11 5月 2024

Mama Travel and Tour

437 則顧客評價
  • Schedule
  • Stations
  • Reviews

Mama Travel and Tour 行程及時刻表

曼谷 - 芭達雅
08:30, 09:15, 11:30, 12:00, 12:15
曼谷 - 阿瑜陀耶
07:15, 07:30, 09:15, 11:20, 12:30, 12:45
曼谷 - 沙美島
曼谷 - 北碧府
07:15, 07:30, 09:00, 09:20, 09:30, 11:20, 11:40, 12:15
曼谷 - 象島
曼谷 - 華欣
08:30, 09:15, 11:30, 12:00, 12:15
象島 - 曼谷
瑪克島 - 曼谷
曼谷 - 沙沒頌堪府
11:30, 12:00
曼谷 - 差安縣
08:30, 09:15, 12:15
曼谷 - 瑪克島
曼谷 - 班布裏
09:15, 12:00, 12:15

關於 Mama Travel and Tour

Mama Travel and Tour經營麵包車業務,並提供便捷的網上訂票服務。如果你正想坐麵包車旅行,請查閱運營商的相關信息。

Mama Travel and Tour 的主站有哪些?

Mama Travel and Tour運營的麵包車往返於以下車站:

  • 考山路Mama Travel
  • Center Point Pier
  • 象島中轉
  • 馬卡三妮度假村
  • 瑪島奧考沙灘
  • 芭提雅中轉
  • Center Point Pier Trat
  • PT LPG 高速路

Mama Travel and Tour 的箱型車等級和價格為何?

一般而言,麵包車只有一種座位等級。不過,你可以通過運營商查詢並選擇麵包車車型。一些麵包車只能容納9-10名乘客,另一些可容納多達15名乘客。第一種麵包車會有更大的伸腿空間、更寬的座位和更舒適的體驗,而第二種麵包車在手腳伸展和行李安放的空間方面都比較有限。查閱乘客對Mama Travel and Tour麵包車服務的評論,幫助你判定運營商的服務能否滿足你的期望。



  • 麵包車通常能夠到達大巴和火車都不能到達的地方,包括二級城鎮和小村莊
  • 通常情況,如果你的旅途距離相對較短,麵包車因為比大巴小,更易操作,是你到達目的地最快的方式
  • 麵包車可以讓你在途中方便的地方下車——不一定要到終點站,這樣可以為你節省大量的時間和費用。


  • 一些麵包車空間狹小難以安放行李。實際上,幾乎所有麵包車的行李空間都比較有限,如果你有多個背包、雙肩包或手提箱,可能最好單獨為行李買個座位——是的,你要為旅行支付雙倍費用
  • 務必覈實麵包車是按時刻運行還是滿載運行。如果是滿載運行,你可能會等很長時間,因為在某些路線上麵包車需要花很長時間才能滿載。
  • 眾所周知,麵包車司機以超速而臭名遠揚。即便是聲譽最好的公司有時也難以保證司機按照限速規定行駛。無論麵包車司機是否要求你系安全帶,坐麵包車時都要系好安全帶
  • 如果你很容易暈車,而你的旅途有蜿蜒曲折的道路,那麼坐麵包車比坐大巴更容易暈車。為了安全起見,請在出發前半小時服用暈車藥。

Mama Travel and Tour 停靠站

Mama Travel and Tour 公司評價

廂型車 十四人座地區車, Mama Travel and Tour, 2023年3月30日
No minivan was there to pick-up us at 9h. After calling the service at 9h15, a guy appeared and ask him to follow him. At around 9h45 a taxi came to grab us in the bus station, because there were an engine issue with the original van. The taxi wanted us to pay extra for lugguages (which were under 20kg so should be free). Then they took care of the bus ticket + lugguages ticket and the van left the station at 11 (instead of 9).
廂型車 十四人座地區車, Mama Travel and Tour, 2022年6月15日
Yes, this is a travel agent. Yes they take you to another location to get on a bigger bus. And yes this is Thailand, if you aren’t ready for an adventure, don’t come here.. go to an upscale tourist resort- the lady was nice the trip was nice
廂型車 十四人座地區車, Mama Travel and Tour, 2020年3月30日
Cuando llegamos a la puerta de Mama Travel en Bangkok estaba cerrado, pero enseguida vino una chica y al vernos esperando nos preguntó y le enseñe desde el movil el PDF de la compra de los billetes hacia Ayutthaya. Nos dijo que en 5 minutos vendría el transporte y nos llevaron en una van a la estación de autobuses. En la estación si tuvimos que esperar como media hora a que llegara otra van más grande y despues una hora y media aproximadamente nos dejó puntual a la hora prevista en Ayutthaya. Muy buen viaje, muy recomendable! Una vez que llegas la estación de tren está lejos, como a media hora caminando y tienes que coger un tuk tuk u otro transporte para llegar. Sería bueno que la van te dejara en la estación de tren y no en medio de la ciudad.
廂型車 十四人座地區車, Mama Travel and Tour, 2020年2月8日
Travelling on this bus is travelling in true Thai fashion! Buses have air con which is handy but if you have big bags you may have to have them on your lap the whole way! Staff very friendly.
廂型車 十四人座地區車, Mama Travel and Tour, 2019年11月22日
The whole ride was really unorganized. The van was more than an hour late and really uncomfortable.
廂型車 十四人座地區車, Mama Travel and Tour, 2019年10月23日
Pris en charge par Mama Travel dans un mini an plutôt confortable puis transférés à la bus station pour prendre un minibus « standard » bref pas top, si j’avais voulu un minibus de la bus station j’aurais pu le faire moi-même !!!
廂型車 十四人座地區車, Mama Travel and Tour, 2019年7月17日
The departure trip from Bangkok to Trat took too much time, roughly 6 to 7 hours whereas the return trip from Trat only 5 hours (driver drove faster and didn't stop too much on the way). The van's AC on the way back wasn't working well, too hot. The rest is okay.
廂型車 十四人座地區車, Mama Travel and Tour, 2019年5月20日
The bus was very early so definitly be there 30 minutes beforehand as they tell you to be. Trip went smoothly and we needed even less than the estimated 2 hours. The minivans all glady have an AC but the leg room is a tiny bit too small
廂型車 十四人座地區車, Mama Travel and Tour, 2019年1月16日
Left khao San Road on time, went to pick up more people. 30 mins later back to khao San half ppl told to get in different veichle whist a big party got on. Then sat around for 20 mins.. Arrived 1hr 15 late missed sunset. Don't see why I had to be there at 2.30...
廂型車 十四人座地區車, Mama Travel and Tour, 2019年1月2日
Everything was delayed and it ended up taking 7 hours instead of 4.5
廂型車 十四人座地區車, Mama Travel and Tour, 2018年11月20日
Tudo muito baralhado. Sem organização. Tive de mudar de van no meio. Sinceramente não aconselho
廂型車 十四人座地區車, Mama Travel and Tour, 2018年11月14日
Comfortable, fresh and in great company.. Very good trip!
廂型車 十四人座地區車, Mama Travel and Tour, 2018年11月12日
Não avisaram que tínhamos de mudar de transporte e esperar na estação que chegasse mais gente para encher o autocarro, só parte quando todos os lugares estão preenchidos. De resto a viagem até é rápida, pouco mais de 1h, e confortável.
廂型車 十四人座地區車, Mama Travel and Tour, 2018年10月31日
1. Автобус не подъехал к месту отправления. С багажом шли к месту стоянки(метров 300, мелочь, но неприятно). 2. Отъезж задержали на 30 мин. Похоже у других пассажиров было другое время отправления. 3. Ехал очень медленно и делал постоянные остановки. Дозаправка. Поразводить пассажиров на трансфер до отеля за доп плату. Короче приехали почти на 2!!! часа позже. 4. Поведение водителя. Пассажир несколько раз не мог закрыть сдвижную дверь (автобус сильно уставший), так водитель не удосужился выйти и закрыть снаружи. Пришлось другому пассажиру через переднюю дверь выходить и закрывать. 5. Мы живы. Мы в Тайланде. Ярко светит солнце! За это добавлю звезду:)))
廂型車 十四人座地區車, Mama Travel and Tour, 2018年8月8日
Trip was delayed by at least half an hour. No apology. Van wasn't air conditioned enough to be comfortable.
廂型車 十四人座地區車, Mama Travel and Tour, 2018年5月27日
The bus left on time from Khao San Road, but we then drove around for half an hour only to arrive back to the same place to pick up more people. The AC was poor so it was very hot. I got dropped in Pattaya and had to wait for another bus to take me to Ban Phe Pier which was not explained at time of booking. The driver had his phone on the windscreen and it was playing music videos, which is obviously a dangerous distraction. The advertised arrival time at Nadan Pier on Koh Samet was 2pm, but I didn't get there until 3.30pm. You can get a cheaper, faster and direct option from Ekkamai so I would recommend that (I did that on the return journey).
廂型車 十四人座地區車, Mama Travel and Tour, 2018年3月27日
Booked a bus but got a car where we had to share with another couple
廂型車 十四人座地區車, Mama Travel and Tour, 2018年3月25日
All great. Trip started and arrived on time and driver very fun
廂型車 十四人座地區車, Mama Travel and Tour, 2018年3月12日
The trip was really good, I just miss one star cause the minivan was really small but it’s normal it’s a minivan so!
廂型車 十四人座地區車, Mama Travel and Tour, 2018年2月20日
A bit confused and late at pickup, but everything alright and nice trip overall! Also, the one we bought for less price wasn’t worse!
廂型車 十四人座地區車, Mama Travel and Tour, 2018年2月18日
Arrived on schedule, we had to pay extra seat for luggage
廂型車 十四人座地區車, Mama Travel and Tour, 2017年7月31日
This transfer was relatively expensive in comparison with the public busses which depart fram a terminal far from the touristic center of Bangkok. That's why we booked this bus to save time. However we had to wait one hour before the bus departed from the Khoa san road. Furthermore we first stopped at a bus terminal in Bangkok to wait for another bus directly to our destination. Next time we will take a taxi or tuk tuk to take one of the public busses...
廂型車 十四人座地區車, Mama Travel and Tour, 2016年12月9日
Malisimo!!!! Nunca abrieron la oficina, tuvimos que caminar a otra oficina que por suerte no entendimos por que nos acepto el voucher de khao san mama.
廂型車 十四人座地區車, Mama Travel and Tour, 2024年2月26日
Was okay, bus stopped 3 times in bangkok to pick up more guests. Next you had to switch the bus at a bus terminal. Both bus were in good condition.
廂型車 十四人座地區車, Mama Travel and Tour, 2023年10月11日
It was a nice ride and the people were friendly.
廂型車 Van + Ferry + Taxi, Mama Travel and Tour, 2023年10月6日
Our starting was planed for 8:30, and the driver came 8:10. The van was very confortable and we came right on time to take the ferry we needed to. We arrived at the planed time in our resort.
廂型車 十四人座地區車, Mama Travel and Tour, 2023年7月7日
The trip was very nice and easy to handle
渡輪 Speedboat + Bus, Mama Travel and Tour, 2023年6月21日
comfortable ride and nice people
廂型車 十四人座地區車, Mama Travel and Tour, 2023年5月8日
The service from that agent is so bad
廂型車 十四人座地區車, Mama Travel and Tour, 2023年4月6日
Read the email I sent.
廂型車 十四人座地區車, Mama Travel and Tour, 2022年11月12日
Meeting Point ,Mama Travel. Pick up from one gay ,to go to the next , mey be , meeting point. After waiting of 15 min. tuen gay come back with a full occupaid Taxi. The Taxi drove to the Bus Main station in Bangkok. again waiting. After a short confution, sombody show me the mini bus. The mini bus was full of other passengers and a lot of luagge . The comfort was very nerrow, or better no comfort.
廂型車 十四人座地區車, Mama Travel and Tour, 2022年8月28日
Arrived at Khao san road at 8.40 am. Mama travel didn't know there are someone traveling to Pattaya. The staff give them a call and arrange a van for us. So make sure you check in early. Then we were taken to the bus terminal in the west and waited until 11:20 am(1 and half hours waiting in the bus station). We arrived in Pattaya at 1:40 PM. Dropped somewhere in Pattaya. You have to tell the driver where you want to take off. It is 2 hours late than expected. It is ok to take but don't expect a good experience and arrive in time.
廂型車 十四人座地區車, Mama Travel and Tour, 2022年8月3日
They just drive you to the southern bus terminal, and sell you to a local mini van. The mini van stopped at every town on the way. Actually you could just go to the south bus terminal yourself, the mini van trip just cost you 180 bahn
廂型車 十四人座地區車, Mama Travel and Tour, 2022年8月2日
One Change at bus station and 30 min later we start Un changement avec 30 min d attente mais sinon parfait
廂型車 十四人座地區車, Mama Travel and Tour, 2022年7月28日
Good communication about pick-up location and time. Good trip with tourists and some locals.
廂型車 十四人座地區車, Mama Travel and Tour, 2020年3月9日
Walked to mama travel agency, some guy picked us up had to walk khao san road back, were dropped off at a van station without any info and driver left. Got assigned a new van - which was full - still tried to fit us in. Didn't work - took a later van. No apologies or some. New van full of musquitos
廂型車 十四人座地區車, Mama Travel and Tour, 2020年2月28日
Very clean and modern van. They leave on time so do not be late. Not much space between seats but the driver ensures that everyone is comfortable. Not much room for big luggages.
廂型車 十四人座地區車, Mama Travel and Tour, 2020年2月26日
Travel is convenient. Much better if we can communicate with the driver effectively.
廂型車 十四人座地區車, Mama Travel and Tour, 2020年2月17日
Drive very fast on bumpy roads. Anpart from that it was as expected.
廂型車 十四人座地區車, Mama Travel and Tour, 2020年1月28日
Van driver made way too many stops. I thought it was a chartered service not a regular bus type operation. I would never use your service again.
廂型車 十四人座地區車, Mama Travel and Tour, 2020年1月27日
Old van, many delays, arrived more then 30 minutes late. Staff only tells "wait here" or "get out, vehicle change" and then kept us waiting for more then 40 minutes before we continued. No information.
廂型車 十四人座地區車, Mama Travel and Tour, 2020年1月27日
Poor organisation and waste of time. The ticket said to be at the bus stop 30 mins before. No one from the company showed up until 30 mins after the departure time. Tried to call the number on the ticket but it just rang and rang and the office was completely closed. Standing on stinking Khao San road at 7am for over an hour is not a great start to any journey. In the end we departed almost 1.5 hours late and arrived at Samet just before 2pm. From other reviews it seems like this is 'normal', not a one-off. The drive was fine. I would try to find alternatives if I took this journey again - not recommended.
廂型車 十四人座地區車, Mama Travel and Tour, 2020年1月26日
All went fine, just as described.
廂型車 十四人座地區車, Mama Travel and Tour, 2020年1月26日
Mama tours was okay. They showed us to another bus which was fine. We also had to wait at another bus station for 45 min for another bus. We left at 09:45 and arrived at Ayutthaya around 12:45. The trip back was quicker and perfect.
廂型車 十四人座地區車, Mama Travel and Tour, 2020年1月21日
Very nice place:) a lot of tourists
廂型車 十四人座地區車, Mama Travel and Tour, 2020年1月19日
Easy to find office, good services
廂型車 十四人座地區車, Mama Travel and Tour, 2020年1月17日
Took a while to set off as was waiting for mini busses for a while and when it came the tyre burst after 20 mins. They arranged a new bus fairly quickly so was well handled. Although we had no idea what was happening initially so would have been nice if the driver told us as we didn't know if a new bus was coming or if we had to wait until it got fixed!
廂型車 十四人座地區車, Mama Travel and Tour, 2020年1月16日
They did the job but. Khao San mama travel is not easy to find. Then a man from the agency comes and bring you with a couple of other people that are going in other destination to different places with no explanation. They take you to a pretty inconfortable van that takes you to the bus station.... The travel to kanchanaburi itself was fine. But they should explain that you are not leaving directly to kanchanaburi from mama travel...
廂型車 十四人座地區車, Mama Travel and Tour, 2020年1月12日
Bus was nice with ac. No problems what so ever.
廂型車 十四人座地區車, Mama Travel and Tour, 2020年1月12日
Well organized and on time!