Siem Reap Mekong Express 到 貢布

Siem Reap Mekong Express 到 貢布

Siem Reap Mekong Express
5月28日 週二
NaN 乘客


Siem Reap Mekong Express 和 貢布之間的交通方式

  • 計程車
    $ 205
  • 火車 無法選擇
  • 巴士 無法選擇
  • 船票 無法選擇
  • 飛機 無法選擇
  • 廂型車 無法選擇

從 Siem Reap Mekong Express 到 貢布交通資訊

最早的出發時間12:00 午前
最晚的出發時間12:00 午前
距離399 公里

從Siem Reap Mekong Express到目的地 貢布 的評價

OK. I had to sleep on the floor on a mat with a stranger and was quite uncomfortable.
巴士 Kia Grandbird, Giant Ibis Transport (Giant ibis Transport), 2023年11月16日
Staff was great. Passenger compartment clean. However, my backpack, which was in the lower compartment, was saturated with fish water, and all of clothes smelled like a fish market. Care should be taken by employees loading bags to ensure that that does not happen. I know they cannot prevent everything because the leak could have come from what looked like a proper bag. Perhaps they could require passengers to certify that they do not have things that will leak
巴士 宇宙豪華, Giant Ibis Transport (Giant ibis Transport), 2023年8月23日
I took the bus from Siem reap to Kampot. The bus left 10 minutes early as I believe everyone who had a ticket was already on board. The beds were clean and comfortable with privacy curtains. The drivers were approachable and friendly and I got a good sleep. There was a clean toilet on board. We arrived around 1 hour early to our destination. They gave everyone a bottle of water and bag for your shoes. I would 100% take this bus again. Thank you
巴士 Kia Grandbird, Giant Ibis Transport (Giant ibis Transport), 2023年6月8日
Very comfortable fully lie flat beds
巴士 Kia Grandbird, Giant Ibis Transport (Giant ibis Transport), 2023年2月20日
I booked an overnight sleeper bus from Siem Reap to Kampot. We were only supposed to make 1 stop in Phnom Phen but ended up stopping several times to pick up and drop off local people who talked loudly and crowded the bus. I was in the front lower sleeper and at one point a lady sat on me. The driver kept blowing his horn making it difficult to get any sleep.
巴士 Kia Grandbird, Giant Ibis Transport (Giant ibis Transport), 2022年12月20日
Very nice, comfortable coach, professional operators.
巴士 Kia Grandbird, Giant Ibis Transport (Giant ibis Transport), 2022年11月3日
Perfect trip from Siem Reap to Kampot. I sleep very well. The company was in time and I felt safe.
巴士 Kia Grandbird, Giant Ibis Transport (Giant ibis Transport), 2022年10月24日
If you are 6 feet tall or more you definitely won’t be able to lie flat I will need to book a double.
巴士 Kia Grandbird, Giant Ibis Transport (Giant ibis Transport), 2022年10月1日
34 客戶評價


如何從Siem Reap Mekong Express 到 貢布?

從 Siem Reap Mekong Express 旅行到 貢布,你的交通工具選擇有限。 這條路線我們只提供一種選擇:

  • 計程車

從How far is Siem Reap Mekong Express 到貢布多遠?

從Siem Reap Mekong Express 到 貢布 的陸地距離是 248 英哩 (399 公里) 。飛行距離是191英哩 (307 公里).

從 Siem Reap Mekong Express 到 貢布要多久時間?

從 Siem Reap Mekong Express 到 貢布的旅行時間平均是 8 小時

從 Siem Reap Mekong Express 到 貢布的花費多少?

從 Siem Reap Mekong Express 到 貢布 的票價至少是 USD 204.88

每天有多少班次往返 Siem Reap Mekong Express 和 貢布 之間?

計程車永遠都是不錯的選擇,因為任何時間你都可以叫車從 暹粒 到 貢布

從 Siem Reap Mekong Express 到 貢布的旅行小訣竅。

雖然計程車 是我們這條路線的唯一選擇,這些簡單的提醒和建議還是能讓你旅途更愉快。

計程車 搭計程車注意事項: 為了避免誤會, 請確定你告知了正確的上車和下車地點。 如果要改變路線或增加停車點,請提早告知計程車公司。車費有可能會有所調整。 *搭計程車的時後,最好是按照Google地圖或其他導航設備的建議路線。

有很多遊客搭乘計程車 從Siem Reap Mekong Express 到 貢布嗎?

目前為止, 我們已經賣出575 張,從 Siem Reap Mekong Express 到 貢布的 計程車 票。你可以參考以上評價意見。