Kandy via Sigiriya 到 埃拉

Kandy via Sigiriya 到 埃拉

Kandy via Sigiriya
6月19日 週三
NaN 乘客


從Kandy via Sigiriya 到 埃拉 的行程表

從Kandy via Sigiriya 到 埃拉 的行程表
Ceylon Roots Comfort 2pax 任何時間LKR 40,609
Tuktukdude Leisure Shuttle + Safari Drive 06:00 - 15:00LKR 22,739

Kandy via Sigiriya 和 埃拉之間的交通方式

從 Kandy via Sigiriya 到 埃拉交通資訊

最早的出發時間6:00 AM
最晚的出發時間6:00 AM
距離115 公里
運輸公司Ceylon Roots, Stef Lanka Tours, Tuktukdude Leisure

從Kandy via Sigiriya到目的地 埃拉 的評價

火車 #1005 頭等座, Sri Lanka Railways, 2022年3月30日
計程車 舒適三人座, Stef Lanka Tours (Stef Lanka Tours), 2022年3月16日
火車 #1005 頭等座, Sri Lanka Railways, 2021年12月27日
火車 #1005 頭等座, Sri Lanka Railways, 2021年12月23日
Overall great experience. Immediately after booking (34 days prior train departure) we received an email with a booking confirmation, however, it took very long until we received the ticket confirmation/voucher (11 days prior train departure). The shipping of tickets went smooth, however, we never received an email confirming the shipment of the tickets as it was mentioned in the ticket confirmation email. So overall the train ride was superb, just a little bite nerve killing waiting for confirmation or hoping tickets will arrive:)
火車 #1005 二等座, Sri Lanka Railways, 2022年9月20日
When a family book tickets they are assigned random seats and not together. Then police come and inquire you about the seats. No one wants to leave kids and others at random places
火車 二等艙, Ella Odyssey, 2022年4月16日
Fast efficient service
火車 二等艙, Ella Odyssey, 2022年4月16日
Very expensive way to guarantee a seat. We booked Kandy to Ella train journey on 13th April 2022 (reserving just over 1 month before), reserving for $39.34USD, for two tickets for 2nd class seated. We ticked that if these were not available that we would take an upgrade. We were emailed 1-2days later to say that there were no 2nd class tickets and asked if we would pay the extra of $5.5USD/person, which we accepted and paid We subsequently came to Sri Lanka and was told by our taxi driver (who is from Kandy), that we grossly overpaid and this was a complete ripoff. He explained that the tickets are only a fraction of the cost and that we should make a complaint about the website. When we checked the tickets on the train, we found that they only cost 2400Sri Lankan rupees which at the time of ordering (mid-March 2022), equalled 8.88USD. This seems to be a hussle that relies on foreigners paying over and above the cost of the ticket for fear of tickets not being available. This was one of the more expensive international websites to use so I would at least encourage people to shop around for cheaper prices The train journey itself was great. Slightly delayed by 20mins but otherwise well timed, regular snacks and great views. It was busy on most carriages however there were a few free seats (maybe 90% full, this was on Sri Lankan New Year’s Eve as well which I believe is normally a very busy time). I cannot comment on how full 2nd class seated was (I am presuming it was full as per 12Go’s email to us). Our driver did insist that tickets are always available on the day (although I think this is only for non-seated tickets), so it leaves me wondering if I would bother booking again in advance (with a large price markup of over 600%) to guarantee tickets or just take a chance getting tickets on the day…I would certainly at least shop around for other websites anyway
火車 #1015 頭等座, Sri Lanka Railways, 2022年4月14日
The price was clearly changed
火車 #1005 二等座, Sri Lanka Railways, 2022年4月10日
They changed the date
火車 #1015 三等預留座, Sri Lanka Railways, 2022年4月3日
312 客戶評價

如何從Kandy via Sigiriya 旅行到 埃拉?

從Kandy via Sigiriya 到 埃拉有幾個選擇。以下是幾種不同的交通工具: - 廂型車

  • 計程車 如果你想要快點到,那建議你選擇計程車。 但如果你希望悠閒又不傷荷包,你可以訂廂型車 票。交通花費就看你是選擇哪一種工具。 計程車 票是最貴的選擇 - 一張大概要 USD 180.30。如果你不想花太多錢在交通上,最好選 廂型車,因為 廂型車 票只需要 USD 74.65元。

從Kandy via Sigiriya 到 埃拉多遠?

如果是走陸路, 你一定要弄清楚從Kandy via Sigiriya 到 埃拉的距離。總距離大概是 72 英哩 (115 公里)。飛行距離是 72 英哩 (115 公里)。

從Kandy via Sigiriya 到 埃拉要多久?

從Kandy via Sigiriya 到 埃拉 的旅行時間會視你選的交通工具而不同。總的來說,整趟路大概要花上 3 到 9 小時。

從Kandy via Sigiriya 到 埃拉的花費多少?

The cost of the trip from從 Kandy via Sigiriya 到 埃拉 的交通成本會隨你選的交通工具不同。最便宜的公司是 Tuktukdude Leisure: 搭乘 廂型車 的話,票價只要 USD 74.65 。不過如果你想要高檔一點,最貴的選擇是 計程車 - 一張單程的 計程車 票就要 USD 180.30元。以下是從 Kandy via Sigiriya 到 埃拉每種交通工具的平均價格表: - 小巴價格 : USD 74.66;

你也可以叫計程車 - 收費大概是從USD 85.54USD 180.30.

每天有多少班次往返Kandy via Sigiriya 和 埃拉之間?

你選擇的交通工具不同,每天往返的班次數量也不同。 - 每天都有小巴從 康提 出發到 埃拉 - 一天大概有 1 趟

  • 你也可以考慮坐計程車。任何時間你都可以叫車從 康提 到 埃拉 #最適合這條路線的交通工具是什麼?


從 康提 搭計程車到 埃拉是最簡單的辦法。你可以自由規劃行程,是情況改變路線,還有去所有想去的地方。你可以選擇車輛大小和想要的舒適度。是路線不同,你的花費可能是 USD 85.54.

注意事項: 最好跟著Google地圖或其他導航設備的路線規劃。


多人共乘的小巴也是從康提 到 埃拉的另一種交通選擇。從車程來看小巴和計程車差不多,但價格便宜不少。大多數旅客會在線上提早預訂小巴票。有時候沒有火車或巴士服務,小巴就是你從 康提 到 埃拉的唯一選擇。

注意事項: 坐小巴時你可能沒有像火車或飛機一樣多的行李空間。最好只打包重要物品然後用後背包,會方便很多。

從 Kandy via Sigiriya 到 埃拉最受歡迎的交通方式。 要如何選擇從Kandy via Sigiriya 到 埃拉最方便的交通工具?

為了幫助你更輕鬆做決定,我們問了一千名旅客他們對這條路線的交通選擇。以下是問卷結果: - 83% 決定叫計程車

  • 17% 選擇了小巴