從河內火車站 到峴港市社的巴士

從河內火車站 到峴港市社的巴士

6月12日 週三
NaN 乘客


河內火車站 到 峴港市社 Bus 時刻表

河內火車站 到 峴港市社 Bus 時刻表
Vietnam Railways VIP Sleeper 06:00 - 23:27$ 55.47
Vietnam Railways Class II Sleeper AC 08:50 - 01:01VND 1,543k
Vietnam Railways Class II Sleeper AC 12:25 - 05:35VND 1,338k
Vietnam Railways VIP Sleeper 15:45 - 08:52VND 1,313k
Techbus VN JSC VIP 17:45 - 11:25VND 593k
Violette Express Train VIP Sleeper 4x 19:25 - 11:03VND 1,920k
Vietnam Railways VIP Sleeper 20:00 - 12:35VND 1,619k
Laman Express VIP Sleeper 4x 22:20 - 13:22VND 1,880k

河內火車站 和 峴港市社之間的交通方式

從 河內火車站 到 峴港市社大巴資訊

最早的大巴4:30 PM
最晚的大巴6:00 PM
距離667 公里
大巴公司Grouptour, Queen Cafe Bus, Techbus VN JSC

從河內火車站到目的地 峴港市社 的評價

This trip was so bad and not what we paid for at all. We arrived an hour before the trip started at the Hanoi office, because we wanted everything to go smoothly. An hour later a random man came and picked us up. He drove us to some big road, and just dropped of us on the side of the road and told us to wait for the bus. But the bus didn’t come, so we talked to some of the locals that were standing there, and they told us that we were at the wrong spot. We called hotline and they just said that the staff made a mistake, but they would fix it. They send a new man to pick us up, and he drove us to another place. We were again dropped of on the side of the road, but this time there was a booking office there. So we talked to the lady in the office, who said that our bus to Da Nang had left, even though the man from hotline told us that the bus would be there when we arrived. We called him again, and then he said that we should get on this random bus to Ninh Binh. We didn’t feel that safe at this point, because we would be dropped of in Ninh Binh at 9 in the evening. But it was only option. We asked the man from hotline if we could just stay on the bus the whole trip to Da nang, because the bus was also going to Da Nang. But the man from hotline told us that we should change buses in Ninh Binh, because we paid for a VIP bus, and the bus we were currently on wasn’t a VIP bus. When we arrived in Ninh Binh
巴士 VIP Cabin 20, Sapa Discovery Travel, 2024年3月12日
The communication with the organisation was good, the ride itself was an extreme experience that I never whitenessed in my life. Never saw a bus drive that fast. The idea of a sleeper bus is nice but when the bus honks every 5 seconds you can’t sleep
巴士 貴賓臥鋪34, Duc Duong Bus, 2023年11月10日
Lots of space for an overnight bus, only complaint is that when we got to DaNang we were shouted at to get off with no warning we were actually there and you were a bit away from where you’re actually meant to get dropped off.
巴士 Sleeping Bus + Mini Van, Techbus VN JSC (Techbus Vietnam Joint stock company), 2023年10月17日
De seats in the bus were okay comfortable, you got a curtain which was nice. But in a ride of 12 hours we stopped only once for a toilet break.
巴士 貴賓臥鋪34, Duc Duong Bus, 2023年10月1日
people sleeping in the corridors, someone was smoking inside the bus, there were broken seats, they stopped and got off the bus and didn't even warn
巴士 VIP, Techbus VN JSC (Techbus Vietnam Joint stock company), 2023年6月24日
We were waiting in the heat for some time before the start of the journey. We were transferred to the sleeper bus in another much more cramped and warm bus (Why not just meet at the other bus?). The driver spoke no English at all and would actively shush or shoo us if we tried to speak to him. Most people on the bus were asking when the first toilet stop would be as there is no toilet on the bus, it was after 3.5 hours without using the toilet which is just cruel. Some people nearly missed their stop because the stops were not announced we just briefly stopped. Otherwise the bus was reasonably comfortable if a bit cramped.
巴士 VIP 33 Sleeper , Grouptour (Công ty du lịch quốc tế Grouptour), 2023年6月19日
Ladies in tbus office were nice, but for some reason they made me come to their office at 5,where I waited 45 minutes, then taxi drove me to the bus station where I waited another 45 minutes until bus finally left at 7 :15.
巴士 貴賓 32 臥鋪, Techbus VN JSC (Techbus Vietnam Joint stock company), 2023年4月21日
They sent kind of a public bus to pick us up from the office to take us to the main bus. And people with suitcases had to bring them inside the bus(for some reason the driver didn't open the luggage section) and there were not enough seats for everyone so people were standing. That ride took only 15 min but it was a weird experience. The main bus ok, it's not vip but i could sleep ok as the ac was working well on my seat. Because we started the trip late we arrived to Danang much later and it was actually more convenient than arriving at 6 a.m.
巴士 臥艙41, Grouptour (Công ty du lịch quốc tế Grouptour), 2023年3月12日
First and foremost the vehicle was extremely comfortable, went beyond my standards of expectation. The sleeping beds were extremely luxurious and had lots of room. The operators conducted in time but however their services in the midst of rides were not very helpful and they did not seem to address many other customers' serious concerns (pertaining to whereabouts, break time, transfers, and washroom sanitary issues). 12go.asia was exceptionally helpful in that they were able to accommodate a sudden untimely change to my need to change a date for this booked travel. The PDF voucher was very useful and convenient because it covered all bases the minute I showed the travel agency before boarding the first bus.
巴士 臥鋪40, Techbus VN JSC (Techbus Vietnam Joint stock company), 2022年12月20日
Driver was doing crazy overtakes and honking a lot. Not good for a night sleeper bus. Toilet was in bad condition sink not working. Whole bus seemed like it hadn't been maintained for several years. Communication before leaving was non existent. Got some sleep eventually. Bus has air conditioning but no wifi.
巴士 臥艙, Queen Cafe Bus (Queen Cafe Bus), 2022年10月6日
54 客戶評價

如何從 河內火車站, 搭巴士到 峴港市社 ?

從 河內火車站, 到 峴港市社 搭乘巴士是安全舒適又不貴的交通選擇。. 如果是熱門地點,巴士業者一天會出好幾班車,通常間隔三十到六十分鐘。比較冷門的地點一天可能只有一班車。最普遍的公車種類有非冷氣車、冷氣車,和豪華車。最好至少提早幾天訂票。 請參考我們所提供,從河內火車站, 到 峴港市社可線上訂票的巴士業者名單。如果旅遊時間是週末或放假日,由於遊客和返鄉人潮都很多,建議比平時更早訂票。

從 河內火車站, 到 峴港市社路程多遠?

搭巴士的話,河內火車站, 到 峴港市社 路程會依照路線有所不同。大部分業者都走高速公路或收費道路,雖然不一定最短但是通常最快,因為車輛較少也沒有紅綠燈。如果目的地是沒有陸橋廉間的島嶼,巴士會開上大型的運車渡輪,這時乘客需要下車不過可以把行李留在車上。港口到港口的距離則包含在總路程裡。

從 河內火車站, 坐巴士到 峴港市社 要多久?

從 河內火車站, 坐巴士到 峴港市社 估計需要 13小時 20分鐘分鐘. 請注意搭巴士會比自己開車或叫計程車慢。而且要看發車時間, 河內火車站, 和 峴港市社 之間可能會塞車然後嚴重耽誤。比起周末,周一到周五的白天到下午通常車輛較多。 另外一個重要因素是巴市種類。豪華車或貴賓車通比較快,因為會走高速公路而且停靠站較少。通常巴士每開幾個小時厚會有十到三十分鐘的停車時間,讓大家使用洗手間、購買吃食,順便讓司機休息一下。有些豪華巴士車上有洗手間和第二名司機,但一般還是會在停下來吃午飯或加油。

從 河內火車站, 坐巴士到 峴港市社的花費多少?

從 河內火車站, 到 峴港市社 的巴士票價會依照你選的巴士種類不同。比較便宜的是非冷氣巴士或普通巴士。高級或豪華巴士比較貴但坐起來比較舒服,也會有些額外服務像是手機充電插座、個人娛樂系統,和洗手間。

從河內火車站, 到 峴港市社 的巴士時刻表。

為了協助你規劃行程,以下是從 河內火車站, 到 峴港市社 的巴士出發和抵達時刻表。

