Koh Chang to Pattaya

Koh Chang to Pattaya

Koh Chang
Tue, Mar 18
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NaN Passengers

Koh Chang to Pattaya Schedule

TypeOperatorClassDeparture TimeArrival TimePriceRating
Andaman Taxis
Economy 2pax
Any time
Andaman Taxis
SUV 4pax
Any time
Boonsiri High Speed Ferries
Ferry + Bus
Boonsiri High Speed Ferries
Taxi + Ferry + Bus
Standard AC
35 Group Pattaya
Van 10pax
Andaman Shuttle
Van + Ferry
Andaman Taxis
Van + Ferry
Andaman Shuttle
Van 9pax
Andaman Shuttle
Van + Ferry
Andaman Taxis
Van + Ferry
Andaman Shuttle
Van + Ferry
Andaman Shuttle
Van + Ferry

Transportation from Koh Chang to Pattaya

Facts about the transport from Koh Chang to Pattaya

Cheapest Transport$20
Fastest Transport3h
Earliest Departure9:00 上午
Latest Departure4:30 下午
Departures per day22
Distance260 kilometers
Transport Companies35 Group Pattaya, AEC 168 Transport and Travel, Andaman Shuttle, Andaman Taxis, BangkokTaxi24, Boonsiri High Speed Ferries, Boonsiri High Speed Ferries, Boonsiri Transfer, Five Star Taxi, Glassflower, MCC VAN, Suwarnphum Burapha

Koh Chang to Pattaya Destination Reviews

Once off ferry had to go to office. Wait was 45 mins to get to checkin. One person serving.
Koh Chang to Pattaya, Ferry Ferry + Bus, Boonsiri High Speed Ferries (บุญศิริเรือเร็ว), Feb 2, 2025
You book for a 9 seats van, but it is a bus with 20 peoples. It isn’t t direct trip but the driver have to go to an other harbour to pick up some more peoples. Take around 45 m more.
Koh Chang to Pattaya, Van Van 9pax, 35 Group Pattaya (35 Group Pattaya), Oct 18, 2023
pockup litten bitte to Latein, but ok. Arrived in time at the hotel. Bus was comfortable, with good air condition.
Koh Chang to Pattaya, Van Van 9pax, 35 Group Pattaya (35 Group Pattaya), Oct 14, 2023
Everything worked out well, we arrived a the hostel with no problems. The only thing is that it took one hour more, there was actually no traffic but it took a while to get all the guests to their hotel.
Koh Chang to Pattaya, Van Van 9pax, 35 Group Pattaya (35 Group Pattaya), Sep 27, 2023
Poor booking experience. Unnecessary questions. Hidden costs!!! Drop down menu to select pick up and drop off point has limited destinations.
Koh Chang to Pattaya, Van Van 9pax, 35 Group Pattaya (35 Group Pattaya), Sep 26, 2023
All perfect pick up, transfer nice van and very confortable.
Koh Chang to Pattaya, Van Van 9pax, 35 Group Pattaya (35 Group Pattaya), Jun 25, 2023
Comfortable and very clean bus with a fast and secure driver. He was very friendly to customers. Pick up right in time. Arrived right in time. Perfect trip home.
Koh Chang to Pattaya, Van Van 9pax, 35 Group Pattaya (35 Group Pattaya), Jun 1, 2023
The car arrived at pick up in time but the total trip time was almost nine hours. From the ferry we drove to the wrong direction to pick up more people and some people were dropped off at Rayong which all added to the total time. We also several times on gas stations.
Koh Chang to Pattaya, Van Van 9pax, 35 Group Pattaya (35 Group Pattaya), Apr 26, 2023
everything planned, I am satisfied and recommend
Koh Chang to Pattaya, Van Van 9pax, 35 Group Pattaya (35 Group Pattaya), Mar 30, 2023
Late pick up. Which is OK. But had to wait again for transfer at the ferry. The driver was constantly on his phone. Constantly stopping. We were then transfered again. To get to our hotel. We were supposed to get there bout 3.30 pm, we were 3 hours late. The journey from ferry after kph chang was 6 hours.
Koh Chang to Pattaya, Van Van 9pax, 35 Group Pattaya (35 Group Pattaya), Jan 30, 2023
129 customer reviews

How to get from Koh Chang to Pattaya

When you want to get from Koh Chang to Pattaya, you have a few options to consider. Traveling between these destinations is possible by different means of transport:

  • Bus
  • Ferry
  • Van
  • Taxi

If you’re looking for a quick trip, it’s recommended that you use Taxi. However, if you’d rather take your time with a slower, more affordable travel option, you can book a Ferry+van ticket.

The cost of travel will depend on the means of transport you choose for your trip. A taxi ticket is the most expensive option - it will cost you about USD 187.72. If you want to save on transportation, it’s better to take a bus as a bus ticket costs as low as USD 19.29.

How far is Koh Chang from Pattaya?

If you’re traveling by land, it’s important to know the distance from Koh Chang to Pattaya. Your trip will be a total of 162 miles (260 km). The flying distance is 114 miles (182 km).

How long does it take to get from Koh Chang to Pattaya?

The travel time from Koh Chang to Pattaya can vary depending on the mode of transportation you choose. All things considered, the whole journey should take from 3 to 12 hours.

How much does it cost to get from Koh Chang to Pattaya?

The cost of the trip from Koh Chang to Pattaya varies according to what means of transport you choose for your journey. The most affordable operator is Suwarnphum Burapha (บริษัทสุวรรณภูมิบูรพา): travelling by bus expect to pay as low as USD 19.29 for your ticket.

However, if you’re after more upscale travel . The most expensive variant is to opt for a taxi - a one-way taxi ticket can cost as much as USD 187.72.

Here is a chart of the average ticket prices and transportation options available from Koh Chang to Pattaya:

  • Bus tickets - USD 19.29 to USD 19.29;
  • taxi+Ferry price: USD 19.29. From Koh Chang to Pattaya starting from 09:00 Koh Chang Transfer until 09:00 Koh Chang Transfer
  • taxi+Ferry+Van price: USD 19.29. From Koh Chang to Pattaya starting from 09:30 Kai Bae Beach Hotel Transfer until 10:00 Haad Sai Khao Beach Transfer
  • Bus+Ferry price: USD 26.12. From Koh Chang to Pattaya starting from 09:30 Koh Chang Transfer until 09:30 Koh Chang Transfer
  • taxi+Van price: USD 26.12. From Koh Chang to Pattaya starting from 09:30 Koh Chang Transfer until 09:30 Koh Chang Transfer
  • Bus+taxi+Ferry price: USD 26.71. From Koh Chang to Pattaya starting from 10:00 Koh Chang Transfer until 10:00 Koh Chang Transfer
  • Ferry+Van price: USD 42.44. From Koh Chang to Pattaya starting from 16:30 Koh Chang Hotel Transfer until 16:30 Koh Chang Hotel Transfer
  • Van price : USD 46.51;

You can order a taxi, too - an estimated cost of the ride is from USD 108.89 to USD 187.72.

How many trips per day are there between Koh Chang and Pattaya?

Depending on your choice of transportation, the number of daily trips varies.

  • 2 by Ferry+Van from Koh Chang to Pattaya starting from 16:30 Koh Chang Hotel Transfer until 16:30 Koh Chang Hotel Transfer
  • Buses start plying the route from 10:00 - you can also take a bus as late as 10:00. There are 1 available bus trips every day.
  • 1 by taxi+Van from Koh Chang to Pattaya starting from 09:30 Koh Chang Transfer until 09:30 Koh Chang Transfer
  • Taxis are a good option to consider for this route, too. Book a cab to take you from Koh Chang to Pattaya any time of the day.

Which means of transport is the best for the route?


Taking a bus from Koh Chang to Pattaya is cheaper than flying. Quite often, a long-distance bus is the cheapest transportation option. Buses normally make bathroom and/or lunch stops along the way.

Things to remember before opting for a bus ride:

  • If possible, make sure to choose higher-class buses for a more comfortable travel experience. Such buses often have an air conditioning system, soft reclining seats, Wi-Fi, bathrooms, etc.
  • As with plane tickets, buses are better booked in advance so that you can secure a good seat.
  • While booking a bus, keep in mind that delays are possible. Yet it still pays to get to the bus station at least 15 minutes prior to the scheduled departure.


Catching a cab is the easiest way to get from Koh Chang to Pattaya. It allows you to tailor-make your trip, plan all the detours and see all the places you want. You can choose the type and the size of your car as well to be as comfortable as you'd like to.

Depending on the route, it might cost as much as USD 108.89.

Things to remember: It's a good idea to follow the route on Google Maps or any other GPS navigator.


A shared van is another means of transport for traveling from Koh Chang to Pattaya. As far as travel time is concerned, it’s basically equal to a taxi ride, while price-wise it’s way more affordable. The majority of tourists book a van online in advance.

Sometimes, when trains or buses aren’t available, a van is your only way to get from Koh Chang to Pattaya.

Things to remember: while traveling by van, you might not have as much space for luggage as you would on a train or a plane. It’s a good idea to pack only the most useful things for a van trip and put them in a backpack that will be easy to carry around..

The most popular transport from Koh Chang to Pattaya

How to choose the most convenient way of travel from Koh Chang to Pattaya? In order to make your choice of transportation easier, we asked 1000 users to range their preferences for this route. Here are the results of the poll:

  • 61% chosen taxi+Ferry
  • 9% chosen Bus+Ferry
  • 9% chosen taxi+Van
  • 7% chosen Bus+taxi+Ferry
  • 6% chosen Ferry+Van
  • 4% decided to catch a taxi.
  • 2% opted for a van.
  • 1% Other