從濤島 到 奧南的渡輪

從濤島 到 奧南的渡輪

NaN 乘客


濤島 到 奧南 Ferry 時刻表

濤島 到 奧南 Ferry 時刻表
Lomlahkkhirin Speedboat + Van + Long Tail Boat 07:00 - 14:30฿ 1,800
Lomprayah Speedboat + Express Bus 09:30 - 18:30฿ 1,700
Ramon Transport Sleeper Boat + Van 19:00 - 11:30฿ 1,300
Fame Tour Sleeper Boat 21:00 - 09:45฿ 1,350

濤島 和 奧南之間的交通方式

從 濤島 到 奧南輪渡資訊

最早的輪渡9:30 AM
最晚的輪渡9:00 PM
距離325 公里
輪渡公司Fame Tour, Koh Tao Booking Center, Lomprayah, Ramon Transport, Sapthaweephol Tour and Travel, Songserm, Van2Travel

從濤島到目的地 奧南 的評價

Very good! Worked well and was on time. Would do it again.
渡輪 渡輪, Koh Tao Booking Center (Koh Tao Booking Center), 2024年3月19日
The boat was very great, confy and clean beds, good toilet. The bus was overbooked, no room for everyone and luggage, 3 hour trip very uncomfortable
渡輪 渡輪, Fame Tour (เฟมทัวร์), 2024年1月4日
Ferry was great, the minivan was a bit cramped and uncomfortable. But did the trick and got where we were going.
渡輪 渡輪, Fame Tour (เฟมทัวร์), 2023年12月3日
Boat was surprisingly fine, I took a Valium and slept most of it. Can was quiet spacious for me. It wasn’t fully booked, so we had loads of room. Although I have heard it can be over booked sometimes. Overall I was happy with my experience.
渡輪 渡輪, Koh Tao Booking Center (Koh Tao Booking Center), 2023年11月6日
Well the sleeper ferry is a fine experience. I think if it would have busier I would of liked it less as the beds are shoulder to shoulder but I had space between on both sides. However the van was where I had issue. There was not enough room in the van so I had to sit 4 ppl in 3 seats and was very uncomfy for everyone.
渡輪 渡輪, Koh Tao Booking Center (Koh Tao Booking Center), 2023年10月19日
The boat was great and fun but the Van was pretty uncomfortable
渡輪 渡輪, Fame Tour (เฟมทัวร์), 2023年9月8日
Take a sleeping pill before going on the boat, then it’s fine! The transfer in Ao Nang was chaotic, but everyone got where they needed to be. Had to pay another 100 baht extra to get to Railay Beach
渡輪 渡輪, Koh Tao Booking Center (Koh Tao Booking Center), 2023年4月7日
The boat was okay, the beds were basically normal hostel beds, but from Suratthani to Krabi it was a bit shameful, especially for the price. First they took us by those trucks with benches in the back to the travel agency, we had to wait there for about 30 min, the personnel was not too kind and also didn't speak more than a few words in English. And the minivan was full, so they put me in the most uncomfortable seat, in the middle in the front, just because I am a short girl so I fit there. Also it did not have seatbelt and a headrest... They don't have the addresses which you gave to be dropped of at, so remember to remind the driver.
渡輪 渡輪, Koh Tao Booking Center (Koh Tao Booking Center), 2023年3月20日
I must pay a second price for the Transport to the Hotel .....
渡輪 渡輪, Koh Tao Booking Center (Koh Tao Booking Center), 2023年1月15日
Comfortable good service
渡輪 渡輪, Koh Tao Booking Center (Koh Tao Booking Center), 2023年1月8日
90 客戶評價

如何從濤島 搭渡輪到 奧南?

搭渡輪往返濤島 和 奧南 之間很方便。渡輪也能讓你在從 濤島 移動到 奧南的同時一邊欣賞風景。想要找到預算之內最美麗又最舒適的航程,一定要提早訂票。

從濤島 到 奧南有多遠?

濤島 和 奧南兩地之間渡輪的航行距離是202 英哩(325 公里)。 渡輪航程可能不是兩地之間最短的距離,但會是難忘的旅行回憶。

從濤島 搭渡輪到 奧南 要多久?

以平均船速來看,從濤島 坐渡輪到 奧南大概需要12小時 30分鐘。但是請記得,航行時間要看天氣狀況和渡輪種類。

從 濤島 到 奧南的花費多少?

渡輪對很多人來說是比較高級的選擇從 濤島 到 奧南的一張渡輪票不算便宜 – 預算最少是 USD 40.52 。如果你帶著十四歲以下的孩童同行,大部分渡輪公司有比較便宜的孩童票。


從 濤島 到 奧南 的渡輪時間表來選擇渡輪的時候,一定記得以下幾點: - 瀏覽評價。你可以找之前由 濤島 坐渡輪到 奧南的旅客所分享的經驗談。 - 如果帶著小孩,建議乘坐提供孩童優惠價的公司。 - 記得考慮進去來往碼頭的時間。查看Google地圖來掌握自己抵達碼頭的時間。如果你的旅館離碼頭很遠,最好不要坐太早的班次。 - 旺季時,很多渡輪公司會有家開的船班,可以上我們的網站查詢。