

6月8日 週六
NaN 乘客


峴港市社 到 河內火車站 Train 時刻表

峴港市社 到 河內火車站 Train 時刻表
Vietnam Railways VIP Sleeper 00:48 - 19:12VND 1,303k
Vietnam Railways Class II AC 02:22 - 19:12VND 801k
Vietnam Railways Class II AC 07:40 - 03:13VND 848k
Vietnam Railways Cabin 2x 09:57 - 04:15VND 1,851k
Vietnam Railways VIP Sleeper 10:08 - 04:30VND 1,374k
Grouptour Sleeper 41 13:50 - 07:00VND 449k
Vietnam Railways VIP Sleeper 14:19 - 08:30$ 56.70
Vietnam Railways VIP Sleeper 17:53 - 11:45VND 1,281k
Techbus VN JSC VIP 32 Sleeper 19:45 - 10:45VND 541k
Techbus VN JSC VIP 20:20 - 11:20VND 541k
Vietnam Railways VIP Sleeper 23:23 - 15:58VND 1,186k

峴港市社 和 河內火車站之間的交通方式

從 峴港市社 到 河內火車站火車資訊

最早的火車12:48 AM
最晚的火車6:05 PM
距離650 公里
火車Damitrans, Laman Express, Lotus Train, NewLivitrans Express, Vietnam Railways

從峴港市社到目的地 河內火車站 的評價

火車 #SE2 2x艙等, Vietnam Railways (Đường sắt Việt Nam), 2022年9月15日
One of the better train companies here. While it's a stretch to call this VIP, I did like the services provided. The views were incredible too. The beds were firm but it's expected. The toilet and washroom were nicer than the other train we took. We were given a light breakfast pack and some overnight drinks, which is welcomed. Though, they weren't enough for the 17 hour journey so we got some pot noodles and Bahn Mis before we got on the train and we used them to supplement the food we were given. The boiling water tap was very good and clean too, which helped get the noodles good too. The train can be loud and rickety so best to have ear plugs. For the money though, I'd choose a cabin bus instead for a more comfortable journey. The views are just as nice on the buses.
火車 #SE20 VIP臥鋪, Laman Express, 2024年3月18日
The operator was very friendly and directly approachable via WhatsApp. On the day of travel, I was upgraded to the 2 birth VIP cabin for free! The service was amazing, the toilets were clean and great snacks and breakfast was provided! I would highly recommend this service!
火車 #SE20 豪華, Lotus Train, 2023年5月22日
Its all about expectations! Are you going to get an extraordinary nights sleep.. no.. is it pristine clean ..no… but are you going to see beautiful countryside and share and moments with locals … yes… if you’re open to it… my time on board..babysat for 15 mins while a mum got food, met young elites head to toe in designer clothes and my last cabin buddy insisted on sharing food with me..as well as loadsa small interactions with kids and families…come prepared with what you are comfortable with, be open to embracing what it is…its not luxury but its not terrible, honestly apart from the clunky old train sounds its actually really peaceful.. and a true slice of being in here.. my only advice is… choose a bottom bunk and bring ear plugs and a hoodie…and try and time it so you get plenty of day time…the views are sometimes stunning sometimes nothing but overall .. super happy I did this.
火車 #TN6 VIP臥鋪, Vietnam Railways (Đường sắt Việt Nam), 2023年1月27日
Superb train tickets all organised efficiently
火車 #SE2 2x艙等, Vietnam Railways (Đường sắt Việt Nam), 2022年12月17日
We took first class train, wasn't very clean. Views on the way were very beautiful. Because of shaking train, little sleep.. we wanted to use the "restaurant wagon" this one seemed not in use (hang out place for staff and full of luggage.
火車 #SE6 VIP臥鋪, Vietnam Railways (Đường sắt Việt Nam), 2022年10月23日
Train journey was fantastic, double cabin really comfortable, train crew were great and really friendly, slept really well and would definitely do again.
火車 #SE2 2x艙等, Vietnam Railways (Đường sắt Việt Nam), 2022年8月9日
Views especially between DaNang and Hue are spectacular. The overnight trains are a good way to travel and sightsee at the same time. It’s not luxurious, but it’s pleasant enough. The toilets however are not pleasant at all and are not clean, however they are used by many people. Overall, a convenient way to travel.
火車 #SE4 VIP臥鋪, Vietnam Railways (Đường sắt Việt Nam), 2022年5月19日
205 客戶評價

如何從 峴港市社 搭火車到 河內火車站, ?

從峴港市社 搭火車到 河內火車站, 是安全、快速,又風景好的交通方式。 某些路線每天有很多車次,間隔十到十五分鐘,通常是市區內的路線。如果是長途火車,發車班次會比較少 – 請提早規劃選擇適合你的班次。如果是長途旅行,我們建議你提早幾天訂票。透過我們的線上系統訂票,你可以選擇從t 峴港市社 到 河內火車站, 最好的票。 線上買票不但可以確保你當天有座位而且也省下排隊時間。在周末或假日旅行時,因為旅行的人多我們建議更早訂票。旺季時的火車票很快就賣完 – 請盡早買票

從 峴港市社 到 河內火車站, 有多遠? 做火車的話,從 峴港市社 到 河內火車站, 是 404 哩。

在搭火車前,先看看地圖找出你會經過的景點或地標 – 也許值得下車一看?

從 峴港市社 搭火車到 河內火車站, 要多久?

從 峴港市社 到 河內火車站, 估計需要 15小時 51分鐘。火車是陸上最快的方式,因為通常不會塞車,火車車速穩定,停靠時間也不太長,所以火東幾乎是從 峴港市社 到 河內火車站, 最快速最安全的方法。影響火車車程的最重要因素是火車種類。普通火車大概是每小時四十到六十五英里或者六十五到一百零五公里之間。有些短程的市內火車時速會低於四十英里。但即使是比較慢的火車,還是會比汽車、巴士、計程車快。 快車的時速可以到每小時一百英里或一百六十公里左右。 現代高速火車則可以快到超過一小時兩百五十英里或四百公里。這樣的速度再加上停靠站較少絕對能大幅縮短你的旅程。

從峴港市社 搭火車到 河內火車站, 的花費多少?

從峴港市社 到 河內火車站, 的火車票價會視火車種類和車廂等級而不同 。有些火車標榜不同等級的車廂和座位選擇,分別提供不同的設備和舒適度。基本車廂通常沒有冷氣而且是木製的硬式座位,票價便宜。 特等或豪華車廂票價較高但有冷氣、洗手間,還有寬敞的軟座。從路程長短來看,火車是最划算的交通方式。而且,一個人的票價通常包括兩到三件行李 – 有時甚至更多。

從峴港市社 到 河內火車站, 時刻表 火車很適合長途旅行。

確認你的旅遊計畫,然後利用上面的 峴港市社 到 河內火車站, 時刻表來找出最適合你的車班。

此路線的最佳火車業者 火車不像巴士或計程車一樣有很多公司提供服務,每個國家通常只會有一間主要鐵路公司。

由於鐵路服務需要打量基礎建設,大多數鐵路公司是國營企業,屬於國家運輸系統。 坐火車旅行的好處之一就是停靠站通常地點很方便,靠近市區。抵達目的地以後,已經很靠近重要的地點像是旅館、超市,和醫院。如果你的行李很多,火車也是最佳選擇。火車對行李的縣種相對彈性,而且可以帶好幾件。特殊或豪華火車標榜空間寬敞,可以伸展雙腿。就舒適度和空間大小來看,這些火車座位可以和飛機商務艙相比。和巴士一樣,火車也提供各種設施讓旅途更舒服。先進的火車會有網路服務、點心櫃台,和飲料吧。車上有洗手間對有些旅客來說也是不可或缺。最後,火車幾乎很少發生車禍,和巴士或其他陸上交通工具不同。