438 Phuket Krabi Transport

339 đánh giá của khách hàng
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  • Đánh giá
  • Lịch trình và Thời gian biểu

Giới thiệu 438 Phuket Krabi Transport

Trong khi một số du khách cảm thấy nghi ngờ về xe van (xe limousine), xe limousine thực chất là một phương tiện phổ biến nhất nhờ điểm đến đa dạng và giá cả cạnh tranh. Xe limousine luôn linh hoạt hơn xe khách. Nếu có yêu cầu đột xuất về các điểm đến mới, các nhà xe limousine luôn là những người đầu tiên cung cấp dịch vụ.

Nhà xe 438 Phuket Krabi Transport chạy xe limousine và có thể đặt vé xe trực tuyến. Xem ngay nếu bạn đang tìm vé xe limousine.

Các ga chính của 438 Phuket Krabi Transport ở đâu?

Các điểm đón xe 438 Phuket Krabi Transport:

  • Bất kỳ khách sạn nào ở Ao Nang
  • Ao Nang
  • Phuket Bus Terminal
  • Bến xe Phang Nga
  • Trạm Xe Buýt Krabi

Những hành trình phổ biến nhất của 438 Phuket Krabi Transport là gì?

Các điểm đến phổ biến nhất của nhà xe 438 Phuket Krabi Transport và lịch trình xe:

Các hạng vé xe van và giá của hãng 438 Phuket Krabi Transport là gì?

Thường thì không thể chọn hạng vé khi đi bằng xe limousine. Tuy nhiên, bạn có thể kiểm tra với nhà xe và/hoặc chọn loại xe cho tuyến đường của bạn. Một số xe limousine chỉ có 9-10 hành khách, một số khác có sức chứa lên đến 15 hành khách. Đối với xe limousine 9 chỗ, chỗ để chân sẽ rộng hơn và thoải mái hơn. Xe limousine 15 chỗ sẽ có chỗ ngồi hẹp hơn nếu bạn có nhiều hành lý. Hãy đọc thêm đánh giá về xe limousine 438 Phuket Krabi Transport để có thêm thông tin trước khi đặt xe.

Ưu & Nhược điểm khi di chuyển bằng xe Limousine

Ưu điểm của xe Limousine
Xe Limousine có thể dễ dàng di chuyển đến những điểm mà xe khách hay tàu không tới được bao gồm cả những điểm đến ít phổ biến hoặc làng nhỏ.
Xe Limousine thường có tốc độ di chuyển nhanh nhất đối với hành trình ngắn, đường bộ, vì dòng xe này có kích cỡ nhỏ hơn xe khách và cơ động hơn.
Xe Limousine có thể cho phép bạn xuống xe ở điểm thuận tiện nhất - không nhất thiết là điểm đến cuối cùng của hành trình. Điều này giúp bạn tiết kiệm được thời gian và tiền bạc trong nhiều trường hợp.

Nhược điểm của xe Limousine
Một số xe có thể khá chật chội, chỗ để hành lý hạn chế. Thực tế thì phần lớn các xe limousine đều có chỗ chứa hành lý nhỏ và nếu bạn có nhiều hơn 1 túi, vali hoặc balô, có thể bạn nên cân nhắc mua thêm một vé cho hành lý - cũng có nghĩa là bạn phải trả gấp đôi cho hành trình của mình.
Bạn nên kiểm tra trước với nhà xe xem xe sẽ chạy theo đúng lịch trình, hay chạy khi xe đầy chỗ. Trong trường hợp khi xe chỉ chạy khi đầy chỗ, bạn có thể sẽ phải đợi khá lâu.
Một số tài xế xe limousine có thể chạy xe quá tốc độ. Ngay cả đối với những hãng xe uy tín nhất, đôi khi họ không kiểm soát được hết các tài xế. Các tài xế có thể sẽ không nhắc bạn, nhưng bạn nên luôn thắt dây an toàn khi ở trên xe.
Nếu bạn dễ bị say xe và hành trình của bạn gồm những đoạn đường quanh co, thì bạn sẽ dễ bị say khi di chuyển bằng xe limousine hơn là đi bằng xe khách. Hãy uống thuốc say xe nửa tiếng trước hành trình để đảm bảo an toán.

Đọc thêm

Tuyến phổ biến 438 Phuket Krabi Transport

Phuket - Ao Nang
06:40, 07:20, 08:00, 08:40, 09:20, 10:00, 10:40, 11:20, 12:00, 12:40, 13:20, 14:00, 14:40, 15:20, 16:00
Phuket - Krabi
06:40, 07:20, 08:00, 08:40, 09:20, 10:00, 10:40, 11:20, 12:00, 12:40, 13:20, 14:00, 14:40, 15:20, 16:00, 16:40, 17:20, 18:00
Phang Nga - Krabi
08:20, 09:00, 09:40, 10:20, 11:00, 11:40, 12:20, 13:00, 13:40, 14:20, 15:00, 15:40, 16:20, 17:00, 17:40, 18:20, 19:00, 19:40
Phang Nga - Ao Nang
08:20, 09:00, 09:40, 10:20, 11:00, 11:40, 12:20, 13:00, 13:40, 14:20, 15:00, 15:40, 16:20, 17:00, 17:40
Phuket - Phang Nga
06:40, 07:20, 08:00, 08:40, 09:20, 10:00, 10:40, 11:20, 12:00, 12:40, 13:20, 14:00, 14:40, 15:20, 16:00, 16:40, 17:20, 18:00
Ao Nang - Phang Nga
05:30, 06:10, 06:50, 07:30, 08:10, 08:50, 09:30, 10:10, 10:50, 11:30, 12:10, 12:50, 13:30, 14:10, 14:50, 15:30
Krabi - Phang Nga
06:00, 06:40, 07:20, 08:00, 08:40, 09:20, 10:00, 10:40, 11:20, 12:00, 12:40, 13:20, 14:00, 14:40, 15:20, 16:00, 16:40, 17:20
Krabi - Phuket
06:00, 06:40, 07:20, 08:00, 08:40, 09:20, 10:00, 10:40, 11:20, 12:00, 12:40, 13:20, 14:00, 14:40, 15:20, 16:00, 16:40, 17:20
Phang Nga - Phuket
07:20, 08:00, 08:40, 09:20, 10:00, 10:40, 11:20, 12:00, 12:40, 13:20, 14:00, 14:40, 15:20, 16:00, 16:40, 17:20, 18:00, 18:40
Ao Nang - Phuket
05:30, 06:10, 06:50, 07:30, 08:10, 08:50, 09:30, 10:10, 10:50, 11:30, 12:10, 12:50, 13:30, 14:10, 14:50, 15:30
NaN Hành khách

438 Phuket Krabi Transport Lịch trình và Thời gian biểu

Hạng ghế/Hạng véTrạm khởi hànhTrạm đếnThời gian khởi hànhThời gian đếnThời gian cho chuyến du lịch
Van 13paxPhuket Bus TerminalTrạm Xe Buýt Krabi18:0021:003h 0m
Van 13paxPhuket Bus TerminalTrạm Xe Buýt Krabi17:2020:203h 0m
Van 13paxPhuket Bus TerminalTrạm Xe Buýt Krabi16:4019:403h 0m
Van 13paxPhuket Bus TerminalTrạm Xe Buýt Krabi16:0019:003h 0m
Van 13paxPhuket Bus TerminalTrạm Xe Buýt Krabi15:2018:203h 0m
Van 13paxPhuket Bus TerminalTrạm Xe Buýt Krabi14:4017:403h 0m
Van 13paxPhuket Bus TerminalTrạm Xe Buýt Krabi14:0017:003h 0m
Van 13paxPhuket Bus TerminalTrạm Xe Buýt Krabi13:2016:203h 0m
Van 13paxPhuket Bus TerminalTrạm Xe Buýt Krabi12:4015:403h 0m
Van 13paxPhuket Bus TerminalTrạm Xe Buýt Krabi12:0015:003h 0m
Van 13paxPhuket Bus TerminalTrạm Xe Buýt Krabi11:2014:203h 0m
Van 13paxPhuket Bus TerminalTrạm Xe Buýt Krabi10:4013:403h 0m
Van 13paxPhuket Bus TerminalTrạm Xe Buýt Krabi10:0013:003h 0m
Van 13paxPhuket Bus TerminalTrạm Xe Buýt Krabi09:2012:203h 0m
Van 13paxPhuket Bus TerminalTrạm Xe Buýt Krabi08:4011:403h 0m
Van 13paxPhuket Bus TerminalTrạm Xe Buýt Krabi08:0011:003h 0m
Van 13paxPhuket Bus TerminalTrạm Xe Buýt Krabi07:2010:203h 0m
Van 13paxPhuket Bus TerminalTrạm Xe Buýt Krabi06:4009:403h 0m
Van 13paxTrạm Xe Buýt KrabiPhuket Bus Terminal17:2020:203h 0m
Van 13paxTrạm Xe Buýt KrabiPhuket Bus Terminal16:4019:403h 0m
Van 13paxTrạm Xe Buýt KrabiPhuket Bus Terminal16:0019:003h 0m
Van 13paxTrạm Xe Buýt KrabiPhuket Bus Terminal15:2018:203h 0m
Van 13paxTrạm Xe Buýt KrabiPhuket Bus Terminal14:4017:403h 0m
Van 13paxTrạm Xe Buýt KrabiPhuket Bus Terminal14:0017:003h 0m
Van 13paxTrạm Xe Buýt KrabiPhuket Bus Terminal13:2016:203h 0m
Van 13paxTrạm Xe Buýt KrabiPhuket Bus Terminal12:4015:403h 0m
Van 13paxTrạm Xe Buýt KrabiPhuket Bus Terminal12:0015:003h 0m
Van 13paxTrạm Xe Buýt KrabiPhuket Bus Terminal11:2014:203h 0m
Van 13paxTrạm Xe Buýt KrabiPhuket Bus Terminal10:4013:403h 0m
Van 13paxTrạm Xe Buýt KrabiPhuket Bus Terminal10:0013:003h 0m

438 Phuket Krabi Transport Trạm

Bất kỳ khách sạn nào ở Ao NangAo NangPhuket Bus TerminalBến xe Phang NgaTrạm Xe Buýt Krabi

438 Phuket Krabi Transport Nhận xét công ty

Mọi thứ đã tốt. Lái xe rời trạm đúng giờ.
Bài đánh giá này được dịch tự động
Xe van Van 13pax, 438 Phuket Krabi Transport, 9 thg 2, 2023
Đó không phải là một chiếc xe tải nhỏ như quảng cáo mà là một chiếc xe buýt nhỏ hơn và chúng tôi cũng chơi dịch vụ chuyển phát nhanh. Tuy nhiên, thời gian đã được tính đến, chúng tôi thậm chí còn có mặt trước thời gian quy định 20 phút. Tuy nhiên chỗ ngồi hơi nhỏ và hẹp, hơi khó chịu với người to béo ????
Bài đánh giá này được dịch tự động
Xe van Van 13pax, 438 Phuket Krabi Transport, 12 thg 1, 2023
Xe buýt theo lịch trình đã bị hủy bỏ. Chúng tôi phải đợi lần tiếp theo.
Bài đánh giá này được dịch tự động
Xe van Van 13pax, 438 Phuket Krabi Transport, 3 thg 12, 2022
Người lái xe đúng giờ, nhưng rất thiếu lịch sự và trong xe buýt có một số túi kỳ lạ.
Bài đánh giá này được dịch tự động
Xe van Van 13pax, 438 Phuket Krabi Transport, 20 thg 10, 2022
The Shuttle bus was 1 and a half hour late. We tried calling and texting the company but they didn’t answer us so we couldn’t contact them to know if or when the bus would arrive. Our hotel then helped us and called the company and they answered on the first try! They said to the hotel that they would come and pick us up but 1 and a half hour late! Really bad service from the company’s side.
Xe van Van 13pax, 438 Phuket Krabi Transport, 1 thg 5, 2024
Delay of half an hr also packed mini van very uncomfortable
Xe van Van 13pax, 438 Phuket Krabi Transport, 12 thg 4, 2024
While generally the booking process is simple and straight forward. But the journey was odd, driver stops in between several times to pick up goods.
Xe van Van 13pax, 438 Phuket Krabi Transport, 23 thg 3, 2024
Xe van Van 13pax, 438 Phuket Krabi Transport, 19 thg 3, 2024
We were given the option to go on the bus at 14:45 instead of 16:00 which was nice, but the van stopped so many times that we ended up, arriving at the exact same time that we would have if we took 16:00 van. It turned from a 2 and 1/2 hour trip to a 4 1/2 hour trip. They also dropped us off way outside of Krabi town. And then wanted us to pay ฿100 more to get to Krabi town we did that, but they still didn't even drop us off at our hotel so we ended up paying again to get a taxi to take us to our hotel which was only about a five minute drive away from where we were. We ended up paying almost ฿300 more when they could have just dropped us off where we were intended to go.
Xe van Van 13pax, 438 Phuket Krabi Transport, 2 thg 3, 2024
The trip went well, and I was allowed to take an earlier bus instead of my scheduled one without any additional fee, which I appreciate. HOWEVER, the arrival was chaotic to say the least. The bus did not drop us off at the actual bus station in Krabi. Instead, the driver stopped in front of a random shop/cafe, where from the very first second we were harassed to take a "recommended" transport to Ao Nang. When I say harassed, I mean it - my arm was literally pulled towards one of their cars. Impossible to take a grab from there. Make sure you escape that chaos and walk up to the actual bus station (only few minutes walk), you can easily take a grab from there.
Xe van Van 13pax, 438 Phuket Krabi Transport, 29 thg 1, 2024
We were at pick up point on time but van wasn’t there. We called and were informed it was running 20 minutes late (which otherwise wouldn’t have known). It was only us in the van until at some point driver made us change to another van with more people. Trip was ok overall
Xe van Van 13pax, 438 Phuket Krabi Transport, 26 thg 1, 2024
Everything gooes well
Xe van Van 13pax, 438 Phuket Krabi Transport, 5 thg 1, 2024
Van was super full, since everyone was brining a lot of luggage. Still the ride was smooth, we had a quick stop halfway and the Taxi driver was waiting for me for the transfer. Communication worked well. Overall Good experience
Xe van Van 13pax, 438 Phuket Krabi Transport, 27 thg 11, 2023
On time, good driver, road went well, confortable van not over crowded
Xe van Van 13pax, 438 Phuket Krabi Transport, 25 thg 11, 2023
The bus was almost empty, was an hour late. Part of the delay way because of the crazy trafic, but the driver kept stopping for locals and delivering packages, kinda an asian classic story. Seats were okay. Overall not great, not terrible.
Xe van Van 13pax, 438 Phuket Krabi Transport, 23 thg 11, 2023
It was great! They dropped us directly to our hotel which was great and hassle free. The chauffeur was very helpful and professional. He took great care of our luggage as well, both while packing with other luggage and boarding-deboarding.
Xe van Van 13pax, 438 Phuket Krabi Transport, 23 thg 10, 2023
Bus arrived 20 minutes early and wet smoothly. We stopped once at a bus terminal to use the bathroom and there were some snacks for sale there.
Xe van Van 13pax, 438 Phuket Krabi Transport, 24 thg 9, 2023
Was Okey and not the first time I took this bus. But this time the driver was a fool. Smoking in the car, spitting half the way out the window,throwing trash out the window, burping half the way, making stops for personal purposes
Xe van Van 13pax, 438 Phuket Krabi Transport, 6 thg 9, 2023
Bus 438 - 1h longer at the end but better than awaited. Very friendly driver.
Xe van Van 13pax, 438 Phuket Krabi Transport, 4 thg 9, 2023
Left on time and got to phuket on time. Driver is friendly.
Xe van Van 13pax, 438 Phuket Krabi Transport, 29 thg 8, 2023
On time When got to ao nang another driver picked me up to drop me at my hostel. Good service
Xe van Van 13pax, 438 Phuket Krabi Transport, 14 thg 8, 2023
Driver used the trip to deliver goods so we made a lot of stops and it ended up being +1 hour. Apart from that the driver was all the time hitting the horn, with aggressive driving. At least it was cheap (7€)
Xe van Van 13pax, 438 Phuket Krabi Transport, 12 thg 8, 2023
It was great, but 20 min to late on arrival, busdriver stopped for everything like for example; buying new flowers for on his window, picked up a package and dropped 20 min later. I could been better, but it also could much worser haha.
Xe van Van 13pax, 438 Phuket Krabi Transport, 3 thg 8, 2023
Way cheaper, if you buy it in the bus stand. No space ag all. Very cramped. Booked extra ticket for luggage but eventually kept other peoples luggage on to ours. Very uncomfortable.
Xe van Van 13pax, 438 Phuket Krabi Transport, 11 thg 7, 2023
They accepted to change our reservation to leave earlier and let US near the airport
Xe van Van 13pax, 438 Phuket Krabi Transport, 7 thg 7, 2023
Thank you for service. It was good.
Xe van Van 13pax, 438 Phuket Krabi Transport, 25 thg 6, 2023
Very good service. Comfor
Xe van Van 13pax, 438 Phuket Krabi Transport, 23 thg 6, 2023
Got to the bus station 40 minutes early, they were very well organised and directed us and didn’t have a single bit of stress. We ended up getting and earlier bus and the driver got us there safely and on time.
Xe van Van 13pax, 438 Phuket Krabi Transport, 10 thg 6, 2023
Good drive but driver forgott to drop me off at my Station. So he organised me a taxi to go backmit was all good.
Xe van Van 13pax, 438 Phuket Krabi Transport, 2 thg 6, 2023
We arrived at the bus station ahead of time, and they let us take an earlier bus. The journey was pleasant, and the driver was very friendly.
Xe van Van 13pax, 438 Phuket Krabi Transport, 31 thg 5, 2023
Everything was fine. The driver dro
Xe van Van 13pax, 438 Phuket Krabi Transport, 16 thg 5, 2023
The driver is an absolute madness. Speaking at the phone the whole ride, the AC was barely working and the van had a really weird smell… Also we made 3-4 stops to get boxes with unknown content which delayed our trip…
Xe van Van 13pax, 438 Phuket Krabi Transport, 27 thg 4, 2023
Bus was fine, not as shown in pictures but good enough for sure. Seats not super comfortable. The bus driver did not seem happy at all we booked with 12Go but the local operator helped to clear the situation.
Xe van Van 13pax, 438 Phuket Krabi Transport, 27 thg 3, 2023
Very nice bus driver, very friendly!
Xe van Van 13pax, 438 Phuket Krabi Transport, 27 thg 3, 2023
We arrived half an hour late, but in the end everything went well
Xe van Van 13pax, 438 Phuket Krabi Transport, 16 thg 3, 2023
All went fine to travel from A to B . The driver asked for continue trip from Bus terminal to Ao Nang another 150 baht , and of course this one’s without receipt and this was after traveling 200km with 220 baht 😉 . The system is in a way done to can do easy black money from tourists. The normal bus cost was 80 baht and took us exactly to the address , like a taxi.
Xe van Van 13pax, 438 Phuket Krabi Transport, 15 thg 3, 2023
It was fast and cheap, what else
Xe van Van 13pax, 438 Phuket Krabi Transport, 11 thg 3, 2023
We were in the back seats, and there was very little space for us with all the luggage and delivery boxes around. Otherwise all good.
Xe van Van 13pax, 438 Phuket Krabi Transport, 9 thg 3, 2023
Very fast. Good air conditioning
Xe van Van 13pax, 438 Phuket Krabi Transport, 6 thg 3, 2023
Driver took many random brakes/stops where he picked up and also delivered stuff to small shops during the way ? Did not take many minutes, but felt kind of odd. The bus also picked up other passangers during the way which is ok but bus felt crowded. We got on an earlier ride which was good. Although it lacked information about the trip from both check in terminal aswel from driver. We got on the road quick which after all. The driver did drive very fast(over limit at most time) but was a good driver. Stopped for 5-10min toilet-break halfway, that was good. At the end we did not stop at terminal Krabi, we stopped in a industry-area first. There was a minivan waiting for us. They asked passengers who wanted to go to Ao Nang for 150 bath extra per person at that stop. We was heading that direction later and took the offer(6-8 other did aswell so it felt more safe). It was not in the description before travel and fel a bit weird, but it was good service from the minibus though. Notice if you are tall , you will not be able to sit comfy on the bus. Had to sit sideways with legs for the whole journey. (Im like 185cm, and even my wife around 166cm could not sit ok). It was ok for this ride and the price, but on a longer journey it could have been worse.
Xe van Van 13pax, 438 Phuket Krabi Transport, 2 thg 3, 2023
Very nice
Xe van Van 13pax, 438 Phuket Krabi Transport, 25 thg 2, 2023
Everything went fine
Xe van Van 13pax, 438 Phuket Krabi Transport, 7 thg 2, 2023
Started to late but comfy bus
Xe van Van 13pax, 438 Phuket Krabi Transport, 25 thg 1, 2023
put us on an earlier bus as we arrived early, comfortable and journey felt quick
Xe van Van 13pax, 438 Phuket Krabi Transport, 20 thg 1, 2023
It was super cheap but if you wanted to go to Ao Nang it was 250 baht extra each which was never mentioned. It was very cramped on the bus at the back with all the bags, very warm on there too. Bus was on time which was great
Xe van Van 13pax, 438 Phuket Krabi Transport, 20 thg 1, 2023
We could take one bus erlier, good van, good seats, comfortable enough for up to 5hours. Not more, because of the space to the seats in Front. Difficult with long legs. We were absolut in time, inside the bus normal temperature. Would book again
Xe van Van 13pax, 438 Phuket Krabi Transport, 12 thg 1, 2023
On time..a bit crowded
Xe van Van 13pax, 438 Phuket Krabi Transport, 7 thg 1, 2023
I took a minivan from Phuket to Krabi. The bus driver was very polite and helpful, and the minivan was very comfortable. It was my second time with this minivan and definitely not the last one!
Xe van Van 13pax, 438 Phuket Krabi Transport, 29 thg 12, 2022
As always good service, journey was good, stopped half way, nice views and on time
Xe van Van 13pax, 438 Phuket Krabi Transport, 15 thg 12, 2022
Totally recommend, kind driver, the bus was comfortable, air conditioned, phone charger entrance &#1.0147226144538E+34;
Xe van Van 13pax, 438 Phuket Krabi Transport, 10 thg 12, 2022
339 đánh giá của khách hàng
94.4% trong số 339 hành khách hài lòng với 438 Phuket Krabi Transport