從 Phnom Penh Transport Co 到 暹粒的小巴

從 Phnom Penh Transport Co 到 暹粒的小巴

Phnom Penh Transport Co
6月22日 週六
NaN 乘客


Phnom Penh Transport Co 到 暹粒 Van 時刻表

Phnom Penh Transport Co 到 暹粒 Van 時刻表
SIMA Car SUV 4pax 任何時間$ 88
Ebooking Express Minivan 07:30 - 13:30$ 13.98
Cambodia Angkor Air Economy #K610509:00 - 09:50$ 138.87
Virak Buntham Express Van 10:00 - 16:30$ 16.94
Virak Buntham Express Air Bus 13:45 - 19:45$ 18.49
Seila Angkor Express VIP 15 pax 15:30 - 21:30$ 14.38
Larryta Express Van 15pax 17:30 - 23:30$ 14.30
Ebooking Express Minivan 18:00 - 00:00$ 13.98
Virak Buntham Express Luxury 20:30 - 02:00$ 19.97
Giant Ibis Transport Kia Grandbird 22:00 - 03:20$ 13

Phnom Penh Transport Co 和 暹粒之間的交通方式

從 Phnom Penh Transport Co 到 暹粒麵包車資訊

最早的麵包車7:30 AM
最晚的麵包車6:00 PM
距離400 公里
麵包車公司Ebooking Express

從Phnom Penh Transport Co到目的地 暹粒 的評價

廂型車 小巴, Ebooking Express, 2023年11月18日
廂型車 小巴, Ebooking Express, 2022年12月25日
Clean, and pretty new bus. Aircon 👍-driver, sensible, pushed on in a proper manner to get to destination, lots of toilet stops and curious. Would definitely use again.
廂型車 貴賓小巴, Cambolink 21 Express, 2024年5月15日
Terrible experience. No place for luggage, 15 seats in a MINIvan. It wouldn't be a problem if we knew about it in advance. For 6 hours we sat crowded and bent like sardines. Since the seats are added in the trunk, your luggage is under your feet and this further limits the space and normal seating. During any communication with the driver, he just laughed. You will be assigned a seat in advance and it is not possible to change it, so if you meet 3 larger people in the back seat in a minivan, you will have to squeeze and look at, for example, smaller passengers who are sitting on separate seats that are wider than the back seats. I will definitely use the competition next time. They have a minivan with 11 seats, so there is definitely more space and comfort.
廂型車 小巴, Ebooking Express, 2024年1月1日
Bus and driver were perfect. Booking system reserved the seats in the first attempt and as I had made a mistake, the seats were stuck in the reservation process. This means that in the second attempt, it was not possible to get the same seats. I had to find a workaround in order to be able to get the same seats again. A fix would be great.
廂型車 15人座小巴, Larryta Express, 2023年12月23日
Excellent fast ride, but the air conditioner was not very cool.
廂型車 七人座迷你小巴, Virak Buntham Express, 2023年11月4日
Happy with service provided. Pick up and drop off locations accurate. Minor delay to starting lead to minor completion delay. Rated 4 stars as the van could do with some TLC - quite rickety seats, dirty windows and absence of any WiFi/charging points.
廂型車 小巴, Ebooking Express, 2023年10月3日
The driver was nice, the only thing I would love to see change is that the driver tells the passenger where each stops is at. He just makes stops and let passenger know how long they are stopping and that's it. I would like to know where we were at and the next stop, I think that would be very useful. Thank you
廂型車 15人座小巴, Larryta Express, 2023年8月2日
My window seat was taken for a woman who decided to talk with the driver loudly through me the entire trip.
廂型車 廂型車, Virak Buntham Express, 2023年8月1日
Van left on time arrived early. Good amount of stops. Downside, some passengers came with oversized luggage and it impeded the amount of legroom and foot space for sitting.
廂型車 小巴, Ebooking Express, 2023年7月31日
199 客戶評價

要如何從 Phnom Penh Transport Co, 坐小巴到 暹粒?

小巴是從Phnom Penh Transport Co, 到 暹粒的方便選擇。票價不算貴,通常比一般巴士快,而且可選擇的出發時間也多。每台小巴可以坐十二到十五人,看車種。但小巴的最大缺點是行李空間有限。 通常你必須把行李或背包放在腳下或走道。所以行李很多的旅客不適合小巴,你可以另外買座位放行李或是改搭巴士。某些路線沒有巴士、火車,或飛機,那小巴就是唯一選擇。很多人想知道小巴需不需要提早訂票。雖然有些路線的車班很多,但我們還是非常建議你提早訂票,尤其當你計畫搭乘末班車,在週末、國訂假日、旺季旅行,或者好幾個人結伴同行的時候。以下是 Phnom Penh Transport Co, 和 暹粒之間有提供小巴服務並且可以線上訂票的公司

從How far is from Phnom Penh Transport Co, 到 暹粒有多遠?

小巴和巴士的路線一樣,因此Phnom Penh Transport Co, 開車到 暹粒 大概是 X公里。 有些小巴不會走最短的路線到 暹粒 因為要去其他地方載客或送客。如果是這樣,車程會比較久 – 你可以在訂票時看說明。

從Phnom Penh Transport Co, 坐小巴到 暹粒 要多久?

大部分小巴從Phnom Penh Transport Co, 到 暹粒的車程是6小時 到 6小時 小時。但車程長短主要是看交通狀況,這兩個地點的尖峰時段交通都滿擁擠的。天氣變化也通常會拉長時間,像是下大雨。在訂小巴票之前記得查一查每一家業者的時間,有些公司會走遠路到 暹粒,或是中間繞路。而且請注意,提供線上訂車的公司通常是依時間表發車,但也有些公司是等人坐滿了才發車,這種情況可能等候時間會很長。所以有發車時刻表的公司永遠是比較好的選擇。

從Phnom Penh Transport Co, 坐小巴到 暹粒的花費多少?

通常 從Phnom Penh Transport Co, 坐小巴到 暹粒是固定票價。價格裡包括了過路費、燃料,和人力費。但如果不確定,訂票前最好還是問清楚。小包的費用看起來不便宜,但你不用像巴士或火車一樣幫每位乘客買票。如果是十二人以上的團體,小巴比起好幾台計程車便宜許多。對團體來說是個划算的選擇。小巴也不會另外收行李費用,只要能放得下就可以。

從Phnom Penh Transport Co, 到 暹粒的小巴時刻表。

如果是團體旅行,可以考慮整合行程然後只雇用一台小巴。請參考上面的 Phnom Penh Transport Co, 到 暹粒小巴時刻表

