02 мая 2024
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Queen Cafe Bus

96 отзывов клиентов
  • Schedule
  • Stations
  • Reviews

Queen Cafe Bus График и Расписание

Хюэ - Фонг Ня
Автобус Limousine
Автобус Спальный
Хойан - Хюэ
Автобус Limousine
Автобус Спальный
Хойан - Фонг Ня
Автобус Limousine
Автобус Спальный
Дананг - Фонг Ня
Автобус Limousine
Автобус Спальный
Хюэ - Хойан
Автобус Limousine
Автобус Спальный
Ханой - Хюэ
Автобус Спальный
17:30, 18:00, 18:30, 18:45
Автобус Limousine
17:30, 18:00, 18:30, 18:45
Фонг Ня - Ниньбин
Автобус Limousine
21:00, 21:30
Автобус Спальный
21:00, 21:30
Ниньбин - Хюэ
Автобус Спальный
19:30, 20:00, 20:45
Автобус Limousine
19:30, 20:00, 20:30, 20:45
Дананг - Хюэ
Автобус Limousine
Автобус Спальный
Фонг Ня - Хюэ
Автобус Limousine
Автобус Спальный
Ниньбин - Фонг Ня
Автобус Спальный
19:30, 20:00, 20:45
Автобус Limousine
19:30, 20:00, 20:30, 20:45
Дананг - Хойан
Автобус Limousine
Автобус Спальный
Ниньбин - Хойан
Автобус Спальный
19:30, 20:00, 20:45
Автобус Limousine
19:30, 20:00, 20:30, 20:45
Хойан - Ханой
Автобус Спальный
12:30, 13:30, 13:45
Автобус Limousine
12:30, 13:30, 13:45
Фонг Ня - Ханой
Автобус Спальный
21:00, 21:30
Автобус Limousine
21:00, 21:30
Ханой - Хойан
Автобус Спальный
17:30, 18:00, 18:30, 18:45
Автобус Limousine
17:30, 18:00, 18:30, 18:45
Фонг Ня - Хойан
Автобус Limousine
Автобус Спальный
Хюэ - Ханой
Автобус Спальный
16:30, 16:45, 17:00, 17:30
Автобус Limousine
16:30, 16:45, 17:00, 17:30
Ханой - Фонг Ня
Автобус Спальный
17:30, 18:00, 18:30, 18:45
Автобус Limousine
17:30, 18:00, 18:30, 18:45
Ханой - Дананг
Автобус Спальный
17:30, 18:00, 18:30, 18:45
Автобус Limousine
17:30, 18:00, 18:30, 18:45
Дананг - Ханой
Автобус Спальный
13:45, 14:15, 14:30
Автобус Limousine
13:45, 14:15, 14:30
Ханой - Ниньбин
Автобус Спальный
Автобус Limousine
Хюэ - Ниньбин
Автобус Limousine
16:30, 16:45, 17:00, 17:30
Автобус Спальный
16:30, 16:45, 17:00, 17:30
Ниньбин - Дананг
Автобус Спальный
19:30, 20:00, 20:45
Автобус Limousine
19:30, 20:00, 20:30, 20:45
Фонг Ня - Дананг
Автобус Limousine
Автобус Спальный
Хойан - Ниньбин
Автобус Limousine
12:30, 13:30, 13:45
Автобус Спальный
12:30, 13:30, 13:45
Хюэ - Дананг
Автобус Limousine
Автобус Спальный
Дананг - Ниньбин
Автобус Limousine
13:45, 14:15, 14:30
Автобус Спальный
13:45, 14:15, 14:30

О компании Queen Cafe Bus

Автобусы - самый доступный вид транспорта с большим количеством вокзалов и станций по всей стране и удобным расписанием, что поможет вам гибко планировать поездку. Автобусы - это удобный способ передвижения с ограниченным бюджетом, но при этом с достойным уровнем комфорта. Компания Queen Cafe Bus предлагает онлайн-бронирование билетов на свои автобусные маршруты по стране. Перед бронированием советуем почитать отзывы клиентов: это поможет прояснить многие нюансы и выбрать оптимальный вариант.

Какие основные станции у Queen Cafe Bus?

Карта маршрутов Queen Cafe Bus включает в себя следующие крупные автовокзалы и станции:

  • 7 Doi Cung Hue
  • 105 Ton Duc Thang
  • Queen Cafe Bus Da Nang
  • Central Backpackers Hostel Phong Nha
  • Номер 208 улица Тран Кванг Хай
  • Mikes Travel Agency
  • Mr Khanh Travel Agency Ninh Binh
  • Хюэ Офис
  • Да Нанг Офис
  • Хойан Офис

Какие самые популярные маршруты у Queen Cafe Bus?

Какие классы и цены на автобусы у Queen Cafe Bus?

Цена автобусного билета зависит как от самого маршрута, так и от класса автобуса. На некоторых направлениях выбор может быть ограничен, однако на длительных маршрутах у вам почти всегда будет несколько вариантов. Для ночной поездки очевидным решением будет автобус со спальным местом или откидывающимися сиденьями. Обычно в таком автобусе имеется туалет и другие опции, такие как закуски или даже обед. Кроме этого, ночной рейс дает возможность немного сэкономить на гостинице.

В дневное же время лучшим вариантом по соотношению цены и качества является экспресс-автобус. Как правило, он делает меньше остановок в пути и в целом едет быстрее. На некоторых маршрутах экспресс сможет сократить длительность поездки в 2-3 раза!

Обращаем внимание, что в странах СНГ применяется иная классификация автобусов.
Глобально, автобусный транспорт для дальних путешествий там делится на два вида: пригородный и междугородный (или туристический). У пригородных автобусов могут присутствовать стоячие места, меньше места под багаж, сидения, как правило, более узкие и нерегулируемые. Отсутствуют многие дополнительные опции: в таком автобусе может не быть кондиционера, wi-fi, подставок под напитки и т.п. Такой вариант является самым дешевым и отлично подойдет для коротких поездок в соседние города.

Междугородные автобусы же рассчитаны на длительные поездки и потому предлагают больший комфорт: как правило, в таком транспорте имеется кондиционер, кресла шире и могут откидываться, проход между сиденьями уже, а багажный отсек - вместительней. Также, опционально в таких автобусах может иметься собственный туалет, wi-fi или экраны для показа кино или туристических видеоматериалов. Этот класс автобусов больше подходит для длительных и ночных поездок, предлагая намного более комфортные условия. Что, в свою очередь, значительно сказывается на цене.

Плюсы и минусы поездки на автобусе


  • Автобусы часто могут похвастаться самой большой маршрутной сетью. Они довезут вас туда, куда не довезет ни самолет, ни даже поезд.
  • Путешествовать на автобусе легко - нет необходимости приезжать на автовокзал заранее, а регистрация обычно является очень быстрой формальностью, в отличие от авиаперелетов. Хотя вопрос с очередями актуален и для автобусов.
  • Стоимость билетов. Да, встречаются и дорогие VIP-варианты, но если вы ограничены в бюджете, автобус - это первый вид транспорта, о котором следует подумать.
  • В то же время, существуют различные классы обслуживания, буквально на любой бюджет. Если вам нужен повышенный уровень комфорта, автобусные перевозки также к вашим услугам.


  • Междугородные автобусные терминалы часто могут находиться на окраине города. А это дополнительное время и деньги на дорогу. Также, в некоторых местах стоимость проезда от/до автовокзала может быть завышена. Учитывайте это.
  • В выходные и праздничные дни, а также, в разгар туристического сезона, некоторые автобусы могут ходить не по расписанию и быть доступны только по предварительному бронированию.
  • Хоть автобусы и не так зависимы от погоды, как паромы, автобусные рейсы также могут быть отложены или отменены из-за плохой погоды или дорожных условий - имейте это в виду, особенно в горах.
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Queen Cafe Bus Станции

Queen Cafe Bus Отзывы о компании

96 отзывов клиентов
Автобус Спальный, Queen Cafe Bus, 17 мар. 2024 г.
The trip was alright but we arrived an hour late and the bus smelled to bad from the toilet on board. It was disgusting and we all felt bad during the trip
Автобус Limousine, Queen Cafe Bus, 16 мар. 2024 г.
bus was on time. driver was a little bit rude when handling with our shoes on boarding but he drove well. we slept well. i'm 1,76m and just fit in :-) although pretty tight- you need to be slim haha there was a toilet - pretty clean. overall we were satisfied.
Автобус Спальный, Queen Cafe Bus, 15 мар. 2024 г.
Confort de base Et attention aux valises ou sacs Nous avons retrouvé l'un de nos sacs déchiré sur deux épaisseurs+ un tee-shirt se trouvant dedans, j'attends le retour du support client qui j'espère me dédommagera
Автобус Спальный, Queen Cafe Bus, 9 мар. 2024 г.
Driver operated on his own schedule, leaving about 10 minutes early and telling passengers they did not have enough time for toilet/buying a sandwich. We took a 10 km detour and stayed parked in the middle of nowhere for about 20 minutes waiting for a van to come and load stuff onto the bus. Driver would not tell us what we were doing there, or when we’d have an official toilet break. Driver smoked on the bus, even when passengers requested he stop because it made them nauseous. He said to use a bag to vomit. Check-in lady at the office would not help passengers when they had confirmation emails from 12goasia. Seemed disorganized.
Автобус Limousine, Queen Cafe Bus, 20 февр. 2024 г.
Bus was prima optijd, alleen was het erg onduidelijk waar hij ons heen bracht. Daarnaast werden we om half 5 snachts langs de grote weg eruit gezet. Dit was niet bij onze afzetlocatie. We moesten vanuit daar nog een taxi pakken, die hadden ze dan wel weer geregeld. (Uiteraard was dit tegen betaling)
Автобус Sleeper Bus, Queen Cafe Bus, 6 февр. 2024 г.
We order a Limousine Bus and a sleeping bus was presented. I had a mail that said so before the trip but for a sleeping bus the price of the company was twice of what other companies offered. I had a poor compensation but I had to go back and forth with the travel agency. The bus was full I had to slept between two people… Bad,bad,bad experience
Автобус Спальный, Queen Cafe Bus, 28 янв. 2024 г.
The scheduled departure was at 16:45, we gathered in front of the company office, they took us to the bus station with a taxi, but then we had to wait there on the bus (with engine turned on) for 1h30 hours. The bus was very cold because of the air-conditioning and in the last seats near to the toilet there was a bad smell of urine
Автобус Спальный, Queen Cafe Bus, 25 янв. 2024 г.
We had to switch buses in the rain in the middle of the ride.also,the bus stopped for a long time for unknown reason. We got to our destination 1.5 hours late than stated.
Автобус Спальный, Queen Cafe Bus, 7 янв. 2024 г.
Nasty driver, staff don’t feel like working. I would avión
Автобус Спальный, Queen Cafe Bus, 5 янв. 2024 г.
The trip was at 7:30pm, the bus arrived 8:40pm!:o We were in the bus 29B-18500 and jesuuuuus how horrible smell that bus!! Tell the busdriver he should clean the bathroom some times!hahahaha… All the trip smelling pee everytime they opened the bathroom door… Amazing
Автобус Спальный, Queen Cafe Bus, 2 янв. 2024 г.
The bus was ok, we started a little later and arrived 1 hour late. During the 4 hour drive we took one break at the rest stop, the bus toilet worked halfway. The bunks were ok with pillows and blankets, but quite cramped. But good for the price.
Автобус Спальный, Queen Cafe Bus, 31 дек. 2023 г.
Staff unfortunately unfriendly and don't speak English. I asked if the bus standing outside was mine and was directed to my seat in the waiting room without an answer and told to wait another 5 minutes. Started 30 minutes late and arrived 1 hour late. Bus is getting on in years and parts like cup holders are missing at some seats. Toilet door does not close properly and it stank of toilet the whole trip. What can I say for the price... You get there despite everything!
Автобус Спальный, Queen Cafe Bus, 29 дек. 2023 г.
The 3 hour bus journey was fine. There was rubbish left from previous person sitting/laying in the chair. The blanket doesn’t look like it’s seen a washing machine for a while but it keeps your feet warm. Some chairs were wet from the roof hatches leaking when it rained.
Автобус Спальный, Queen Cafe Bus, 24 дек. 2023 г.
Oversold tickets so another passenger and I had to wait an hour for the next bus. Barely crammed onto the next bus and it was leaking rain onto me. We did get to our destination without an accident though.
Автобус Limousine, Queen Cafe Bus, 23 дек. 2023 г.
Perfect service, they had no more space for us in the bus we booked so we were outclassed in another one. We slept well and there are toilets inside which makes it Even better
Автобус Спальный, Queen Cafe Bus, 22 дек. 2023 г.
The bus was not clean. There were ants on the furnishings and the cushions were grubby. The AC also leaked. The toilet did not flush and was very dark and smelly.
Автобус Limousine, Queen Cafe Bus, 21 дек. 2023 г.
The journey was fine. We arrived very early (5am instead of 7am) in Hanoi and everything was closed. Also the luggage was wet inside and outside. Everything else was ok.
Автобус Спальный, Queen Cafe Bus, 18 дек. 2023 г.
The staff was unfriendly but except of these everything was fine
Автобус Спальный, Queen Cafe Bus, 13 дек. 2023 г.
The bus didn’t start after the bathroom break, so together with bystanders, the driver managed to jumpstart the bus after a 30-40 minute wait.
Автобус Limousine, Queen Cafe Bus, 11 дек. 2023 г.
El bus es correcto. El espacio pequeño y viejo. El personal muy poco atento.
Автобус Limousine, Queen Cafe Bus, 6 дек. 2023 г.
I ordered a cabin bus. However, it was another bus without any explanation. I paid more for what I've got.
Автобус Limousine, Queen Cafe Bus, 26 нояб. 2023 г.
Staff were extremely rude. Several of the chairs on the bus were faulty so you could not adjust them. Overall not a great experience with this company.
Автобус Спальный, Queen Cafe Bus, 21 нояб. 2023 г.
They got us to our destination close to the advertised time. However, their communication was incredibly poor. First, we were told we had a free upgrade to a VIP cabin bus when we arrived at the bus stop. But then after 2 hours on the bus, we were told to get off - noone told us why we had to get off or where we were - it was a while before we realised we were in Ninh Binh. Eventually we found out we had to change busses - they should have told us this in advance before we booked! We had to wait for an hour sitting on the side of the road, at one point they told us to get on the wrong bus before they realised. When we did get on the bus to Phong Nha, it was not the VIP upgrade we had been promised. The rest of the journey from Ninh Binh to Phong Nha went without issue.
Автобус Спальный, Queen Cafe Bus, 15 нояб. 2023 г.
Took the bus from Hue to Phong Nha. The bus left on time at 16:45 and got in at 20:55 with one 20 minute stop along the way for food and a bathroom break. We got ushered onto the Limousine bus even though we paid for the cheaper tickets and there was a toilet on the bus albeit it was very smelly.
Автобус Limousine, Queen Cafe Bus, 30 окт. 2023 г.
The bus ride was on time and was pretty comfortable and well priced for what it was. Only complaint was that the bathroom onboard smelt really horrible but we sat towards to back of the bus so that may have made it worse.
Автобус Limousine, Queen Cafe Bus, 20 окт. 2023 г.
Im still confused re departure time. Fortunately I was picked up from my hotel and dropped at the bus stop for 17.45.and the bus departed. My e ticket clearly said 18.45.. The pick up guy was a pleasure. We chatted on the bike. He rCed me to the bus drop off. I checked with driver, thru google translate, told him my ticket 18.45. My name was on his list. For 17.45. I'm still puzzled. But happy to be on bus. The support service via email was excellent. And replied instantly.
Автобус Limousine, Queen Cafe Bus, 16 окт. 2023 г.
J’avais un siège cassé et la clime de mon frère était également cassé du coup de l’eau lui coulait dessus.
Автобус Limousine, Queen Cafe Bus, 14 окт. 2023 г.
We where declined at the limousine bus we payed for, we showed our ticket which clearly mentioned limousine class but they told us we where not on the list and had to wait for the next bus of Queen open bus. Then when this bus arrived at 22:00 while our bus should be there at 21:00 it was a normal sleeper bus where we were on the list. At this point we where very confused. We showed our ticket to this bus driver. Later while driving they asked us if we wanted to switch to the other which we clearly wanted because we felt bad about the situation. They called the other bus and at the next bus stop they switched us with the limousine bus. We also wanted to make use of the free transfer to the hotel in old town Hanoi, which was offered by the operator, we requested this in advance and got a reply that it was sorted and that we would be brought to our hotel. When we arrived at Hanoi the bus driver yelled that it was the last stop and that everyone must leave the bus. Overall this was very stressful. The support from 12go was great, we immediately created a support case at 12go, they contacted Queen open bus and the day after they refunded the difference in between the two bus classes to compensate for the bad experience. Thank you 12go.
Автобус Спальный, Queen Cafe Bus, 26 сент. 2023 г.
Der Bus war wieder überbucht. Dieses hatten wir schon öfters bei den Bewertungen gelesen. Wir haben immerhin die letzten zwei Plätze bekommen. Das WC war funktionstüchtig. Auch keine Selbstverständlichkeit. Im Stauraum war Feuchtigkeit und da sollte jeder etwas auf sein Gepäck achten.
Автобус Спальный, Queen Cafe Bus, 23 сент. 2023 г.
The bus arrived 45 min late to the pick up point, and 1h late to the destination. We did not do any stops, the bus was dirty and the bus driver was smoking inside the bus. The bus broke down in the middle of the journey and it felt that we were not going to arrive to the destination. In overall, it was not a great experience.
Автобус Спальный, Queen Cafe Bus, 16 сент. 2023 г.
the bus was dirty and did not correspond to the photos seen on the site
Автобус Спальный, Queen Cafe Bus, 30 авг. 2023 г.
bag got soaked underneath the bus. also had to change busses randomly onto a new one, where they oversold the seats so people had to sleep in the aisles. the new bus was also very short, aka anyone over 5’6 would have to bend their legs. ALSO the driver was rude, dismissing people asking simple questions like when our bathroom break would be.
Автобус Limousine, Queen Cafe Bus, 27 авг. 2023 г.
It was great but we payed two more dollars for the nicer bus and still went with the poorer one.
Автобус Спальный, Queen Cafe Bus, 6 окт. 2022 г.
Driver was doing crazy overtakes and honking a lot. Not good for a night sleeper bus. Toilet was in bad condition sink not working. Whole bus seemed like it hadn't been maintained for several years. Communication before leaving was non existent. Got some sleep eventually. Bus has air conditioning but no wifi.
Автобус Спальный, Queen Cafe Bus, 20 июл. 2022 г.
We got on the bus to begin with, it was slightly hot but overall fine. It then took us two and a half hours to do a one and a half hour journey. We stopped at this stop for around an hour whilst they were letting people on. The driver came over to us and moved our seats, which was fine. After sitting in our new seats for a while he then told us to get off the bus and go to a new one. We went to the new bus and got on. I then asked to go to the toilet and was told there was no toilet on this new bus, meaning we had to do the next 14 hours without a toilet. The driver was rude and it was an uncomfortable trip.
Автобус Limousine, Queen Cafe Bus, 27 мар. 2024 г.
I had booked a seat In a limousine bus, but was taken to Hue on a sleeper bus
Автобус Спальный, Queen Cafe Bus, 27 мар. 2024 г.
Unconvenient seats, started on time. But was late at the end.
Автобус Спальный, Queen Cafe Bus, 27 мар. 2024 г.
Well, I’ve read pretty negative references about this bus but actually it was one of the best trips. They picked me up in time and arrived exactly in time. It took 7hrs from DaNang to Phong Nha. I was sleeping almost all day. They stopped for food once. I enjoyed my trip. 300K worth the sleeping bus and 7hrs.
Автобус Спальный, Queen Cafe Bus, 13 мар. 2024 г.
The delayed departure was the negative point.
Автобус Limousine, Queen Cafe Bus, 16 сент. 2023 г.
Totally fine bus ride
Автобус Limousine, Queen Cafe Bus, 5 сент. 2023 г.
On Time but uncomfortable.
Автобус Спальный, Queen Cafe Bus, 14 апр. 2024 г.
Автобус Спальный, Queen Cafe Bus, 13 апр. 2024 г.
Автобус Спальный, Queen Cafe Bus, 11 апр. 2024 г.
Автобус Limousine, Queen Cafe Bus, 11 апр. 2024 г.
Автобус Limousine, Queen Cafe Bus, 10 апр. 2024 г.
Автобус Спальный, Queen Cafe Bus, 10 апр. 2024 г.
Автобус Limousine, Queen Cafe Bus, 4 апр. 2024 г.
Автобус Спальный, Queen Cafe Bus, 30 мар. 2024 г.
Автобус Limousine, Queen Cafe Bus, 26 мар. 2024 г.