從Full Moon Bus Hue 到陸龍灣龍酒店的巴士

從Full Moon Bus Hue 到陸龍灣龍酒店的巴士

Full Moon Bus Hue
6月22日 週六
NaN 乘客


Full Moon Bus Hue 到 陸龍灣龍酒店 Bus 時刻表

Full Moon Bus Hue 到 陸龍灣龍酒店 Bus 時刻表
Grouptour VIP 22 00:00 - 11:20VND 633k
Vietnam Railways Class II AC 03:28 - 16:32VND 486k
Vietnam Railways Class II AC 13:41 - 02:00VND 541k
Vietnam Railways Class II Sleeper AC 15:31 - 02:58VND 771k
Full Moon Party Tour Sleeper 40 16:45 - 05:05VND 423k
Grouptour VIP 33 Sleeper 19:00 - 06:20VND 437k
Vietnam Railways VIP Sleeper 20:54 - 09:21VND 881k

Full Moon Bus Hue 和 陸龍灣龍酒店之間的交通方式

從 Full Moon Bus Hue 到 陸龍灣龍酒店大巴資訊

最早的大巴12:00 AM
最晚的大巴7:00 PM
距離544 公里
大巴公司Full Moon Party Tour, Grouptour, Techbus VN JSC

從Full Moon Bus Hue到目的地 陸龍灣龍酒店 的評價

巴士很旧,很脏。无法给手机充电,也没有阅读灯。短途旅行时这不是问题,但这次是 12 小时的旅程。
巴士 臥艙41, Grouptour (Công ty du lịch quốc tế Grouptour), 2023年10月20日
接车人晚了 40 分钟,但我们却提前 40 分钟到达。沟通不畅,12 小时内只停了一次。本来可以更干净一些,但驾驶体验很好。
巴士 臥鋪40, Full Moon Party Tour (Full Moon Party Tour), 2023年5月30日
司机在开车过程中抽烟 巴士不舒服 巴士很脏 司机在停车时没有通知我们,我们有很多停车点,没有人知道发生了什么。当我们到达目的地时,他跑出公共汽车,10分钟后回来,对我们尖叫,让我们离开。公共汽车晚点了。
巴士 臥鋪40, Techbus VN JSC (Techbus Vietnam Joint stock company), 2023年5月20日
我们的座位在公共汽车发动机的上方,空间非常热。预订上说我们将于上午 00:50 到达宁平,但实际上我们是凌晨 4:30 到达的,我们在酒店住了一晚。
巴士 貴賓臥鋪41, Grouptour (Công ty du lịch quốc tế Grouptour), 2022年7月27日
I want to share my disappointing experience with Luxury Travel Vietnam's night VIP20 bus service from Hue to Ninh Binh. **Service Date and Time:** We booked the VIP20 bus for [insert date here], initially scheduled to depart at 8pm. However, the company unexpectedly notified us at 6pm that the departure time had changed, causing us to rush back to the hotel to gather our belongings. They did arrange a taxi from the hotel to the bus, which was appreciated. **Service Quality:** The communication regarding the departure time change was poor and caused unnecessary stress. Despite visiting their office earlier to confirm details, we were still left uncertain about the departure location until we were en route. **Comfort:** The bus we boarded was not the same as advertised. Instead of the spacious VIP20 bus we expected, we were placed on a different bus with more beds, resulting in cramped conditions that did not match what we paid for. The journey was not direct as promised, involving numerous stops and navigating small, winding roads that made sleep difficult, as anticipated. **Staff:** Upon boarding, neither the driver nor the assistant knew which company we had booked with, indicating a lack of coordination or communication within the company. **Hygiene and Safety Concerns:** To add to the disappointment, my backpack was returned to me at the destination with a strong odor, likely from unsanitary conditions on the bus. Shortly after the journey, I developed contact dermatitis on my right hamstring, a location that suggests it may have been caused by the bus seats. **Overall Experience:** Overall, the experience fell far short of expectations. The bus conditions, route deviations, and hygiene issues were significant drawbacks, making it difficult to recommend Luxury Travel Vietnam's VIP20 bus service for travelers seeking comfort and reliability.
巴士 VIP 20, Vietnam Luxury Travel, 2024年6月15日
The Bus was Nice, but the driver drove so fast and reckless so that the Bus was shaking and it was Hard to find some Sleep. We First had to Drive with a transit vehicle to the Bus and he just dropped us off in the middle of nowhere. Would have been nice to know that.
巴士 VIP 20, Duc Duong Bus, 2024年4月2日
for some reason, once in the meeting point… someone told me (just me, not the rest of the passengers) to go with him as he needed to drop me somewhere else in his car. Was a little bit confusing and uncomfortable. So he dropped me off in a petrol station where another bus came to pick me up and I was the only passenger in that bus and they stopped on the road for more people and I was the only foreigner… and they asked me up to 3 times where should they drop me ? at least I arrived to my destination tho !
巴士 VIP 20, Techbus VN JSC (Techbus Vietnam Joint stock company), 2024年3月29日
We was supposed to arrive to our destination at 8 am and we arrive at 4.30 am, so we had to wait in the night. And someone was sleeping in the floor next to our cabin
巴士 VIP 20, Duc Duong Bus, 2023年12月29日
Wasn't t bus that picked us up, it was queen Cafe. Bus smelt really bad, which I got used to the seats were very dirty and uncomfortable. Leather was ripped on the chair, the pillow wasn't attached to the seats so they kept sliding and the recliner on the chair did not work. Also the seat I was in was none stop vibrating anytime the bus would idle. Bus ride was relatively smooth compared to other sleeper busses I've experienced.
巴士 貴賓臥鋪34, Techbus VN JSC (Techbus Vietnam Joint stock company), 2023年12月24日
The bus wasn't cleaned before we boarded and you could smell the toilet from the back of the bus. We did get a 3 seater cabin to ourselves ( 2 people ) so that was a plus.
巴士 貴賓臥鋪34, Techbus VN JSC (Techbus Vietnam Joint stock company), 2023年7月17日
62 客戶評價


如何從 Full Moon Bus Hue, 搭巴士到 陸龍灣龍酒店, ?

從 Full Moon Bus Hue, 到 陸龍灣龍酒店, 搭乘巴士是安全舒適又不貴的交通選擇。. 如果是熱門地點,巴士業者一天會出好幾班車,通常間隔三十到六十分鐘。比較冷門的地點一天可能只有一班車。最普遍的公車種類有非冷氣車、冷氣車,和豪華車。最好至少提早幾天訂票。 請參考我們所提供,從Full Moon Bus Hue, 到 陸龍灣龍酒店, 可線上訂票的巴士業者名單。如果旅遊時間是週末或放假日,由於遊客和返鄉人潮都很多,建議比平時更早訂票。

從 Full Moon Bus Hue, 到 陸龍灣龍酒店, 路程多遠?

搭巴士的話,Full Moon Bus Hue, 到 陸龍灣龍酒店, 路程會依照路線有所不同。大部分業者都走高速公路或收費道路,雖然不一定最短但是通常最快,因為車輛較少也沒有紅綠燈。如果目的地是沒有陸橋廉間的島嶼,巴士會開上大型的運車渡輪,這時乘客需要下車不過可以把行李留在車上。港口到港口的距離則包含在總路程裡。

從 Full Moon Bus Hue, 坐巴士到 陸龍灣龍酒店, 要多久?

從 Full Moon Bus Hue, 坐巴士到 陸龍灣龍酒店, 估計需要 11小時分鐘. 請注意搭巴士會比自己開車或叫計程車慢。而且要看發車時間, Full Moon Bus Hue, 和 陸龍灣龍酒店, 之間可能會塞車然後嚴重耽誤。比起周末,周一到周五的白天到下午通常車輛較多。 另外一個重要因素是巴市種類。豪華車或貴賓車通比較快,因為會走高速公路而且停靠站較少。通常巴士每開幾個小時厚會有十到三十分鐘的停車時間,讓大家使用洗手間、購買吃食,順便讓司機休息一下。有些豪華巴士車上有洗手間和第二名司機,但一般還是會在停下來吃午飯或加油。

從 Full Moon Bus Hue, 坐巴士到 陸龍灣龍酒店, 的花費多少?

從 Full Moon Bus Hue, 到 陸龍灣龍酒店, 的巴士票價會依照你選的巴士種類不同。比較便宜的是非冷氣巴士或普通巴士。高級或豪華巴士比較貴但坐起來比較舒服,也會有些額外服務像是手機充電插座、個人娛樂系統,和洗手間。

從Full Moon Bus Hue, 到 陸龍灣龍酒店, 的巴士時刻表。

為了協助你規劃行程,以下是從 Full Moon Bus Hue, 到 陸龍灣龍酒店, 的巴士出發和抵達時刻表。

