15 5月 2024

Wijaya Buyuk

216 則顧客評價
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  • Reviews

Wijaya Buyuk 行程及時刻表

珀尼達島 - 吉利群島
09:55, 10:00, 10:30, 10:35, 10:40
吉利群島 - 薩努爾
12:25, 12:30, 12:40, 12:45
吉利群島 - 珀尼達島
12:25, 12:30, 12:40, 12:45
珀尼達島 - 龍目島
09:55, 10:00, 10:30, 10:35, 10:40
吉利島 - 薩努爾
12:25, 12:30
珀尼達島 - 吉利島
09:55, 10:00, 10:30, 10:35, 10:40
龍目島 - 珀尼達島
12:55, 13:00
龍目島 - 薩努爾
12:55, 13:00
薩努爾 - 龍目島
07:55, 08:00
薩努爾 - 吉利群島
07:55, 08:00
吉利島 - 珀尼達島
12:25, 12:30
薩努爾 - 吉利島
07:55, 08:00

關於 Wijaya Buyuk

輪渡是遊覽風景秀麗的島嶼的必選工具。一些目的地配備了大而穩的汽車渡船,另一些目的地則配備了小而快的高速快艇或雙體船。容易暈船的旅客要盡量避免乘坐雙體船,因為當海上波濤洶湧時,雙體船會隨海浪劇烈顛簸,而應該選擇耐波性好的高速船以減少顛簸。另外,選擇上層露天甲板的座位有助於抵御大浪。Wijaya Buyuk提供網上訂票服務,無需前往運營商網點購票。

Wijaya Buyuk 的主站有哪些?

Wijaya Buyuk經營著多條熱門路線的輪渡。Wijaya Buyuk運營的碼頭包括但不限於:

  • 布尤克港
  • 班查爾奴尤港
  • 珀尼達島Wijaya Buyuk
  • 吉利特拉旺安碼頭
  • 吉利特拉旺安港
  • 薩努爾海灘港
  • 吉利埃爾島
  • 吉利特拉旺Wijaya Buyuk
  • 邦沙碼頭
  • 烏布中轉

Wijaya Buyuk 的渡輪等級和價格為何?




  • 乘船是到達一些島嶼的唯一途徑,特別是那些你一直想去的美得像明信片和天堂般的島嶼!
  • 船票種類繁多,你可根據票價、舒適度、旅行時長選擇最適合你的船票。
  • 在線預訂船票可以節省時間 --在許多航線上,提前預訂是絕對有必要的,特別是涉及長途旅行、國家節假日、長週末或旺季等繁忙時期的旅行。如果你要遊覽的地方輪渡班次有限,最好在出發前提前幾天預訂。
  • 坐船旅行讓人愉悅。換個角度--從水上觀看你曾經遊覽過的地方會非常有趣。實際上,絕大多數景點從船上看上去都很美,你還有機會拍到精美絕倫的照片。


  • 暈船是輪渡旅客最關心的問題。離岸越遠,海浪越洶湧,就越可能暈船。為了讓你的旅行更加愉快,請參考我們上面的建議,在出發前半小時服藥。
  • 輪渡高度依賴天氣。如遇下雨,行程可能延誤甚至取消。即便是大島間的輪渡也會因暴風雨而關閉數日,這是常有的事。需要注意的是,如果你需要搭乘輪渡換乘飛機,有時候輪渡延遲到岸的機率可能會很高。

Wijaya Buyuk 停靠站

Wijaya Buyuk 公司評價

渡輪 快艇, Wijaya Buyuk, 2023年12月6日
Everything okay. But it was so warm and they didn’t start the ac. So i think you shouldn’t advertise this.
渡輪 快艇, Wijaya Buyuk, 2023年8月16日
Tàu xuất phát muộn 20 phút và đến muộn 45 phút so với giờ trên web. Trên tàu dù đã có điều hòa nhưng vẫn nóng 🥵, ghế ngồi khá chật.
渡輪 快艇, Wijaya Buyuk, 2022年9月22日
Boat was late, way too hot inside, too many people and overall very oncomfortabel
渡輪 快艇, Wijaya Buyuk, 2022年8月5日
servizio perfetto, tutte le persone gentili e disponibili
渡輪 快艇, Wijaya Buyuk, 2024年4月29日
The trip took two hours more than planned. It seems like they put two boats in one at some stop and last hour we were in the very crowded space
渡輪 快艇, Wijaya Buyuk, 2024年4月28日
I paid more money to secure the 3hr 10 min journey from Gili Air to Sanur where I could have taken a cheaper boat because the delay was over 1 hour as we needed to stop in Nusa Penida to refuel and the Captain had 45 mins to get himself sorted for snack and decided to do it right when we were leaving causing a further delay which caused the over an hour schedule. Overall the journey was 4hr 15mins. No aircon as advertised and the seats had metal springs pointed poking out which nearly tore my shorts! We had a good sunny day so the journey wasn’t too nauseating but I still had to take medication and breathe deeply so I suggest you sit at the back of the boat and next to the window, ideally have a fan too. You will also be charged 20k for harbour tax which is not part of the ticket price…I struggled to pay the ticket for Mastercard and visa x 2. Had to wait till morning to try again. Support line had too long of a response time.
渡輪 快艇, Wijaya Buyuk, 2024年3月31日
We left an hour late but I expected it so that was alright. It was sad to see the guys making many trips carrying all of our bags in the hot sun from the waiting area to the boat. I think most people wouldn’t mind carrying their own bag.
渡輪 快艇, Wijaya Buyuk, 2024年3月21日
I think maybe we had a calm day because this trip was completely smooth sailing for us. We sat up top just behind the captain and had a beer and a boogy to the music. Thank you for ride 😀
渡輪 快艇, Wijaya Buyuk, 2024年1月14日
Didn’t receive the ticket to board our transfer.
渡輪 快艇, Wijaya Buyuk, 2023年12月24日
In general it was fine, they came and arrived on time more or less. But they didn’t turn on the AC and said it’s broken. Also the boat was jumping so much on the waves, that even I stayed with nausea, which never happens 😃
渡輪 快艇, Wijaya Buyuk, 2023年12月20日
The Ferry stops at Nusa Penida for an hour and Gili T and Gili A before arriving at Bangsal. Can not recommend for going to Lombok
渡輪 快艇, Wijaya Buyuk, 2023年12月17日
渡輪 快艇, Wijaya Buyuk, 2023年12月2日
Very disorganized to get into and out of the boat!
渡輪 快艇, Wijaya Buyuk, 2023年11月22日
Great experience! Very comfortable boat!
渡輪 快艇, Wijaya Buyuk, 2023年11月15日
I sent them this message yesterday and got no reply yet: Good afternoon, The boat I was on today from Sanur to Lombok 07:55-12:00 was delayed by over 80 minutes and passengers were not notified of this planned delay (1.5hr waiting at Nusa Penida). I would like compensation for this. I paid 360k IDR to ride with Wijaya Buyuk because it was advertised at 4hrs rather than the 4.75 or 5hrs of cheaper options (300k IDR). I paid 17% more to travel with Wijaya only you get there later than the cheaper alternative and with bo warning or apology. Thank you Alex
渡輪 快艇, Wijaya Buyuk, 2023年10月30日
It was bumpy but there is nothing you can do about it. Also I had a Surfboard and there was no problem. Overall very good but the boat seems a bit older so only 4 Stars. But price was fair.
渡輪 快艇, Wijaya Buyuk, 2023年10月19日
The boat ride was very smooth! No need to be scared, we read lots of bad rewievs before so we were dreading the trip bit there was no issue at all. The boats are a bit late and they leave aproximatly one hour after schedualed time, but other than that it was smooth sailing!
渡輪 快艇, Wijaya Buyuk, 2023年10月14日
The staff made a very good job. It is a Ferry of the smaller category, but is big enough to drive pretty comfortable through the partially rough sea. However, there was a significant difference in the proposed arrival time as per 12go website to the realistic one. The ferry made a few stops (Gili Air, Lombok, Nusa Penida) and the last one included a break time of 45 minutes. The proposed arrival time was 15:30. We arrived at 17:00. Even when asking the crew during the break about the big difference in arrival time they only told us that it is not their fault but the website owner respectively online selling service as they would state wrong arrival times. A general delay can always happen. But to deliberately advertise an incorrect arrival time, even though this can in no way be adhered to, is a no-go for us! The source of the false information should be identified and the arrival time corrected in the booking online tool asap! Otherwise, it is only to attract customers with a supposedly shorter crossing time, which is actually the same, if not longer, than that of the competitors.
渡輪 快艇, Wijaya Buyuk, 2023年10月10日
The tour was pretty exhausting. The ferry was meant to start at 12:55. We actually started at 13:30. Before the start we had to pay an extra harbour tax. This was also written on the booking confirmation, so everything’s fine. But it took us another 20 minutes for the whole group and could be organized a better way. As we started, the staff told us we will first go to Nusa Penida before going to Sanur. We were annoyed because there was no communication about this ain’t advance. As we arrived at Nusa Penida, the staff told us they just had to fill the tank which would take another 20 minutes for us to wait. As it was filled we thought we would start now. But unfortunately they started to fill up the seats again with more people. This took us another 20 minutes. We couldn’t understand why they didn’t do this during filling up the tank. Then we finally started with an overloaded ferry - two people didn’t even have seats and had to sit on the stairs. We then arrived more than an hour later at sanur. The whole trip has just been so annoying and a better communication would be desirable.
渡輪 快艇, Wijaya Buyuk, 2023年10月7日
I read many bad comments about this company and i was very afraid of sailing with them. Finally everything was fine. However, the schedule un 12go isn't okey
渡輪 快艇, Wijaya Buyuk, 2023年10月4日
I don't think it was technically late, but the schedule on 12go was different to what they told me when I arrived at the pier. It was due to go at 9.55 but when I arrived I asked if it was running on time and they told me, yes it's running on time so they will be leaving at 10.40... Otherwise it was very well organised and the departure and arrival times they gave me when I was at the counter at harbour were accurate.
渡輪 快艇, Wijaya Buyuk, 2023年9月23日
The organization was ok, but water leaked into the boat and it went way too fast.
渡輪 快艇, Wijaya Buyuk, 2023年9月20日
Actual departure time is 10.40. The check-in is at one port, but the boat departs from another which doesn’t make sense - wasting a lot of time. The boat ride was comfortable.
渡輪 快艇, Wijaya Buyuk, 2023年9月19日
Our ticket was from bangsal to Sanur but because the boat was delayed, we changed destination to Padang bai and from there we got free shuttle till Jimbaran, but it was more than 3 hour drive because someone else had to stop in Kuta..
渡輪 快艇, Wijaya Buyuk, 2023年9月17日
1hour late to leave from nusa penida + 40min to fix the engine.
渡輪 快艇, Wijaya Buyuk, 2023年9月16日
A well-organized company, especially when it comes to baggage transfers. However, there was no air-conditioning on the boat during the crossing and there was a slight delay on departure and arrival.
渡輪 快艇, Wijaya Buyuk, 2023年9月8日
40 minutes late, but we arrived at Gili with all the suitcases. No A/C, just windows opened, and with some water coming in from outside through the windows or the walls... Ask about the boarding point because in the vouchers appears a different one... Despite all, the trip was not so bad as thought.
渡輪 快艇, Wijaya Buyuk, 2023年9月7日
One of the crew members threatened us with not getting into the boat if we didn’t pay the guy that brought us to the harbour. We payed him already and they made us pay twice because if not we weren’t allowed inside! Moreover, most of the passengers, like me, got sick during the trip. The AC didn’t work and it was extremely hot inside, which didn’t help at all. Also some water was getting inside the boat through the windows and got our backpacks wet… the only good thing about the trip is one lady of the crew who was super helpful and nice to everyone.
渡輪 快艇, Wijaya Buyuk, 2023年9月7日
We had a good trip to Gili T with Wijaya buyuk. We could leave our luggage at the harbour and they put it in the boat. We got the tickets without any problems. And bc we were to early at the harbour we ate excelent brunch at the Kuldesak beach bar (next to harbour). You can pay one bintang and take a seat upstairs with good (loud) partymusic. We had a fun trip and only a view minutes delate. I can recommend this company
渡輪 快艇, Wijaya Buyuk, 2023年9月6日
Book ticket for 9:50 but they shipped us around 11:00. We had to come to another port to confirm registration, which was inconvenient, because the real port was close to us, so we had to make double trip. It is written that there is AC, but it was not working, so it was hot inside. One good point, that there was places to sit for everyone.
渡輪 快艇, Wijaya Buyuk, 2023年9月5日
Leaves late, had to wait a lot as mentioned previously in the comments. However, boat was fine.
渡輪 快艇, Wijaya Buyuk, 2023年9月2日
We got the boat from nusa Penida to Gili T - very well organised! Journey was smooth and comfortable - easy. The only issue we had was that is said ‘10am’ on our ticket, so of course we arrived an hour early like requested but actually we didn’t even get on the boat til 10:40 and didn’t get to our destination til about 1pm. This is fine if you’ve got nowhere to be! But if you’re on strict time schedules I’d be careful. Overall a good experience!
渡輪 快艇, Wijaya Buyuk, 2023年8月30日
No air conditioner, the travel was so hot.
渡輪 快艇, Wijaya Buyuk, 2023年8月10日
Journey was okay, boat was late on departure and on arrival
渡輪 快艇, Wijaya Buyuk, 2023年8月6日
Took longer than expected
渡輪 快艇, Wijaya Buyuk, 2023年7月23日
Well organized, with the obvious 3/4 hour delay. Apart from that everything went super smooth.
渡輪 快艇, Wijaya Buyuk, 2023年7月20日
The boot didn’t go. We knew th
渡輪 快艇, Wijaya Buyuk, 2023年7月11日
It wasn’t clear where were the checking point and the boarding point, so we almost loose the boat. When we boarded, we waited on the boat 1 hour and we arrived 2 hour later than expected. The trip was ok.
渡輪 快艇, Wijaya Buyuk, 2023年7月2日
Would like to travel straight to Sanur next time instead of stopping at other islands next time, very time consuming. Also the loud music played on the boat was horrible.
渡輪 快艇, Wijaya Buyuk, 2023年6月29日
They changed the boat at Nusa Penida for a smaller one. There were not enough seats for the passengers. The seats were small for a taller man. On the first boat the ACs were too strong, ön the secound boat there were not AC. So that could be the balance.
渡輪 快艇, Wijaya Buyuk, 2023年6月15日
The arrival time was wrong on the ticket by more than an hour. We went to Nusa Penida and waited for an hour for more passengers. This was not stated on the ticket nor mentioned on the ride until at the pier.
渡輪 快艇, Wijaya Buyuk, 2023年6月14日
Started late but arrived before time.
渡輪 快艇, Wijaya Buyuk, 2023年6月7日
Very slow and delayed but staff good. Too many people on half and not enough seats for everyone.
渡輪 快艇, Wijaya Buyuk, 2023年5月28日
Great ! On Time at the arrival harbour
渡輪 快艇, Wijaya Buyuk, 2023年5月15日
The goat actually leaves from another harbor, so you have to walk and go on the back of a pick up truck with your luggage. It takes 20 minutes to go to the other harbor. I guess we were too late so we left at 10.40 instead of 10.00. Also because of the wait in Gili T and Gili A, I arrived in Lombok 2 hours later than what I was supposed to. The boat was comfortable though
渡輪 快艇, Wijaya Buyuk, 2023年5月10日
The boat is small and overfilled with people. No AC, multiple long stops on other islands, super hot, outside you'll get super wet. The water even gets inside. Worst ferry I ever had.
渡輪 快艇, Wijaya Buyuk, 2023年5月4日
Boat came more than one hour later, when entering there was only space upstairs. The music was so loud upstairs that you could feel it in your chest and ears were painful. They were punching people to buy beers and other drinks and didn’t want to lower the music down after several complains.
渡輪 快艇, Wijaya Buyuk, 2023年5月1日
Nice big boat. Had many stops to Gili Islands. Top deck was a party deck with loud music and drinks. You had to buy drinks if you wanted to sit at the top. Really great vibe going to the islands. Service was good on the boat. Left little late and arrived about 40min late at Gili Air but didnt mind that. Boat ride was quite smooth, we sat at the back with the baby.
渡輪 快艇, Wijaya Buyuk, 2023年4月27日
The trip was overall very comfortable, with new boat and helpful staff. We left a bit later than scheduled, but nothing dramatic and also that's something very normal to happen when travelling to the islands, given dependency on sea conditions. Most importantly, the boat felt very safe.
渡輪 快艇, Wijaya Buyuk, 2023年4月27日
Second time travelling with Wijaya and had good experiences on both times. This time we even boarded in advance, boats are new and staff is helpful.