’s important to know the distance from Ho Chi Minh Giant Ibis to Phnom Penh Giant Ibis. Your trip will be a total of 441 miles (709 km). The flying distance is 441 miles (709 km).

How long does it take to get from Ho Chi Minh Giant Ibis to Phnom Penh Giant Ibis?

The travel time from Ho Chi Minh Giant Ibis to Phnom Penh Giant Ibis can vary depending on the mode of transportation you choose. All things considered, the whole journey should take from 1 to 26 hours.

How much does it cost to get from Ho Chi Minh Giant Ibis to Phnom Penh Giant Ibis?

The cost of the trip from Ho Chi Minh Giant Ibis to Phnom Penh Giant Ibis varies according to what means of transport you choose for your journey. The most affordable operator is Giant Ibis Transport: travelling by bus expect to pay as low as USD 35.02 for your ticket.

However, if you’re after more upscale travel . The most expensive variant is to opt for a Bus - a one-way Bus ticket can cost as much as USD 35.02.

Here is a chart of the average ticket prices and transportation options available from Ho Chi Minh Giant Ibis to Phnom Penh Giant Ibis:

  • Bus tickets - USD 35.02 to USD 35.02;
  • Plane tickets - USD 96.92 to USD 862.15;

How many trips per day are there between Ho Chi Minh Giant Ibis and Phnom Penh Giant Ibis?

Depending on your choice of transportation, the number of daily trips varies.

  • Buses start plying the route from 08:00 - you can also take a bus as late as 09:45. There are 2 available bus trips every day.

Which means of transport is the best for the route?


Traveling by plane is the fastest way to get from Ho Chi Minh City to Phnom Penh. While it’s often the most expensive option, tool, occasionally you can grab promotional tickets for more or less the price of a train or a ferry ticket. Normally, the minimum you need to pay for a Plane ticket is USD 96.92.

Things to remember before boarding a plane:

  • It’s recommended to book a ticket in advance and check-in online. This way, you can save over 2 hours at the airport, and if your seat selection is on a first come first served basis you will have more options to choose from.
  • Getting through security checks may take some time - it’s recommended to get to the airport at least 1.5 hours in advance.

Airlines flying from Ho Chi Minh City to Phnom Penh

Asiana Airlines, Bamboo Airways, Cambodia Angkor Air, Lanmei Airlines, Malaysia Airlines, Singapore Airlines, Thai Airways, Thai Smile (ไทยสมายล์), Vietnam Airlines (เวียดนาม แอร์ไลน์)


Taking a bus from Ho Chi Minh City to Phnom Penh is cheaper than flying. Quite often, a long-distance bus is the cheapest transportation option. Buses normally make bathroom and/or lunch stops along the way.

Things to remember before opting for a bus ride:

  • If possible, make sure to choose higher-class buses for a more comfortable travel experience. Such buses often have an air conditioning system, soft reclining seats, Wi-Fi, bathrooms, etc.
  • As with plane tickets, buses are better booked in advance so that you can secure a good seat.
  • While booking a bus, keep in mind that delays are possible. Yet it still pays to get to the bus station at least 15 minutes prior to the scheduled departure.

The most popular transport from Ho Chi Minh Giant Ibis to Phnom Penh Giant Ibis

How to choose the most convenient way of travel from Ho Chi Minh Giant Ibis to Phnom Penh Giant Ibis? In order to make your choice of transportation easier, we asked 1000 users to range their preferences for this route. Here are the results of the poll:

  • 99% decided to go for a bus.
  • 1% Other