03 мая 2024
Только туда

Laman Express

716 отзывов клиентов
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Laman Express График и Расписание

Ханой - Сапа
Поезд ВИП спальный 4х
Поезд Спальное место 1-го класса
Ниньбин - Хюэ
Поезд Спальное место 1-го класса
21:55, 22:00, 22:05
Поезд ВИП спальный 4х
21:55, 22:00, 22:05
Поезд Премиум Класс
21:55, 22:00, 22:05
Ханой - Дананг
Поезд ВИП спальный 4х
Поезд Спальное место 1-го класса
Поезд Премиум Класс
Ханой - Хюэ
Поезд ВИП спальный 4х
Поезд Спальное место 1-го класса
Поезд Премиум Класс
Сапа - Ханой
Поезд ВИП спальный 4х
Поезд Спальное место 1-го класса
Ниньбин - Дананг
Поезд Спальное место 1-го класса
21:55, 22:00, 22:05
Поезд ВИП спальный 4х
21:55, 22:00, 22:05
Поезд Премиум Класс
21:55, 22:00, 22:05
Хюэ - Ниньбин
Поезд Спальное место 1-го класса
20:35, 20:54
Поезд ВИП спальный 4х
20:35, 20:54
Поезд Премиум Класс
20:35, 20:54
Ханой - Донгхой
Поезд ВИП спальный 4х
Поезд Спальное место 1-го класса
Поезд Премиум Класс
Хюэ - Ханой
Поезд Спальное место 1-го класса
20:35, 20:54
Поезд ВИП спальный 4х
20:35, 20:54
Поезд Премиум Класс
20:35, 20:54
Ниньбин - Донгхой
Поезд Спальное место 1-го класса
21:55, 22:00, 22:05
Поезд ВИП спальный 4х
21:55, 22:00, 22:05
Поезд Премиум Класс
21:55, 22:00, 22:05
Дананг - Ханой
Поезд Спальное место 1-го класса
17:30, 18:05, 18:10
Поезд ВИП спальный 4х
17:30, 18:05, 18:10
Поезд Премиум Класс
17:30, 18:05, 18:10
Дананг - Ниньбин
Поезд Спальное место 1-го класса
18:05, 18:10
Поезд ВИП спальный 4х
18:05, 18:10
Поезд Премиум Класс
18:05, 18:10
Хюэ - Дананг
Поезд Спальное место 1-го класса
09:15, 09:25, 09:40
Поезд ВИП спальный 4х
09:15, 09:25, 09:31, 09:40
Донгхой - Ниньбин
Поезд Спальное место 1-го класса
23:40, 23:45, 23:59
Поезд ВИП спальный 4х
23:40, 23:45, 23:59
Поезд Премиум Класс
23:40, 23:45, 23:59
Дананг - Хюэ
Поезд Спальное место 1-го класса
18:05, 18:10
Поезд ВИП спальный 4х
18:05, 18:10
Донгхой - Ханой
Поезд Спальное место 1-го класса
23:40, 23:45, 23:59
Поезд ВИП спальный 4х
23:40, 23:45, 23:59
Поезд Премиум Класс
23:40, 23:45, 23:59

О компании Laman Express

Поездка на поезде - один из лучших способов посмотреть страну. Неважно, хотите ли вы по старой памяти посидеть в плацкарте за разговорами со случайными попутчиками, или же предпочитаете ультрасовременные и скоростные решения вроде Сапсана, путешествие на поезде позволит вам с комфортом добраться до места назначения, параллельно любуясь видами и получая максимум впечатлений от поездки.

Перед бронированием билетов на поезда Laman Express, обязательно проверьте расписание поездов, класс, цену и условия оператора.

Какие основные станции у Laman Express?

Карта маршрутов Laman Express включают в себя следующие крупные вокзалы:

  • Ханой
  • Ниньбинь
  • Сапа Лао Кай
  • Хюэ
  • Да Нанг
  • Донгхой

Какие самые популярные маршруты у Laman Express?

Какие классы и цены на поезда у Laman Express?

Для ночной поездки вы можете выбрать первый или второй класс в спальном вагоне, в противном случае к вашим услугам “сидячие” вагоны с мягкими или жесткими сиденьями. При выборе класса вагона стоит принимать во внимание как особенности маршрута, так и его продолжительность. В вашем поезде могут быть спальные места первого класса, но вы просто не сможете забронировать их, если ехать вам нужно будет всего пару часов. В целом, места второго класса - оптимальный выбор для более длительных поездок, а мягкие сиденья будут идеальным решением, если поездка займет не более 4-5 часов.

Обращаем внимание, что в странах СНГ применяется иная классификация вагонов. Практически на любом направлении вы можете выбрать один из следующих вариантов:
СВ - двухместное купе, часто имеют персональную душевую и туалет, wi-fi, включены стандартные удобства: спальные места, кондиционер, розетки и т.п.
Купе на 4 человека - оснащены базовыми удобствами: спальные места, кондиционер, розетки и т.п.
Плацкарт - купе открытого типа, вагон “общий” на всех пассажиров. Спальные места и розетки имеются, а вот кондиционер может работать значительно хуже, т.к. работает централизованно на весь вагон.

На некоторых поездах могут встречаться “сидячие” купе или вагоны открытого типа, а также люкс-вагоны повышенной комфортности.

Выбирать тот или иной класс стоит, прежде всего, в зависимости от продолжительности поездки. Если путь займет несколько часов, то целесообразно будет сэкономить и провести это время в плацкарте или в вагоне с местами для сидения. Более же длительные поездки, наоборот, рекомендуется осуществлять в более приватных и комфортабельных купе с лежачими местами.

Плюсы и минусы поездки на поезде


  • Пробки! Точнее, их полное отсутствие. В час пик, в выходные, в самый горячий сезон - на ж/д направлениях пробок не бывает никогда
  • Простой и понятный процесс онлайн-бронирования. Еще не так давно, для покупки билетов было необходимо лично ехать на вокзал. Теперь же, купить билет на поезд можно в несколько кликов мышью.
  • Поезда - это относительно дешево. Стоимость билетов на поезд в большинстве случаев значительно ниже в сравнении с авиабилетами. При этом, для некоторых направлений время в пути может быть почти одинаковым.
  • Хотя ж/д транспорт, безусловно, медленнее авиационного, ж/д вокзалы часто расположены в черте (а то и в самом центре) города, что дополнительно экономит время на дорогу, в то время как аэропорты почти всегда находятся далеко за городом.
  • На некоторых направлениях доступны услуги класса люкс, такие как купе с душем и туалетом или бар.


  • На большинстве направлений (особенно это касается поездов дальнего следования) поездка на поезде все же занимает больше времени, чем авиаперелет.
  • Хоть поезда в целом и ходят по расписанию, опоздания все же иногда случаются и это надо учитывать. В редких случаях, задержки могут растягиваться на часы. Обязательно помните об этом, когда составляете маршрут путешествия - если вы планируете пересадку на самолет, то билет на поезд лучше забронировать с хорошим запасом по времени.
  • Слабое место практически всех поездов - чистота туалетов.
  • Поезд может делать много остановок на коротком отрезке пути, а остановки далеко не всегда объявляются, что может легко внести путаницу. Также, нужно быть готовым к тому, что ваша остановка будет посреди ночи, а поезд простоит на станции всего несколько минут.
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Laman Express Станции

Laman Express Отзывы о компании

716 отзывов клиентов
Поезд #SE20 Спальное место 1-го класса, Laman Express, 18 мар. 2024 г.
One of the better train companies here. While it's a stretch to call this VIP, I did like the services provided. The views were incredible too. The beds were firm but it's expected. The toilet and washroom were nicer than the other train we took. We were given a light breakfast pack and some overnight drinks, which is welcomed. Though, they weren't enough for the 17 hour journey so we got some pot noodles and Bahn Mis before we got on the train and we used them to supplement the food we were given. The boiling water tap was very good and clean too, which helped get the noodles good too. The train can be loud and rickety so best to have ear plugs. For the money though, I'd choose a cabin bus instead for a more comfortable journey. The views are just as nice on the buses.
Поезд #SE20 ВИП спальный 4х, Laman Express, 12 мар. 2024 г.
Our cabin had problems with the door. At some point we got locked inside and the stuff couldn't get us out for almost 1 hour. We were scared to death because no one was talking english and we didn't know what was happening and if they would solve the problem. The beds were mid comfortable and there was little to almost no place inside the cabin. I can not imagine 4 people traveling in 1 cabin. Luckly there were only the 2 of us.
Поезд #SP3 Спальное место 1-го класса, Laman Express, 28 февр. 2024 г.
They sell more VIP cabins than they have! We were told on the spot that there's a malfunction in one of the cabins and they had to move us to a different car. We and other 3 families ended up in a car of a different standard that the photos promised. We had our private cabin surrounded by locals that smoked cigarettes all the time, acted very loud till 2AM. The cabin looked like arranged quickly to match the VIP standard. I made it to the destination safe and in clean conditions but the overall experience felt overpriced. I would not recommend Laman.
Поезд #SE20 ВИП спальный 4х, Laman Express, 6 янв. 2024 г.
We had two beds in a nice and clean 4-Person-Cabin. The toilets were also clean. Thank you!!
Поезд #SP3 Спальное место 1-го класса, Laman Express, 4 янв. 2024 г.
The beds were very hard and the door didn’t close tightly. Everything else was very good
Поезд #SE20 Спальное место 1-го класса, Laman Express, 9 дек. 2023 г.
Easy and stress free. Bus was on time, clean and reliable.
Поезд #SP3 ВИП спальный 4х, Laman Express, 3 нояб. 2023 г.
Lit confortable avec une couverture et un coussin. Place pour mettre les bagages sous les lit et dessus. Quelques petits trucs à grignoter et à boire disponible gratuitement dans la couchette. Une dame passe dans les couloirs pour vendre à manger et à boire à des prix corrects. Par contre pas mal de bruits (le train fait du bruit et des des branches d'arbre tapent dans le train durant le trajet). Arrivée et départ à l'heure (à ~15 minutes près). Et bien se couvrir car la climatisation est forte et pas possible de la régler.
Поезд #SP3 ВИП спальный 4х, Laman Express, 2 нояб. 2023 г.
Service is good, sheets are clean, but in the end it is just another old nighttrain waggon, better than Indian, worse than Europe, similar to Russian. So don‘t expect miracles from Laman. The „pre-travel checkin“ is unnecessary, it just makes you stay 45min at the lobby. But you get free water and are guided to the train. :)
Поезд #SP3 ВИП спальный 4х, Laman Express, 28 окт. 2023 г.
Overall great experience! Very clean 4 berth cabin compared to the Vietnam railways cabin we had been in previously. Linen was actually clean and they even provided refreshments free of charge. The mattress is a little firm but nothing worse than we expected and a bit of noise from the train moving but would recommend bringing ear plugs and an eye mask.
Поезд #SЕ19 ВИП спальный 4х, Laman Express, 24 окт. 2023 г.
We had a very good trip with Laman express. On our beds was a welcome-letter and we got snacks, breakfast and drinks for free. The bathroom on the train was really clean all the time. Trainride was very bumpy, but you got used to that. We would absolutely like to go with Laman Express again.
Поезд #SE19 ВИП спальный 4х, Laman Express, 22 окт. 2023 г.
Great trip! Exchanging the voucher for tickets was very easy. Staff were helpful. Train carriage was clean, beds were clean, toilets were pretty good for a train. We even got some snacks, water, ... overall a great experience!
Поезд #SP3 ВИП спальный 4х, Laman Express, 13 окт. 2023 г.
Sleeper train Hanoi to Sapa, check in at Mango hotel was easy. Very friendly and attentive Laman staff with great English, she made sure everything was taken care of and checked up on us even after boarding the train. Train itself was very clean with water and snacks provided and some nice attention to details. Sleep was fine, even as a tall person. Overall 5/5 stars and would recommend.
Поезд #SP3 ВИП спальный 4х, Laman Express, 13 окт. 2023 г.
GREAT experience!! One of the most comfortable trip of my life. Service was great. Everything was very clean
Поезд #SP3 ВИП спальный 4х, Laman Express, 3 окт. 2023 г.
Service was excellent, personnel so kind and helpful. Transport efficient and train beds are comfortable
Поезд #SE20 ВИП спальный 4х, Laman Express, 28 сент. 2023 г.
In der Beschreibung stand, dass wir in das Schlafabteil eingewiesen werden, was aber nicht der Fall war.
Поезд #SP4 ВИП спальный 4х, Laman Express, 28 сент. 2023 г.
Clean, got into Hanoi bang on time, reasonably comfortable. Crew came round with a cart selling snacks in the evening and coffee in the morning.
Поезд #SE19 Спальное место 1-го класса, Laman Express, 13 сент. 2023 г.
first-class compartment is overpriced. For more than 130$ you have very poor breakfast and hot soft drinks and beer (that should be cold actually), no toiletries, no towel, even no trainman in our coach. AC works well. Toilet is clear. Wifi is promised but doesn't work.
Поезд #SE20 Спальное место 1-го класса, Laman Express, 12 сент. 2023 г.
Great experience to do once for me. Great to do long distance and able to lye down. Cabin and toilet clean. Food service great. Bed a little too firm. I found it very expensive...but did go first class.
Поезд #SЕ19 Спальное место 1-го класса, Laman Express, 11 сент. 2023 г.
Dit was voor ons de eerste keer dat wij gebruik maakte van de nachttrein. Wij hadden voor de 2 bedden variant gekozen. De reis ging van Ninh Binh naar Hué. Onze algemene ervaring was goed. De bedden waren ruim genoeg om een man van 190 cm languit te kunnen laten liggen. Er waren diverse snacks aan boord, waarvan we gretig gebruik hebben gemaakt. Er is een gezamenlijke wastafel en wc aan boord die schoon waren en voorzien van toiletpapier. Het enigste waarbij wij minder tevreden zijn is het boarding proces. Na het boeken kregen wij een mail waarin wij werden verzocht om 45 minuten voor vertrek ons te melden bij de tourist information office. Tot 10 minuten voor vertrek hebben wij niks van geen enkele medewerker iets vernomen. Net voor vertrek kwam een medewerker van het treinstation in gebrekkig Engels ons instrueren om naar het perron te lopen. Zelfs op het perron wisten we niet wat de bedoeling was. In de trein zelf was een medewerker aanwezig die ons naar de juiste cabine bracht.
Поезд #SP3 ВИП спальный 4х, Laman Express, 11 сент. 2023 г.
The room is spacy for 4 berth, glad to have compliment snacks and drinks, toilet is clean, washing place is good for refresh and bed is nice and comfortable. Just the train is too noisy for me to keep sleeping, and a bit shaky as I am easily get carsick.
Поезд #SE19 ВИП спальный 4х, Laman Express, 5 сент. 2023 г.
Everything was perfect! In time departure and arrival, clean bathroom, luxurious car with snacks. Would highly recommend this and spending a few bucks more was the right call for me personally. Slept like a baby. Bring ear protection to ensure good sleep, but this is to be expected on a train.
Поезд #SE20 ВИП спальный 4х, Laman Express, 27 авг. 2023 г.
This trip was really amazing. We had two VIP-2-berth cabins. The vehicle was very clean, the cabin itself as well as the washbasin and the toilet. The train was the entire trip on time. There were also snacks and drinks and a breakfast box, which was really good. Overall an amazing night-traintrip!
Поезд #SE19 ВИП спальный 4х, Laman Express, 27 авг. 2023 г.
All was very good but there was no wi-fi even though it's supposed to be provided.
Поезд #SE20 ВИП спальный 4х, Laman Express, 20 авг. 2023 г.
Really nice train. The rooms are clean. The beds are pretty big and the toilets are clean aswell
Поезд #SЕ19 ВИП спальный 4х, Laman Express, 17 июл. 2023 г.
The beds where clean, we had good and warm enough blankets and a perfekt sized pillow. In our opinion it was good that the train had smooth dampers, which despite the wobbling of the train made it possible for us to sleep. We had a small cake a banana and milk as breakfast, got 1 small bottle of water and 1 Coke only the hot water for tea or coffee was missing. Toilets we're OK.
Поезд #SP4 ВИП спальный 4х, Laman Express, 23 июн. 2023 г.
Smoking from other carriages affecting our carriage. Hard to breathe. Beds not very comfortable compared to other operators
Поезд #SP3 Спальное место 1-го класса, Laman Express, 29 мая 2023 г.
Everything was great until an hour before arriving in Sapa we have the speaker in our berth start singing SUPER loud and making announcements. When we told one of the staff members she pointed at the switch on the wall to turn it off. They could have told us while boarding it could have been useful, we had to endure 20 minutes of very loud singing. Otherwise, the trip was great, on time and the train is comfortable enough we slept almost the whole journey.
Поезд #SP3 ВИП спальный 4х, Laman Express, 14 мая 2023 г.
The train is an effective way of transportation if you need to get from point A to point B on time. The room is comfortable and spacious, with enough for two large suitcases and a smaller one beneath the bed. The travel itself was unpleasant; it seemed as if someone was shaking you in bed all night.
Поезд #SE19 ВИП спальный 4х, Laman Express, 7 мая 2023 г.
Very bad service…I booked a 1st class sleeper train to Hue, two days later I got an email to tell me the operator had no tickets left and I should rebook another option. So I replied asking if I could get a 2nd class train instead and refund the difference. They took so long to reply that I ended up booking a flight instead . A few minutes after I booked the flight I got an email to say they were going to book the 2nd class tickets for me, so I emailed them straight back to say please can el as the tickets were not needed anymore, but they booked them anyway, and then refused to offer me a refund for a train would not be getting. Overall very inflexible and poor service. Would not recommend
Поезд #SE19 Спальное место 1-го класса, Laman Express, 27 апр. 2023 г.
Beds were good . We had nice young couple that were in our room.
Поезд #SP3 ВИП спальный 4х, Laman Express, 25 апр. 2023 г.
Very noisy train. Very stupid passenger in the cabin. They wanted to sleep all day long
Поезд #SP4 Спальное место 1-го класса, Laman Express, 21 апр. 2023 г.
Bed was hard as a rock. The free water, soda and beer was hot and they would not exchange them with some cold. You could buy new cold one?!
Поезд #SP3 ВИП спальный 4х, Laman Express, 24 мар. 2023 г.
Très inconfortable . J'ai réservé un siège dans un véhicule vip 9 personnes. Le vehicule était pour 6 personnes. La conduite dangereuse et non sécuritaire. Je vais faire bloquer la transaction sur ma carte de crédit.
Поезд #SP4 Спальное место 1-го класса, Laman Express, 8 мар. 2023 г.
The Cabin was comfortable, bathrooms tidy (except for the missing toiletpaper), mattresses a little too hard, but up until the end we Were quite happy with the trip. But 15 Minutes before arriving there was extremely loud music (Hanoi hymn) that didn‘t stop until we arrived. It was unbearable really.
Поезд #SЕ1 ВИП спальный 4х, Laman Express, 20 февр. 2023 г.
For the price was only average. Compartment was comfortable however door did not stay closed. The toilets were very bad.
Поезд #SЕ1 ВИП спальный 4х, Laman Express, 26 дек. 2022 г.
Better than expected. Ride was clean and toilet was bearable. The experience was enjoyable for the kids, and allowed quality time to be spent in conversations.
Поезд #SP4 ВИП спальный 4х, Laman Express, 15 дек. 2022 г.
Our trip back from Sapa to Hanoi with Laman was wonderful. Our guide, Tuan, from Terminus Restaurant was hospitable and friendly. The cabin and beds were clean, and comfortable. Spacious to accommodate 5 luggages and 4 backpacks. Our cabin came with complimentary drinks and snacks. Overall, the difference between Laman and the other cabin companies would be the personal guide directly to your cabin and the private check in location.
Поезд #SP3 ВИП спальный 4х, Laman Express, 13 дек. 2022 г.
The service was great from the time we checked in to the time we boarded the train. We booked with Laman for the first time and we were blown away by the private check in area at the hotel, where you can peacefully wait to board in their lounge area. And when it came time to board the train, Laman provided an escort to bring you directly to the correct train and boarding room. We were provided with water, sofa and snacks complimentary of Laman. The room and beds felt clean, however their washroom is a little small, but nothing worth complaining. We have booked our returning trip from Sapa to Hanoi with Laman as well!
Поезд #SE1 ВИП спальный 4х, Laman Express, 28 нояб. 2022 г.
Not a luxury experience, the AC was broken so VERY hot night, unable to sleep, the walls are dirty, the window was leaking so one of the beds was soaked in the first hour of the trip!
Поезд #SЕ1 ВИП спальный 4х, Laman Express, 9 нояб. 2022 г.
Very clean and comfortable, beautiful view, very friendly service, good food
Поезд #SP3 Спальное место 1-го класса, Laman Express, 8 нояб. 2022 г.
Everything was great, apparently this was one of the most comfy night train rides we've ever had. Cabin was very clean, free snacks and drinks were provided and the staff was friendly. Train was also very much on time. Toilet was ok and not as dirty as we expected after reading some reviews. Even after spending the night on the train we felt quite relaxed in the morning. Would highly recommend!
Поезд #SP3 ВИП спальный 4х, Laman Express, 5 нояб. 2022 г.
clean toilet. comfortable beds. a good choice of cabin. will choose Laman Express again when we are back
Поезд #SE1 ВИП спальный 4х, Laman Express, 27 окт. 2022 г.
Checked in at Mango Hotel and waited in the hotel. Taken straight through to the train and shown to our cabin. 4 birth cabins, mixed sex. Beds quite comfortable. USB charging point by head of bead. Easy to sleep - very quiet. Croissant, banana and milk in cabin for breakfast and tea and coffee sachets. Communal hot water in the Isle. Staff very helpful. Only downside is the toilets.
Поезд #SE1 ВИП спальный 4х, Laman Express, 24 окт. 2022 г.
The beds were really hard and we had lots of cockroaches in our cabin. Also we couldn't regulate the aircon and I never saw a disgusting train toilet like the one on our train.
Поезд #SP4 ВИП спальный 4х, Laman Express, 23 окт. 2022 г.
We had a great trip, but there was no toilet paper in every toilet and no soap.
Поезд #SЕ1 Спальное место 1-го класса, Laman Express, 22 окт. 2022 г.
Buena opción para viajar cómodo y poder dormir. Volveríamos a repetir. También nos dejaron un snack para que pudiésemos desayunar, ya que fueron 11 horas de viajes. Lo único a corregir es un poco de más limpieza, de resto todo perfecto.
Поезд #SЕ1 ВИП спальный 4х, Laman Express, 22 окт. 2022 г.
Easy check in, taken to the train by a guide. Light refreshments supplied. Very rocky, bumpy at times. Plenty of space to store luggage, charging points for phones. Avoid toilet if you can and take toilet roll with you. Toilet floor wet. Sink in carriageway for face wash and teeth brushing, no privacy though. Guard let's you know when you need to get off, although a train time table and arrival times are posted inside the train.
Поезд #SP3 ВИП спальный 4х, Laman Express, 16 окт. 2022 г.
Service was great - lady behind the counter spoke English very well, she gave us water and we waited in hotel lounge. Than she escorted us to our train and our train cabin. We shared a cabin with two other travelers. Beds and cabin was clean except top shelves were a bit dusty. In a train was small snack, coke, water and wet tissues for everyone. AC could be stronger (top beds were little bit hot). Ride with a train was a little bit bumpy and noisy but we counted on it… we would appreciate earplugs in a service packet. Train arrived on time.
Поезд #SE1 Спальное место 1-го класса, Laman Express, 14 окт. 2022 г.
We booked a private (2 person) cabin online. It was available to book and did the payment etc. only to hear a day later that this cabin actually wasn't available. It was a lot of money already paid. Then the contact center told us we could book a 4-person cabin for the two of us for an additional +/- €50 (ehm, excuse me!? We need to pay extra for your mistake? And not a small amount either.. ). We decided not to do this and to just share the cabin with two others. We left from Ninh Binh but our tickets had the departure time from Hanoi on it, so this was not correct either. On the night itself we entered the train, the toilet(s) were disgusting and the staff was smoking inside the train. The cabin was fine - clean and quite new. There were two other beds which were reserved but not occupied yet. After a while the cabin attendent/conductor came by to check our tickets. He closed the door and told us we could have the whole cabin for ourselves for +/- €25 extra, we had to pay him in cash and he would make sure nobody came in... It was all very strange and dodgy since there were welcome papers with guest names on the other two beds, but perhaps those people cancelled or missed their train. Since we really wanted the cabin for ourselves we decided to pay him the amount. However, I believe we would have had the cabin to ourselves anyway, and this cabin attendent just wanted to make money. He took advantage of the situation since we were so tired (it was the middle of the night). The cabin and train were fine, but we felt like we were scammed by this cabin attendent which left us with an uneasy feeling, and the booking process with 12 Go Asia was such a hassle as well. I would appreciate a compensation and would also recommend others to book directly at the train station and not with a partner online.
Поезд #SЕ1 Спальное место 1-го класса, Laman Express, 13 окт. 2022 г.
Paid for a VIP cabin and only got a deluxe due to an overbooking . Mattress was around 5 times thinner then the VIP. Awaiting refund