從龍目島 到 珀尼達島的渡輪

從龍目島 到 珀尼達島的渡輪

NaN 乘客


龍目島 到 珀尼達島 Ferry 時刻表

龍目島 到 珀尼達島 Ferry 時刻表
Wings Air Economy #IW182707:00 - 08:20IDR 2,085,278
Lion Air Economy 08:40 - 15:50IDR 3,078,141
Lion Air Economy #IW185110:55 - 11:40IDR 1,174,331
Starfish Fast Boat Speedboat 13:30 - 16:00IDR 258,750
Eka Jaya Fast Boat Speedboat 14:00 - 16:30IDR 535,000
Citilink Economy #QG167317:15 - 18:05IDR 1,240,640
Citilink Economy #QG267119:55 - 20:35IDR 1,149,182

龍目島 和 珀尼達島之間的交通方式

從 龍目島 到 珀尼達島輪渡資訊

最早的輪渡12:55 PM
最晚的輪渡2:00 PM
距離250 公里
輪渡公司Caspla Buyuk, Eka Jaya Fast Boat, Eka Jaya Fast Boat, Semaya One, Semaya One, Starfish Fast Boat, Wijaya Buyuk

從龍目島到目的地 珀尼達島 的評價

Boat smelled of petrol the entire ride. Hard to look outside so a bit seasick. Left 45 minutes later than planned (although the operator said at check in already it would leave half an hour later). I actually booked another boat, but they changed the time and departure harbor. 12go emailed me about this asking if i wanted to cancel. I sais yes, because it was inconvenient for me. Then I never heard back again.
渡輪 快艇, Semaya One, 2023年12月22日
Very disorganized to get into and out of the boat!
渡輪 快艇, Wijaya Buyuk, 2023年12月2日
Safe trip with Wanderlust! After trying other SpeedBoats this was one of my favourite operators. Very organized with the lagguage, we got instructions on board and even a anti sea sickness pill (who wanted). We were 1 hour late, but it was the sea conditions and full ports. The operator couldn’t do much about it. Generally I recommend to plan +1 or better 1,5 hours more for your trip with every company in this area.
渡輪 快艇, Wanderlust Cruise, 2023年10月3日
The trip was good! We felt secure and they offered water, pills for seasickness and mentos! The staff was very friendly. We arrived on time, as they planned some time to go to the harbour and wait for the boat, so we thought there would be a delay but no there wasn’t. We would drive with them again!
渡輪 快艇, Wanderlust Cruise, 2023年9月14日
One of the fout motors was broken due to the big waves. He had to start over the motor over and over again… Samaya one has different boats. We had the small one. The boat left one hour later than scheduled..
渡輪 快艇, Semaya One, 2023年7月30日
Best boat/ferry! The guys up top that sell beers and help with luggage are very friendly. Great experience. Will definitely use EkaJaya everytime!
渡輪 快艇, Eka Jaya Fast Boat (Eka Jaya Fast Boat), 2023年6月15日
Poor confort, was riding too fast
渡輪 快艇, DPrabu Fast Boat, 2022年8月30日
The boat never come
渡輪 快艇, DPrabu Fast Boat, 2022年6月29日
32 客戶評價

如何從龍目島 搭渡輪到 珀尼達島?

搭渡輪往返龍目島 和 珀尼達島 之間很方便。渡輪也能讓你在從 龍目島 移動到 珀尼達島的同時一邊欣賞風景。想要找到預算之內最美麗又最舒適的航程,一定要提早訂票。

從龍目島 到 珀尼達島有多遠?

龍目島 和 珀尼達島兩地之間渡輪的航行距離是353 英哩(567 公里)。 渡輪航程可能不是兩地之間最短的距離,但會是難忘的旅行回憶。

從龍目島 搭渡輪到 珀尼達島 要多久?

以平均船速來看,從龍目島 坐渡輪到 珀尼達島大概需要1小時 30分鐘。但是請記得,航行時間要看天氣狀況和渡輪種類。

從 龍目島 到 珀尼達島的花費多少?

渡輪對很多人來說是比較高級的選擇從 龍目島 到 珀尼達島的一張渡輪票不算便宜 – 預算最少是 USD 13.54 。如果你帶著十四歲以下的孩童同行,大部分渡輪公司有比較便宜的孩童票。


從 龍目島 到 珀尼達島 的渡輪時間表來選擇渡輪的時候,一定記得以下幾點: - 瀏覽評價。你可以找之前由 龍目島 坐渡輪到 珀尼達島的旅客所分享的經驗談。 - 如果帶著小孩,建議乘坐提供孩童優惠價的公司。 - 記得考慮進去來往碼頭的時間。查看Google地圖來掌握自己抵達碼頭的時間。如果你的旅館離碼頭很遠,最好不要坐太早的班次。 - 旺季時,很多渡輪公司會有家開的船班,可以上我們的網站查詢。