Pai to Bangkok

Pai to Bangkok

Wed, Mar 19
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Pai to Bangkok Schedule

TypeOperatorClassDeparture TimeArrival TimePriceRating
Kanokwan Travel
Economy 3pax
Any time
Comfort Car 3pax
Any time
Luxury VIP Van 9pax
Any time
Kanokwan Travel
Van 9pax
Any time
AEC 168 Transport and Travel
Economy 3pax
Any time
AEC 168 Transport and Travel
SUV 4pax
Any time
Luxury SUV 4pax
Any time
Kanokwan Travel
Comfort 3pax
Any time
Kanokwan Travel
SUV 4pax
Any time

Transportation from Pai to Bangkok

Facts about the transport from Pai to Bangkok

Cheapest Transport$27
Fastest Transport12h
Earliest Departure7:00 AM
Latest Departure1:00 PM
Departures per day3
Distance600 kilometers
Transport CompaniesGlassflower, Prem Pracha, Sritawong Tour, Thai Railway, Thai Railways

How to get from Pai to Bangkok

When you want to get from Pai to Bangkok, you have a few options to consider. Traveling between these destinations is possible by different means of transport:

  • Bus
  • Train
  • Taxi

If you’re looking for a quick trip, it’s recommended that you use Taxi. However, if you’d rather take your time with a slower, more affordable travel option, you can book a Bus ticket.

The cost of travel will depend on the means of transport you choose for your trip. A taxi ticket is the most expensive option - it will cost you about USD 371.00. If you want to save on transportation, it’s better to take a bus as a bus ticket costs as low as USD 26.52.

How far is Pai from Bangkok?

If you’re traveling by land, it’s important to know the distance from Pai to Bangkok. Your trip will be a total of 373 miles (600 km). The flying distance is 373 miles (600 km).

How long does it take to get from Pai to Bangkok?

The travel time from Pai to Bangkok can vary depending on the mode of transportation you choose. All things considered, the whole journey should take from 12 to 17 hours.

How much does it cost to get from Pai to Bangkok?

The cost of the trip from Pai to Bangkok varies according to what means of transport you choose for your journey. The most affordable operator is Prem Pracha (เปรมประชาขนส่ง), Sritawong Tour: travelling by bus expect to pay as low as USD 26.52 for your ticket.

However, if you’re after more upscale travel . The most expensive variant is to opt for a taxi - a one-way taxi ticket can cost as much as USD 371.00.

Here is a chart of the average ticket prices and transportation options available from Pai to Bangkok:

  • Bus price: USD 26.50. From Pai to Bangkok starting from 12:00 Pai until 12:00 Pai
  • Bus+Train price: USD 51.82 - USD 60.78. From Pai to Bangkok starting from 07:00 Pai until 13:00 Pai

You can order a taxi, too - an estimated cost of the ride is from USD 311.63 to USD 370.99.

How many trips per day are there between Pai and Bangkok?

Depending on your choice of transportation, the number of daily trips varies.

  • 1 by Bus from Pai to Bangkok starting from 12:00 Pai until 12:00 Pai
  • Taxis are a good option to consider for this route, too. Book a cab to take you from Pai to Bangkok any time of the day.

Which means of transport is the best for the route?


Catching a cab is the easiest way to get from Pai to Bangkok. It allows you to tailor-make your trip, plan all the detours and see all the places you want. You can choose the type and the size of your car as well to be as comfortable as you'd like to.

Depending on the route, it might cost as much as USD 311.63.

Things to remember: It's a good idea to follow the route on Google Maps or any other GPS navigator..

The most popular transport from Pai to Bangkok

How to choose the most convenient way of travel from Pai to Bangkok? In order to make your choice of transportation easier, we asked 1000 users to range their preferences for this route. Here are the results of the poll:

  • 99% chosen Bus+Train
  • 1% Other