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Kwan Chee Vee Tour

478 đánh giá của khách hàng
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Giới thiệu Kwan Chee Vee Tour

Trong khi một số du khách cảm thấy nghi ngờ về xe van (xe limousine), xe limousine thực chất là một phương tiện phổ biến nhất nhờ điểm đến đa dạng và giá cả cạnh tranh. Xe limousine luôn linh hoạt hơn xe khách. Nếu có yêu cầu đột xuất về các điểm đến mới, các nhà xe limousine luôn là những người đầu tiên cung cấp dịch vụ.

Nhà xe Kwan Chee Vee Tour chạy xe limousine và có thể đặt vé xe trực tuyến. Xem ngay nếu bạn đang tìm vé xe limousine.

Các ga chính của Kwan Chee Vee Tour ở đâu?

Các điểm đón xe Kwan Chee Vee Tour:

  • Kanchanaburi
  • Morchit ga
  • Bến xe Mochit New Van Terminal
  • Kanchanaburi
  • Vườn Quốc Gia Erawan

Những hành trình phổ biến nhất của Kwan Chee Vee Tour là gì?

Các điểm đến phổ biến nhất của nhà xe Kwan Chee Vee Tour và lịch trình xe:

Các hạng vé xe van và giá của hãng Kwan Chee Vee Tour là gì?

Thường thì không thể chọn hạng vé khi đi bằng xe limousine. Tuy nhiên, bạn có thể kiểm tra với nhà xe và/hoặc chọn loại xe cho tuyến đường của bạn. Một số xe limousine chỉ có 9-10 hành khách, một số khác có sức chứa lên đến 15 hành khách. Đối với xe limousine 9 chỗ, chỗ để chân sẽ rộng hơn và thoải mái hơn. Xe limousine 15 chỗ sẽ có chỗ ngồi hẹp hơn nếu bạn có nhiều hành lý. Hãy đọc thêm đánh giá về xe limousine Kwan Chee Vee Tour để có thêm thông tin trước khi đặt xe.

Ưu & Nhược điểm khi di chuyển bằng xe Limousine

Ưu điểm của xe Limousine
Xe Limousine có thể dễ dàng di chuyển đến những điểm mà xe khách hay tàu không tới được bao gồm cả những điểm đến ít phổ biến hoặc làng nhỏ.
Xe Limousine thường có tốc độ di chuyển nhanh nhất đối với hành trình ngắn, đường bộ, vì dòng xe này có kích cỡ nhỏ hơn xe khách và cơ động hơn.
Xe Limousine có thể cho phép bạn xuống xe ở điểm thuận tiện nhất - không nhất thiết là điểm đến cuối cùng của hành trình. Điều này giúp bạn tiết kiệm được thời gian và tiền bạc trong nhiều trường hợp.

Nhược điểm của xe Limousine
Một số xe có thể khá chật chội, chỗ để hành lý hạn chế. Thực tế thì phần lớn các xe limousine đều có chỗ chứa hành lý nhỏ và nếu bạn có nhiều hơn 1 túi, vali hoặc balô, có thể bạn nên cân nhắc mua thêm một vé cho hành lý - cũng có nghĩa là bạn phải trả gấp đôi cho hành trình của mình.
Bạn nên kiểm tra trước với nhà xe xem xe sẽ chạy theo đúng lịch trình, hay chạy khi xe đầy chỗ. Trong trường hợp khi xe chỉ chạy khi đầy chỗ, bạn có thể sẽ phải đợi khá lâu.
Một số tài xế xe limousine có thể chạy xe quá tốc độ. Ngay cả đối với những hãng xe uy tín nhất, đôi khi họ không kiểm soát được hết các tài xế. Các tài xế có thể sẽ không nhắc bạn, nhưng bạn nên luôn thắt dây an toàn khi ở trên xe.
Nếu bạn dễ bị say xe và hành trình của bạn gồm những đoạn đường quanh co, thì bạn sẽ dễ bị say khi di chuyển bằng xe limousine hơn là đi bằng xe khách. Hãy uống thuốc say xe nửa tiếng trước hành trình để đảm bảo an toán.

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Kwan Chee Vee Tour Nhận xét công ty

478 đánh giá của khách hàng
Xe van Xe địa phương 14 chỗ, Kwan Chee Vee Tour, 15 thg 6, 2019
The driver was driving very fast and the bus was dirty with mold and moister. normally very clean and good
Xe van Xe địa phương 14 chỗ, Kwan Chee Vee Tour, 3 thg 3, 2019
Flawless, once you've figured out the right counter the ladies will take care and direct you to the minibus. If you've ridden a motorbike in Asia before, that's what the ride is like; quite ... entertaining! ;)
Xe van Xe địa phương 14 chỗ, Kwan Chee Vee Tour, 8 thg 2, 2019
Départ et arrivée en retard. Bus en mauvais état. Conduite à risque. On est toujours vivant, donc tout va bien! ????
Xe van Xe địa phương 14 chỗ, Kwan Chee Vee Tour, 9 thg 12, 2018
Driver was driving lika a maniac. Bad driving skills. Felt like we were in formula 1 car or in a rollarcoaster. Happy we did not had an accident.
Xe van Xe địa phương 14 chỗ, Kwan Chee Vee Tour, 7 thg 12, 2018
Le mini van est en très mauvais état. Pas de climatisation. Mais hormis cela nous sommes arrivés à l'heure
Xe van Xe địa phương 14 chỗ, Kwan Chee Vee Tour, 5 thg 8, 2018
We thought it was a direct trip, but it stopped several times. A taxi is more efficient
Xe van Xe địa phương 14 chỗ, Kwan Chee Vee Tour, 2 thg 8, 2018
The trip was safe and fast but we had trouble with taking our luggage. We had to take an extra seat for our luggage. We didn’t know. So if you travel with extra or big bags take an extra seat.
Xe van Xe địa phương 14 chỗ, Kwan Chee Vee Tour, 30 thg 7, 2018
A lot of people were Mo Chit 2 and it was difficult to find the location of your company. It is better showing GPS coordinate on the web, we can find the correct place easily.
Xe van Xe địa phương 14 chỗ, Kwan Chee Vee Tour, 16 thg 6, 2018
Left early and arrived on time. Comfortable bus with aircon, would recommend!
Xe van Xe địa phương 14 chỗ, Kwan Chee Vee Tour, 20 thg 4, 2018
Trip itself was fine, luckily I am well travelled in Asia and speak some Thai so I was able to ask for help. For non Thai speaking tourists who aren’t used to the “laissez-faire” approach be warned!! I’d actually recommend just buying minivan tickets directly at the station: much more useful and as minivans tend to run only loosely to schedule it can save you the stress of running around Mo Chit - Kanchanaburi trying to locate your specific bus as you can just catch the next bus that comes along rather than rushing. Try and travel light. Bus itself is fast, comfortable, and the drivers are as helpful as they can be for non English speaking (which is very!). Top tip: google translate the name of the town you’re heading to so you know what word in Thai to look for on the box office/vans. Get travel sick tablets (10B from the 7eleven) before you go as the journey is mountainous! It is a faff, but it means the only European you will see all the time you’re in Kanchanaburi/Sangkhlaburi is yourself (if you’re not European, you won’t miss us ;) !!) Which is worth the journey for the “real” Thai experience.
Xe van Xe địa phương 14 chỗ, Kwan Chee Vee Tour, 1 thg 1, 2018
It was horrendous and very stressful. I was directed around the bus station for 45 minutes. People are only interested if you buy the ticket off them. Never again. Practically no English spoken in the bus station
Xe van Xe địa phương 14 chỗ, Kwan Chee Vee Tour, 27 thg 12, 2017
It's so hard to find the van. And the driver just didn't stop at somewhere near the railway station. I had a hard time looking for taxi after I had a meal outside the bus terminal. Actually there are only tuk-tuks and they don't move around but wait at the terminal.
Xe van Xe địa phương 14 chỗ, Kwan Chee Vee Tour, 2 thg 12, 2017
Très bien roulé au début puis arrivé vers bangkok nous avons fait énormément de détour (pour rien), arrivant en retard à la gare
Xe van Xe địa phương 14 chỗ, Kwan Chee Vee Tour, 30 thg 11, 2017
Salimos tarde y perdimos un bus y una hora n l parque
Xe van Xe địa phương 14 chỗ, Kwan Chee Vee Tour, 12 thg 11, 2017
Pretty good journey. Left 15 minutes after stated departure. Picked up people along the way and dropped them off at various points on the way to Bangkok. Not sure if this is normal or not but journey was absolutely fine.
Xe van Xe địa phương 14 chỗ, Kwan Chee Vee Tour, 4 thg 11, 2017
The car air con is not cool. The driver is very good. Overall, i like it.
Xe van Xe địa phương 14 chỗ, Kwan Chee Vee Tour, 31 thg 10, 2017
It's really hard to find the location of the minibus. It will be helpfull to get some more specific location. The drive was great.
Xe van Xe địa phương 14 chỗ, Kwan Chee Vee Tour, 16 thg 9, 2017
Kaum Beinfreiheit. Sonst war der Bus pünktlich, die Klimaanlage nicht zu kalt und der Busfahrer fuhr anständig
Xe van Xe địa phương 14 chỗ, Kwan Chee Vee Tour, 15 thg 4, 2017
The bus terminal is ok, and the staff will help you with finding your place. .Bus was full and storage of 2 backpacks was a problem. By online ticket purchase is not possible to buy one additional space for luggage. !!! The driver was very good, the ride was passed and he drove cautiously, which I highly appreciated. We got one break for toilet visit and purchased water.
Xe van Xe địa phương 14 chỗ, Kwan Chee Vee Tour, 14 thg 2, 2017
War eine angenehme und schnelle Fahrt. Immer wieder gerne :)
Xe van Xe địa phương 14 chỗ, Kwan Chee Vee Tour, 14 thg 11, 2016
worked out fine and when we finally found the right counter there were no issues with the pre booked ticket. only thing that makes it a little uncomfortable is that nobody really speaks english so there's always a little "hope this is the right one" inclusive - especially since the terminal at mo chit station was not that easy to find and we had to ask various people to get there. but all in all cheap and reliable transfer!
Xe van Xe địa phương 14 chỗ, Kwan Chee Vee Tour, 13 thg 7, 2015
Soo good. As soon as we walked into the bus station our printed tickets were recognised and we we put on a very comfortable bus with question
Xe van Xe địa phương 14 chỗ, Kwan Chee Vee Tour, 2 thg 7, 2019
Perfect on time, good driver. Airco on! But for my length; chairs to close to eachother, I could not sit straight.
Xe van Xe địa phương 14 chỗ, Kwan Chee Vee Tour, 20 thg 3, 2019
Boarding place was not inside terminals. It was confusing. Most of toilets are closed around waiting area. Van we booked 8am did not operate. What counter lady explained van had accident. Another van left 8.30am instead. Van was ok, had working air con.
Xe van Xe địa phương 14 chỗ, Kwan Chee Vee Tour, 17 thg 3, 2019
Easy to book online, though I initially missed the bit that they change extra for large baggage, so paid at the station. Fair enough as they have no storage space and the bags take up a passenger seat.. (100 baht!! It didn't hurt!!) We flew to our destination in super quick time, making up for earlier delays. We had air-con which was great, and we're comfy enough. The whole 3 hour trip for us both..and our travel bags cost £10.. A bargain I think! We will be booking our return trip in a few days. Thank you
Xe van Xe địa phương 14 chỗ, Kwan Chee Vee Tour, 16 thg 3, 2019
For this price getting an air conditioned van is great. Driver was also good, so very happy with the outcome
Xe van Xe địa phương 14 chỗ, Kwan Chee Vee Tour, 13 thg 3, 2019
i had to book an extra seat for my lugagge even if there was enough space to just put it on the floor (like other ppl did). aircon was too cold. but the rest was very good!
Xe van Xe địa phương 14 chỗ, Kwan Chee Vee Tour, 11 thg 3, 2019
Very good service. Only one thing the driver did not speak English well so it's difficult to communicate when you want to get out the van on a different spot
Xe van Xe địa phương 14 chỗ, Kwan Chee Vee Tour, 10 thg 3, 2019
Great trip with help from the staff. We had problems finding the place but people helped us all the way through. Thank you. Very easy as long as you ask
Xe van Xe địa phương 14 chỗ, Kwan Chee Vee Tour, 8 thg 3, 2019
Decent ride but mini van very dirty. Arrived at Mo Chit on time despite heavy traffic in Bangkok so no complaints really.
Xe van Xe địa phương 14 chỗ, Kwan Chee Vee Tour, 8 thg 3, 2019
Well, it was a very local bus; four stars for having survived the trip! ;)
Xe van Xe địa phương 14 chỗ, Kwan Chee Vee Tour, 4 thg 3, 2019
Departured earlier than schedule due to all passangers came earlier. Fan worked correctly. Nice trip.
Xe van Xe địa phương 14 chỗ, Kwan Chee Vee Tour, 3 thg 3, 2019
I had many problems with finding Morchit New Van Terminal. Maps don’t show this place. But when i already found, I was in shock when i came to Mochit New Van Terminal. It is highly likely that staff from Terminal D saw this and paid a lots of attention to me, especially one lady (i don’t know her name, but she was incredible). THANK YOU FOR THAT. I didn’t expect luxury van, cause 12go.asia underlines that all are local with no AC. But trip was OK. Fan in van works perfectly. Thank you.
Xe van Xe địa phương 14 chỗ, Kwan Chee Vee Tour, 20 thg 2, 2019
Comfortable journey, no problems. Very good value.
Xe van Xe địa phương 14 chỗ, Kwan Chee Vee Tour, 18 thg 2, 2019
The lady at D made us pay extra for the luggage. That's OK. However that's not OK that we traveled in a minivan 3 hours without air-conditioning, not being able to even open the window and there were a continuous beeping in the car which made the trip the worst so far in Thailand.
Xe van Xe địa phương 14 chỗ, Kwan Chee Vee Tour, 18 thg 2, 2019
The journey was perfectly ok. The minibus was quite old and not particularly comfortable but good enough to get from A to B. However, trying to find the pick up point in Bangkok was quite tricky. The pick up point is under the expressway - opposite the main bus terminal which is where we were dropped off by the taxi driver. This meant we had to cross over the road via an elevated walkway (lots of stairs etc.) so, if you're not fit, make sure you're dropped off at the right place. Also, the first taxi driver we tried was clueless as to where the place was !!!
Xe van Xe địa phương 14 chỗ, Kwan Chee Vee Tour, 16 thg 2, 2019
Well, we went where we needed to go, but that's about it. The driver was sick, coughing all the time. Drove really fast and had an old van, so by the time we were there I felt very sick (even though I've never been car sick before.)
Xe van Xe địa phương 14 chỗ, Kwan Chee Vee Tour, 15 thg 2, 2019
A bit hectic at 1st but everything got figured out and we got to our destination with no problem and most importantly the van was comfy and good A/C
Xe van Xe địa phương 14 chỗ, Kwan Chee Vee Tour, 14 thg 2, 2019
Great service
Xe van Xe địa phương 14 chỗ, Kwan Chee Vee Tour, 13 thg 2, 2019
Nice trip by mini van to kanchanaburi
Xe van Xe địa phương 14 chỗ, Kwan Chee Vee Tour, 11 thg 2, 2019
Perfect! We arrived on time.
Xe van Xe địa phương 14 chỗ, Kwan Chee Vee Tour, 11 thg 2, 2019
Lady driver smoothest driver I have seen in Thailand. Very professional, and an excellent employee for your company.
Xe van Xe địa phương 14 chỗ, Kwan Chee Vee Tour, 8 thg 2, 2019
The bus was 65 minutes to late! In the bus we must paid voor the package 120 bath.
Xe van Xe địa phương 14 chỗ, Kwan Chee Vee Tour, 5 thg 2, 2019
Tuk tuk driver took US to wrong terminál. Little bit crazy driver, but a/c was working and we arrived on time.
Xe van Xe địa phương 14 chỗ, Kwan Chee Vee Tour, 3 thg 2, 2019
Left on time, got there on time. Air conditioning was excellent. Really great service for only 150 baht
Xe van Xe địa phương 14 chỗ, Kwan Chee Vee Tour, 1 thg 2, 2019
Ok trip....need more leg space. I think the trip by bus is much better
Xe van Xe địa phương 14 chỗ, Kwan Chee Vee Tour, 1 thg 2, 2019
Efficient service at the check in desk and I managed to get on an earlier bus. The minivan was clean and comfortable and having a stop midway was great. The driver did drive very fast though
Xe van Xe địa phương 14 chỗ, Kwan Chee Vee Tour, 29 thg 1, 2019
3 hours on plan, we want 2,5 hours. Special fee for baggage like for seats - 150bht , because no more another space for this. We didn't pay for that and we have gone with our baggages behind legs. Not comfortable. Driver didn't speak english. No aircondition in car and driver told me to close the window. For me train is better choise.
Xe van Xe địa phương 14 chỗ, Kwan Chee Vee Tour, 27 thg 1, 2019
Departed on time, but arrived half an hour later than scheduled (although we did encounter some traffic on the way). Helpful staff on hand to make sure I was on the right bus.
Xe van Xe địa phương 14 chỗ, Kwan Chee Vee Tour, 27 thg 1, 2019
Left 15 minutes after stated departure time, and driver drove fast to compensate which meant we had a very bumpy ride. Arrived half an hour after stated arrival time. Driver (and staff at kiosk) were very helpful answering questions I had about transfers.