Sapa Discovery Travel

165 則顧客評價
  • 關於營運商
  • 熱門路線
  • 車站
  • 則評論
  • 行程表及時間表

關於 Sapa Discovery Travel

大巴因其價格實惠、時間靈活、車站遍布全國而便於旅客安排行程。對預算有限和想旅行舒適的人來說,大巴是很好的選擇。Sapa Discovery Travel提供網上訂票服務。在訂票前,請參閱其他旅客的評論並選擇最佳方案。

Sapa Discovery Travel 的主站有哪些?

Sapa Discovery Travel運營往返於以下車站的大巴:

  • 陳甲陳338號
  • 老街54號
  • SDT 順化辦公室
  • 吉婆鎮
  • Meo Vac Bus Station
  • SDT 河江辦公室
  • 龍餐廳
  • 豐芽背包客旅舍
  • 惠江街132號
  • 河江簡易別墅
  • SDT 會安辦公室
  • SDT 河內辦公室
  • 廣寧豐田
  • 薩帕Discovery Travel 河內辦公室
  • 清化255號
  • 池畔別墅
  • 安陽旺街525號
  • 鹽行街20號
  • SDT豐芽辦公室
  • 阮友歡街70號
  • 阮聰煥街73號
  • 稻叻咖啡
  • 峴港機場
  • SDT寧平辦公室
  • 峴港 OPENBUS
  • 團洲下龍Happy Travel
  • 範五老街229號
  • 薩帕花園小舍
  • 裴氏春32號
  • 90 Hoang Thi Loan
  • 河内内排机场
  • 團洲港
  • 河江旅舍
  • 土莫27號
  • SDT 峴港辦公室
  • 明勇酒店
  • 孫德勝街103號
  • 陳光開街78號
  • 豐芽中心背包客青年旅館
  • 杜顯清街1號
  • 河江簡易別墅
  • 奠邊府汽車站
  • 團洲Ong Bau咖啡廳
  • 河內機場
  • 普隆度假酒店
  • 團洲港
  • 阮惠街2號
  • 龍餐廳
  • 同文汽車站
  • 吉婆島換乘
  • 高平車庫42號
  • 陳光開街160 號
  • SDT芽莊辦公室
  • 麥洲日出村酒店
  • 嘉吉龍酒店
  • 林黃街2號
  • 金蘭國內航站樓
  • SDE 河內老城
  • 蘇永面街37號
  • 奠邊府100A
  • 黃氏鸞街96號
  • 邦江酒店
  • 11 KQH Hoang Dieu
  • 下龍精品酒店
  • 會安
  • 豐芽中城酒店
  • 太陽花酒店
  • SDT 河內辦公室

Sapa Discovery Travel 最熱門的路線有哪些?

Sapa Discovery Travel最受歡迎目的地:

Sapa Discovery Travel 的巴士等級和價格為何?




  • 大巴覆蓋的目的地範圍最廣,可以到達飛機和火車不能企及的地方。
  • 大巴出行方便-不用提前很多時間到達車站,和飛機相比檢票手續也相當快捷
  • 大巴價格實惠。當然也有價格昂貴的一等大巴或者VIP大巴。不過對於預算有限的人而言,大巴是旅行的首選。
  • 此外,大巴多層次的服務可以滿足不各種預算的需求。即便你追求高度的舒適感,大巴也能滿足你的需求。


  • 城際大巴車站可能設在遠離市中心的郊區,因而需要考慮到車站所需的時間和費用。有時候從車站到達目的地的費用可能比你預想的要高很多,因為僅有少數巴士公司運營這些線路而價格偏高。
  • 在繁忙的週末或者旅遊旺季,車票可能會很快售罄因而需要提前預訂。
  • 儘管大巴不像輪渡那樣依賴天氣,但要注意的是在某些季節或者某些地方,大巴也會因惡劣天氣或者道路情況有所延誤或者取消。

Sapa Discovery Travel 熱門路線

高平 - 廣平
巴士 VIP 9 + VIP Cabin 20
巴士 VIP Cabin 20
20:30, 21:00
廣平 - 順化市社
巴士 臥艙
07:45, 23:00
巴士 VIP Cabin 20
15:30, 16:00, 17:00, 23:00
寧平 - 峴港市社
巴士 Local Cabin
17:45, 20:00, 20:30
巴士 VIP Cabin 20
09:00, 18:30, 19:00, 19:30, 19:45, 20:15
巴士 VIP 20 + VIP 9
07:30, 07:45, 08:00, 08:15
巴士 Budget Sleeper
三古 - 薩帕
巴士 Budget Sleeper
廂型車 Van + Bus
08:30, 11:30, 12:30
巴士 Local Cabin
吉婆島 - 薩帕
峴港市社 - 廣平
巴士 VIP Cabin 20
09:30, 17:00
巴士 臥艙
薩帕 - 順化市社
10:30, 21:00
峴港市社 - 胡志明市
三古 - 吉婆島
07:30, 09:30, 13:30
吉婆島 - 寧平
08:00, 12:30, 15:30
河內市 - 老街
06:30, 07:00, 10:00, 12:30, 14:00, 14:30, 15:30, 21:00, 21:30, 22:00, 22:30, 23:00
寧平 - 廣平
巴士 Budget Sleeper
巴士 VIP Cabin 20
08:00, 09:00, 18:45, 19:00, 19:30, 19:45, 20:15, 22:00
巴士 Local Cabin
19:00, 20:30, 22:00
吉婆島 - 河內市
巴士 VIP 18
06:00, 08:30, 12:30, 17:00
巴士 Tourist Bus 33
09:00, 12:30, 16:00
三古 - 河內市
巴士 Local Cabin
廂型車 VIP 9
05:30, 06:30, 07:30, 08:30, 09:00, 09:30, 10:30, 11:30, 12:30, 13:00, 13:30, 14:30, 15:30, 16:30, 17:30
廣平 - 吉婆島
22:30, 23:00
河內市 - 高平
巴士 VIP Cabin 20
巴士 Local Cabin
廂型車 VIP 9
06:15, 11:00, 12:15, 15:15
老街 - 河內市
07:45, 09:15, 10:45, 12:15, 13:15, 13:45, 14:15, 14:45, 15:15, 16:45, 21:45, 23:15, 23:45
會安 - 三古
巴士 Local Cabin
巴士 VIP Cabin 20
16:00, 16:30
巴士 VIP 20 + VIP 9
吉婆島 - 高平
巴士 VIP 9 + VIP 18
08:30, 08:45
巴士 VIP 18 + VIP Cabin 20
16:30, 16:45
會安 - 廣平
巴士 臥艙
巴士 VIP Cabin 20
08:30, 13:45, 16:00, 16:45, 17:00, 17:15
巴士 Local Cabin
19:00, 19:30
廣寧 - 順化市社
廣寧 - 峴港市社
峴港市社 - 芽莊市
巴士 VIP Cabin 20
巴士 Local Cabin
18:30, 19:15
大叻 - 芽莊市
07:30, 09:00, 10:30, 12:30, 13:30, 14:30, 16:00, 17:30
順化市社 - 河內市
巴士 VIP Cabin 20
11:30, 17:00, 17:30, 19:00, 19:30, 19:45, 20:00
巴士 Local Cabin
15:30, 16:00, 17:00
寧平 - 廣寧
廂型車 VIP 9
06:00, 07:00, 08:00, 09:00, 10:00, 11:00, 12:00, 13:00, 14:00, 15:00, 16:00, 17:00, 18:00
巴士 Tourist Bus 33
巴士 VIP 18
高平 - 吉婆島
巴士 VIP 9 + VIP 18
06:30, 06:45
巴士 VIP 18 + VIP Cabin 20
20:30, 20:40
吉婆島 - 峴港市社
巴士 Tourist Bus + Local Cabin
12:30, 15:30
巴士 Tourist Bus + VIP Cabin 20
12:30, 15:30
薩帕 - 河江
巴士 VIP Cabin 20
巴士 Local Cabin
09:30, 20:00
巴士 VIP 13
巴士 VIP 18
08:00, 14:30
芽莊市 - 順化市社
巴士 Local Cabin
巴士 VIP Cabin 20
5月18日 週六
NaN 乘客

Sapa Discovery Travel 行程表及時間表

VIP 9薩帕Discovery Travel 河內辦公室龍餐廳17:3020:002h 30m
VIP 9薩帕Discovery Travel 河內辦公室龍餐廳16:3019:002h 30m
VIP 9薩帕Discovery Travel 河內辦公室龍餐廳12:3015:002h 30m
VIP 9薩帕Discovery Travel 河內辦公室龍餐廳12:0014:302h 30m
VIP 9薩帕Discovery Travel 河內辦公室龍餐廳10:3013:002h 30m
VIP 9薩帕Discovery Travel 河內辦公室龍餐廳10:0012:302h 30m
VIP Cabin 20阮聰煥街73號SDT豐芽辦公室09:3015:306h 0m
VIP Cabin 20SDT 河內辦公室池畔別墅16:0006:0014h 0m
Local Cabin稻叻咖啡龍餐廳17:0005:4512h 45m
VIP Cabin 20SDT 河內辦公室奠邊府100A23:0005:006h 0m
VIP Cabin 20SDT 河內辦公室奠邊府100A22:3004:306h 0m
VIP Cabin 20SDT 河內辦公室奠邊府100A22:0004:006h 0m
VIP Cabin 20SDT 河內辦公室奠邊府100A21:3003:306h 0m
VIP Cabin 20SDT 河內辦公室奠邊府100A21:0003:006h 0m
VIP Cabin 20SDT 河內辦公室奠邊府100A14:3020:306h 0m
VIP Cabin 20SDT 河內辦公室奠邊府100A13:3019:306h 0m
VIP Cabin 20SDT 河內辦公室奠邊府100A10:0016:006h 0m
VIP Cabin 20SDT 河內辦公室奠邊府100A06:3012:306h 0m
VIP 9SDT 河內辦公室團洲下龍Happy Travel18:4520:301h 45m
VIP 9SDT 河內辦公室團洲下龍Happy Travel17:4519:301h 45m
VIP 9SDT 河內辦公室團洲下龍Happy Travel16:4518:301h 45m
VIP 9SDT 河內辦公室團洲下龍Happy Travel15:4517:301h 45m
VIP 9SDT 河內辦公室團洲下龍Happy Travel14:4516:301h 45m
VIP 9SDT 河內辦公室團洲下龍Happy Travel13:4515:301h 45m
VIP 9SDT 河內辦公室團洲下龍Happy Travel13:3015:151h 45m
VIP 9SDT 河內辦公室團洲下龍Happy Travel11:4513:301h 45m
VIP 9SDT 河內辦公室團洲下龍Happy Travel10:4512:301h 45m
VIP 9SDT 河內辦公室團洲下龍Happy Travel09:4511:301h 45m
VIP 9SDT 河內辦公室團洲下龍Happy Travel08:4510:301h 45m
VIP 9SDT 河內辦公室團洲下龍Happy Travel07:4509:301h 45m

Sapa Discovery Travel 停靠站

陳甲陳338號老街54號SDT 順化辦公室吉婆鎮Meo Vac Bus StationSDT 河江辦公室龍餐廳豐芽背包客旅舍惠江街132號河江簡易別墅SDT 會安辦公室SDT 河內辦公室廣寧豐田薩帕Discovery Travel 河內辦公室清化255號池畔別墅安陽旺街525號鹽行街20號SDT豐芽辦公室阮友歡街70號阮聰煥街73號稻叻咖啡峴港機場SDT寧平辦公室峴港 OPENBUS團洲下龍Happy Travel範五老街229號薩帕花園小舍裴氏春32號90 Hoang Thi Loan河内内排机场團洲港河江旅舍土莫27號SDT 峴港辦公室明勇酒店孫德勝街103號陳光開街78號豐芽中心背包客青年旅館杜顯清街1號河江簡易別墅奠邊府汽車站團洲Ong Bau咖啡廳河內機場普隆度假酒店團洲港阮惠街2號龍餐廳同文汽車站吉婆島換乘高平車庫42號陳光開街160 號SDT芽莊辦公室麥洲日出村酒店嘉吉龍酒店林黃街2號金蘭國內航站樓SDE 河內老城蘇永面街37號奠邊府100A黃氏鸞街96號邦江酒店11 KQH Hoang Dieu下龍精品酒店會安豐芽中城酒店太陽花酒店SDT 河內辦公室

Sapa Discovery Travel 公司評價

巴士 VIP Cabin 20, Sapa Discovery Travel, 2023年12月26日
巴士 Local Cabin, Sapa Discovery Travel, 2023年11月10日
巴士 Local Cabin, Sapa Discovery Travel, 2023年11月1日
S :
Pointlessly confusing travel, the bus was 30mins late with no information given to us, also a strap from my bag was ripped off in travel.
巴士 VIP Cabin 20, Sapa Discovery Travel, 2024年5月11日
Bus broke down and I wasn’t told, but when I actually got through to the lady on the helpline she was really helpful. Eventually got there
巴士 VIP Cabin 20, Sapa Discovery Travel, 2024年5月9日
Booked a sleeper bus from Hoi An (6pm) -> Hanoi (8am). It was actually a minivan from Hoi An to Da Nang (everyone was confused when the minivan showed up instead of a sleeper bus), then a bus from Da Nang to Hanoi. The minivan came more than an hour late. We were only informed of the late departure after reaching the pickup point. The sleeper bus itself was very bumpy and had constant honking. Beds were somewhat narrow and short, but otherwise comfortable. Wifi didn't work. We arrived in Hanoi 45min late. Overall, it was bearable if you are relatively small-built, not time-sensitive, good at sleeping with some noise on bumpy rides, not too susceptible to motion sickness, and okay with taking a minivan before the sleeper bus.
巴士 Local Cabin, Sapa Discovery Travel, 2024年5月6日
Staff at pick up point were not helpful at all, I asked when we arrived if we were still due to leave at 10.30am to which the lady said yes. We didn’t end up leaving until 11.30am with no explanation, we kept having to find staff to ask what was happening and being told “soon, soon” On the bus the staff also were not friendly, we were given no tickets and had no idea where we should sit and were ignored completely with no eye contact. My seat did not recline and both mine and my partners usb port did not work. We did however arrive only a little after our given arrival time and the ride was straight forward once we got on.
巴士 VIP Cabin 20, Sapa Discovery Travel, 2024年5月4日
The buses are new and comfortable with good air con and charging points etc, but the bus was over an hour late collecting us from Hué, which it seems is normal in Vietnam. The really irritating thing, and the reason I’m not giving five stars, is that we had to change bus TWICE, which was not scheduled. In fact, the contact person on WhatsApp assured this would not be the case. The first time we changed bus, it was to a similarly good sleeper bus, but a big hassle to be woken up and told that and with bags etc while half asleep. The second time, was to a private car/taxi that took the two of us the final 25km to a phong Nha. We got there in the end, but it’s like Russian Roulette whether they have planned bus changes, which is really disruptive and a big inconvenience
巴士 VIP Cabin 20, Sapa Discovery Travel, 2024年4月26日
One of the best sleeper buses I've been on. The driver was very friendly. Had multiple stops for toilet and snacks. Blankets and sleeping areas were far cleaner compared to other bus providers. Would highly recommend.
巴士 VIP Cabin 20, Sapa Discovery Travel, 2024年4月24日
Way to late
巴士 VIP Cabin 20, Sapa Discovery Travel, 2024年4月23日
The bus came more than an hour to late
巴士 VIP Cabin 20, Sapa Discovery Travel, 2024年4月20日
Was fine, as expected. The usual bright lights during the night but relatively comfy. I’m 5ft8 and can never fully stretch out anyway. At one stop the driver wouldn’t let us back on the bus for 30mins..not sure why but was annoying for those who had got off just for a quick toilet break.
巴士 VIP 20 + VIP 9, Sapa Discovery Travel, 2024年4月15日
Overall the trip was OK, the first leg way a limousine to tam coc which only had me and 1 more passenger After that, I went on the 7:30 pm sleeper from tam coc. Turns out there are later sleepers but I didn't have the option to book them on 12go and also when I asked there if I could switch I was told that I couldnt The sleeper had a very long stop (about 2 hours) Ina gas station about an hour from tam coc, and the people boarded and slept on the aisle so getting in and out was pretty hard and had to walk over them
巴士 Tourist Bus + VIP 20, Sapa Discovery Travel, 2024年4月14日
Left and arrived 20 min late. We had a vip20 sleeper but the driver tried to force us to get in a cabin 2 and 2 together. We said no and ended up having our own cabin - but be aware of this, and just insist to get seperate
巴士 VIP Cabin 20, Sapa Discovery Travel, 2024年4月12日
First things first: we started where we should have, arrived where we should have, both on time, and travelled with the VIP bus that we paid for. Only in between Sapa and Ninh Binh at 2 am we were dropped in the middle of Hanoi for a bus change that arrived 2 hours later. This was not scheduled (or at least not advertised) and the help desk through WhatsApp was basically useless. We just hoped that the second bus would arrive but there were no sign there nor any signal, so it was basically hope for 2 hours.
巴士 VIP Cabin 20, Sapa Discovery Travel, 2024年4月12日
We got the bus from ha giang 9 pm to cat ba (estimated arrival time on the website was 7am) trough Hanoi and got dropped at the office in the middle of the night not knowing when our transfer would be (we couldnt reach anyone). From the first sleeping bus to the next bus to Cat Ba , we waited 4,5 hours. We arrived in Cat Ba around 12pm. The busses were of great quality, but the communication lacked.
巴士 VIP Cabin 20 + VIP 18, Sapa Discovery Travel, 2024年4月11日
Bus exactly as in the picture. Comfy & spacious (for a bus). Would do it again!
巴士 VIP Cabin 20, Sapa Discovery Travel, 2024年4月9日
Didn't expect much, but the end result was positive.
巴士 VIP, Sapa Discovery Travel, 2024年4月2日
We booked the VIP cabin. Bus arrived 1,5 hours later. Bus was overbooked as it arrived it was already full. So 6 person must sit in the middle way. We drove around 30 minutes, then the bus driver wanted that we exit at a gasoline station in the nowhere 20 minutes later a other bus came, but less die class we booked and payed for. No WiFi, dirty seats and a bit less space.
巴士 VIP Cabin 20, Sapa Discovery Travel, 2024年3月30日
It's a long wait but this is lessened when the young people at reception are very cheerful. Additionally, I particularly liked that the room was large with plenty of outlets for charging smartphones. A real congratulations.
巴士 臥艙, Sapa Discovery Travel, 2024年3月24日
The bus was to tam coc We arrived to Ninh Binh and I had to pay extra for a taxi Plus we arrived 1.30 hour early so instead of 6 am it was 5 am So I had to get a hostel because it’s not like I can set in a coffee shop in this hour Plus there was plenty of room on the buttom beds and they said u had to sleep on the top one
巴士 Local Cabin, Sapa Discovery Travel, 2024年3月16日
This trip was so bad and not what we paid for at all. We arrived an hour before the trip started at the Hanoi office, because we wanted everything to go smoothly. An hour later a random man came and picked us up. He drove us to some big road, and just dropped of us on the side of the road and told us to wait for the bus. But the bus didn’t come, so we talked to some of the locals that were standing there, and they told us that we were at the wrong spot. We called hotline and they just said that the staff made a mistake, but they would fix it. They send a new man to pick us up, and he drove us to another place. We were again dropped of on the side of the road, but this time there was a booking office there. So we talked to the lady in the office, who said that our bus to Da Nang had left, even though the man from hotline told us that the bus would be there when we arrived. We called him again, and then he said that we should get on this random bus to Ninh Binh. We didn’t feel that safe at this point, because we would be dropped of in Ninh Binh at 9 in the evening. But it was only option. We asked the man from hotline if we could just stay on the bus the whole trip to Da nang, because the bus was also going to Da Nang. But the man from hotline told us that we should change buses in Ninh Binh, because we paid for a VIP bus, and the bus we were currently on wasn’t a VIP bus. When we arrived in Ninh Binh
巴士 VIP Cabin 20, Sapa Discovery Travel, 2024年3月12日
The driver did not believe that I had paid online and was demanding I pay him Ð120000. He could not understand English so didn’t believe the receipt I had which mentioned ‘PAID’. He finally got onto his boss and let me go. He also thought I was going to Hanoi and was gesturing I get onto the transfer bus. I was not going to Hanoi. Otherwise ride was fine and smooth going.
巴士 VIP 18, Sapa Discovery Travel, 2024年3月9日
Great customer service. Great communication via Google translate but clear and with a smile.
廂型車 VIP 9, Sapa Discovery Travel, 2024年3月2日
Instead of going to the station at the address in Hue clearly stated several times in the booking (7 Doi Cung) we stopped in the middle of nowhere and were told this was the final stop. It was over 3km away from the destination address stated in the ticket. Several people complained but they just told us “we don’t care, if you don’t like it you can call the hotline”. Our demands to provide transportation to the city were ignored. I ended up having to pay for a Grab out of my own pocket and had to wait over an hour because it was so early in the morning that there were almost no drivers. Additionally, the bus was very cramped and the beds too narrow for an average size European man (5’11) and that is already with the more expensive “local cabin” option. I have to say that I rarely leave bad reviews and I am used to a lot when traveling, but leaving passengers stranded somewhere other than they had booked is not only horrible customer service but in a foreign country for solo travelers (especially female) can potentially even be dangerous. Very reckless.
巴士 Local Cabin, Sapa Discovery Travel, 2024年3月1日
Great Transport! VIP Shuttle from Mai Chau to Tam Coc and Sleeper 20 to Hue. Transfer in Tam Coc was a little chaotic (nearly forgot to transfer me to the sleeper), but apart of that a well organized trip in comfortable vehicles. Bring a jacket and socks for aircon in the sleeper may be quite cold. Arrived in time.
巴士 Tourist Bus + VIP 20, Sapa Discovery Travel, 2024年3月1日
We had in total 1 1/2 hours delay. At first we need to wait for an hour at the office to wait for the taxi. Then the taxi got us a bit outside of Hanoi where we need to wait another half an hour to wait for the limousine. All in all of the Limousine was fine, but the waiting was annoying. Nevertheless, the driver drop us off directly at the house though so we didn’t need to get a Grab
廂型車 VIP 9, Sapa Discovery Travel, 2024年2月27日
We booked VIP 20 from Tam Coc to Da Nang - the first bus we were on was awesome - very new, clean, comfortable. Unfortunately at 7:30 in the morning everyone was abruptly shoved off the bus in Hue and put onto an extremely crammed + uncomfortable van for the rest of the journey. No explanation given, not listed on the itinerary or I would’ve booked an alternative so as to actually sleep the night.
巴士 VIP Cabin 20, Sapa Discovery Travel, 2024年2月25日
Was alright. Driver started from pick up 30min earlier though -which isn't bad, but something you should know. Drive took 1h longer. Bus stank. Driver didn't speak one word English. Gave us weird instructions where to sit, everyone was confused. Delivered some packages before he got to destination.
廂型車 VIP 9, Sapa Discovery Travel, 2024年2月8日
The bus was comfortable and large enough to lay down and get some sleep. There was a toilet on board so we didn’t need any stops during the 8 hour journey. The driver didn’t make many stops for parcels/pick ups like we’ve experienced before in Vietnam. However the bus was 2.5 hours late with no explanation from the man based at the pick up office meaning we got to Ninh binh 2 hours late
巴士 VIP Cabin 20, Sapa Discovery Travel, 2024年2月8日
were picked up an hour late. If you are in a hurry don't book.
廂型車 VIP 9, Sapa Discovery Travel, 2024年2月6日
We got our confirmation mail 5min before the bus would leave. We had 30mins to get to the departure spot. We sent alot of e-mails but no answer at all. That's ruined our last days here in Vietnam. Now we lost our money and still no answer.
巴士 VIP Cabin 20, Sapa Discovery Travel, 2024年2月1日
The bed was really comfy, but the drivingstyle of the busdriver was bad. Difficult to get sleep if you get shaken around.
巴士 VIP Cabin 20, Sapa Discovery Travel, 2024年1月31日
Great contact with driver. All information with departure place is simple and easy to read. One small "-" is temperature on the bus. It's was a little bit cold. The weather outside was not good.
廂型車 VIP 9, Sapa Discovery Travel, 2024年1月24日
A lot of buses at the same place and same time, few answers to the question. Bad organisation
巴士 Local Cabin, Sapa Discovery Travel, 2024年1月23日
Driver was on time (35mins before departure) picking us up to the main van. It was strange getting to Ninh Binh and having to switch vans. We got there an hour earlier than scheduled (but left on time).
廂型車 VIP 9, Sapa Discovery Travel, 2024年1月22日
The company needs to change the system and sell ticket with seats marked! Its unfair with who enter last in the bus to stay at the back of the bus
巴士 Local Cabin, Sapa Discovery Travel, 2024年1月22日
Bus was on time, friendly driver
廂型車 VIP 9, Sapa Discovery Travel, 2024年1月14日
Driver was brilliant, on time and safe 😊
廂型車 VIP 9, Sapa Discovery Travel, 2024年1月11日
Bus was good and trip to da dang was shorter than expected, BUT none said that once we arrived to da nang we’ve to wait for one hour to go to Hoian in a van. So basically you’re paying for a limousine to da nang and from there they distribute people to different places.
巴士 VIP Cabin 20, Sapa Discovery Travel, 2024年1月10日
Driver was on time with my name on a board, I could indicate my destination, car was spacious clean and comfy, ttavel were safe. Perfect !
計程車 舒適三人座, Sapa Discovery Travel, 2024年1月9日
Departure time respected, even 10 minutes before, car was spacious cleam and comfy, travel were safe. Perfect !
計程車 舒適三人座, Sapa Discovery Travel, 2024年1月9日
Had to wait for an hour at a roadside office in Danang, was given no information and not treated particularly well by the staff. When the car eventually picked us up an hour later to take us to Hoi An I expressed that I wasn’t happy to have been made to wait and not told why and they didn’t give me an explanation. This was early in the morning, and I would have loved some support.
巴士 VIP Cabin 20, Sapa Discovery Travel, 2024年1月9日
There wasn’t space for the legs between the seats, but the trip was good
巴士 Tourist Bus 33, Sapa Discovery Travel, 2024年1月3日
The cabins were okay, but there were no toilet on the bus (when we booked, it says there is one). And there was no snack as we booked.
巴士 VIP 20, Sapa Discovery Travel, 2023年12月20日
The night bus itself was very comfortable, but the bus was very late, departing 2h later than planned (they warned us during the departure day) and arriving at 11:00 instead of 8:00 at Hoi An ! We weren't told, but at Hue we had to change bus and wait for 2h for the next one, that did not have enough sits for all the travellers (beware of the mototaxi men that are on the bus and that will try to extort you enormous amounts of money in exchange for taking you in the town center for breakfast)
巴士 Local Cabin, Sapa Discovery Travel, 2023年12月12日
good way to get long distance overnight.
巴士 Tourist Bus 33, Sapa Discovery Travel, 2023年12月11日
I wouldn't recommend this! They put those of us on Tam Coc last so we had the shared space with 3 people at the back. I was lucky it was two women I was with as if it was two guys I would have felt unsafe as you're pretty much on top of eachother. Was in the middle space so no space for my stuff and the bed was too short, overall barely slept. Then they took us off the bus in De Nang where we waited almost two hours for a car to come to bring us to Hoi An. Wish I'd just paid for a budget sleeper and had my own space rather than paid extra for a VIP to share a space with strangers.
巴士 Local Cabin, Sapa Discovery Travel, 2023年12月6日
Vehicle was an old luxury van
廂型車 VIP 9, Sapa Discovery Travel, 2023年12月4日
The pickup was a little bit late (close to half an hour) but the driver managed to get to the destination more or less on time (we had more than enough time to take our connection flight). It was a limousine for 9 people but we were the only two passangers so it was very comfy for use.
廂型車 VIP 9, Sapa Discovery Travel, 2023年12月3日
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