Buses from Bangkok to Chumphon

Buses from Bangkok to Chumphon

Tue, Jan 7
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Bangkok to Chumphon Bus Schedule

Bangkok to Chumphon Bus Schedule
Transport NameRoute TimePrice
BangkokTaxi24 SUV 4pax Any time฿ 7,480
Transport Co Express 06:45 - 20:28฿ 703
Suwannatee Express 09:00 - 17:00฿ 527
Suwannatee Intercity 12:00 - 18:00฿ 470
Bang Saphan Intercity 14:30 - 20:00฿ 372
Thai Railway Class II Sleeper AC 17:30 - 02:35฿ 791
Suwannatee VIP 19:00 - 01:30฿ 536
Suwannatee VIP 24 21:05 - 03:00฿ 692
Bang Saphan Intercity 23:59 - 05:29฿ 372

Transportation from Bangkok to Chumphon

Facts about the bus from Bangkok to Chumphon

Cheapest Bus$14
Fastest Bus5h 55m
Earliest Bus6:25 AM
Latest Bus9:05 PM
Daily Bus Routes37
Distance468 kilometers
Bus CompaniesMontanatip, Suwannatee, TransBaanTon, Transport Co

Bangkok to Chumphon Destination Reviews

The drive was perfect! Lunch as wel as some snacks and water was even included to my surprise.
Bangkok to Chumphon, Bus Express, Suwannatee (สุวรรณนทีขนส่ง), Jan 4, 2024
Very pleasant and well organised. Water, juice and snack biscuit supplied. Mobile can be recarged during the trip.
Bangkok to Chumphon, Bus Express, Suwannatee (สุวรรณนทีขนส่ง), Dec 13, 2023
The bus smells really bad
Bangkok to Chumphon, Bus VIP, Suwannatee (สุวรรณนทีขนส่ง), Nov 8, 2023
The ride was good and reliable. Unfortunately we had the rearmost seats where the engine makes louder and air conditioning noise. Can recommend this ride. If you understand the language, we are pointed to the food included in the ticket at a restroom stop.
This review was autotranslated
Bangkok to Chumphon, Bus Express, Suwannatee (สุวรรณนทีขนส่ง), Oct 31, 2023
Pro: -Bus was comfortable, cheap and there were even some snacks and water. Cons: -The whole bus smelled like pee once the toilet door was opened. -Unfortunately we stopped multiple times an hour without any obvious reason which led to a total drive time 8 instead of 6,5 hours.
Bangkok to Chumphon, Bus Express, Suwannatee (สุวรรณนทีขนส่ง), Aug 10, 2023
Comfortable buses, strong AC but not too cold as long as the sun is out. Delayed arrival, due to a large part of dropping off passengers at various points of the journey.
Bangkok to Chumphon, Bus Express, Suwannatee (สุวรรณนทีขนส่ง), Aug 5, 2023
Bangkok to Chumphon, Bus Express, Suwannatee (สุวรรณนทีขนส่ง), Jun 9, 2023
What a great service. Easy booking and great bus ride to Chumphon. It was easy to navigate the bus terminal and found the ticket booth quickly. The lady was kind and helpful at ticket booth, the driver was great and so was the guy loading. We got a snack, juice and water as soon as we got going and we stopped after about 3 hrs where we got a lunch which is included in the price. The ride was comfortable and pleasant. It was a longer ride than expected, 8.5 as opposed to 6.5 but we really enjoyed it and appreciated the friendly service. Thank so much!
Bangkok to Chumphon, Bus Express, Suwannatee (สุวรรณนทีขนส่ง), Apr 28, 2023
The trip was ok, could have been great though. The bus was very comfortable and left pretty much on time. The AC was set well. We got some snacks. The drivers were very nice, they even have us 3 Baht (coins) for the bathroom at the train station, even though there was a toilet on the bus. The toilet on the bus became a problem though. About 3 hours into the ride, there was a bad smell on the bus. Apparently there was an „accident“ with the toilet. We changed buses in the middle of nowhere. The new bus was a lot less comfortable and without toilet. Everyone got 100baht cash back. We did a 20min stop for toilet and snacks. We arrived 2 hours late in Chumphon.
Bangkok to Chumphon, Bus VIP, Suwannatee (สุวรรณนทีขนส่ง), Apr 2, 2023
Very smooth travel, comfortable bus
Bangkok to Chumphon, Bus VIP, Suwannatee (สุวรรณนทีขนส่ง), Mar 8, 2023
345 customer reviews

How to get from Bangkok to Chumphon by Bus

Taking a bus to get from Bangkok to Chumphon is a safe, comfortable and less expensive alternative for traveling this route. To popular destinations, bus companies operate multiple trips per day, often round the clock at 30-60 minute intervals. To less traveled destinations, there may be only 1 scheduled trip a day. The most common bus types are non-air-conditioned, air-conditioned, and premium buses.

It is best to reserve your tickets at least a few days ahead of your travel date. Check our list of bus companies available for online booking offering Bangkok to Chumphon tickets. When traveling on weekends and holidays it is recommended to reserve tickets much earlier due to higher numbers of travelers, both vacation-makers and urban workers returning home to their provincial home.

How far is it from Bangkok to Chumphon?

Traveling by bus, the distance from Bangkok to Chumphon depends on the route taken. Most bus companies travel via expressways or tollways. This may not necessarily be the shortest route but it is the fastest one as normally there is less traffic and no traffic lights.

To get to certain island destinations which are not connected to the mainland by a bridge, buses board large car ferries. Passengers are usually asked to get off the bus, but there is no need to take your luggage from the bus. The travel distance from port to port is added to the total distance.

How long does it take to get from Bangkok to Chumphon by Bus?

The estimate travel time from Bangkok to Chumphon is about 5h 55m. Note that traveling by bus is slower compared to driving your own car or getting a taxi. Depending on the departure time congestion between Bangkok and Chumphon may differ greatly There is usually more traffic between morning until afternoon during weekdays than during weekends.

Another important factor that may affect travel time is the type of bus. Premium or VIP buses are usually faster as they use motorways and call to fewer bus stations (if any) en route. Buses normally make short 10-30-minute breaks after a few hours of continuous travel to allow passengers use bathrooms, stock up on munchies and let bus attendants and the driver have rest.

Some premium buses have onboard toilets and the second driver. Nevertheless, usually they still make en route stops for a quick lunch or fuel refill.

How much does it cost to get from Bangkok to Chumphon by Bus?

The ticket price from Bangkok to Chumphon can vary depending on the type of buses you choose. For a less expensive ticket consider non-air-conditioned or ordinary buses. Premium or luxury buses are more expensive but you can expect more comfort and some additional services like phone charging ports, personal entertainment system screens and toilets.

Bangkok to Chumphon timetable

To help you plan your trip, here is the Bangkok to Chumphon timetable of bus departure and arrival times.

Best Rated Companies for this Route

Bus companies differ a lot in quality and service they provide. When choosing a bus company for you travels, do some basic research before you buy your tickets.

Safety is one of the most important aspects to consider. We also recommend you checking reviews on overall service quality of the bus companies serving this route.

Our service only partners with reliable and trustworthy bus companies. We do our best to provide your a choice of the best operators available on each route.