Ella to Kandy

Ella to Kandy

Sun, Mar 9
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Ella to Kandy Schedule

Ella to Kandy Schedule
Transport NameRoute TimePrice
Real Lanka Holidays Van 9pax Any timeLKR 23,585
Sri Lanka Railway Third Class Reserved Seats 05:45 - 13:00LKR 1,865
Sri Lanka Railway Second Class Reserved Seats 07:05 - 13:49LKR 2,390
Sri Lanka Railway Third Class Reserved Seats 08:47 - 15:22LKR 4,830
Sri Lanka Railway Observation class 10:15 - 17:15LKR 3,650
Magical Sri Lanka Scenic Minivan 13:30 - 18:30LKR 6,457
Sri Lanka Railway First Class Seat 17:50 - 01:08LKR 3,650
Sri Lanka Railway Third Class Reserved Seats 18:28 - 00:40LKR 1,865

Transportation from Ella to Kandy

Facts about the transport from Ella to Kandy

Cheapest Transport$6
Fastest Transport2h
Earliest Departure12:00 午前
Latest Departure1:30 午後
Departures per day3
Distance100 kilometers
Transport CompaniesLakpura, Magical Sri Lanka, Real Lanka Holidays, Sri Lanka Railway

Ella to Kandy Destination Reviews

We got to the train station an hour early to be safe to find out our train was cancelled and the train that was on the station was the only one going today and then they made us pay for 1st class tickets so we paid twice :/
Ella to Kandy, Train #1006 Third Class Reserved Seats, Sri Lanka Railway, Dec 13, 2024
A lovely ride, staff friendly - super comfortable and food was good
Ella to Kandy, Train #11042 First Class Seat, Sri Lanka Railway, Feb 19, 2023
Ordered train tickets over a month before leaving home country. Tickets sent to remote hotel as asked for. Would definitely recommend this service and train ride.
Ella to Kandy, Train #1006 2nd Class Reserved Seat, Sri Lanka Railways, Apr 28, 2022
All works perfekt, Train Ella to Kandy
Ella to Kandy, Train #1006 2nd Class Reserved Seat, Sri Lanka Railways, Mar 26, 2022
The scenery was beautiful as you will have read about. Apart from the Ella rock views when leaving the station you see more of the mountains and tea estates sitting on the right if travelling from Ella to Kandy. This was however a very long slow trip of over six hours to go not much further than 150km. Our seats were at the front of the first class carriage and with one large suitcase jammed between me and the carriage end because it would not fit on the parcel shelf. Moreover each time the door opened at a station the train fumes would come into the carriage. You have to be a romantic to want to do this trip although many younger people seemed to enjoy hanging out of the doors taking selfies. I was only on this train because the one with the observation carriage was not running. 12Go however managed to get me the tickets enabling me to walk through the gate quickly and easily. I also received the money back for the ticket delivery to my hotel because they sent this ticket and another one together. I would use 12Go again simply for peace of mind and being prepared.
Ella to Kandy, Train #1016 1st Class Seat, Sri Lanka Railways, Mar 15, 2022
Super easy booking experience, tickets arrived at our accommodation well before the journey, and the reserved seats made our journey so so easy!
Ella to Kandy, Train #1016 2nd Class Reserved Seat, Sri Lanka Railways, Mar 10, 2022
I booked first class from Ella to Kandy, but I was given Badulla to Kandy. Agent fees- I can understand the extra charge. But I think it’s too high compare to the price on the ticket.
Ella to Kandy, Train #1006 1st Class Seat, Sri Lanka Railways, Mar 4, 2022
Arrived to all of our hotels in advance and received text messages before departure
Ella to Kandy, Train #1006 2nd Class Reserved Seat, Sri Lanka Railways, Jan 28, 2022
Dont book first class, not worth the price. Seats in 2nd class are the same size and you can open the windows
Ella to Kandy, Train #1006 1st Class Seat, Sri Lanka Railways, Jan 13, 2022
186 customer reviews

How to get from Ella to Kandy

When you want to get from Ella to Kandy, you have a few options to consider. Traveling between these destinations is possible by different means of transport:

  • Flight
  • Train
  • Van
  • Taxi

If you’re looking for a quick trip, it’s recommended that you use Flight+taxi. However, if you’d rather take your time with a slower, more affordable travel option, you can book a Train ticket.

The cost of travel will depend on the means of transport you choose for your trip. A taxi ticket is the most expensive option - it will cost you about USD 113.69. If you want to save on transportation, it’s better to take a taxi as a taxi ticket costs as low as USD 78.71.

How far is Ella from Kandy?

If you’re traveling by land, it’s important to know the distance from Ella to Kandy. Your trip will be a total of 63 miles (100 km). The flying distance is 63 miles (100 km).

How long does it take to get from Ella to Kandy?

The travel time from Ella to Kandy can vary depending on the mode of transportation you choose. All things considered, the whole journey should take from 2 to 7 hours.

How much does it cost to get from Ella to Kandy?

The cost of the trip from Ella to Kandy varies according to what means of transport you choose for your journey. The most affordable operator is Real Lanka Holidays: travelling by taxi expect to pay as low as USD 78.71 for your ticket.

However, if you’re after more upscale travel . The most expensive variant is to opt for a taxi - a one-way taxi ticket can cost as much as USD 113.69.

Here is a chart of the average ticket prices and transportation options available from Ella to Kandy:

  • Train tickets - USD 5.96 to USD 10.59;
  • Van price : USD 30.44;
  • flight+taxi price: USD 168.66 - USD 206.14. From Ella to Kandy starting from 00:00 Kandy Transfer until 00:00 Kandy Transfer

You can order a taxi, too - an estimated cost of the ride is from USD 78.71 to USD 113.69.

How many trips per day are there between Ella and Kandy?

Depending on your choice of transportation, the number of daily trips varies.

  • Taxis are a good option to consider for this route, too. Book a cab to take you from Ella to Kandy any time of the day.

Which means of transport is the best for the route?


Catching a cab is the easiest way to get from Ella to Kandy. It allows you to tailor-make your trip, plan all the detours and see all the places you want. You can choose the type and the size of your car as well to be as comfortable as you'd like to.

Depending on the route, it might cost as much as USD 78.71.

Things to remember: It's a good idea to follow the route on Google Maps or any other GPS navigator.


Things to remember while choosing a train ticket:
Consider everything carefully while choosing the class of your train travel. In most cases, the second class is comfortable enough – it features 2 or 4 berths in each compartment and is often air-conditioned.

If you’re in for a premium experience, consider getting a first class ticket. The price of first class tickets may include Wifi, and a choice of snacks and drinks.


A shared van is another means of transport for traveling from Ella to Kandy. As far as travel time is concerned, it’s basically equal to a taxi ride, while price-wise it’s way more affordable. The majority of tourists book a van online in advance.

Sometimes, when trains or buses aren’t available, a van is your only way to get from Ella to Kandy.

Things to remember: while traveling by van, you might not have as much space for luggage as you would on a train or a plane. It’s a good idea to pack only the most useful things for a van trip and put them in a backpack that will be easy to carry around..

The most popular transport from Ella to Kandy

How to choose the most convenient way of travel from Ella to Kandy? In order to make your choice of transportation easier, we asked 1000 users to range their preferences for this route. Here are the results of the poll:

  • 62% opted for a van.
  • 20% decided to catch a taxi.
  • 16% users enjoyed a train ride.
  • 2% chosen flight+taxi