Mandalay to Lashio

Mandalay to Lashio

Wed, Mar 19
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Transportation from Mandalay to Lashio

  • Trains are not available
  • Buses are not available
  • Ferries are not available
  • Flights are not available
  • Taxis are not available
  • Vans are not available

How to get from Mandalay to Lashio?

When you want to get from Mandalay to Lashio, your choices are limited. There is only one option we offer for this route:

  • Flight

How far is Mandalay from Lashio?

The overland distance from Mandalay to Lashio is 188 miles (302 km).
The flying distance is 145 miles (232 km).

How long does it take to get from Mandalay to Lashio?

The travel time from Mandalay to Lashio takes approximately 25 hours.

How much does it cost to get from Mandalay to Lashio?

To get from Mandalay to Lashio prepare to shell out about USD 221.49 for your ticket.

How many trips per day are there from Mandalay to Lashio?

Flights from Mandalay to Lashio are operated 1 times a day.

Useful tips for travel from Mandalay to Lashio

While flight is the only option we offer for this route, these simple tips and recommendations will help enhance your travel experience.


Things to remember before buying your airticket:

  • It is recommended to book a ticket in advance and check-in online. This way, you can save over 2 hours at the airport, and if your seat selection is on a first come first served basis you will have more options to choose from.
  • Getting through security checks may take some time - it's recommended to get to the airport at least 1.5 hours in advance.

Airlines flying from Mandalay to Lashio

Myanmar Airways Intl, Myanmar National Airlines.

Do many travellers take flight from Mandalay to Lashio?

Up to now, 546 booked flight tickets from Mandalay to Lashio through our service. You can check reviews above.