從帕岸島 到 奧南的渡輪

從帕岸島 到 奧南的渡輪

NaN 乘客


帕岸島 到 奧南 Ferry 時刻表

帕岸島 到 奧南 Ferry 時刻表
BangkokTaxi24 Economy 3pax 任何時間฿ 7,810
Phantip 1970 Express 05:30 - 14:00฿ 900
Phantip 1970 Express 08:00 - 16:30฿ 830
Van2Travel Ferry + Taxi 11:30 - 17:00฿ 800
Phantip 1970 Express 12:30 - 20:00฿ 830
Sapthaweephol Tour and Travel Sleeper Boat + Van 22:00 - 10:30฿ 1,020

帕岸島 和 奧南之間的交通方式

從 帕岸島 到 奧南輪渡資訊

最早的輪渡5:00 AM
最晚的輪渡10:00 PM
距離275 公里
輪渡公司Fame Tour, Koh Tao Booking Center, Lomprayah, Phangan Tour 2000, Phantip 1970, Raja Ferry, Ramon Transport, Songserm, Van2Travel

從帕岸島到目的地 奧南 的評價

After we arrived with the ferry, we got on a van, after about an hour of driving we were changed to a bus that stopped at several stops and finally we were changed again to a van that took us to Ao Nang. 6 adults and children with their luggage move from vehicle to vehicle in the rain without first informing me that this is the route. We arrived Exhausted to the hotel from a difficult day. A difficult and unpleasant experience at all.
渡輪 渡輪, Raja Ferry (ราชา เฟอร์รี่), 2023年8月15日
The journey in general has not been bad. But it should be noted that you have to change vehicles 4 times during the trip: first a ferry, then a mini bus, a van and finally a pick-up to get to Ao Nang. On top of that, every time I changed transport I had to say where i was going again because there are the same transport for many destinations and the truth is that it's quite tired all the changes and all the stuff
渡輪 渡輪, Raja Ferry (ราชา เฟอร์รี่), 2023年5月3日
The ferry was great and very comfortable and left in time, although after that our travels were bad. We were waiting around for 40 minutes before our first bus took off, and then we got dropped off downtown transportation hub where we had to wait 3 hours for our next van ride. There was no communication about the expectation we had to wait around this long , and then when the van arrived, it smelt terribly of moved refrigerated foods which our feet rested on, bags everywhere, I felt so stuffy, hot and irritable. We should not have been packed in that van for the length of time this journey was, over 2 hours
渡輪 渡輪, Raja Ferry Port, 2023年2月9日
Everything was in time.
渡輪 快速、直達, Phantip 1970 (พันทิพย์ 1970), 2023年1月29日
It would help a lot if the steps within the trip were thoroughly explained before departure. We had to wait for almost an hour in Donsak for the bus trip to begin. It was a 2 hour ride and the bus had no toilette.
渡輪 快速、直達, Phantip 1970 (พันทิพย์ 1970), 2023年1月27日
On the bus from Donsak to Krabi, the AC was leaking on me and the driver only said sorry with a big smile. Otherwise, quite on time
渡輪 快速、直達, Phantip 1970 (พันทิพย์ 1970), 2023年1月15日
You waited too much time at least 3 hours !
渡輪 快速、直達, Phantip 1970 (พันทิพย์ 1970), 2023年1月10日
Ferry really nice and comfortable and the two vans were also nice. We didn't understand before that we're going to take two different cars to get from the ferry to Ao Nang but it went smoothly and as soon as we arrive to Surathani they explained us and told us the wait would be around 15min until the next van arrive. Then the second van made the rest of the way and got us until our hotel.
渡輪 渡輪, Raja Ferry (ราชา เฟอร์รี่), 2022年11月15日
Very dirty ferry, a lot of trash on the floor and the walls were dirty. We had to change vans three times. They didn’t tell us anything, we had no idea what’s going on.
渡輪 快速、直達, Phantip 1970 (พันทิพย์ 1970), 2022年5月5日
109 客戶評價

如何從帕岸島 搭渡輪到 奧南?

搭渡輪往返帕岸島 和 奧南 之間很方便。渡輪也能讓你在從 帕岸島 移動到 奧南的同時一邊欣賞風景。想要找到預算之內最美麗又最舒適的航程,一定要提早訂票。

從帕岸島 到 奧南有多遠?

帕岸島 和 奧南兩地之間渡輪的航行距離是171 英哩(275 公里)。 渡輪航程可能不是兩地之間最短的距離,但會是難忘的旅行回憶。

從帕岸島 搭渡輪到 奧南 要多久?

以平均船速來看,從帕岸島 坐渡輪到 奧南大概需要7小時。但是請記得,航行時間要看天氣狀況和渡輪種類。

從 帕岸島 到 奧南的花費多少?

渡輪對很多人來說是比較高級的選擇從 帕岸島 到 奧南的一張渡輪票不算便宜 – 預算最少是 USD 33.77 。如果你帶著十四歲以下的孩童同行,大部分渡輪公司有比較便宜的孩童票。


從 帕岸島 到 奧南 的渡輪時間表來選擇渡輪的時候,一定記得以下幾點: - 瀏覽評價。你可以找之前由 帕岸島 坐渡輪到 奧南的旅客所分享的經驗談。 - 如果帶著小孩,建議乘坐提供孩童優惠價的公司。 - 記得考慮進去來往碼頭的時間。查看Google地圖來掌握自己抵達碼頭的時間。如果你的旅館離碼頭很遠,最好不要坐太早的班次。 - 旺季時,很多渡輪公司會有家開的船班,可以上我們的網站查詢。