從胡志明市 到歸仁的巴士

從胡志明市 到歸仁的巴士

NaN 乘客


胡志明市 到 歸仁 Bus 時刻表

胡志明市 到 歸仁 Bus 時刻表
Vietnam Railways Class II Sleeper AC 06:45 - 18:35VND 718k
Vietnam Railways VIP Sleeper 11:00 - 00:18VND 919k
Vietnam Railways Class II AC 13:00 - 01:34VND 593k
Vietnam Railways VIP Sleeper 15:30 - 03:36VND 867k
Vietnam Railways Class II Sleeper AC 19:00 - 06:22VND 976k
Vietnam Railways Class II AC 20:55 - 08:08VND 644k

胡志明市 和 歸仁之間的交通方式

從 胡志明市 到 歸仁大巴資訊

最早的大巴6:15 PM
最晚的大巴6:15 PM
距離851 公里
大巴公司Binh Minh Tai

從胡志明市到目的地 歸仁 的評價

The ride itself was all in all great. The drivers were very nice. After a few hours we stopped the first time and there were some tables prepared for our whole group and we got delicious food. Since we weren‘t sure how to eat everything correctly the others helped us and showed it. The seats were really comfy and thanks to the little „cabins“ everyone had for his/her own it felt quite cozy. We slept a lot. Of course you sleep better without bumpy roads and honking trucks but this is a general problem and has nothing to do with the company, the bus of the driver. The reason I chose not the best rating was the situation at the bus station. Earlier that day we received a message to be at the station at 5.30 pm (the bus departing at 6.15 pm). So we arrived there at 5.30 and went inside the huge hall towards office 62 which was empty. We looked around and asked two different ladies in other offices. One just said that we have to go to counter 62 and the other one rejected me roughly and didn‘t want to have anything to do with me. Since 1 week in Vietnam this was the unfriendliest person I have met, by farest. We recognized a young Vietnamese couple also standing lost infront of counter 62. It turned out that they booked the same bus and they took us with them. They knew which of the hundreds of busses was ours and after we found a way into the parking area (which we weren’t sure whether it was allowed or not) we got on the bus and everything was good.
巴士 臥艙, Binh Minh Tai (Bình Minh Tải), 2022年9月26日
1 客戶評價

如何從 胡志明市 搭巴士到 歸仁 ?

從 胡志明市 到 歸仁 搭乘巴士是安全舒適又不貴的交通選擇。. 如果是熱門地點,巴士業者一天會出好幾班車,通常間隔三十到六十分鐘。比較冷門的地點一天可能只有一班車。最普遍的公車種類有非冷氣車、冷氣車,和豪華車。最好至少提早幾天訂票。 請參考我們所提供,從胡志明市 到 歸仁可線上訂票的巴士業者名單。如果旅遊時間是週末或放假日,由於遊客和返鄉人潮都很多,建議比平時更早訂票。

從 胡志明市 到 歸仁路程多遠?

搭巴士的話,胡志明市 到 歸仁 路程會依照路線有所不同。大部分業者都走高速公路或收費道路,雖然不一定最短但是通常最快,因為車輛較少也沒有紅綠燈。如果目的地是沒有陸橋廉間的島嶼,巴士會開上大型的運車渡輪,這時乘客需要下車不過可以把行李留在車上。港口到港口的距離則包含在總路程裡。

從 胡志明市 坐巴士到 歸仁 要多久?

從 胡志明市 坐巴士到 歸仁 估計需要 10小時分鐘. 請注意搭巴士會比自己開車或叫計程車慢。而且要看發車時間, 胡志明市 和 歸仁 之間可能會塞車然後嚴重耽誤。比起周末,周一到周五的白天到下午通常車輛較多。 另外一個重要因素是巴市種類。豪華車或貴賓車通比較快,因為會走高速公路而且停靠站較少。通常巴士每開幾個小時厚會有十到三十分鐘的停車時間,讓大家使用洗手間、購買吃食,順便讓司機休息一下。有些豪華巴士車上有洗手間和第二名司機,但一般還是會在停下來吃午飯或加油。

從 胡志明市 坐巴士到 歸仁的花費多少?

從 胡志明市 到 歸仁 的巴士票價會依照你選的巴士種類不同。比較便宜的是非冷氣巴士或普通巴士。高級或豪華巴士比較貴但坐起來比較舒服,也會有些額外服務像是手機充電插座、個人娛樂系統,和洗手間。

從胡志明市 到 歸仁 的巴士時刻表。

為了協助你規劃行程,以下是從 胡志明市 到 歸仁 的巴士出發和抵達時刻表。

