08 5月 2024

Daiichi Travel

481 則顧客評價
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  • Reviews

Daiichi Travel 行程及時刻表

河內市 - 薩帕
巴士 臥鋪40
06:30, 07:00, 16:00, 21:30
巴士 VIP 24
06:30, 07:00, 07:30, 08:30, 09:00, 09:30, 10:30, 11:00, 11:30, 12:30, 13:30, 14:30, 15:30, 16:00, 16:30, 17:30, 18:00, 18:30, 19:30, 20:00, 20:30, 21:30, 22:00, 22:30, 23:00, 23:45
河內市 - 河江
巴士 VIP 13
06:30, 07:00, 15:30, 16:00
巴士 VIP 24
11:15, 11:30, 20:15, 20:30
巴士 臥艙45
15:45, 16:00, 16:45, 21:00, 21:45
薩帕 - 河內市
巴士 VIP 24
06:00, 07:00, 08:00, 09:00, 10:00, 11:00, 13:00, 15:00, 17:00, 19:00, 20:30, 21:30, 22:00
巴士 VIP 22
06:00, 07:00, 08:00, 10:00, 11:00, 11:30, 12:45, 13:30, 14:00, 16:00, 17:00, 18:00, 19:00, 20:00, 20:30, 21:30, 22:45
海防 - 寧平
08:30, 09:00, 12:30, 16:00
河內市 - 海防
巴士 Limousine
07:00, 08:00, 10:00, 13:00, 15:00
巴士 VIP 45
06:00, 07:30, 07:45, 08:00, 10:30, 10:45, 12:15, 12:30, 14:00, 14:15, 14:30
河江 - 河內市
巴士 VIP 13
06:30, 07:00, 15:30, 15:45, 16:00
巴士 VIP 24
11:30, 21:00
巴士 快車臥鋪
00:00, 09:15, 18:00, 21:00, 22:45, 23:00
河內市 - 寧平
05:00, 05:30, 06:00, 07:00, 07:30, 08:00, 08:30, 09:00, 09:30, 10:00, 10:30, 11:00, 11:30, 12:00, 12:30, 13:00, 14:00, 14:30, 15:00, 16:00, 16:30, 17:00, 18:00, 18:30, 19:00, 20:00
河內市 - 吉婆島
巴士 快車 45號座
05:45, 06:00, 08:00, 10:45, 12:30, 14:20, 14:30, 22:00, 23:00
巴士 快車臥鋪
05:45, 06:00, 08:00, 10:45, 12:30, 14:15, 14:20, 14:30, 22:00
巴士 VIP 45
05:45, 06:00, 06:45, 07:00, 08:00, 10:45, 12:30, 14:15, 14:30
寧平 - 河內市
巴士 迷你巴士
04:30, 05:30, 06:30, 07:30, 08:30, 09:30, 10:30, 11:30, 12:30, 13:30, 14:30, 15:30, 16:30, 17:00, 17:30, 18:30, 19:30
巴士 快速29
海防 - 河內市
計程車 SUV 7pax,
計程車 VIP 7
寧平 - 海防
06:45, 07:00, 09:15, 09:30, 13:30
河江 - 海防
巴士 VIP 13
06:30, 06:45
巴士 臥鋪40
00:00, 22:45, 23:00
吉婆島 - 河內市
巴士 快車 47號座
07:15, 07:20, 07:30, 08:45, 09:00, 12:15, 12:30, 15:45, 16:00
巴士 快速、直達
07:20, 08:45, 09:00, 12:15, 12:30, 15:45, 16:00
巴士 快車 45號座
07:20, 08:45, 09:00, 12:15, 12:30, 15:45, 16:00
薩帕 - 海防
巴士 VIP 22
06:00, 07:00, 22:45, 23:00
巴士 臥艙45
河江 - 下龍灣
巴士 快車臥鋪
00:00, 23:00
巴士 臥鋪40
海防 - 河江
12:15, 12:30, 15:45, 16:00
河內市 - 枚州
07:00, 09:45, 12:30, 15:00, 16:30
枚州 - 河內市
04:00, 06:00, 07:00, 09:00, 09:45, 12:00, 12:15, 14:00, 15:00, 17:00
海防 - 薩帕
巴士 VIP 24
07:15, 07:20, 07:30, 09:00, 12:15, 12:30, 15:45, 16:00
巴士 臥鋪40
下龍灣 - 河江
12:00, 12:30, 13:00, 16:00
河江 - 寧平
00:00, 23:00
薩帕 - 下龍灣
巴士 VIP 22
06:00, 07:00, 08:00, 09:00, 10:00, 11:00, 12:00
巴士 快車 45號座
河內市 - 下龍灣
06:00, 07:00, 08:00, 10:45
寧平 - 河江
13:00, 13:30, 17:00
河內市 - 清化省
06:30, 06:45, 07:00
清化省 - 河內市
下龍灣 - 寧平
09:30, 12:00, 12:30, 16:00
下龍灣 - 薩帕
04:00, 05:00, 06:00, 07:00, 08:00, 10:00, 11:00, 12:00, 13:00, 14:00, 15:00, 16:00, 17:00, 18:00, 19:00, 20:00
吉婆島 - 豐芽
14:30, 15:30

關於 Daiichi Travel

大巴因其價格實惠、時間靈活、車站遍布全國而便於旅客安排行程。對預算有限和想旅行舒適的人來說,大巴是很好的選擇。Daiichi Travel提供網上訂票服務。在訂票前,請參閱其他旅客的評論並選擇最佳方案。

Daiichi Travel 的主站有哪些?

Daiichi Travel運營往返於以下車站的大巴:

  • 河內
  • 吉婆島
  • 阮友歡街96號
  • 沙壩Sao Viet Bus
  • 阮崔街32號
  • 寧平
  • 奠邊府626號
  • 河內機場
  • 河內滿月巴士
  • 莫唐圖217

Daiichi Travel 的巴士等級和價格為何?




  • 大巴覆蓋的目的地範圍最廣,可以到達飛機和火車不能企及的地方。
  • 大巴出行方便-不用提前很多時間到達車站,和飛機相比檢票手續也相當快捷
  • 大巴價格實惠。當然也有價格昂貴的一等大巴或者VIP大巴。不過對於預算有限的人而言,大巴是旅行的首選。
  • 此外,大巴多層次的服務可以滿足不各種預算的需求。即便你追求高度的舒適感,大巴也能滿足你的需求。


  • 城際大巴車站可能設在遠離市中心的郊區,因而需要考慮到車站所需的時間和費用。有時候從車站到達目的地的費用可能比你預想的要高很多,因為僅有少數巴士公司運營這些線路而價格偏高。
  • 在繁忙的週末或者旅遊旺季,車票可能會很快售罄因而需要提前預訂。
  • 儘管大巴不像輪渡那樣依賴天氣,但要注意的是在某些季節或者某些地方,大巴也會因惡劣天氣或者道路情況有所延誤或者取消。

Daiichi Travel 停靠站

河內SSB 沙壩SSB 枚州汽車 吉婆島SSB Hanoi HL 河江旅舍 Ha Giang 吉婆島早安CB Hanoi 21 Hang Thung 河内内排机场 河內SapaDragon 三古Ben do村 河内内排机场 中央馬戲團 Cat Ba Discovery Ha Noi Tuan Chau Gateway 寧平辦公室 162 Tran Quang Khai 沙壩Sao Viet Bus 寧平GMCB 河內機場 河內滿月巴士 陸龍灣龍酒店 河江邦潘 麥丁汽車站 寧平辦公室 河江汽車站 河江邦潘 寧平 Hanoi InterBusLines 麥洲旅館 陳光凱街208號 河內大劇院 團洲Luxxury SSB 普良SSB 團洲港 Chuong Duong Bridge 96 Nguyen Huu Huan Street 陳仁宗街79號 Sao Viet 夜間大巴 河內滿月派對巴士 阮友歡街96號 Daiichi 吉婆島廣場 寧平 Break Time Coffee 下龍 莫唐圖217 Break Time Coffee Tam Coc 國際航站樓T2 162 Tran Quang Khai Hanoi 河內 Bang Phan Hanoi Office 陳光凱街156 Hanoi Bang Phan Bus Operator 河內SSB 河內邦潘 Hanoi Bang Phan Ha Noi Bang Phan Ha Noi 河內 還劍區 Tam Coc Ninh Binh Bang Phan My Dinh Lo Su Full Moon Bus Daiichi Travel 156 Tran Quang Khai 23 Hang Tre Duy Khang Limousine 陳仁宗79號 薩帕舒適酒店 薩帕King Express Bus 河內辦公室 吉婆島站SSB 156 Tran Quang Khai 156 Tran Quang Khai street Hanoi Bus Station Duy Khang Limousine Ha Noi 河內杜伊康豪華轎車站 HSHV河內辦公室 河內 79 Tran nhan tong street Hanoi Ha Noi 寧平limousine 河內SaoViet 三十六行街64號 道杜圖街6號 河江瞬間民宿 奠邊府626號 三十六行街114號 河江河岸青年旅舍 阮崔街32號

Daiichi Travel 公司評價

巴士 VIP 45, Daiichi Travel, 2024年2月2日
La segunda vez que voy con ellos. Es una empresa atenta y servicial. Lo único que no me gustó esta vez es que el autobús era viejo y sucio, aunque llegó en hora y el trayecto era corto.
巴士 臥鋪40, Daiichi Travel, 2023年10月13日
물이랑 빵 그리고 물티슈를 담아서 작은 쇼핑백에 줍니다. 30분전에 오라고 해서 일찍 출발하나 싶었는데 오전7시 정시에 출발했고 휴게소 2번 (15분, 30분) 주유소 1번 이렇게 쉬는 시간이 거의 1시간이며 도착 예정시간 오후 1시보다 20분정도 늦게 도착했어요 휴게소 화장실 3000동 지불해야 이용 가능했어요. 도착 40분 정도 남겨두고 12시에 두번째 휴게소에서 30분 쉬어서 더 늦게 도착한것 같아서 좀 아쉬웠어요.
巴士 VIP 45, Daiichi Travel, 2023年7月2日
Nos dejaron en el mismo sitio, cuando nos habian dicho que dejaban en los hoteles en Hanoi. En el primer bus en Cat Ba llovia mucho y entraba el agua mientras el aire acondicionado estaba a tope y estabamos todos mojados. Después del barco nos tocó un sleeper bus donde habia más gente que asientos.
巴士 VIP 22, Daiichi Travel, 2023年6月11日
very comfortable bus, I almost could lay straight with my 185 cm
巴士 VIP 24, Daiichi Travel, 2023年6月9日
The bus ride was great.But when we go to Ha Giang, I almost got lost not knowing where my transfer bus was. I did find the transfer bus. As it turned out they lost the info on my hotel room. The driver was about to leave me off in the middle of nowhere, until I showed him on his phone, because my phone battery had just run out. But everything turned out fine.
巴士 VIP 22, Daiichi Travel, 2023年4月5日
Was skeptical on my first experience. But it was smooth. Would your experience be similar or better? Try it to know!
巴士 VIP 22, Daiichi Travel, 2023年4月4日
We booked a Hanoi sapa travel, from the airport of Hanoi as it was supposed to arrive an hour before the other Hanoi sapa leaving from center town. Finally no bus at the airport, a taxi came after we call the company to bring us at an other meeting point at 2 km, where they told us that the bus would leave at 2:30, not 1:30. And arrive at sapa one hour later than planned. Poor experience.
巴士 快車臥鋪, Daiichi Travel, 2023年2月20日
You get what you pay for, no pleasant surprises here. Not dirty but not clean. Departs late and arrives late, but you get there in one piece. Seats very narrow, try to get the flat VIP sleepers instead. Wear long pants and jacket so your skin doesn't have to touch the seat.
巴士 VIP 13, Daiichi Travel, 2023年2月19日
Booked bus, got cancelled few hours later, had to negotiate another service with then, got told to come to their office at a set time, had to wait around for a taxi to take me elsewhere, taxi came took me to wrong location. Had to contact office to advise sent photo of location. They said wait. They didn't check to see where is was was waiting over half an hour. They sent another taxi to pick me up and then it took me 10 miles away to where the bus had to stop and wait for me... complete nightmare 2... did finally get to my destination but doubt use this company again seem very amateur
巴士 VIP 45, Daiichi Travel, 2023年1月27日
Very friendly staff, on time and smooth ride. Well organized! Bus was a bit old but still comfortable enough. Would recommend
巴士 快速29, Daiichi Travel, 2024年5月6日
Good trip from Tam coc to Hanoï... The bus has only 30 min delayed !
巴士 VIP 24, Daiichi Travel, 2024年5月1日
No issues with this bus, very clean and on time to leave.
巴士 快速、直達, Daiichi Travel, 2024年3月31日
We got on one bus then had to get off to get a small boat then another sleeper bus. Took very long and was unorganised. The air conditioner was leaking drops of water on the sleeper bud. Got water and bread on the bus and made one stop. It was fine for a short journey but could have been smoother.
巴士 VIP 22, Daiichi Travel, 2024年3月29日
The ride itself was okay. Unfortunately, the staff were very unfriendly (when booking/ticket collection and on the bus). There was a toilet on the bus, shortly after departure it stank so bad that you could hardly use the seats at the back. They fixed it later, but after that there was still not 100% good. TV and wifi didn‘t work
巴士 VIP 24, Daiichi Travel, 2024年3月25日
When we arrived at the office they gave us a ticket for a bus 1 hr earlier. It meant we didn't have time to get food and visit an ATM as planned. The bus was comfortable and the toilet on board was clean. Staff on board were not particularly friendly with no communication at any point in the journey other than to take off shoes. The TV screens didn't work. Some of the USBs did work but not all.
巴士 快車臥鋪, Daiichi Travel, 2024年3月23日
The only stop along the way was not a service station but a run-down restaurant right at the edge of a small town.
巴士 VIP 22, Daiichi Travel, 2024年3月23日
When we arrived at the bus station 1 hour early, it seems like we were not included in the booking for 1PM. The receptionist moved us to 1:30 pm without any explanations, maybe she had a hard time explaining in english. In any case, the bus we rode on was clean and comfortable. The ride out of Sa Pa gave us motion sickness, but it eventually settled down after the zig zag roads.
巴士 快速29, Daiichi Travel, 2024年3月22日
Everything was just fine, no problems on the way
巴士 VIP 24, Daiichi Travel, 2024年3月21日
The bus left 30 minutes early, and we arrived at 4:00 a.m. instead of 5:00 a.m. It was hard to get any sleep because the bus was making a lot of noise (there were also a few potholes on the way that shook us a bit)… The upside: 2 small bottles of water in each cabin.
巴士 VIP 24, Daiichi Travel, 2024年3月17日
Loud crew and passengers on the bus - impossible to sleep
巴士 VIP 24, Daiichi Travel, 2024年3月17日
They were late by an hour. But it was comfortable and overall a nice experience
巴士 小麵包車11, Daiichi Travel, 2024年3月15日
Wait during 1hour with your luggages in front of street to be pick up it's not very confortable.
巴士 快車 45號座, Daiichi Travel, 2024年3月13日
Very excellent service!
巴士 VIP 45, Daiichi Travel, 2024年3月2日
Well on time, friendly people and the chauffeur drove very calm and comfortably
巴士 快車臥鋪, Daiichi Travel, 2024年2月2日
Rough to have 2 transfers for a bus that looked like it didn’t, especially when the second bus wasn’t a sleeper. It was expensive compared to some other options too
巴士 臥艙45, Daiichi Travel, 2024年1月31日
It was the best bus experience in all of Vietnam!! Overall super nice, bus left on time and arrived on time - they brought out little waters and snacks for the ride! The busstop in Hanoi was good aswell, they served tea and water, and we could put our bags while exploring Hanoi :)
巴士 臥鋪40, Daiichi Travel, 2024年1月11日
Better than a normal bus but I’m over 6ft tall so couldn’t have my legs straight on the beds that were available. Okay for a daytime bus but wouldn’t recommend for an overnight if you’re slightly tall.
巴士 快車 47號座, Daiichi Travel, 2024年1月1日
Bus left from Cat Ba with 30min late, + some late because of the many stops we had on the road to take some people. We arrived with a total of one hour and half late but the driver was good and the staff nice, giving us bottle of water and a snack !
巴士 快車 47號座, Daiichi Travel, 2023年12月31日
We needed to change a bus and got into a sleeper bus in Hai Phong, which for a ride of 2 hours was uncomfortable. But we arrived at time.
巴士 快車臥鋪, Daiichi Travel, 2023年12月31日
Ha giang to Hanoi was not a problem. A bit late but thats nothing to worry about. But I’m Hanoi I was the only one going to Ninh Binh. And the Worker from Daiichi wrote me that I will just switch the bus at the office. But there, after 30min waiting, they told me to jump on a bike for a 9km ride to the other bus. I refused because that’s more then 30min on a bike with my big bags and it also started raining. After that they organised me a Van to the other Van which drives to Ninh Binh. There, nobody spoke english and they wanted 200k at first, although i booked everything already on 12go. After a lot of discussion with a language barrier they put me in a van to Ninh binh and there I had to switch again to another van to my hotel. In conclusion, Ha giang to Hanoi was good. But everything after that was unorganised and stressful.
巴士 快速29, Daiichi Travel, 2023年12月31日
Changed vehicle after ferry and second coach was older and less comfortable. Driver was a bit heavy on breaks and kept trying to overtake slow lorries but then aborting, which gave me mild motion sickness. When we got to destination we had a private cab to accommodation at no charge which was great. Overall good service, Daiichi seem to be one of the better operators in the region and communication is good via WhatsApp
巴士 快速29, Daiichi Travel, 2023年12月27日
Easy to book and be sure of details, staff very professional and helpful, convenient way to ensure buses and ferry on the same trip. Website stated that "English-speaking guide" and "Water, wet wipes" would be included, none of which were - which was not a problem, but should not be falsely advertised.
巴士 快速29, Daiichi Travel, 2023年12月24日
English speaker driver, helped us
巴士 VIP 45, Daiichi Travel, 2023年12月22日
The bus departed before time and we were late but they made the effort to wait for us and they were very helpful.
巴士 快車 47號座, Daiichi Travel, 2023年12月19日
Everything was organised very well, safe and on time
巴士 VIP 45, Daiichi Travel, 2023年12月12日
The beds were very uncomfortable, made out of very sharpy wood that was painful to lie on
巴士 快速29, Daiichi Travel, 2023年12月12日
Bus arrived on time and was very comfortable and had aircon. We had a 20 minute break at a service station and were also given a snack and bottle of water after the stop.
巴士 VIP 45, Daiichi Travel, 2023年12月11日
Very good organisation!
巴士 臥鋪40, Daiichi Travel, 2023年11月23日
We drove from Hanoi to Sapa. The departure was almost on time (10 minutes delay). Bus was clean and we had enough space. The driver was very friendly and helpful. He drove very chilled and arrived almost on time in Sapa :)
巴士 臥鋪40, Daiichi Travel, 2023年11月14日
1 hour to late but the driver is good
巴士 臥艙45, Daiichi Travel, 2023年11月11日
A very good service. Pickup points were very good and dropped off directly in front of the hotel. Also a very good driver. Gladly again. Thanks.
巴士 臥鋪40, Daiichi Travel, 2023年11月8日
The bus left on time and arrived in Sapa 15 minutes after the scheduled arrival time. The seat was comfortable, the bus driver did not drive too fast and hardly honked which made the ride pleasant. There were two stops for a short break of about 15 minutes.
巴士 臥艙45, Daiichi Travel, 2023年11月6日
Super fun and kind people in the bus, the driver was fun and chill
巴士 快速、直達, Daiichi Travel, 2023年11月5日
These triple row sleeper buses are not for everyone. I am 6ft and could not lie down flat. Had to sleep with my feet by my knees all night. There is also no room for bags inside the bus so best stow as much luggage as you can. Book a VIP sleeper if you can, worth the extra money. You also have to change buses in Hanoi which is not well explained.
巴士 快速29, Daiichi Travel, 2023年11月5日
Place quit small for Europeans. Trip was ok.
巴士 臥艙45, Daiichi Travel, 2023年11月3日
Was a bit stressful at times because we had to change busses a few times but everything went smoothly and the bus staff was nice
巴士 快車 47號座, Daiichi Travel, 2023年11月1日
super friendly English speaking staff, helped us retrieve our hats we've left on the bus.
巴士 快速29, Daiichi Travel, 2023年10月31日
Nice and good driver. Easy transfer to the ferry and to the bus on the other side.
巴士 臥鋪40, Daiichi Travel, 2023年10月29日
Nice driver Clean vehicle
巴士 VIP 45, Daiichi Travel, 2023年10月28日
Really good! They organised everything from our hostel in Hanoi to taking the speedboat in Cat Ba to our hostel.