素叻他尼 鎮 到 濤島

素叻他尼 鎮 到 濤島

NaN 乘客


從素叻他尼 鎮 到 濤島 的行程表

從素叻他尼 鎮 到 濤島 的行程表
Fame Tour Ferry 21:00 - 05:00฿ 800
Phantip 1970 Sleeper Boat 22:00 - 06:00฿ 900

素叻他尼 鎮 和 濤島之間的交通方式

從 素叻他尼 鎮 到 濤島交通資訊

最早的出發時間12:00 AM
最晚的出發時間10:00 PM
距離213 公里
運輸公司Andaman Taxis, BangkokTaxi24, Fame Tour, Koh Tao Booking Center, Lomprayah, Mr Toon, Phantip 1970, Ramon Transport, Seatran Ferry, Songserm

從素叻他尼 鎮到目的地 濤島 的評價

I accidently leave my jacket. Contacting 12go customer support, not helpful response. But I finally managed go get in touch with Koh Tao Booking Center officer, Khun Su, who managed to retrieve my jacket and kindly send it to me. Thank you khun Su!
渡輪 臥艙艇, Koh Tao Booking Center (Koh Tao Booking Center), 2023年12月21日
1. We had a rough trip due to bad weather. Many people felt very seasick. No bags for vommiting. This has nothing to do with 12GO. 2. Toilet is a standing toilet / you can’t sit. Very inconvening during storm. Later we noticed that on the other site was a sit-toilet. 3. Ons site of the ship has normal beds, the other side has not!! We could not chose for normal beds because the ship was full. The beds/matras on the oorthermometer side are 60 cm width. No space between the matrassen!!! Laying in a row. Close to each other. Like in a prison. Also the blankets: 60 cm. No communication about these facts by 12GO. Suggestion: beter communication on accomodations on different ships.
渡輪 臥艙艇, Phantip 1970 (พันทิพย์ 1970), 2023年11月19日
Smooth proces, smoort travel
渡輪 臥艙艇, Koh Tao Booking Center (Koh Tao Booking Center), 2023年9月6日
Narrow, bur comfortable bunk beds, which were all good. The room was just really cold due to the low ac.
渡輪 臥艙艇, Koh Tao Booking Center (Koh Tao Booking Center), 2023年6月20日
It was ok for one night but not enough space for one person => cuddle stranger, Loud and not all vents were working
渡輪 臥艙艇, Koh Tao Booking Center (Koh Tao Booking Center), 2023年5月20日
Small beds. Upper beds without hooks for baggage. Cold from AC. But on time.
渡輪 臥艙艇, Koh Tao Booking Center (Koh Tao Booking Center), 2023年5月11日
Beds themselves were quite hard yet comfy and we got a decent sleep, we were next to the air con so a jumper was useful. Boat staff were very helpful unloading bags to the pier which was great as there were a fair few coconuts to climb over on the way off!
渡輪 臥艙艇, Koh Tao Booking Center (Koh Tao Booking Center), 2023年5月10日
I could sleep easily on the night boat, it was really comfy. However the AC was on 16° through the whole night, bring warm clothes
渡輪 臥艙艇, Koh Tao Booking Center (Koh Tao Booking Center), 2023年4月22日
We were driven by the manager as it was new year and there weren’t many drivers. He was really friendly and helpful. The map is wrong on 12go. Just follow the boarding point in the email confirmation.
渡輪 臥艙艇, Koh Tao Booking Center (Koh Tao Booking Center), 2023年4月20日
The Trip is a really big experiance! If you are looking for comfort you are wrong at this Trip. The bed are really close to the next one and the mattress was really thin. the toilets were so dirty that we didn't want to use them. The ride during the Night was quite an peaceful so you can sleep the most time. If you are looking for a adventure and shut two eyes regarding the cleanliness it is a good possibility to save an overnight stay and to use the night for the journey.
渡輪 臥艙艇, Koh Tao Booking Center (Koh Tao Booking Center), 2023年3月25日
56 客戶評價

如何從素叻他尼 鎮 旅行到 濤島?

從素叻他尼 鎮 到 濤島有幾個選擇。以下是幾種不同的交通工具: - 巴士

  • 渡輪
  • 廂型車
  • 計程車 如果你想要快點到,那建議你選擇計程車+渡輪。 但如果你希望悠閒又不傷荷包,你可以訂渡輪 票。交通花費就看你是選擇哪一種工具。 渡輪 票是最貴的選擇 - 一張大概要 USD 24.32。如果你不想花太多錢在交通上,最好選 渡輪,因為 渡輪 票只需要 USD 21.62元。

從素叻他尼 鎮 到 濤島多遠?

如果是走陸路, 你一定要弄清楚從素叻他尼 鎮 到 濤島的距離。總距離大概是 133 英哩 (213 公里)。飛行距離是 133 英哩 (213 公里)。

從素叻他尼 鎮 到 濤島要多久?

從素叻他尼 鎮 到 濤島 的旅行時間會視你選的交通工具而不同。總的來說,整趟路大概要花上 5 到 9 小時。

從素叻他尼 鎮 到 濤島的花費多少?

The cost of the trip from從 素叻他尼 鎮 到 濤島 的交通成本會隨你選的交通工具不同。最便宜的公司是 Fame Tour (เฟมทัวร์): 搭乘 渡輪 的話,票價只要 USD 21.62 。不過如果你想要高檔一點,最貴的選擇是 渡輪 - 一張單程的 渡輪 票就要 USD 24.32元。以下是從 素叻他尼 鎮 到 濤島每種交通工具的平均價格表: - 渡輪票價 - USD 21.62 USD 24.32.

  • 巴士+渡輪+廂型車 票價: USD 22.32. 從 素叻他尼 鎮 到 濤島 第一班次是 07:00 Mae Haad Koh Tao ,末班次是 07:00 Mae Haad Koh Tao
  • 計程車+渡輪 票價: USD 26.38 - USD 148.08. 從 素叻他尼 鎮 到 濤島 第一班次是 00:00 Surat Thani ,末班次是 10:00 Surat Thani Town Transfer
  • 渡輪+廂型車 票價: USD 26.38 - USD 35.49. 從 素叻他尼 鎮 到 濤島 第一班次是 06:00 Surat Thani Van Phantip office ,末班次是 08:30 Surat Thani Van Phantip office
  • 計程車+渡輪+廂型車 票價: USD 49.70 - USD 125.76. 從 素叻他尼 鎮 到 濤島 第一班次是 00:00 Surat Thani ,末班次是 00:00 Surat Thani

每天有多少班次往返素叻他尼 鎮 和 濤島之間?

你選擇的交通工具不同,每天往返的班次數量也不同。 - 從 素叻他尼 鎮 到 濤島的渡輪每天有 3 個班次 #最適合這條路線的交通工具是什麼?


坐渡輪是從素叻他尼 鎮 到 濤島風景最優美的旅行方式,結合了交通和觀光。不過雖然有這些優點,渡輪不見得適合每個人。


注意事項: 渡輪航行與否是天氣狀況而定

從 素叻他尼 鎮 到 濤島最受歡迎的交通方式。 要如何選擇從素叻他尼 鎮 到 濤島最方便的交通工具?

為了幫助你更輕鬆做決定,我們問了一千名旅客他們對這條路線的交通選擇。以下是問卷結果: - 81% 使用者投票給渡輪票

  • 19% 選擇了 計程車+渡輪