09 июн. 2024
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Sri Mongkol

79 отзывов клиентов
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Sri Mongkol График и Расписание

Чонбури - Накхон Ратчасима
07:15, 07:30, 11:00
Накхон Ратчасима - Чонбури
10:00, 12:30, 22:30
Канчанабури - Нонгкхай
Автобус ВИП 24
Автобус Экспресс
Канчанабури - Удон Тхани
Автобус ВИП 24
Автобус Экспресс
Нонгкхай - Канчанабури
Автобус ВИП 24
Автобус Экспресс

О компании Sri Mongkol

Автобусы - самый доступный вид транспорта с большим количеством вокзалов и станций по всей стране и удобным расписанием, что поможет вам гибко планировать поездку. Автобусы - это удобный способ передвижения с ограниченным бюджетом, но при этом с достойным уровнем комфорта. Компания Sri Mongkol предлагает онлайн-бронирование билетов на свои автобусные маршруты по стране. Перед бронированием советуем почитать отзывы клиентов: это поможет прояснить многие нюансы и выбрать оптимальный вариант.

Какие основные станции у Sri Mongkol?

Карта маршрутов Sri Mongkol включает в себя следующие крупные автовокзалы и станции:

  • Паттайя
  • Накхон Ратчасима Терминал 2
  • Канчанабури
  • Нонгкхай

Какие классы и цены на автобусы у Sri Mongkol?

Цена автобусного билета зависит как от самого маршрута, так и от класса автобуса. На некоторых направлениях выбор может быть ограничен, однако на длительных маршрутах у вам почти всегда будет несколько вариантов. Для ночной поездки очевидным решением будет автобус со спальным местом или откидывающимися сиденьями. Обычно в таком автобусе имеется туалет и другие опции, такие как закуски или даже обед. Кроме этого, ночной рейс дает возможность немного сэкономить на гостинице.

В дневное же время лучшим вариантом по соотношению цены и качества является экспресс-автобус. Как правило, он делает меньше остановок в пути и в целом едет быстрее. На некоторых маршрутах экспресс сможет сократить длительность поездки в 2-3 раза!

Обращаем внимание, что в странах СНГ применяется иная классификация автобусов.
Глобально, автобусный транспорт для дальних путешествий там делится на два вида: пригородный и междугородный (или туристический). У пригородных автобусов могут присутствовать стоячие места, меньше места под багаж, сидения, как правило, более узкие и нерегулируемые. Отсутствуют многие дополнительные опции: в таком автобусе может не быть кондиционера, wi-fi, подставок под напитки и т.п. Такой вариант является самым дешевым и отлично подойдет для коротких поездок в соседние города.

Междугородные автобусы же рассчитаны на длительные поездки и потому предлагают больший комфорт: как правило, в таком транспорте имеется кондиционер, кресла шире и могут откидываться, проход между сиденьями уже, а багажный отсек - вместительней. Также, опционально в таких автобусах может иметься собственный туалет, wi-fi или экраны для показа кино или туристических видеоматериалов. Этот класс автобусов больше подходит для длительных и ночных поездок, предлагая намного более комфортные условия. Что, в свою очередь, значительно сказывается на цене.

Плюсы и минусы поездки на автобусе


  • Автобусы часто могут похвастаться самой большой маршрутной сетью. Они довезут вас туда, куда не довезет ни самолет, ни даже поезд.
  • Путешествовать на автобусе легко - нет необходимости приезжать на автовокзал заранее, а регистрация обычно является очень быстрой формальностью, в отличие от авиаперелетов. Хотя вопрос с очередями актуален и для автобусов.
  • Стоимость билетов. Да, встречаются и дорогие VIP-варианты, но если вы ограничены в бюджете, автобус - это первый вид транспорта, о котором следует подумать.
  • В то же время, существуют различные классы обслуживания, буквально на любой бюджет. Если вам нужен повышенный уровень комфорта, автобусные перевозки также к вашим услугам.


  • Междугородные автобусные терминалы часто могут находиться на окраине города. А это дополнительное время и деньги на дорогу. Также, в некоторых местах стоимость проезда от/до автовокзала может быть завышена. Учитывайте это.
  • В выходные и праздничные дни, а также, в разгар туристического сезона, некоторые автобусы могут ходить не по расписанию и быть доступны только по предварительному бронированию.
  • Хоть автобусы и не так зависимы от погоды, как паромы, автобусные рейсы также могут быть отложены или отменены из-за плохой погоды или дорожных условий - имейте это в виду, особенно в горах.
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Sri Mongkol Отзывы о компании

79 отзывов клиентов
Автобус ВИП 24, Sri Mongkol, 21 нояб. 2023 г.
The bus started half an hour late and arrived in Pattaya 40 minutes late. There was no traffic jam anywhere.
Автобус ВИП 24, Sri Mongkol, 16 июн. 2023 г.
Good trip, but the only remake is, that bus doen,'t make a stop. The trip takes about 7 hours.
Автобус ВИП 24, Sri Mongkol, 7 мар. 2023 г.
Very comfortable a little bit late arrival but very good
Автобус ВИП 24, Sri Mongkol, 20 февр. 2023 г.
Everything went well, driver was very helpfull just all ok
Автобус ВИП 24, Sri Mongkol, 9 янв. 2023 г.
The bus is old and slow taking over 1hr 30m longer.
Автобус ВИП 24, Sri Mongkol, 26 нояб. 2022 г.
Booking was ok. But additional costs are too high! 25% above stated ticket price
Автобус ВИП 24, Sri Mongkol, 9 нояб. 2022 г.
This review has nothing to do with the company itself. But there is road work almost the entire trip which caused the bus to use side roads and secondary highways it was a very long trip that arrived very late.
Автобус ВИП 24, Sri Mongkol, 20 авг. 2022 г.
There was no food, nor snack, as it was suggested through your website
Автобус ВИП 24, Sri Mongkol, 8 мар. 2022 г.
Comfortable bus good driver left and arrived on time
Автобус ВИП 24, Sri Mongkol, 16 дек. 2020 г.
Arrival 30 minute late , my seat was broken 😡
Автобус ВИП 24, Sri Mongkol, 9 дек. 2020 г.
Bus arrived late to destination, too many stops otherwise generally ok very responsible driver
Автобус ВИП 24, Sri Mongkol, 29 янв. 2020 г.
The air conditioning on the bus made it feel quite cold. Blankets would have been nice to be provided as other operators do this.
Автобус ВИП 24, Sri Mongkol, 28 дек. 2019 г.
I left the information at the NakhonRachasima counter 7 that I will neither use that transport on the 26th nor the 27th as I found an earlier and chipper direct trip from Chayaphum. Apparently the instruction was not correctly forwarded to the appropriate persons as I received several calls from them before the scheduled boarding time. Sorry, you could not offer me a direct trip. It cost 345 + 110 THB + a hotel night. The trip to or from Chayaphum was only 240 THB. ;-(
Автобус ВИП 24, Sri Mongkol, 27 дек. 2019 г.
Bus on time at the departure. Nice attention from the staff. No mechanic trouble on the road. ... but my seat back has a tendency to incline itself backward. That required a constant attention to avoid disturbing the charmant lady on the seeat behing me.
Автобус ВИП 24, Sri Mongkol, 6 дек. 2019 г.
Good value, reasonably close to scheduled arrival time in Korat. Seats fairly roomy but not very comfortable and they were quite worn.
Автобус ВИП 24, Sri Mongkol, 4 окт. 2019 г.
Hi SriMingkol! Please update your google listing to show your location. Our taxi took us to ‘Pattaya phetprasert’ in Pattaya main road and we got very lost. Even if you include a google maps link in the booking - would make it very easy! Thanks for the ride.
Автобус ВИП 24, Sri Mongkol, 20 авг. 2019 г.
Everything was good Seat and the trip took 6 houer.
Автобус ВИП 24, Sri Mongkol, 1 июл. 2019 г.
Easy, fast. Trip took 20 minutes longer but good seats
Автобус ВИП 24, Sri Mongkol, 15 февр. 2019 г.
Was good in many ways. The TOILET was in a disgusting state when I used it at the end of the journey. Also need to make it clear where you are dropped off in Pattaya - Central Road and Soi 3.
Автобус ВИП 24, Sri Mongkol, 11 февр. 2019 г.
Good journey but arrived late because of fuel stop.
Автобус ВИП 24, Sri Mongkol, 7 февр. 2019 г.
12GO Asia service was very good. And Sri Monghol Bus counter was ready with my ticket, make sure you have the voucher printed. The staff were very friendly. The bus was a bit dated but left and arrived on time. I would advise that the bus stops about 6 times between Pattaya and Chonburi and picks up a few people along the way. But the arrival time was correct. If you have children or haven't eaten there isn't any lunch or dinner service, (a bottle of water and a bag of potato chips are provided at the start. One bathroom stop at Chonburi bus terminal is also made. You will have to use the bus toilet for the remainder of the trip. The bus will stop at several places on request but does not stop at the Korat Mall but terminates at the New Bus Terminal.
Автобус ВИП 24, Sri Mongkol, 22 янв. 2019 г.
Superclean, lowprized hotel, good breakfast and great location. Big rooms.
Автобус ВИП 24, Sri Mongkol, 8 янв. 2019 г.
Very uncomfortable bus. Poor condition seats, male crew just disapeared when stop at office, leaving poor lady to climb in over spare wheel to get my case. Shall never use again. 7 hour journey, due to puncher
Автобус ВИП 24, Sri Mongkol, 10 нояб. 2018 г.
Old bus with basic toilet, arrived 1.5 hours late. Seats very comfortable and plenty of leg room
Автобус ВИП 24, Sri Mongkol, 24 апр. 2018 г.
Got to Korat city on time. I was not happy with bathroom on bus...bucket that has water in it should be covered so the water does not go all over the place.
Автобус ВИП 24, Sri Mongkol, 2 февр. 2018 г.
On time and reasonably comfortable. Bus was showing its age as the seat belt didn’t work, nor the table nor the seats’ in-built massage feature. Driver was a little ‘horn happy’. Otherwise efficient and on-time. Great value for those on a budget and appealing to those who like to look out the window and glimpse Thai countryside and people going about their lives. The journey was interesting, not just destination focused. All up, quite good.
Автобус ВИП 24, Sri Mongkol, 3 янв. 2018 г.
Seats nice and big and comfy, it's a long journey but still felt refreshed when leaving the buss, air con worked good, buss did not stop so a small packet of crisps and a bottle of water is all you will have for 6hours.
Автобус ВИП 24, Sri Mongkol, 10 нояб. 2017 г.
Value for money. Includes small bag of potato chips and a bottle of water. Sri Mongkol chairs are old and worn out. No electricity plugs. Two films were shown, but bus driver was listening to music interfering with the sound. Overall good trip for the money, but don’t expect a real VIP treatment. Bus has a toilet.
Автобус ВИП 24, Sri Mongkol, 20 июн. 2017 г.
It would be nice if the ladies working the counters knew some English. That is my only complaint.
Автобус ВИП 24, Sri Mongkol, 28 февр. 2017 г.
Everything from the beginning was nice and easy. Good driver
Автобус ВИП 24, Sri Mongkol, 6 янв. 2017 г.
Why that long stop at the buscompany's garage, when it's only 15 min left of the journey? After 6 hours you can see that passengers want to come home. And why checking tickets again? Doesn't the bus company trust its staff?
Автобус ВИП 24, Sri Mongkol, 24 дек. 2016 г.
Bus was very clean and comfortable Plenty of leg room Good driver but a little to heavy on the brakes !!! But that's the way the Thais drive so can't really complain lol Overall a very good service
Автобус ВИП 24, Sri Mongkol, 19 июл. 2016 г.
We booked via the site and paid the extra after disgracefulanmd shocking attitude and lack of any customer service the previous evening when my Thai wife telephone called to the small office where the bus stops in Pattaya. All we wished to know was times and how to purchase seats but was abrupty told by some woman working in the Pattaya office 'maybe full, come early up to you' and put the phone down? Whoever this woman is should not be working in the service industry! Now, as for the bus itself very comfortable, avoid seats without a seat belt as my outbound bus did not have (nor that original seat upon looking when we used to return to Korat) but overall driver safe, big, comfortable seats with built-in massage, its says 24 seat VIP but that is incorrect i'd say around 32 seats but large and roomy, and there are no real stops so try to use toilet prior to boarding unless you wish to endure the usual cramped and pungent odours of a bus toilet! Air con worked great, blankets provided at seat, no noise or music on either of our trips, overall I would use again but please work on improving service at Pattaya office, the woman there the day of travel was very appologetic and it was clearly not her on duty the prior evening. Using this site costs a little more (around 80bt more in total with taxes etc) but easy to navigate, in English and you just print off voucher and take to bus office, worth it and at least you are assured a seat!
Автобус ВИП 24, Sri Mongkol, 5 мар. 2016 г.
Travel to Nakhon Ratchasima frequently and always use the Sri Mongkol VIP. Comfortable seats in an airconditioned bus, little snack and a bottle of water. Anyway, if you have any questions during the trip you will have to speak thai as none of the staff speaks any English.
Автобус ВИП 24, Sri Mongkol, 4 янв. 2016 г.
They use a relatively new, strong and steady Mercedes Benz double-decker bus with huge seats. The seats are even bigger than the business class seats in an plane! Enough room for my long legs. The driver was secure, quick responding and steady with his pedals Buying a ticket in advance via the internet works perfectly and there is the option to pay via paypal.
Автобус ВИП 24, Sri Mongkol, 30 дек. 2015 г.
If you can teach Thai's customer service then that would be a great help.
Автобус ВИП 24, Sri Mongkol, 7 дек. 2015 г.
I had a very good journey. Only the directions to the departure station in Pattaya confused me a little. From the map i tought i had to go to the big pattayaroad nr 3 but the motor-taxi-driver knew better. There was enough space for my legs,the seats were comfortable. Good driver easy going. Thanks for the good service. Logging in on OUTLOOK to download my registration gave me a lot of problems. (It took me 1 hour and the help from a friend in Europe who had to log in on my account ) Maybe the bus compagny can find another (extra) way to send a registration and reservation confirmation directly after payment.
Автобус ВИП 24, Sri Mongkol, 10 окт. 2015 г.
Driver very very rude. No snack or any food supplied, contrary to what your web booking page says.
Автобус ВИП 24, Sri Mongkol, 4 авг. 2015 г.
car itself was comfortable and AC also was working properly,but unfortunately the drivers and their music was for most guests as i talked to way too laud and if you know that you drive foreigners who are exhausted and not understand the language then the music shall not be so laud that the man sitting at the last row also can not sleep.may be in your business handle these things other way is possible cause it was my first time but if you wish me as come back customer then you have to improve these things ,last but not least,no one speak English and any body know Pattaya is 60% full of tourists,so if you as a driver can not explain where your stop is(city Center or else where) then you are running a failure in your business
Автобус ВИП 24, Sri Mongkol, 27 июн. 2015 г.
the seat was broken and air condition very cold and no blankets .
Автобус ВИП 24, Sri Mongkol, 31 мар. 2024 г.
The staff was pleasant and helpful to make sure I was comfortable
Автобус ВИП 24, Sri Mongkol, 19 янв. 2023 г.
The bus is so slowly.. About 10 hours.
Автобус ВИП 24, Sri Mongkol, 19 дек. 2022 г.
could of had a stop half way to stretch your legs
Автобус ВИП 24, Sri Mongkol, 14 авг. 2022 г.
It was what I expected.
Автобус ВИП 24, Sri Mongkol, 30 нояб. 2020 г.
No stop no, snack, no food!
Автобус ВИП 24, Sri Mongkol, 28 окт. 2019 г.
좌석이 좌우로는 넓지만 앞뒤로는 많이 넓지 않다. 에어컨을 끌 수 없고, 좌석 위에 담요가 구비되어있지만 나눠주지는 않는다. 간식은 5바트 짜리 초콜렛 과자 하나와 생수 한 병. 승무원이 친절하고 버스 자체는 쾌적하다. 12go에서 받는 예약 수수료 인당 45바트와 별도로 카드 수수료 32바트(total)를 추가로 받는다.
Автобус ВИП 24, Sri Mongkol, 18 окт. 2019 г.
Trip ok but 45 min deley
Автобус ВИП 24, Sri Mongkol, 21 дек. 2018 г.
It was fine though a bit late
Автобус ВИП 24, Sri Mongkol, 11 июн. 2017 г.
บริกดีมากค่ะ ได้นั่งตรงที่นั่งที่เสียเงินจองไว้แล้ว ขอบคุณนะค่ะ????????????
Автобус ВИП 24, Sri Mongkol, 12 мая 2017 г.