Sapa Ethnic Travel

204 則顧客評價
  • 關於營運商
  • 熱門路線
  • 車站
  • 則評論
  • 行程表及時間表

關於 Sapa Ethnic Travel

大巴因其價格實惠、時間靈活、車站遍布全國而便於旅客安排行程。對預算有限和想旅行舒適的人來說,大巴是很好的選擇。Sapa Ethnic Travel提供網上訂票服務。在訂票前,請參閱其他旅客的評論並選擇最佳方案。

Sapa Ethnic Travel 的主站有哪些?

Sapa Ethnic Travel運營往返於以下車站的大巴:

  • 吉婆島 SET
  • 下龍SET
  • 河江SET
  • Tbus 寧平
  • 河內辦公室
  • 坦姆科克換乘
  • 薩帕
  • 沙壩SET
  • 河內內排機場
  • 木倉柴汽車站
  • 諾伊拜國內機場
  • 諾伊拜國際機場
  • 河江辦公室SSB
  • Hai Phong SET
  • 國際航站樓T2
  • 河江旅舍
  • 美亭辦公室
  • 廣寧三菱
  • 內排機場國內航站樓T1
  • 河江明開坊60號
  • 白齋汽車站
  • 奠邊府SSB
  • 薩帕
  • 百洲汽車站
  • 團結辦公室
  • 北河汽車站
  • 寧平SET
  • 老街沙壩
  • 海防陽京越南國家石油集團

Sapa Ethnic Travel 的巴士等級和價格為何?




  • 大巴覆蓋的目的地範圍最廣,可以到達飛機和火車不能企及的地方。
  • 大巴出行方便-不用提前很多時間到達車站,和飛機相比檢票手續也相當快捷
  • 大巴價格實惠。當然也有價格昂貴的一等大巴或者VIP大巴。不過對於預算有限的人而言,大巴是旅行的首選。
  • 此外,大巴多層次的服務可以滿足不各種預算的需求。即便你追求高度的舒適感,大巴也能滿足你的需求。


  • 城際大巴車站可能設在遠離市中心的郊區,因而需要考慮到車站所需的時間和費用。有時候從車站到達目的地的費用可能比你預想的要高很多,因為僅有少數巴士公司運營這些線路而價格偏高。
  • 在繁忙的週末或者旅遊旺季,車票可能會很快售罄因而需要提前預訂。
  • 儘管大巴不像輪渡那樣依賴天氣,但要注意的是在某些季節或者某些地方,大巴也會因惡劣天氣或者道路情況有所延誤或者取消。

Sapa Ethnic Travel 熱門路線

薩帕 - Thai Nguyen
06:30, 10:30
薩帕 - 琅勃拉邦
巴士 Local Bus + Sleeping Bus
18:30, 19:00
巴士 箱型車 + 臥鋪巴士
18:15, 18:40
河內市 - 薩帕
巴士 VIP 20
00:00, 01:00, 07:00, 08:00, 09:00, 10:00, 11:00, 12:00, 13:00, 14:00, 15:00, 16:00, 17:00, 19:00, 20:00, 21:00, 22:00, 23:00
巴士 VIP 22
00:00, 01:00, 07:00, 08:00, 09:00, 10:00, 11:00, 12:00, 13:00, 14:00, 15:00, 16:00, 17:00, 18:00, 19:00, 19:30, 20:00, 21:00, 22:00, 23:00, 23:50
巴士 VIP Luxury 22
00:00, 01:00, 06:20, 07:00, 07:20, 08:00, 08:20, 09:00, 09:20, 10:00, 10:20, 11:00, 11:20, 12:00, 12:20, 13:00, 13:20, 14:00, 14:20, 15:00, 15:20, 16:00, 16:20, 17:00, 17:20, 18:00, 18:50, 19:00, 19:30, 20:00, 21:00, 21:50, 22:00, 22:35, 22:50, 23:00, 23:50
寧平 - 薩帕
巴士 VIP 32
巴士 臥鋪40
巴士 貴賓臥鋪34
19:00, 20:00
巴士 臥艙41
17:00, 18:30
巴士 VIP 34
00:00, 18:30, 19:30, 21:30, 21:50, 22:00
河江 - 海防
巴士 臥艙41
07:00, 18:30
巴士 臥鋪40
06:50, 17:50, 18:40, 19:00
巴士 Tourist Bus + Ferry
18:40, 19:00
老街 - 薩帕
06:30, 06:40
薩帕 - 姆庚寨
09:00, 09:10, 09:30
海防 - 河江
12:00, 12:30, 15:30, 16:00
廣寧 - 薩帕
巴士 臥鋪40
00:00, 06:30, 06:50, 10:30, 11:20, 18:20, 18:30, 19:30, 20:30
巴士 VIP 22
21:00, 22:00
巴士 臥艙41
06:30, 10:20, 18:20, 18:30, 19:20, 22:00
巴士 VIP Luxury 22
20:00, 20:30, 21:00
河內市 - 老街
18:50, 19:00
薩帕 - 山蘿
河江 - 薩帕
巴士 VIP 34
09:00, 09:30, 19:00, 19:30
巴士 貴賓臥鋪34
09:30, 10:00, 19:00, 19:30, 20:00
巴士 VIP 18 快速
06:30, 08:00, 15:00
巴士 VIP 16 快速
06:30, 07:20, 07:50, 08:00, 08:10, 15:00, 16:00
巴士 貴賓臥鋪34
09:30, 10:00, 19:00, 19:30
老街 - 河內市
20:10, 20:30
河江 - 寧平
巴士 VIP 34
20:10, 20:20
巴士 VIP 22
20:00, 20:30
巴士 臥鋪40
巴士 貴賓臥鋪34
09:30, 19:00, 19:30
海防 - 薩帕
巴士 VIP 34
15:30, 15:40, 16:00, 16:50, 18:00, 19:00
巴士 Single Cabin
08:00, 08:30, 21:30, 22:00
巴士 臥艙41
09:00, 15:30, 16:00, 17:30, 18:00
巴士 貴賓臥鋪34
18:50, 19:10
巴士 一等座雙層臥鋪
08:00, 08:30, 21:30, 22:00
巴士 貴賓臥鋪34
15:30, 16:00
巴士 經濟41
15:30, 16:00
巴士 VIP 20
08:00, 08:20, 21:30, 22:00
巴士 VIP 32
15:30, 16:00, 16:30, 17:00
薩帕 - 海防
巴士 Tourist Bus + Ferry
07:30, 21:30, 22:00
巴士 VIP 20
12:30, 13:00, 13:20, 21:30, 22:00
巴士 一等座雙層臥鋪
12:30, 13:00, 21:30, 22:00
巴士 Sleeper 41 Express
20:30, 21:00, 21:30
巴士 臥艙41
07:30, 15:30, 21:00, 21:30, 21:40
巴士 貴賓臥鋪34
12:10, 20:30, 21:00, 22:00
巴士 箱型車 + 臥鋪巴士
21:30, 22:00
巴士 VIP 34
11:30, 21:00, 21:30, 22:00
薩帕 - 廣寧
巴士 VIP 22
11:30, 22:00
巴士 臥鋪40
07:20, 10:20, 15:30
巴士 箱型車 + 臥鋪巴士
12:30, 13:00
巴士 臥艙41
07:30, 10:30, 15:30, 21:40, 22:10
薩帕 - 河江
巴士 VIP 18 快速
14:00, 14:20
巴士 VIP 16 快速
巴士 VIP 34
09:30, 11:50, 19:00, 19:30
巴士 VIP 14
07:10, 07:30, 15:30
廂型車 貴賓十人座小巴
06:45, 07:00, 08:30, 09:00
巴士 貴賓臥鋪34
19:20, 19:30, 20:00
內排國際機場 - 薩帕
巴士 VIP 20
00:00, 01:00, 07:00, 08:00, 09:00, 10:00, 11:00, 12:00, 13:00, 14:00, 15:00, 16:00, 17:00, 19:00, 20:00, 21:00, 22:00, 23:00
巴士 VIP Luxury 22
00:00, 01:00, 07:00, 08:00, 09:00, 10:00, 11:00, 12:00, 13:00, 14:00, 15:00, 16:00, 17:00, 19:00, 20:00, 21:00, 22:00, 23:00
姆庚寨 - 薩帕
09:30, 10:00
薩帕 - 寧平
巴士 臥鋪40
06:05, 06:20
巴士 貴賓臥鋪34
07:00, 07:30
巴士 經濟41
巴士 VIP 20
巴士 VIP 32
20:28, 20:31
巴士 VIP 34
20:28, 20:30, 20:45, 21:00, 21:30
巴士 Single Cabin
21:00, 21:30
巴士 臥艙41
21:00, 21:20, 21:40, 22:00
巴士 貴賓臥鋪34
16:30, 17:00, 20:30, 20:40
薩帕 - 奠邊
巴士 臥鋪40
18:30, 19:10, 19:30
巴士 30 seat
08:00, 09:30
廣寧 - 河江
19:40, 20:00
薩帕 - 老街
廂型車 15人座小巴
13:00, 13:20
巴士 快速、直達
河江 - 廣寧
巴士 臥艙41
18:30, 18:40
巴士 臥鋪40
奠邊 - 薩帕
17:30, 18:00
薩帕 - 豐沙里縣
18:20, 19:00
寧平 - 河江
19:00, 20:00
薩帕 - Bac Ninh
巴士 臥艙41
巴士 Sleeper 41 Express
薩帕 - 河內市
巴士 VIP 20
06:00, 06:50, 07:00, 07:50, 08:00, 08:50, 09:00, 09:50, 10:00, 10:50, 11:00, 11:20, 11:30, 12:30, 13:00, 13:50, 14:00, 14:20, 14:50, 15:50, 16:00, 16:50, 17:50, 18:00, 19:00, 19:20, 19:30, 21:20, 21:30, 22:00, 22:20, 22:30, 23:00, 23:15
巴士 VIP 34
21:00, 21:30, 22:00, 22:30
巴士 VIP Luxury 22
05:50, 06:00, 06:50, 07:00, 07:50, 08:00, 08:50, 09:00, 09:50, 10:00, 10:50, 11:00, 11:30, 11:50, 12:30, 12:50, 13:00, 13:50, 14:00, 14:50, 15:50, 16:00, 16:50, 17:50, 18:00, 18:50, 19:20, 19:30, 20:20, 21:20, 21:30, 22:20, 22:30, 22:50, 23:10, 23:15
5月16日 週四
NaN 乘客

Sapa Ethnic Travel 行程表及時間表

VIP 20老街沙壩河內辦公室23:1505:156h 0m
VIP 20老街沙壩河內辦公室23:0005:206h 20m
VIP 20老街沙壩河內辦公室22:2004:406h 20m
VIP 20老街沙壩河內辦公室22:0004:006h 0m
VIP 20老街沙壩河內辦公室21:3003:306h 0m
VIP 20老街沙壩河內辦公室21:2003:406h 20m
VIP 20老街沙壩河內辦公室19:2001:406h 20m
VIP 20老街沙壩河內辦公室19:0001:006h 0m
VIP 20老街沙壩河內辦公室18:0000:006h 0m
VIP 20老街沙壩河內辦公室17:5000:106h 20m
VIP 20老街沙壩河內辦公室16:5023:106h 20m
VIP 20老街沙壩河內辦公室16:0022:006h 0m
VIP 20老街沙壩河內辦公室15:5022:106h 20m
VIP 20老街沙壩河內辦公室14:5021:106h 20m
VIP 20老街沙壩河內辦公室14:0020:006h 0m
VIP 20老街沙壩河內辦公室13:5020:106h 20m
VIP 20老街沙壩河內辦公室13:0019:006h 0m
VIP 20老街沙壩河內辦公室12:3018:506h 20m
VIP 20老街沙壩河內辦公室11:2017:406h 20m
VIP 20老街沙壩河內辦公室11:0017:006h 0m
VIP 20老街沙壩河內辦公室10:5017:106h 20m
VIP 20老街沙壩河內辦公室10:0016:006h 0m
VIP 20老街沙壩河內辦公室09:5016:106h 20m
VIP 20老街沙壩河內辦公室09:0015:006h 0m
VIP 20老街沙壩河內辦公室08:5015:106h 20m
VIP 20老街沙壩河內辦公室08:0014:006h 0m
VIP 20老街沙壩河內辦公室07:5014:106h 20m
VIP 20老街沙壩河內辦公室07:0013:006h 0m
VIP 20老街沙壩河內辦公室06:5013:106h 20m
VIP Luxury 22諾伊拜國際機場薩帕市場23:0004:005h 0m

Sapa Ethnic Travel 停靠站

吉婆島 SET下龍SET河江SETTbus 寧平河內辦公室坦姆科克換乘薩帕沙壩SET河內內排機場木倉柴汽車站諾伊拜國內機場諾伊拜國際機場河江辦公室SSBHai Phong SET國際航站樓T2河江旅舍美亭辦公室廣寧三菱內排機場國內航站樓T1河江明開坊60號白齋汽車站奠邊府SSB薩帕百洲汽車站團結辦公室北河汽車站寧平SET老街沙壩海防陽京越南國家石油集團

Sapa Ethnic Travel 公司評價

司机技术不太好,经常突然动作,每隔一分钟就按喇叭。这并没有让我们好好休息。 USB 不工作。另一方面,巴士准时出发(甚至在准确的时间等我们),我们比预期提前了 45 分钟到达河内。
巴士 VIP 20, Sapa Ethnic Travel, 2023年11月8日
长途旅行,糟糕的司机,糟糕的道路,停下来买不需要的东西。pdf 上写的地址不对。我们找了很久才找到巴士,问了不同的人和司机。我试图拨打联系电话,但没人接听……
巴士 VIP 16 快速, Sapa Ethnic Travel, 2023年10月17日
巴士超额预订,另外 2 个人需要支付额外费用。他们不得不坐在地板上,接送站不是接送站。我们需要再步行 7 分钟才能到达巴士出发的市场。
巴士 VIP 16 快速, Sapa Ethnic Travel, 2023年9月21日
巴士 VIP 22, Sapa Ethnic Travel, 2023年9月16日
everything was at high level, as expected.
巴士 VIP 20, Sapa Ethnic Travel, 2024年5月8日
The Saoviet travel bus was pretty nice and clean. The driver and the others helping facilitate the ride not so much. Grumpy and rude. Except for the ticket lady, she was nice. Would recommend a different bus company.
巴士 VIP Luxury 22, Sapa Ethnic Travel, 2024年5月6日
Our trip was fantastic! Even if we got late because of the delay of the airplane, the driver was waiting for us. Very comfortable trip, the bus was clean, great experience!
巴士 VIP Luxury 22, Sapa Ethnic Travel, 2024年5月5日
A lot of stops during the trip, in which the pilot turned off the engine and then the AC. Imposing the people to go down and enter to vairous shops.
巴士 臥鋪40, Sapa Ethnic Travel, 2024年4月28日
Got booked on a different bus without telling us. The Bus stopped at a horrible toilet.
巴士 VIP 14, Sapa Ethnic Travel, 2024年4月26日
The ride to Sapa from Hanoi went well, but the location of the bus pickup point was not clearly described. Even after I contacted the 12Go office, I was not told clearly where to meet the bus. This disaster was only narrowly avoided because the bus arrived late.
巴士 VIP Luxury 22, Sapa Ethnic Travel, 2024年4月12日
Very good experience overall in a VIP cabin. Everything went smoothly, although actual pickup point was not where it was written, people there were aware of us and took care of transporting us there (without any additional fee)
巴士 VIP 22, Sapa Ethnic Travel, 2024年4月9日
Great company and I would definitely use again
巴士 VIP 22, Sapa Ethnic Travel, 2024年4月5日
Our route was supposed to be sapa 18:30 - Luang Prabang 18:30 the next day. Which didn’t differ too much from actualities. We were told the bus would be at 19:00 earlier in the day (we can only assume the 18:30&19:00 departure buses are the same) We left Sapa at 19:30 on a sleeper coach (no toilets). We then stopped in Lai Chau at 22:30 for 40 mins. Got to Dien Bien Phu bus station at 04:30. Got into a local yellow Luang Prabang bus (no toilets either) that didn’t leave until 07:15. We arrived at the Vietnam border at 08:40 and were through in 20 minutes. If you had any Vietnamese Dong left over they could change it to Lao Kip for you. Arrived at Lao immigration 10 minutes after this and we were through in 30 mins. We had our passports stamped in Hanoi already. (US$1 each as we didn’t have any Kip for stamp duty otherwise it was 10,000 Kip each) We had a lunch stop at Pak Nam Nov at 12:00. Arrived in Luang Prabang at 19:30 with no more official stops, just stops for delivering parcels.
巴士 Local Bus + Sleeping Bus, Sapa Ethnic Travel, 2024年4月2日
I arrived on time at the airport, the bus wasn't at the bus stop, so I called the number of the service provider. They told me to wait and they would send someone to pick me up. I waited for 30min then called again, was told to wait again. 1h later still noone, asked again no answer.... I just got asked where I'm at, same place for 1,5 hours without moving (I sent them pictures so did they, it was the same spot 1F 17 ) 2,5 hours later at 2:45 I was told the bus was already really far away and they would pick me up at 7. I asked what I am supposed to do now, no answer..... I ended up spending the night waiting. Overall great experience
巴士 VIP Luxury 22, Sapa Ethnic Travel, 2024年3月29日
The booking was prerry easy and straight forward. We was urgently booking the earliest possible bus. We got confirmation within 5 min. We arrived at the pickup point an hour later and they were able to put us on an earlier bus which was the best
巴士 VIP Luxury 22, Sapa Ethnic Travel, 2024年3月24日
One of the best transport/travel i had in my life. Own cabin!! On the bus!! Meaning own bed!! Brand new everything usb type3 as well as regular charger in your bed/cabin. You can close windows fully and comfortably sleep. Nice clean WC on the bus... better travelling then in Europe 100%.. 7 stars
巴士 VIP Luxury 22, Sapa Ethnic Travel, 2024年3月23日
The bus was not so clean.
巴士 VIP Luxury 22, Sapa Ethnic Travel, 2024年3月23日
I was nervous to take this bus considering some people's reviews but it was actually a very smooth pain free process. The bus did leave about 45 minutes late but still arrived on time with no issues. The beds were curtained and have a USB port and a blanket. Just like all busses I've taken in Vietnam there were a few stops along the way to pick up and drop off things but I don't find this to be out of the usual. There was 2 stops throughout the journey for bathroom breaks and in the morning one of the workers went around and asked where people were staying so that you can be dropped off nearby (eg at Buffalo hostel which is like 10 minutes from the main stop in town). Bus goes on the ferry so you go all the way to the island without having to transfer at any point.
巴士 VIP 34, Sapa Ethnic Travel, 2024年3月22日
Fantastic coach, clean and comfortable, great wifi, only thing that let it down was couldn’t find the meeting point at Hanoi airport as email information just said the airport, I managed to message them and they came and got me from a spot which they sent me a photo of.
巴士 VIP Luxury 22, Sapa Ethnic Travel, 2024年3月22日
The bus was supposed to leave at 21:30, but we already left at 20:56.. We were happy we arrived early. There was a second stop were people got on & they overbooked the bus.. 4 tourists had to lay in de aisle on the ground for a 8 hour trip, instead of the VIP sleeper they booked. Really poor service as well, no body that spoke english and very agressive/irritated men.
巴士 VIP 34, Sapa Ethnic Travel, 2024年3月19日
Booked 2210 bus, but was put on the 2130. Luckily my hotel was close... Wouldn't have known otherwise... Not sure if i just got moved, times are old or what was going on. Might be just specific to the check-in agent in sapa. Otherwise trip itself was okay.
巴士 臥艙41, Sapa Ethnic Travel, 2024年3月18日
Best Bus ride so far! The bus was so comfortable
巴士 VIP 20, Sapa Ethnic Travel, 2024年3月18日
The trip was completely fine: we left and arrived on time, stopped often enough for food and toilet breaks. Some seets were a bit broken, but all in all clean and comfortable!
巴士 VIP 16 快速, Sapa Ethnic Travel, 2024年3月17日
very clean and new bus, driver wasn‘t driving like madman this time m. Was a good ride
巴士 VIP 34, Sapa Ethnic Travel, 2024年3月16日
My 1st experienced to Sapa by Sleeper Bus was great. Pick up at airport and depart on time.Staff at office also helpful.The driver also drive carefully. Though driver only speak Vietnam and left us blank during stop over , but it is still ok. TV no signal but i dont watch tv as it will make me sick. I read some review by others with bad experience ..but hey..u will never know..u might be lucky . 🥰
巴士 VIP Luxury 22, Sapa Ethnic Travel, 2024年3月16日
We got a pdf file via email with coordinates to pick us up. We waited 2,5h overtime but the bus do not stay there. We had to communicate via WhatsApp, but this person needs to much time for answering and we thought we will miss our bus. At least the office send us a taxi (they only write they will send us a car) and we got the bus which was a ready on the way to sapa. This was a really bad experience but not every night bus is like this. You should book the bus over hostel.
巴士 貴賓臥鋪34, Sapa Ethnic Travel, 2024年3月8日
Pick up and drop off times were COMPLETELY wrong from Ha Giang to Halong Bay. Pick up was one and a half hour later. Drop off was supposed to be at 23:30 but we arrived at 4:00AM.
巴士 臥艙41, Sapa Ethnic Travel, 2024年3月7日
Great, after à difficult meeting point finding. A simple phonecall to the driver and they came back to pick us us. Then the VIP luxury bus was super. Very clean, large seats/ bed.
巴士 VIP Luxury 22, Sapa Ethnic Travel, 2024年3月4日
Overall good experience. I received the cabins this time which were very comfortable and private. Only points off due to going to a slightly different drop off location.
巴士 臥艙41, Sapa Ethnic Travel, 2024年2月25日
Seats are comfortable and had usb charging ports and the driver gave us bottled water and soft blankets. However, the bus stopped so many times over the trip to pick up and drop off locals and so, was over capacity by about 10 people and babies lying on the floor in the aisle. Still a great cheap option to get from A to B but dont expect VIP :)
巴士 臥艙41, Sapa Ethnic Travel, 2024年2月22日
It's very comfortable bus sleeper.. i am bit confused about the pick up place, the map location was totally different. You should WA the operator, so they can give you the right direction. The driver was so kind n helpful...
巴士 VIP Luxury 22, Sapa Ethnic Travel, 2024年2月18日
We were super apprehensive about booking because of the reviews but it was actually decent- seats were narrow but if you put your luggage in the compartment below you’ll be fine. Our bus had Wifi and we stopped 3x for toilet/ food breaks (remember to take change with you as they charge for entry at the toilets)
巴士 臥艙41, Sapa Ethnic Travel, 2024年2月8日
several hours late. Stopped before Hanoi to transfer us via "shuttle bus" which were infact three small cars in which the people barely fit.
巴士 VIP 20, Sapa Ethnic Travel, 2024年2月7日
Bus was late. We booked a VIP bus but were shifted to a "normal" one.
巴士 Single Cabin, Sapa Ethnic Travel, 2024年2月4日
We booked the VIP20 bus which was super comfortable and had a toilet & WiFi. You can adjust the seats automatic but the first 5 hours, that didn’t work. At one point we were transferred to another bus, which was not a VIP bus. The bus wasn’t even cleaned up, used blankets everywhere, really cold and not comfortable at all. We had to wait almost 2 hours until this bus finally left.
巴士 VIP 20, Sapa Ethnic Travel, 2024年2月4日
First of all, tks of this services.. we safely arrived Sapa on time.. The only suggestion.. for Vietnamese especially bus, taxi driver, pls be polite in manner.
巴士 VIP 22, Sapa Ethnic Travel, 2024年1月24日
Everything was great. The bus, the schedule everything was as said, even web arrived a bit earlier than planned. The only to improve IS the information about the pick Up point. You are just informmed that the meeting point is Noi Bai Domestic Airport, nothing else ando only 50 minutes before departure i received a WhatsApp with a picture off where i would be to get on the bus. It wasnt enough information, fortunately some people in the airport help me Up with this and could be there on time
巴士 VIP Luxury 22, Sapa Ethnic Travel, 2024年1月22日
Other than having to figure out the exact bus meeting point, staff were responsive to messages and we made it to the bus. Ride was good, clean and comfortable.
巴士 VIP Luxury 22, Sapa Ethnic Travel, 2024年1月13日
The toilet was dirty and smelly. We were seated close to the toilet and it was an awful trip, every time someone would open the toilet door there would be an horrible smell for a lot of time. We took the same company to get to Sa Pa and was ok, but to go back to Hanoi the bus was older and there wasn’t WiFi. Plus they drive like crazy, it’s really hard to sleep
巴士 VIP 20, Sapa Ethnic Travel, 2024年1月2日
Everything in time, Bus was really comfortable
巴士 VIP 20, Sapa Ethnic Travel, 2024年1月2日
Very nice sleeper bus. Free WiFi and free water. You can go to the toilet. We had one stop to get some lunch. Good experience
巴士 VIP Luxury 22, Sapa Ethnic Travel, 2023年12月25日
Screens not working, nobody speaks english and we waited 50min without knowing whats going on.
巴士 VIP 16 快速, Sapa Ethnic Travel, 2023年12月18日
We had a stop midway. The bus was clean and comfortable. Free water bottle. They moved some of us to different bus which was okay and other bus was also clean.
巴士 VIP 20, Sapa Ethnic Travel, 2023年12月10日
Its ok but information could b
巴士 VIP 20, Sapa Ethnic Travel, 2023年12月10日
On thé ticket thé départure was at 8 pm We arrived at thé bus station they Said now it s 10 pm. After We had a problèm with thé bus We had to change thé bus but they were speed an other bus came take us in mess than 1 our
巴士 VIP 34, Sapa Ethnic Travel, 2023年12月7日
Left 45min late from Sapa. I booked with Sapa ethnic travel but it was operated by SaoViet. The bus was comfy (VIP cabin) but broke down on the highway about 1h before reaching Hanoi. The crew didn’t speak English and couldn’t update us on what was happening. Got pieces of info here and there but not much. After 45min another bus picked us up and we had to share cabins as that bus was already occupied. Eventually arrived at Hanoi 2.5h late. I asked for a financial compensation but so far no feedback.
巴士 VIP 20, Sapa Ethnic Travel, 2023年12月3日
Average experience, everything was okay nothing seriously negative. Sleeping cabin was clean and comfortable with AC, lights and USB power ports. Although the driver was late but that was not controllable by the driver as it was severe traffic approaching SAPA and had also made 4 drop offs and pick ups for other customers along the way.
巴士 VIP 22, Sapa Ethnic Travel, 2023年12月2日
It was so small, full of people even in the corridor. The stops wasn’t advertised. You have your own seat to sleep confy.
巴士 Tourist Bus + Ferry, Sapa Ethnic Travel, 2023年12月2日
It was a nice exprrience, the bus was good, and the stuff nice. Ot went all ok.
巴士 VIP 20, Sapa Ethnic Travel, 2023年12月1日
The driver was driving very fast and honking constantly. This made the ride very uncomfortable. Despite having bought a ticket to Ha Giang center, we were dropped off at the bus stop 2-3 km south of the center. As a result, we still had to pay for a cab to Ha Giang. The excuse was that the police did not allow driving into town. However, we saw other tour buses entering the city without any problems. Rather, the bus operator seemed to us to cooperate with the cab drivers. Moreover, the driver was not polite, let alone helpful. We avoid Sapa Ethnic and Ket Doan Travel from now on and resolutely choose another operator such as Daiichi Group who put the comfort of travelers first.
巴士 VIP 34, Sapa Ethnic Travel, 2023年11月9日
204 旅客中有77.9%的比例對 Sapa Ethnic Travel 感到滿意,因為他們留下正面評價或無評價。