22 5月 2024

Phuket Travel

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關於 Phuket Travel

大巴因其價格實惠、時間靈活、車站遍布全國而便於旅客安排行程。對預算有限和想旅行舒適的人來說,大巴是很好的選擇。Phuket Travel提供網上訂票服務。在訂票前,請參閱其他旅客的評論並選擇最佳方案。

Phuket Travel 的主站有哪些?

Phuket Travel運營往返於以下車站的大巴:

  • 普吉島2號汽車站
  • 曼谷南站
  • 慕七

Phuket Travel 最熱門的路線有哪些?

Phuket Travel 的巴士等級和價格為何?




  • 大巴覆蓋的目的地範圍最廣,可以到達飛機和火車不能企及的地方。
  • 大巴出行方便-不用提前很多時間到達車站,和飛機相比檢票手續也相當快捷
  • 大巴價格實惠。當然也有價格昂貴的一等大巴或者VIP大巴。不過對於預算有限的人而言,大巴是旅行的首選。
  • 此外,大巴多層次的服務可以滿足不各種預算的需求。即便你追求高度的舒適感,大巴也能滿足你的需求。


  • 城際大巴車站可能設在遠離市中心的郊區,因而需要考慮到車站所需的時間和費用。有時候從車站到達目的地的費用可能比你預想的要高很多,因為僅有少數巴士公司運營這些線路而價格偏高。
  • 在繁忙的週末或者旅遊旺季,車票可能會很快售罄因而需要提前預訂。
  • 儘管大巴不像輪渡那樣依賴天氣,但要注意的是在某些季節或者某些地方,大巴也會因惡劣天氣或者道路情況有所延誤或者取消。

Phuket Travel 公司評價

巴士 快速、直達, Phuket Travel, 2020年1月24日
Very good trip. Muy buen viaje, tomenlo de noche, asi no lo sentiran. El mio duro 15 horas.
巴士 VIP 24, Phuket Travel, 2020年1月22日
Its was OK but we didn't get the dinner we were promised. The Snacks were cakes and very yummy
巴士 VIP 24, Phuket Travel, 2019年11月30日
Bus très confortable, gros bémol les toilettes
巴士 快速、直達, Phuket Travel, 2019年11月8日
Everything is okay. The bus is pretty comfortable. Driver can speak English. It was not like a race we drove slowly but confident and came in 90 mins before time. The only one problem is no information about how long is gonna to be the stop.
巴士 快速、直達, Phuket Travel, 2019年10月25日
It was a nice journey. Very spaces even for well built person. Unless other than the time factor it is more comfortable than the flight.
巴士 VIP 24, Phuket Travel, 2019年4月23日
No priority service was provided for which you collected 50TBH. We were expecting some good veg food which was missing.
巴士 快速、直達, Phuket Travel, 2019年4月17日
Wifi was not working. The window of the bus was leaking. Uncomfortable seats
巴士 VIP 24, Phuket Travel, 2019年2月25日
The bus ride it self was okay. Started a bit late, but still arrived early. The drivers was speeding a bit which made it a bit uncomfortable at times. The included food gave me and my friend food poisoning.
巴士 VIP 24, Phuket Travel, 2019年2月21日
12h overnight ride without stretching your legs is tiresome and the bus toilet was 1 star, otherwise ok
巴士 VIP 24, Phuket Travel, 2019年2月20日
Awesome bus with almost 180 degrees reclined. Dinner included, got in phuket earlier than advised. The only problem was to find the place where to change your online ticket but apart from that all good
巴士 快速、直達, Phuket Travel, 2019年2月13日
Bus itself is good but hospitality service is really bad. Our bus attendant was a lady boy and she never smiled or looked us through our eyes. She had a very rude attitude to everybody as if she did not want to work. She even woke me up when it wasn't even my station and yelled at me to get off from the bus and after I got off, she realised that it wasn't my destination. Again, She yelled at me to get on the bus without any apology.
巴士 快速、直達, Phuket Travel, 2019年1月29日
We took the cheapest bus which turned out to be very comfy - a lot of leg room, very comfortable seats. Food on the stop (around 22:30) was very good. We watched a movie, fell asleep and woke up in Bangkok so the trip passed in no time. Great alternative for flying if you have a large suitcase - there are no fees for additional weight or dimensions.
巴士 VIP 24, Phuket Travel, 2018年11月6日
Отлично. Заказал билеты за две недели через сайт, на автовокзале подтвердил. Доехали за 11часов.
巴士 VIP 24, Phuket Travel, 2018年10月10日
Excellent service vip Chauffeurs dotés de maîtrise de conduite Je trouve que la pause donner est très courte pour mieux digérer. Prendre son café et peut être fumer Très bon dans l ensemble
巴士 快速、直達, Phuket Travel, 2018年6月17日
The trip was ok, though they cancelled my bus and put me on another later bus. I have also left some clothes on the bus .. do you know if I can get them from the bus company?
巴士 VIP 24, Phuket Travel, 2018年6月7日
ผมนั่งขาไปและขากลับ กรุงเทพภูเก็ต เอาไอแมคขนไปด้วย นั่งชั้นล่าง เลขที่37 ชั้นล่างคือแอร์นรกมาก ร้อนไฟฟไหม้ รถขับเร็วแล้วแอร์หาย หายใจแทบไม่ออกเหงื่อโทรมเลย ควรปรับปรุง แมลงแกลบตัวเล็กๆ กินขนมผมไปหมดเลย และไต่บนตัวนิดหน่อย คนเกลียดกลัวแมลงสาบควรเลี่ยง นอกนั้น ก็โอเคครับ รถถึงเร็วกว่ากำหนดการ อาจจะหวาดเสียวหน่อย เกือบสวัสดีท้ายรถสิบล้ออยู่รอบนึง ที่นั่ง ใครจะไปควรหาหมอนรองคอไปด้วยครับ แต่คะแนนน้อยเพราะ จองรถวีไอพี 24 คุณพระวีไอพียังน่ากลัวขนาดนี้ ธรรมดาจะเป็นอย่างไร โกรธมาก แจ้งว่าแอร์เสีย เจ้าหน้าที่บอกว่าก็ขึ้นไปนั่งข้างบน อ้าวววว
巴士 快速、直達, Phuket Travel, 2018年5月15日
Le bus de nuit etait tres confortable. On y dort bien mieux que dans un avion. La collation etait un peu legere.
巴士 VIP 24, Phuket Travel, 2018年4月18日
Доброго времени суток, купили билеты до южного автобусного терминала Бангкока, но автобус пришёл на Чаттучак. Но это пол беды. Пришлось приложить весь опыт, что бы понять что букинг нужно показывать в первой кассе на автовокзале Пхукета, добавьте этот пункт что бы туристы не тупили. Автобус в принципе огонь, и даже с бесплатным вай фаем, но пароль так и не удалось узнать у Тайки которая говорила окей набирая нам пароль от него, но всегда происходил сбой. Мы особо не расстроились, раздали с мобилы инет, слава богу в этой стране он работает отменно.
巴士 快速、直達, Phuket Travel, 2018年3月29日
всё было нормально. вовремя уехали. приехали на час раньше даже. туалет в автобусе очень маленький. не очень комфортно. а ещё мне поменяли место , то, которое я выбирала через интернет занял ребёнок, мне дали другое место. это не очень важно, но было удивительно, что без моего спроса. пишут, что удобно спать . лучше чем в российских автобусах, но всё равно полностью прям лечь не на всех местах получится. кресла удобные. раскладываются оптимально. я бы увеличила расстояние между рядами ). в билете указан обед . это были пара небольших кексов и сок и вода. на обед есть остановка . там уже нормальная еда, но за свой счет. спасибо.
巴士 快速、直達, Phuket Travel, 2018年3月27日
Bus trip was pretty good. You're never expecting too much from a sleeper bus but in all fairness the seats were fairly comfy and we were supplied with bottled water, a blanket, and a pillow, The toilet was very dark so could do with a light, and it would be handy to have some charging ports but not the end of the world. One big improvement however would be to make it clearer which stop we were at. We stopped at two bus stations in Bangkok, and at the first stop we weren't entirely sure where we were and if we should be getting off or not. I asked the lady in charge and was shouted at in Thai and then I think she told me to sit down very angrily so I did what I was told and luckily it was the following stop I needed to get off at! So just someone clearly saying the current stop point and then something along the lines of "If you're travelling to so and so bus stop please stay on board" would be very much appreciated to a weary half asleep traveler trying to figure out where on earth they are! But all in all pretty good.
巴士 快速、直達, Phuket Travel, 2018年3月15日
Good AC bus, arrived on time, easy procedures, recommended.
巴士 VIP 24, Phuket Travel, 2018年1月3日
Если коротко: своевременно, комфортно (насколько это возможно для автобуса), безопасно.
巴士 VIP 24, Phuket Travel, 2017年12月28日
Отдельное спасибо за адрес на тайском в билете - очень помог объяснить таксисту, на какой вокзал нужно ехать. Поездка прошла хорошо - сидения удобные, плед не дал замёрзнуть. Во время остановки никто не инструктировал пассажиров о том, куда идти, чтобы поесть. В результате поели лишь те, что знали, что с билетом нужно идти внутрь здания (в нашем случае зал №3) напротив остановки автобуса.
巴士 快速、直達, Phuket Travel, 2017年12月15日
The staffes are very friendly. Everything is good except for the chair (a little short) and sometimes there is bad smell from the air conditioner.
巴士 VIP 24, Phuket Travel, 2017年11月29日
Very comfortable seats. The company provides you a blanket, a bottle of water and two pieces of cake. There is also a free meal when the bus stops but I didn’t like it and it was served around 2 am. Couldn’t find a way to use the wifi because the password they provided me were wrong. Staff doesn’t speak english. Strong airconditioning but we knew it already.
巴士 快速、直達, Phuket Travel, 2017年11月27日
Water, small muffin, pillow and blanket, much space, could lie down. Better than expected, bjt no wifi and a bit shaky.
巴士 快速、直達, Phuket Travel, 2017年6月11日
The bus was very comfy, we got a VIP one but we paid for a normal one ! There were a lot of space and the AC wasnt too strong. The only weird thing was to wake up people with really strange music (it made us laugh a lot at least ) at 2am for dinner !
巴士 VIP 24, Phuket Travel, 2017年2月3日
Trajet rapide. On est arrivé avec 1h30 d'avance. Les sièges sont très confortables pour dormir.
巴士 VIP 24, Phuket Travel, 2017年1月10日
Trip was pretty much as expacted! Long bus ride with a prettz cold AC, but NO loud music. Would and will do it again.
巴士 快速、直達, Phuket Travel, 2016年7月21日
Seats are super comfy and spacious, compared to other buses. Staff were friendly and snacks were unexpected. Good bus and service. No complaints
巴士 快速、直達, Phuket Travel, 2016年6月30日
Bus is not going to southern bus terminal it arives at Mo Chit. But you can take bus 3 to Khao San road for ~6 baht.
巴士 快速、直達, Phuket Travel, 2016年4月9日
You get what you pay for. So therefore the seats are fine to nap the whole trip. Didnt expect anything else and had worse rides with sleeper bed buses. The highway all the way down to phuket is in an outstanding condition, so there aren't to many bumps,... that could disturb your seatsleep. The TV and the light was turned off after the first 2 hours. Lunch break at 2 a.m. in the morning.
巴士 VIP 24, Phuket Travel, 2016年3月29日
Super Service und bequeme Sitze, leider nur ein Stopp.
巴士 VIP 24, Phuket Travel, 2016年3月14日
Very comfortable and super VIP position on seat number 1 with lots of space for my legs and my small backpack! But the entire trip has been like travelling in a freezer cell, had to wear jumper, jacket with hood plus the blanket they give you. Even closing all the A/C around me it was still windy!! Water was provided but I tried to not drink too much to avoid the dangerous walk to the toilet while the bus was moving. The road is very bumpy but I managed to sleep every 1h/45 minutes or so. I wish the staff could speak English because it was very hard for me to be understood when asking for information. I couldn't get where I was most of the time, if it was my stop or not, if it was the FINAL stop or not, or how long was the dinner break at the market. I always had to watch out. They were playing music when you need to be awake, all in Thai and repetitive, but not a major concern. The bus didn't seem to respect the schedule as in my case it arrived to Bangkok at least 1.5 hour earlier. It was supposed to arrive at 7.20 but at 7.20 I was already at the airport!! Oh well!!!
巴士 快速、直達, Phuket Travel, 2016年3月8日
Punctual, can say smooth ride. One cup cake for the name of snacks. Wake you up with loud music at 12:00 am so that you should vist restaurant at the stop.
巴士 快速、直達, Phuket Travel, 2016年2月10日
Bus was bug ridden, mosquitos ants on the floor,, was bitten a few times before reaching the destination. Apart from that the journey would have been ok as did the 18:30 coach and slept until the morning. Apart from half way thorough they put all the lights on and play music to wake up to spend money at a food court type place at like 1am.
巴士 VIP 24, Phuket Travel, 2016年1月10日
Le chauffeur est sale. Il n aide pas au chargement des valises. Pas de service
巴士 快速、直達, Phuket Travel, 2016年1月6日
Generally good, not as comfortable but functional and has a stop for dinner at 2am. We didn't dinner at all at that time.
巴士 VIP 24, Phuket Travel, 2016年1月5日
The bus was perfect, the only Big problem for me was that the stop at the middle of the trip, they turned on the lights and put on very loud music, forcing us to wake up and stay awake for the entire 40min of the stop, otherwise it was very good!
巴士 快速、直達, Phuket Travel, 2015年11月12日
W takim autokarze jeszcze nie jechałem. Autokar jest bardzo wygodny, dużo przestrzeni. Siedzenia rozkładane, spokojnie można całą podróż przespać. Polecam !!!
巴士 快速、直達, Phuket Travel, 2015年8月7日
The driver was very helpfull and the seats were very comfortable
巴士 快速、直達, Phuket Travel, 2015年7月22日
Relatively comfortable ride. Pleasant staff. Nice touches of water, snack and complimentary meal at rest stop. Bathroom on board reeked though. Maybe this was addressed after we brought it to the operator's attention, as it stopped smelling after a while. Overall good experience. Would do it again.
巴士 VIP 24, Phuket Travel, 2015年5月2日
It was the best bus ticket purchasing process in my entire life! The only thing I think is missing is the seat selector. But other than that, it was impressive! Should have known about this early on. Will surely recommend this to my friends!
巴士 VIP 24, Phuket Travel, 2015年4月20日
Comfortable seats. Silent at night. Arrived in time. Next time I will book the same.
巴士 VIP 24, Phuket Travel, 2015年4月13日
The seat was comfortable. I just wish that they give us 30 minutes to finish our dinner at the bus stop in Chompon so we won't rushed our food.
巴士 VIP 24, Phuket Travel, 2015年4月11日
I was definitely satisfied but it was way too cold in the bus.
巴士 VIP 24, Phuket Travel, 2015年3月12日
You should be more polite to customer ... as you say VIP ......
巴士 VIP 24, Phuket Travel, 2015年2月24日
A great trip but extremely long distance without food being supplied.. But service otherwise was great..
巴士 VIP 24, Phuket Travel, 2015年1月6日
巴士 VIP 24, Phuket Travel, 2020年9月2日
Bus doesn't provide anything as they said in web site , and service also very bad