從巴厘島 到 龍目島的渡輪

從巴厘島 到 龍目島的渡輪

NaN 乘客


巴厘島 到 龍目島 Ferry 時刻表

巴厘島 到 龍目島 Ferry 時刻表
Semaya One Joint trip via Sanur 06:30 - 12:00IDR 490,000
Lion Air Economy #IW185008:35 - 09:15$ 78.16
Caspla Bali Sea View Speedboat 10:30 - 13:30IDR 287,500
Garuda Indonesia Economy 12:00 - 11:20IDR 3,905,251
Citilink Economy #QG167015:20 - 16:10IDR 1,226,262
Lion Air Economy #JT91917:50 - 17:50$ 114.71
Garuda Indonesia Economy 18:40 - 11:20IDR 3,858,635
Garuda Indonesia Economy 20:15 - 19:40IDR 3,858,515
Garuda Indonesia Economy #GA411422:50 - 23:55$ 261.62

巴厘島 和 龍目島之間的交通方式

從 巴厘島 到 龍目島輪渡資訊

最早的輪渡7:30 AM
最晚的輪渡2:00 PM
距離875 公里
輪渡公司Caspla Bali Sea View, DPrabu Fast Boat, Eka Jaya Fast Boat, Eka Jaya Fast Boat, Ganggari Fast Boat, Gili Getaway, Gili Gili Fastboat, Golden Queen Fast Boat, Inami Luxury Fast Boat, Manta Express, Ostina Fast Boat, Scoot Fast Cruises, Semaya One, Starfish Fast Boat, Sunfish Fast Boat, Wahana Virendra Fast Boat, Wanderlust Cruise, Wijaya Buyuk

從巴厘島到目的地 龍目島 的評價

渡輪 快艇, Semaya One, 2023年4月6日
Wahana’s staff was super helpful despite an issue encountered with 12Go’s booking management! Thanks to Aldo and his colleagues we were able to board on the boat on a super comfortable ride! (Most comfortable boas ride out of all my trips in SE Asia)
渡輪 快艇, Wahana Virendra Fast Boat, 2024年4月11日
Booked a ticket, arrived and was told it was overbooked, got on the boat in the end but they made it quite stressful. A/C barely worked so it was insanely hot on board.. Cheap though..
渡輪 快艇, Semaya One, 2024年3月8日
Boat was overbooked, seats were extremely cramped with my seat not having a seat back, poor airflow / AC. Friendly enough staff, no safety presentation. Luckily the weather was good enough to sit on the top deck for space and fresh air. Luggage handling was very casual, make sure they don’t offload your luggage at the wrong stop. Harbour ‘donation’ of IDR10k enforced by locals was quite abrupt. Heard other fast boat operators had nicer boats, and better service.
渡輪 快艇, Semaya One, 2023年12月6日
Great boat, great A/C and comfortable seats
渡輪 快艇, Wahana Virendra Fast Boat, 2023年11月21日
Good company, nothing much to complain. We took the early ride at 8:30 in the morning and left pretty much on time (+10min). The staff was friendly and professional and - despite what other comments said - we arrived at Bangsal Lombok as the last stop after 2.5 hours. The ferry gets very crammed after Gili T with loud party tourists (as you'd expect from that island) but the first half of the ride was excellent, comfy and calm. What could be improved is the expected check-in time of 1hour prior.. it's a bit much, especially in the morning (there's a kinda pricey restaurant just next to the company's office).
渡輪 快艇, Wahana Virendra Fast Boat, 2023年10月31日
Ferry was totally crowded and it took 3h to get to lombok even though it said it will only take 1,5h online
渡輪 高速郵輪, Wijaya Perkasa, 2023年10月29日
Smooth organisation, very kind and helpful service. Travel was relaxed, will book Wijaya again!
渡輪 高速郵輪, Wijaya Perkasa, 2023年10月23日
Easy to book a ticket
渡輪 快艇, Semaya One, 2023年10月15日
Nearly got off at the wrong stop.no one was checking
渡輪 快艇, Semaya One, 2023年10月13日
96 客戶評價

如何從巴厘島 搭渡輪到 龍目島?

搭渡輪往返巴厘島 和 龍目島 之間很方便。渡輪也能讓你在從 巴厘島 移動到 龍目島的同時一邊欣賞風景。想要找到預算之內最美麗又最舒適的航程,一定要提早訂票。

從巴厘島 到 龍目島有多遠?

巴厘島 和 龍目島兩地之間渡輪的航行距離是441 英哩(709 公里)。 渡輪航程可能不是兩地之間最短的距離,但會是難忘的旅行回憶。

從巴厘島 搭渡輪到 龍目島 要多久?

以平均船速來看,從巴厘島 坐渡輪到 龍目島大概需要1小時 30分鐘。但是請記得,航行時間要看天氣狀況和渡輪種類。

從 巴厘島 到 龍目島的花費多少?

渡輪對很多人來說是比較高級的選擇從 巴厘島 到 龍目島的一張渡輪票不算便宜 – 預算最少是 USD 14.16 。如果你帶著十四歲以下的孩童同行,大部分渡輪公司有比較便宜的孩童票。


從 巴厘島 到 龍目島 的渡輪時間表來選擇渡輪的時候,一定記得以下幾點: - 瀏覽評價。你可以找之前由 巴厘島 坐渡輪到 龍目島的旅客所分享的經驗談。 - 如果帶著小孩,建議乘坐提供孩童優惠價的公司。 - 記得考慮進去來往碼頭的時間。查看Google地圖來掌握自己抵達碼頭的時間。如果你的旅館離碼頭很遠,最好不要坐太早的班次。 - 旺季時,很多渡輪公司會有家開的船班,可以上我們的網站查詢。