芽莊市 到 歸仁

芽莊市 到 歸仁

NaN 乘客


從芽莊市 到 歸仁 的行程表

從芽莊市 到 歸仁 的行程表
Vietnam Railways VIP Sleeper 00:00 - 04:19VND 377k
Vietnam Railways Class II Sleeper AC 02:41 - 06:55VND 322k
Vietnam Railways VIP Sleeper 04:28 - 09:55VND 418k
Vietnam Railways Class II AC 13:23 - 17:14VND 245k
Vietnam Railways Class II Sleeper AC 14:25 - 18:35VND 361k
Vietnam Railways Class II AC 17:04 - 21:11VND 259k
Vietnam Railways Class II AC 19:19 - 23:50VND 276k
Techbus VN JSC Sleeper 40 20:15 - 00:15VND 360k
Vietnam Railways Class II AC 22:33 - 02:46VND 249k

芽莊市 和 歸仁之間的交通方式

從 芽莊市 到 歸仁交通資訊

最早的出發時間2:37 AM
最晚的出發時間11:30 PM
距離175 公里
運輸公司An Phu Travel, An Phu Travel, Bamboo Airways, Ha Linh, Techbus VN JSC, Vietnam Airlines, Vietnam Railways

從芽莊市到目的地 歸仁 的評價

We recently took a TBUS Trip from Nha Trang to Quy Nhon. The limousine provided for the journey was average, with room for improvement. The air conditioning system was not functioning properly, which caused some discomfort during the trip. Overall, the ride was average. While it got us to our destination, the journey could have been more comfortable. I hope that TBUS Trip takes this feedback into consideration and makes necessary improvements for future journeys.
巴士 VIP 9 快速, Techbus VN JSC (Techbus Vietnam Joint stock company), 2023年10月2日
First bus was over booked so was emailed to see if we wanted a refund or rebooking for later that day. Me and my partner opted for the later bus that day and on arrival all seemed normal. However, when boarding we were told to sit at the front of the bus with the driver on the non reclining or charging port seats (even though we were first to board and half of the vip seats were free at the time, later filled with further pick ups along the way, much closer to our final destination).Despite paying the same as everyone else on the bus, we weren’t given the vip seats which we booked but were given the cramped driver seats. After talking to another passenger on the bus he told us how he booked minutes prior to the departure time but was granted a vip seat even though we booked the day before but received no such treatment. At no point were we offered a reduced price for the normal van seats at the front. For a 4 hour journey it was very cramped and a little uncomfortable. However, I will say it was no fault of the driver,he did try to provide as much room as possible and drove very well.
巴士 VIP 9 快速, Techbus VN JSC (Techbus Vietnam Joint stock company), 2023年9月24日
We have really enjoyed our ride from Nha Trang to Quy Nhon. The driver was polite and didn’t horn a lot like other vehicles. The seat was very comfortabel and a lot of leg space. The only negative comment is on The company assistents at The Quy Nhon Office from Cat Thien Hai when I arrived at 9.00 (The bus was supposed to leave at 9.30) and I reported myself and my husband the Office employee didn’t really respond to me, although I spoke in Vietnamese with her. So I asked again after 10 minutes to check wether to confirm our ride and she wasn’t really friendly and said yes but it won’t leave until 10 a.m. Because you’ve bought through another company and they always let you come earlier. Okay That’s fine but the way she said it, very rude. Then when we got in, nobody pointed our seat and after a while the lady came and said in English : ‘ You there ‘while pointing at a schedule. I didn’t understand but when she made a head gesture to the back then we knew. So I said ‘You can talk Vietnamese to me. ‘ Then she laughed. And I thought she couldn’t (her face would crack if she’d laugh) 🤭
巴士 VIP 9 快速, Techbus VN JSC (Techbus Vietnam Joint stock company), 2023年9月11日
3 客戶評價

如何從芽莊市 旅行到 歸仁?

從芽莊市 到 歸仁有幾個選擇。以下是幾種不同的交通工具: - 航班

  • 巴士
  • 火車 如果你想要快點到,那建議你選擇巴士。 但如果你希望悠閒又不傷荷包,你可以訂航班 票。交通花費就看你是選擇哪一種工具。 火車 票是最貴的選擇 - 一張大概要 USD 30.22。如果你不想花太多錢在交通上,最好選 火車,因為 火車 票只需要 USD 10.14元。

從芽莊市 到 歸仁多遠?

如果是走陸路, 你一定要弄清楚從芽莊市 到 歸仁的距離。總距離大概是 109 英哩 (175 公里)。飛行距離是 109 英哩 (175 公里)。

從芽莊市 到 歸仁要多久?

從芽莊市 到 歸仁 的旅行時間會視你選的交通工具而不同。總的來說,整趟路大概要花上 4 到 27 小時。

從芽莊市 到 歸仁的花費多少?

The cost of the trip from從 芽莊市 到 歸仁 的交通成本會隨你選的交通工具不同。最便宜的公司是 Vietnam Railways (Đường sắt Việt Nam): 搭乘 火車 的話,票價只要 USD 10.14 。不過如果你想要高檔一點,最貴的選擇是 火車 - 一張單程的 火車 票就要 USD 30.22元。以下是從 芽莊市 到 歸仁每種交通工具的平均價格表: - 火車票價 - USD 10.14USD 30.22;

  • 火車票價 - USD 10.33USD 14.20;
  • 飛機票價 - USD 43.92USD 284.58;

每天有多少班次往返芽莊市 和 歸仁之間?

你選擇的交通工具不同,每天往返的班次數量也不同。 - 巴士最早從 19:15發車 - 你可以在 21:30搭最後一班車. 巴士每天有24 個車班.

  • 火車永遠是照時刻表發車 - 每天有 16 班火車 #最適合這條路線的交通工具是什麼?

    飛機 搭飛機是從芽莊市 到 歸仁最快的方法. 雖然飛機通常最貴,但偶爾你可以買到接近火車或渡輪票價的促銷票。通常最便宜的機票是USD 43.92.


  • 建議提早訂票並且線上劃位,這樣可以在機場省下兩小時的時間。而且如果機位選擇是先到先選,你也會有比較多選擇。
  • 機場安全檢查可能會花不少時間
  • 建議提早一個半小時抵達機場。

提供 芽莊市 和 歸仁之間航線的航空業者有

Bamboo Airways, Vietnam Airlines (เวียดนาม แิอร์ไลน์)


從 芽莊市 搭巴士到 歸仁 比飛機便宜。通常,長途巴士是最便宜的交通方式。巴士一般會沿途停下來上洗手間或用餐。


  • 如果可以,為了旅途舒適請選擇等級較高的巴士。這種巴士通常有冷氣、軟式斜躺椅、網路、洗手間等。
  • 和機票一樣,最好也提早訂購巴士票才能選擇好坐位
  • 訂票時別忘了,巴士有時候會誤點,不過還是最好在出發前十五分鐘抵達巴士站。


選擇火車廂等時請仔細研究。一般來說二等車廂已經滿舒適 – 每個隔監是兩人座或四人座,


從 芽莊市 到 歸仁最受歡迎的交通方式。 要如何選擇從芽莊市 到 歸仁最方便的交通工具?

為了幫助你更輕鬆做決定,我們問了一千名旅客他們對這條路線的交通選擇。以下是問卷結果: - 94% 使用者享受了一趟火車旅程

  • 5% 決定搭乘巴士
  • 1% 其他