
361 則顧客評價
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  • 行程表及時間表

關於 Montanatip


Montanatip 的主站有哪些?


  • 甲米Sea Pearl Travel
  • 普吉島1號汽車站
  • 蘇梅島那通
  • 考索麵包車站
  • 華欣
  • 拉差當能路
  • Na Thon Pier Seatran Ferry
  • 甲米Sea Pearl Travel
  • 皮皮島通賽碼頭
  • 考山路Montanatip
  • 帕岸島通薩拉
  • Ao Nang Traffic Police Box
  • 素叻他尼塔拉德卡塞特2號公寓
  • 帕岸島通薩拉
  • 甲米Vichit Tour
  • 蘇梅島Phantip Travel
  • 皮皮島通塞碼頭
  • Ao Nang Office
  • 華欣
  • 索克山麵包車站
  • 素叻他尼鎮
  • 素叻他尼第二市場
  • Hua Hin Clock Tower
  • 華欣鐘樓
  • 奧南交警亭
  • 濤島梅哈德
  • 蘇梅島利帕諾伊海灘
  • Jarinthon Tour Surat Thani
  • Raja Ferry Koh Samui

Montanatip 最熱門的路線有哪些?


Montanatip 的巴士等級和價格為何?




  • 大巴覆蓋的目的地範圍最廣,可以到達飛機和火車不能企及的地方。
  • 大巴出行方便-不用提前很多時間到達車站,和飛機相比檢票手續也相當快捷
  • 大巴價格實惠。當然也有價格昂貴的一等大巴或者VIP大巴。不過對於預算有限的人而言,大巴是旅行的首選。
  • 此外,大巴多層次的服務可以滿足不各種預算的需求。即便你追求高度的舒適感,大巴也能滿足你的需求。


  • 城際大巴車站可能設在遠離市中心的郊區,因而需要考慮到車站所需的時間和費用。有時候從車站到達目的地的費用可能比你預想的要高很多,因為僅有少數巴士公司運營這些線路而價格偏高。
  • 在繁忙的週末或者旅遊旺季,車票可能會很快售罄因而需要提前預訂。
  • 儘管大巴不像輪渡那樣依賴天氣,但要注意的是在某些季節或者某些地方,大巴也會因惡劣天氣或者道路情況有所延誤或者取消。

Montanatip 熱門路線

曼谷 - 蘇梅島
巴士 快速、直達
巴士 VIP Bus
華欣 - 普吉府
奧南 - 華欣
巴士 VIP Bus
巴士 快速、直達
素叻府 - 華欣
巴士 快速、直達
巴士 VIP Bus
甲米府 - 曼谷
巴士 快速、直達
巴士 VIP Bus
曼谷 - 萊利
巴士 VIP Bus
巴士 快速、直達
素叻府 - 曼谷
巴士 VIP Bus
巴士 快速、直達
曼谷 - 皮皮島
巴士 VIP Bus
巴士 快速、直達
華欣 - 濤島
華欣 - 合艾
巴士 VIP Bus
巴士 快速、直達
華欣 - 奧南
巴士 快速、直達
巴士 VIP Bus
華欣 - 皮皮島
巴士 快速、直達
巴士 VIP Bus
帕岸島 - 華欣
巴士 快速、直達
巴士 VIP Bus
曼谷 - 鎬立
巴士 VIP Bus
巴士 快速、直達
曼谷 - 春蓬府
曼谷 - 蘭塔島
巴士 VIP Bus
巴士 快速、直達
華欣 - 春蓬府
華欣 - 素叻府
巴士 VIP Bus
巴士 快速、直達
奧南 - 曼谷
巴士 快速、直達
巴士 VIP Bus
帕岸島 - 曼谷
巴士 VIP Bus
巴士 快速、直達
華欣 - 帕岸島
巴士 VIP Bus
巴士 快速、直達
華欣 - 考索
巴士 VIP Bus
巴士 快速、直達
華欣 - 甲米府
巴士 VIP Bus
巴士 快速、直達
華欣 - 萊利
巴士 快速、直達
巴士 VIP Bus
皮皮島 - 曼谷
巴士 快速、直達
巴士 VIP Bus
曼谷 - 普吉府
曼谷 - 甲米府
巴士 快速、直達
巴士 VIP Bus
華欣 - 蘇梅島
巴士 VIP Bus
巴士 快速、直達
甲米府 - 華欣
巴士 VIP Bus
巴士 快速、直達
華欣 - 蘭塔島
巴士 快速、直達
巴士 VIP Bus
NaN 乘客

Montanatip 行程表及時間表

快速、直達考山路Montanatip濤島梅哈德19:0009:0014h 0m
快速、直達考山路MontanatipRaja Ferry Koh Samui19:0009:3014h 30m
VIP Bus考山路MontanatipRaja Ferry Koh Samui19:0009:3014h 30m
快速、直達考山路Montanatip帕岸島通薩拉19:0010:3015h 30m
快速、直達考山路Montanatip普吉島1號汽車站19:0012:3017h 30m
快速、直達帕岸島通薩拉考山路Montanatip14:0005:0015h 0m
快速、直達Raja Ferry Koh Samui考山路Montanatip14:0005:0015h 0m
快速、直達考索麵包車站考山路Montanatip15:3005:0013h 30m
快速、直達考山路Montanatip蘭塔島薩拉丹碼頭19:0011:3016h 30m
快速、直達考山路Montanatip索克山麵包車站19:0010:3015h 30m
快速、直達Na Thon Pier Seatran Ferry考山路Montanatip14:0005:0015h 0m
快速、直達Hua Hin Clock Tower普吉島1號汽車站22:0012:3014h 30m
快速、直達考山路MontanatipNa Thon Pier Seatran Ferry19:0009:3014h 30m
VIP Bus考山路Montanatip帕岸島通薩拉19:0010:3015h 30m
快速、直達Hua Hin Clock Tower濤島梅哈德22:0009:0011h 0m
快速、直達皮皮島通塞碼頭考山路Montanatip13:3005:0015h 30m
快速、直達考山路Montanatip皮皮島通塞碼頭19:0012:3017h 30m
快速、直達考山路Montanatip甲米汽車站19:0010:0015h 0m
VIP BusRaja Ferry Koh Samui考山路Montanatip14:0005:0015h 0m
VIP Bus考索麵包車站考山路Montanatip15:3005:0013h 30m
VIP Bus帕岸島通薩拉考山路Montanatip14:0005:0015h 0m
快速、直達考山路MontanatipAo Nang Traffic Police Box19:0010:3015h 30m
VIP BusNa Thon Pier Seatran Ferry考山路Montanatip14:0005:0015h 0m
VIP Bus考山路Montanatip索克山麵包車站19:0010:3015h 30m
快速、直達Na Thon Pier Seatran Ferry拉差當能路14:0005:0015h 0m
快速、直達考山路Montanatip合艾汽車站19:0012:3017h 30m
VIP Bus考山路MontanatipNa Thon Pier Seatran Ferry19:0009:3014h 30m
快速、直達Hua Hin Clock TowerRaja Ferry Koh Samui22:0009:3011h 30m
快速、直達Hua Hin Clock Tower甲米汽車站22:0010:0012h 0m
VIP Bus考山路Montanatip蘭塔島薩拉丹碼頭19:0011:3016h 30m

Montanatip 停靠站

甲米Sea Pearl Travel普吉島1號汽車站蘇梅島那通考索麵包車站華欣拉差當能路Na Thon Pier Seatran Ferry甲米Sea Pearl Travel皮皮島通賽碼頭考山路Montanatip帕岸島通薩拉Ao Nang Traffic Police Box素叻他尼塔拉德卡塞特2號公寓帕岸島通薩拉甲米Vichit Tour蘇梅島Phantip Travel皮皮島通塞碼頭Ao Nang Office華欣索克山麵包車站素叻他尼鎮素叻他尼第二市場Hua Hin Clock Tower華欣鐘樓奧南交警亭濤島梅哈德蘇梅島利帕諾伊海灘Jarinthon Tour Surat ThaniRaja Ferry Koh Samui

Montanatip 公司評價

巴士应该是 VIP 且舒适的。对于我旁边的高个子来说,这还不够。他一整晚都找不到舒服的姿势,一直把我吵醒。我也不能,椅子不好。午夜左右,你停下来,我们可以吃饭(已经很晚了,但还可以),结果发现他们没有鸡肉或猪肉。您需要了解,现在已经是 2023 年,许多人不再虐待或食用动物。如果你不能提供一点豆腐,那么你就让人们别无选择。豆腐价格便宜且易于烹饪,许多泰国餐厅都提供豆腐。巴士原定于 6:00 到达,但也在凌晨 4:30 到达。这可能很棒,但如果你想一想,4:30 到达考山不太好,那 1:30 你会做什么呢?它既危险又肮脏,会让你处于一种不舒服的境地。其余的都可以,我给你打了 2 星,让你阅读这篇文章,看看你是否可以改进一些东西。
巴士 快速、直達, Montanatip, 2023年8月4日
现在已经和这家公司一起完成了三次这样的旅程,曼谷的每个人都很可爱,surat thani 他们不是,我打车去了码头,他们
巴士 快速、直達, Montanatip, 2023年4月9日
额外携带 600 毫升水和零食。午夜后巴士停下来吃饭和上厕所。座位适合亚洲人的身高,个子高的人必须扭转身体和腿。凌晨五点,公交车司机催促人们下车。穿梭巴士转换站的公司对人数没有做好准备。他们不得不呼叫多辆穿梭巴士,这是一场忙碌的争抢。没有其他选择,只是为您的期望做好准备。
渡輪 快速、直達, Montanatip, 2023年1月25日
我们有8个人,我们用一张支票买了票。晚上的航班。 8号的时候我们就坐在了巴士的独立车厢里,没有额外付费。我们到达时没有任何舒适度问题,巴士是双层巴士,或多或少是新年制造的。我们早上 5 点被带到小巴换乘点,然后就开始了。所有的人都坐在不同的小巴上,有的去普吉岛,有的去苏梅岛。小巴因满员而被派出。每个人都坐下了,我们被告知等待我们的小巴。结果,当所有人都走了,只剩下我们和几个外国人时,我们被带到了附近另一家旅行社的办公室。 “坐船去苏梅岛,必须买回程船票”每人1500泰铢。我们开始否认,那个女人非常厚颜无耻地开始催促“俄罗斯乌克兰战争,我们反对战争,你肯定需要一张回程机票,因为你是俄罗斯人。”她没有给我们渡轮票,渡轮应该在小巴之后。最后我们没有付钱,我们和她讨论了大约20分钟,她催促我们,说我们要迟到轮渡了,买票吧。我们不知何故摆脱了她,她给了我们票,我们乘坐舒适的小巴前往渡轮。我们在出发前 5 分钟赶上了渡轮。渡轮上有很多免费座位,还有商店和按摩店。这次旅行很满意,等了这么长的路很舒服,但这个女人却留下了很浓的回味。别被抓住。
渡輪 快速、直達, Montanatip, 2022年11月30日
我们必须换乘公共汽车。我们从早上 05:00 到 09:00 等了 4 个小时,才有第一趟巴士来接我们。我们预订行程时他们没有告诉我们这一点。
巴士 快速、直達, Montanatip, 2022年8月2日
一切都沟通不畅,人们一点也不友好。除此之外,该组织还试图以 500 泰铢的“便宜”价格出售出租车(因为他们说我们到达时价格为 800 泰铢),但车程最多只需要 10 分钟(长度为 5 公里)。最后我们花了200泰铢打到了出租车。
渡輪 快速、直達, Montanatip, 2022年7月28日
无需换乘面包车;出租车票和不使用 12Go 的回程车票在车站以高价出售。非常侵扰
渡輪 快速、直達, Montanatip, 2022年7月23日
负责处理从巴士到渡轮的转乘的操作是针对年轻游客的夹缝,最终导致行程延误了3.5小时,而且没有任何信息且表现出轻蔑的态度。 Montanathip 巴士很棒,交通很混乱,渡轮也很棒。
渡輪 快速、直達, Montanatip, 2022年7月10日
The driver drove so close to the vehicle’s in front, he had to push the brake almost every 10 second. Once he had to hit the brake so hard that people woke up in big panic, and belongings went everywhere. Luckily no accidents occurred - the function of the brake-pedal turned out being useful :-/ 1. note: Now it finally makes sense why they try to add on a travel insurance, for a bus trip. 2. note: Remember to put on your seat belt. At 1 AM he stopped the bus, turned on the lights in the cabin, woke everybody up and yelled out loud that now was eating break. In the middle of the night, while everyone was a sleep. - what the f is going on. However, the bus was very comfortable and clean. The staff (and the owner himself) at the office was informative and friendly. But once the bus arrives and the operation changes from purchasing tickets and getting informations on how to check-in - everything changes. You are being yelled at - you dont get any informations - you have to hurry, to fit their time schedules. We also bought an extended ticket from Surat Thani to Khao Lak directly from the operator at their main office. The owner told me it was the same company that operated for both busses, so there was no problem. He said a van would take us on the second trip once we arrived at Surat Thani. We had a “VIP” ticked, so we expected just descent comfort and service - or maybe just not to be yelled at… We traveled with our 6 year old kid, and came directly from a shitty bus drive, with almost no sleep. The van worse “service” experience we have ever had (I’m 40 and have traveled a lot). A mad little Thai guy yelling and being super stressed was our new driver. Well, same company - “VIP” tickets - decided to believe it was just a normal human being having a bad moment. The minivan was old crap - we were stacked together inside like cattle’s. After half an hour (of crazy speeding) we stopped - again, no informations prior to this - and was ordered inside of an even older bus - now managing travelling suitcases for the third time… This bus appeared to be a normal route-bus with lots of stops and local people hopping on and off. Very tired, and very confused, we once asked if we could go out and use a toilet, as it appeared the driver had stopped the bus to take a cigarette-break. I was told “no, only 40 minutes to next stop”. So my 6-year old had to do his best, not to piss his pants for 40 more minutes. Finally after 40 minutes, the bus stopped at what appeared to be a central bus point with food court and toilets. I asked how how long time we had, and the drivers helper (yes they were 2 persons) said “we leave in 2 minutes” - so leaving travelling suitcases and everything else behind in a bus where they do not care about you, we were in a mad hurry, to find the toilet, get stuff done, and get back to the bus. And we managed it in time. Now still feeling like shit after a horrible night and morning, hungry as well, we sat in the bus for 10 more minutes, as the driver was still on a break and appeared to have a nice conversation with a lovely female colleague at the bus station. Many cigarettes consumed, a lot of laughter. - looked nice. So I went out and asked them, if they were waiting until 10:30 (we came around 10:05)as there was a sign saying 10:30 for the bus line “Suray Thani - Phuket”. Once again he said “no, leave in 2 minutes” I told him it would be nice if we could tell the passengers that everyone can have a break, not just the driver. When being confronted with this lack of service, they suddently could not speak English anymore. A couple of seconds after, it appeared that they realised the stupidity. Now they acted as if I was invisible
巴士 VIP Bus, Montanatip, 2024年4月13日
Hello! I bought a night bus ticket with the goal of spending the night and safely catching a big bus to Hat Yai. First, I waited 40 minutes on the highway for a passing bus to pick me up. And this is where the story should have ended. But at five o'clock in the morning the bus dropped off all the passengers in the middle of the village and went back to Bangkok. After waiting another hour, at an unknown location, they placed me and my luggage into a small minivan. As a result, we made a circle, stopped at a gas station, after which the car returned to where it left, after which the driver refused to go. After waiting for an undetermined amount of time, I was put into a small tuk-tuk and taken to the bus station in the nearest town. Where I still had to wait for a long time. As a result, they put me in another minivan. They demanded that I pay money for the ticket, although I had paid everything in advance. They refused to provide proof of payment or a new ticket. So we had to drive for another five hours. I bought a ticket for a VIP bus and was not warned that I would be woken up in the middle of the night and forced to shake in a small car, holding my luggage so that it did not roll around the car. I also got seasick in the small, shaking car. Paying for VIP, I expected a different attitude. While the workers were moving my luggage from car to car, the entire suitcase was worn out. I have photographs of all the transport and a boarding pass for the first bus I paid for, which did not take me to my destination.
巴士 VIP Bus, Montanatip, 2024年3月19日
The bus constantly beeped throughout the whole ride.
巴士 VIP Bus, Montanatip, 2024年2月18日
Friendly, fast and uncomplicated. Just sometimes need to wait what’s going on. But would do it again. Very cold at the bus. Small seats on the left side of the bus.
巴士 快速、直達, Montanatip, 2024年2月17日
Noisey rattling bus.
巴士 VIP Bus, Montanatip, 2024年2月7日
Very good
巴士 快速、直達, Montanatip, 2024年1月29日
巴士 VIP Bus, Montanatip, 2024年1月8日
Have to wait 4 hours at the pier mittlerweile in the night
巴士 快速、直達, Montanatip, 2023年12月15日
Our least favourite bus comfort and interior wise in the 2 months we have been travelling. Not enough leg room, bus not in great condition, we did the evening bus which gets you to the port at around 3am rather than parking up and letting you sleep for a few hours at the port on the bus (considering this is our most expensive trip yet) you have to get off and lie on wooden benches at the closed port until the morning. The boat trip was super bumpy, we don’t get travel sick but had to take tablets and sit outside, everyone inside was vomiting it was like an apocalypse :’) I think next time we would get a day time bus so we don’t have to sleep on wooden benches at the port.
巴士 快速、直達, Montanatip, 2023年11月29日
Bus arrived 1 hour late, we made a stop at a disgusting Restaurant and the toilet was just not usable. The AC dropped water on us. We had way better bus rides in Thailand.
巴士 快速、直達, Montanatip, 2023年11月17日
Uncomfortable bus, the seats were not fixed properly. The staff that should have helped people to reach the seat was unfriendly and rude. Despite this, the bus arrived pretty much on time. We did just one stop in a place that was not very well equipped (I experienced also the way back from Bangkok to Koh Phangan and we stopped in a very well equipped area, with many food alternatives that was very close to the place in which this bus stopped).
巴士 快速、直達, Montanatip, 2023年11月17日
The pick up point lacks any identification or instructions and the bus was late and did not have operable power outlets
巴士 快速、直達, Montanatip, 2023年11月6日
the trip was nice but they try to overcharge for a leg of the trip I didn't request for. I bought the ticket to Krabi and after I got to surat thani, for the connection, the lady asked where I would go after Krabi and simply told me to pay her 250 for this final leg of the trip. I didn't request this service, didn't ask how much it was, and even after I said "no", she said "then how do you go?". be careful with scams.
巴士 快速、直達, Montanatip, 2023年11月5日
I felt I was shuffled about like a bit of cattle. 1st bus was a partybus, not fitted for overnight travel (not even USB charger). They stopped us at midnight for dinner at a very dodgy place. Filthy, people not welcoming, pushy for sales and overpriced. I didn't eat, too dirty and noodles looked like they had been dead for some time. Then we had to wait at Surat for next bus for1 hour in the very early hours. And That bus should go for scrap: old, dirty, rickety and A/C leaking all over us. Ferry was ok luckily, as was the last van to my place, although driver was a tad rude. NOT a journey I'recommend. Going through Chumpon with Lomphraya is a totally different experience.
巴士 快速、直達, Montanatip, 2023年10月22日
The seats were comfortable but with each stop the lights went on and disrupted my sleep. The leg-room was too short. The temperature was 2 degrees too cold.
巴士 快速、直達, Montanatip, 2023年10月15日
It was a bit confusing at the beginning because there was a little information about the ride and how we will proceed after the ferry from koh phangan. But in the end it went pretty smooth. Someone was waiting for us at the exit of the ferry (so it is advised to wear the sticker you got to be recognised). Then with a van we went to a tour office in Surat thani. Here we could buy food and drinks and couls also charge our phone. We waited until 7pm until the large bus arrived. It seemed more like a party bus (with karaoke on board, and some fancy green and pink lights). The large bus was overall comfortable, we even got some blankets for the trip. One stop around midnight, and we reached Bangkok pretty on time.
巴士 快速、直達, Montanatip, 2023年10月13日
The bus was 45 minutes late and no one warned us. Then we stopped during the trip, and people started asking us where we were going, the name of our hotels and asked us for 200b to take us there. I said I’d get a taxi directly from the bus station but they said it was not possible to do so. So we all had to pay around 200 (which btw was 2x the price of a grab) and couldn’t explain to them that it wasn’t planned.
巴士 快速、直達, Montanatip, 2023年9月24日
Good Main Drive from Bangkok to suritami, but with many stops, because Driver was checking Bus engine. One good Main Stop at a Bistro at the Highway for eating. About 2-3 Pick ups and Drops of people joining. All in all good, but arrived in suritami WE lost 2 hours because they let us sit and wait in Bistro and Bus, top collect more people. Then drove arround 30 MinutesJust arround suritami top Pick Up Others and than finally changed from the van to an old Bus. After that a 60 Minutes Drive to the harbour and another 90 Minutes for ferry Transport to Koh samui
巴士 快速、直達, Montanatip, 2023年9月15日
The coach broke down multiple times but despite this the poor guys kept trying to fix it which was good and they did finally do it so we could carry on. The organisation was ok, unfortunately I had booked for the wrong day and they still managed to squeeze us in which was incredible! Communication was not ideal so we didn’t really know what was going on when the coach broke down but all good in the end and only 2 hours late from the predicted time!
巴士 快速、直達, Montanatip, 2023年9月9日
Very hard to sleep on this bus
巴士 快速、直達, Montanatip, 2023年9月5日
We took this trip from the Phi Phi islands to Bangkok. First we took a ferry to the mainland which was very cramped. My knees touched the seat in front of me, and I am not a large man. At the pier in Krabi, we had to ask around ourselves to find the next vehicle, which was not a bus but a van that took us to somewhere nearby. There, we wanten for another 15 minutes for another van that took us to Surat Thani. In Surat Thani, we stopped at an open shop at the corner of two streets where we were told to wait 20 minutes. 20 became 40 until a party bus arrived to take us to Bangkok. The bus was not very comfortable, with a platform where the chairs stond on. This platform didn't extend fully under the chair in the aisle seat, meaning you could not comfortably set your feet on the ground. At 12.00 we stopped for 40 minutes at some small place by the road. Finally we arrived at Bangkok about an hoor after schedule. Food and water was not included in the trip. I would recommend booking with another company if you want some more comfort. We did get from A to B though.
巴士 快速、直達, Montanatip, 2023年9月5日
Everything was fine. Forgot my Passport in the bus, 2 days later it was brought to my Hotel, thanks for the effort!
巴士 快速、直達, Montanatip, 2023年9月4日
If you have a little bit of spare money and love for yourself, buy a trip with more comfort. The bus is way to small for someone with 196 cm length. No possibility to sleep in. The bus arrived at 0300 in the morning on the pier. You have to wait 4 hours on a small wooden bench, also verry uncomfortable to sleep. I booked this trip to get a extra day time on holiday, but was again sleeping in my hostel due to the terrible trip.
巴士 快速、直達, Montanatip, 2023年9月2日
no room for legs
巴士 快速、直達, Montanatip, 2023年8月31日
In the bus a comfortable overnight stay with blankets and a stop after 5 hours to eat, etc.. After 8.5 hours arrival at the pier and crossed with the first ferry at 7 o'clock na Ko Tao. Waiting time was o.k.
巴士 快速、直達, Montanatip, 2023年8月29日
In the night bus we were sitting downstairs in a small cabin and had less space for our legs and couldn't put the chairs in the sleeping position because of the wall behind us. There are different seats in the bus with much more space but we hadn't the chance to choose. We had been told before that we have to wait for the ferry for several hours, so we arrived at 3:30 am to the Pier and the ferry left at 7 am to Koh Tao. It was a very uncomfortable time for us - why not have a waiting room for passengers available???
巴士 快速、直達, Montanatip, 2023年8月28日
The Montanatip bus from Bangkok arrived to the pier at 2.30 am, and the ferry didn't leave until 07 am. We had to sleep on benches and hang out with mosquitoes. It would have been nice to get the itinerary beforehand, so I could have considered other options. The bus and ferry was on time though👍
巴士 快速、直達, Montanatip, 2023年8月14日
I had a great experience. The VIP bus is extremely comfortable and if you manage to sleep the time will fly.
巴士 VIP Bus, Montanatip, 2023年8月1日
The party bus was not the most comfortable, the seats were very rigid and you could not lay down entirely. Besides it was easy to find and it arrived on time to my final destination.
巴士 快速、直達, Montanatip, 2023年7月31日
All in all the tour was very well organised and exactly like it was planned.The bus for the long drive from Bangkok to Surat Thani (10 hours) was very comfortable. You get a blanket, water and snack. For the price definitly worth it. Sometimes it seems chaotic and you don't really know what is happening next, but that's maybe the thai way of doing things. If anything the people from the bus company were not friendly at all. Sometimes you felt like a sheep being moved from one place to another. Other than that worth it, especially because of the price.
巴士 快速、直達, Montanatip, 2023年7月28日
Good organization, not particularly comfortable, blankets not so clean
巴士 快速、直達, Montanatip, 2023年7月19日
This is Thailand and you should accept that everything can change during the trip, however you will always reach your destination 😉 VIP bus is great.
巴士 快速、直達, Montanatip, 2023年7月19日
The only negative feedback was that we had to wait for 4 hours for the ferry at the pier but there was no where inside to sit and there was lots of mosquitos. We got eaten alive!
巴士 快速、直達, Montanatip, 2023年6月16日
Could have definitely been better but I guess it reflects the price. The people could have been more polite, less shouting Could have included on the PDF how long each transport will take other than keep people guessing how long
渡輪 快速、直達, Montanatip, 2023年6月10日
Everything was good. Just because the toilet inside the bus and there’s some smell came out…
渡輪 快速、直達, Montanatip, 2023年6月1日
Worse bus ride I've ever had The bus was uncomfortable and the baut they've pot me on didn't have any air-conditioning
渡輪 快速、直達, Montanatip, 2023年5月31日
Smooth journey. Everything was on time. Bus is comfortable, good AC, gets a little bit too cold but they give you a blanket. Even if communicating could have been better I always got an answer when I had any questions :) - Arrived in surat thani around 5.15 in the morning - Transfer to pier around 6, arrived at the pier around 7.45 - Ferry to koh phangan left at 8.30
渡輪 快速、直達, Montanatip, 2023年5月20日
Ride was actually 21h long, bc they work with another company for the last bit, and they won’t wait for you if your bus happen to be late.
巴士 快速、直達, Montanatip, 2023年5月14日
Bus connection is well organized I had Smooth and great trip. Over all it was great.
渡輪 快速、直達, Montanatip, 2023年5月14日
It was confusing at times, I felt like I didn't know what will happen next with the delay to the bus, changing of bus getting a new ticket, getting a mini bus getting on a ferry, felt like a lost sheep 🐑.
渡輪 快速、直達, Montanatip, 2023年5月5日
Very convenient and nice.
巴士 快速、直達, Montanatip, 2023年4月30日
So the ride was from 19:00- 5:30 at surat thani and then wait for a bus / van to take you to the pier and then the boat to the islands. The lady at the desk of the agency was super nice . At 18:20 they told us to come to the bus even tho it's supposed to leave at 19. We were waiting inside the bus for 30 minutes . The bus stopped alot but not breaks- just stopped in the opening of a gas station for 10 minutes or so. at 00:30 they let us have a break for 30 minutes to eat and drink and then when we arrived to surat thani no one really told us that we need to get out of the bus , we just saw them ( the people who were awake) taking our bags out. Then we waited for a bus to the different piers for a long time but no one told us how much time we're gonna wait and when the specific bus come ( because there were people going to krabi /phangan/ phi phi and so on.) So we waited for like 1 hour and a half without really knowing what's going on and if we have time to buy food . At last we were put at the bus and the first stop of the bus everyone was about to go down and we were yelled at the person in the bus to sit down because only people who go to kosamoi going down ( how would we know it's a mix of different people going to different islands when you just separated us?? Also why are you yelling?) Overall it was an average experience, I felt like I'm back in the army again and everyone is yelling at you - the thing is that I pay money to get somewhere and it should be communicated to the people what's going on at all time . We are not animals you are transfering - rather human beings who are tired like you and hungry like you and in a different country then you.
渡輪 快速、直達, Montanatip, 2023年4月25日
361 旅客中有84.5%的比例對 Montanatip 感到滿意,因為他們留下正面評價或無評價。