06 мая 2024
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Good Luck Lanta Tour

225 отзывов клиентов
  • Schedule
  • Reviews

Good Luck Lanta Tour График и Расписание

Пхукет - Краби
Микроавтобус Regional 13pax
11:00, 12:00
Микроавтобус Микроавтобус
Микроавтобус Общий миниавтобус
11:00, 12:00
Краби - Пхукет
Микроавтобус Общий миниавтобус
10:30, 14:30
Микроавтобус Regional 13pax
10:30, 14:30
Краби - Ко Ланта
Микроавтобус Regional 13pax
14:30, 15:00, 15:30
Микроавтобус Общий миниавтобус
14:30, 15:00, 15:30
Ко Ланта - Краби
Микроавтобус Общий миниавтобус
07:20, 08:00, 11:20, 12:00
Микроавтобус Regional 13pax
07:20, 08:00, 11:20, 12:00
Пхукет - Ко Ланта
Микроавтобус Общий миниавтобус
11:00, 12:00
Микроавтобус Regional 13pax
11:00, 12:00
Ко Ланта - Пхукет
Микроавтобус Общий миниавтобус
07:20, 08:00, 11:20, 12:00
Микроавтобус Regional 13pax
07:20, 08:00, 11:20, 12:00
Ко Ланта - Као Сок
Микроавтобус Общий миниавтобус
07:20, 08:00
Микроавтобус Regional 13pax
07:20, 08:00
Пхукет - Ао Нанг
Микроавтобус Общий миниавтобус
Микроавтобус Regional 13pax
Као Сок - Ко Ланта
Пхукет - Пхангнга
Микроавтобус Общий миниавтобус
11:00, 12:00
Микроавтобус Regional 13pax
11:00, 12:00
Пхангнга - Пхукет
Микроавтобус Regional 13pax
12:00, 15:30
Микроавтобус Общий миниавтобус
12:00, 15:30
Ко Ланта - Кхаo Лак
Микроавтобус Общий миниавтобус
07:20, 08:00
Микроавтобус Regional 13pax
07:20, 08:00
Краби - Пхангнга
Микроавтобус Общий миниавтобус
10:30, 14:30
Микроавтобус Regional 13pax
10:30, 14:30
Пхангнга - Краби
Микроавтобус Regional 13pax
12:30, 13:30
Микроавтобус Общий миниавтобус
12:30, 13:30
Ко Ланта - Ао Нанг
Микроавтобус Общий миниавтобус
07:20, 08:00, 11:20, 12:00
Микроавтобус Regional 13pax
07:20, 08:00, 11:20, 12:00
Ко Ланта - Пхангнга
07:20, 08:00, 11:20, 12:00
Пхангнга - Ко Ланта
12:30, 13:30
Пхангнга - Ао Нанг
Микроавтобус Общий миниавтобус
Микроавтобус Regional 13pax

О компании Good Luck Lanta Tour

Автобусы - самый доступный вид транспорта с большим количеством вокзалов и станций по всей стране и удобным расписанием, что поможет вам гибко планировать поездку. Автобусы - это удобный способ передвижения с ограниченным бюджетом, но при этом с достойным уровнем комфорта. Компания Good Luck Lanta Tour предлагает онлайн-бронирование билетов на свои автобусные маршруты по стране. Перед бронированием советуем почитать отзывы клиентов: это поможет прояснить многие нюансы и выбрать оптимальный вариант.

Какие основные станции у Good Luck Lanta Tour?

Карта маршрутов Good Luck Lanta Tour включает в себя следующие крупные автовокзалы и станции:

  • Phuket Bus Terminal 1
  • Пхукет Автовокзал 1
  • Краби Автовокзал
  • Краби Автовокзал
  • Трансфер по Ко Ланта
  • Трансфер По Ко Ланта
  • GoodLuck Lanta Tour Saladan Pier
  • Краби Аэропорт
  • Khao Sok Van Station
  • Краби Аэропорт

Какие самые популярные маршруты у Good Luck Lanta Tour?

Какие классы и цены на автобусы у Good Luck Lanta Tour?

Цена автобусного билета зависит как от самого маршрута, так и от класса автобуса. На некоторых направлениях выбор может быть ограничен, однако на длительных маршрутах у вам почти всегда будет несколько вариантов. Для ночной поездки очевидным решением будет автобус со спальным местом или откидывающимися сиденьями. Обычно в таком автобусе имеется туалет и другие опции, такие как закуски или даже обед. Кроме этого, ночной рейс дает возможность немного сэкономить на гостинице.

В дневное же время лучшим вариантом по соотношению цены и качества является экспресс-автобус. Как правило, он делает меньше остановок в пути и в целом едет быстрее. На некоторых маршрутах экспресс сможет сократить длительность поездки в 2-3 раза!

Обращаем внимание, что в странах СНГ применяется иная классификация автобусов.
Глобально, автобусный транспорт для дальних путешествий там делится на два вида: пригородный и междугородный (или туристический). У пригородных автобусов могут присутствовать стоячие места, меньше места под багаж, сидения, как правило, более узкие и нерегулируемые. Отсутствуют многие дополнительные опции: в таком автобусе может не быть кондиционера, wi-fi, подставок под напитки и т.п. Такой вариант является самым дешевым и отлично подойдет для коротких поездок в соседние города.

Междугородные автобусы же рассчитаны на длительные поездки и потому предлагают больший комфорт: как правило, в таком транспорте имеется кондиционер, кресла шире и могут откидываться, проход между сиденьями уже, а багажный отсек - вместительней. Также, опционально в таких автобусах может иметься собственный туалет, wi-fi или экраны для показа кино или туристических видеоматериалов. Этот класс автобусов больше подходит для длительных и ночных поездок, предлагая намного более комфортные условия. Что, в свою очередь, значительно сказывается на цене.

Плюсы и минусы поездки на автобусе


  • Автобусы часто могут похвастаться самой большой маршрутной сетью. Они довезут вас туда, куда не довезет ни самолет, ни даже поезд.
  • Путешествовать на автобусе легко - нет необходимости приезжать на автовокзал заранее, а регистрация обычно является очень быстрой формальностью, в отличие от авиаперелетов. Хотя вопрос с очередями актуален и для автобусов.
  • Стоимость билетов. Да, встречаются и дорогие VIP-варианты, но если вы ограничены в бюджете, автобус - это первый вид транспорта, о котором следует подумать.
  • В то же время, существуют различные классы обслуживания, буквально на любой бюджет. Если вам нужен повышенный уровень комфорта, автобусные перевозки также к вашим услугам.


  • Междугородные автобусные терминалы часто могут находиться на окраине города. А это дополнительное время и деньги на дорогу. Также, в некоторых местах стоимость проезда от/до автовокзала может быть завышена. Учитывайте это.
  • В выходные и праздничные дни, а также, в разгар туристического сезона, некоторые автобусы могут ходить не по расписанию и быть доступны только по предварительному бронированию.
  • Хоть автобусы и не так зависимы от погоды, как паромы, автобусные рейсы также могут быть отложены или отменены из-за плохой погоды или дорожных условий - имейте это в виду, особенно в горах.
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Good Luck Lanta Tour Отзывы о компании

225 отзывов клиентов
Микроавтобус Taxi + Minibus, Good Luck Lanta Tour, 31 янв. 2024 г.
Het ophalen op Ko lanta duurde 1 uur omdat de chauffeur niet alle adressen kende. Jammer teveel gezoek om mensen
Микроавтобус Regional 13pax, Good Luck Lanta Tour, 17 янв. 2024 г.
At first, the arriving bus was full and simply didn't take any more, then a replacement bus was organised, which came later. Then we had to change to another bus several times in a very short time.
Микроавтобус Regional 13pax, Good Luck Lanta Tour, 29 дек. 2023 г.
We departed 20 min later than scheduled. Over all great transfer!
Микроавтобус Regional 13pax, Good Luck Lanta Tour, 18 дек. 2023 г.
The Van stopped a million times and the driver never informed us about how long we'll be at those random stops. Sometimes it was a minute, other times 20 minutes, so it was unclear whether we should stay inside the very full and not very comfortable mini van or if we can catch some air outside. Van also stopped at a bus stop about half way through and we had to switch busses. Which was very unexpected and the driver (again) didn't really explain what's happening. Very strange experience. Recommend taking the ferries instead.
Автобус Микроавтобус, Good Luck Lanta Tour, 15 нояб. 2023 г.
The journey was good and went smoothly. At the end, the request to write down our hotel names and ask for extra money to be taken to the door was a bit dubious. The driver could at least have asked if we wanted this.
Автобус Микроавтобус, Good Luck Lanta Tour, 15 нояб. 2023 г.
We made 1 stop for the passengers and 10 for the driver to pick up parcels and drop them off, the middle of the bus was filled with these packages and there were ants on the ceiling
Микроавтобус Taxi + Minibus + Van, Good Luck Lanta Tour, 29 окт. 2023 г.
We had to change the Bus at Krabi Bus station which we were not informed about. But we only waited 15 minutes for the new bus. The first Bus was big but still comfortable enough. The driver stopped every 10 to 15 minutes in Koh Lanta to pack packages on the bus which was really annoying and time consuming. A distance of 1h took us over 2 hours. The second Bus was a Minivan, which was more comfortable. But the driver drove really irresponsible! He was so often on his phone, sometimes for 5 minutes. We only did one break to go to toilet on the second bus. We reached our drop off spot 1 hour late. All in all it was okay but could be improved!!
Микроавтобус Taxi + Minibus + Van, Good Luck Lanta Tour, 29 окт. 2023 г.
It was 2 hours longer than anticipated and in the second van the AC was not working. But overall it was ok.
Автобус Микроавтобус, Good Luck Lanta Tour, 17 окт. 2023 г.
When we arrived at the bus station, it was easy to find our bus as someone greeted us straight away. The bus was very full so not much room. The Ac also didn’t work straight away but after about 20mins it worked and was fine the whole way. It took 4 hours overall as he stopped twice for a toilet/food break.
Автобус Микроавтобус, Good Luck Lanta Tour, 16 окт. 2023 г.
Not a bus made for tall people. But otherwise it was a good experience
Автобус Микроавтобус, Good Luck Lanta Tour, 3 сент. 2023 г.
They were punctual at the hotel for the pick up. From krabi to phuket was a bit long but several stops were made
Автобус Микроавтобус, Good Luck Lanta Tour, 27 авг. 2023 г.
didn’t bring me to my hostel and let me get out in the middle of nowhere, but otherwise good
Микроавтобус Минивэн + микроавтобус, Good Luck Lanta Tour, 21 июн. 2023 г.
A bit chaotic but it worked. We were taken to our hotel for extra money, which while better than grabbing a taxi, they were still going that way for the other people in the bus, so it feels weird...
Автобус Микроавтобус, Good Luck Lanta Tour, 8 июн. 2023 г.
Muy cómodo el trayecto, hizo unas cuantas paradas pero la primero fue de 15 min para ir al lavabo o comer algo. Después recogió por el camino a unas 4 personas. Bastante puntual quizás unos 5 mins tarde pero nada fuera de lo normal.
Автобус Микроавтобус, Good Luck Lanta Tour, 27 мая 2023 г.
Cramped, public bus. Not nearly enough leg room. Uncomfortable journey. Bus was fully loaded with local people. Would not use again. Did arrive on time though.
Автобус Микроавтобус, Good Luck Lanta Tour, 18 мая 2023 г.
Le voyage était bien même si encore une fois on nous a dit que le bus avait été accidenté et on s’est retrouvé en minivan
Автобус Микроавтобус, Good Luck Lanta Tour, 2 мая 2023 г.
Departed and arrived punctually, so whole the trip was 6 hours sharp. Stopped briefly several times to pick up people in bus stops and in Krabi airport, also 20 minutes for lunch. There is not much space between seats and they cannot be reclined. AC was at a nice temperature. At some point the driver offered to take each passenger to their hotels/prefered stops; for me it was 80THB being the furthest which was therefore quite cheap.
Автобус Микроавтобус, Good Luck Lanta Tour, 18 апр. 2023 г.
Mini bus was so hot, driver drove crazy, was not an enjoyable experience, don’t usually get travel sick but did not feel good at all
Автобус Микроавтобус, Good Luck Lanta Tour, 13 апр. 2023 г.
The rider was very friendly and drove fast but safe. There was enough space, altough for taller People it can feel a bit crammed. The bus stopped at a lot of random places to pick up others of groceries. The bus made three small stops so you have time to make a bathroom stop and buy some food. The only thing you should not do is ask the driver (signs hanging in the bus) to go to one of the beaches (Kata, karon,...). He'll charge you 100Baht pp just to put you on the local bus (which Cost 40baht). Overal a good way of transportation, despite the negative reviews from others i was happy to have a save and comfortable ride. Do keep in mind this is Thailand, time schedules aren't as exact as mentioned, so don't book other transportation basad on the arrival time...
Автобус Микроавтобус, Good Luck Lanta Tour, 10 апр. 2023 г.
Contrary to e ticket information there was no desk or representative at Krabi airport and we were constantly accosted by other operators the gist of which was ‘lucky’ if yours turn up. There was not even a poster to explain that the e ticket info about collecting tickets there was bullshit. The bus was also late, ancient and no aircon. Honesty about your arrangements could save a good deal of anxiety!
Автобус Микроавтобус, Good Luck Lanta Tour, 8 апр. 2023 г.
Based on previous reviews booked expecting a bad experience and do be dropped at the wrong terminal, but the pink striped bus actually picked us up (20 mins early) from our hotel, and took us all the way to the correct bus station (terminal 1) in Phuket. Maybe we got lucky. Plenty of stops for food and toilet Brint insect repellant as bus fully of mosquitos
Автобус Микроавтобус, Good Luck Lanta Tour, 31 мар. 2023 г.
Left on time, arrived on time. The driver even dropped us off at our hotel for a cheaper price than a taxi would have been. Great service and I didn’t think it stopped too often either.
Автобус Микроавтобус, Good Luck Lanta Tour, 9 мар. 2023 г.
Overloaded bus with people and luggage. Didn't stop at my "hotel". Had to walk 150 meters. Was not in time.
Автобус Микроавтобус, Good Luck Lanta Tour, 8 мар. 2023 г.
It was great, takes you straight from Terminal to the island. Stops off along the way for passengers and packages. You get a chance to stop off for lunch. Friendly staff. Left a bit late, arrived a bit late but that was expected.
Автобус Микроавтобус, Good Luck Lanta Tour, 13 февр. 2023 г.
Beter tell people you don’t arrange trips from phang nga annymore to go there is possible but when you want to go away it isn’t possible by your transport.
Автобус Микроавтобус, Good Luck Lanta Tour, 8 февр. 2023 г.
Bus a l heure. J'ai pas trop senti les 6h de trajet entre koh lanta et phuket
Автобус Микроавтобус, Good Luck Lanta Tour, 8 февр. 2023 г.
1hr and half late, stopped multiple times along the way. Loaded fish, meat products onto the bus. Did get us from A to B successfully though! And offered to drop us directly to hotel for a bit more money which was cheaper than getting a taxi. Not much leg room, aircon isn't amazing, a few 10 minute stops. It was fine. The driver was very friendly.
Автобус Микроавтобус, Good Luck Lanta Tour, 30 янв. 2023 г.
We left on time from the bus station. We stopped many times to withdraw packages as usual on this rides. It should have been 4.30h of traveling while it took us about 6.30h.
Автобус Микроавтобус, Good Luck Lanta Tour, 28 янв. 2023 г.
Bus was packed, along the way another 2 people were picked up so even more crowded.
Автобус Микроавтобус, Good Luck Lanta Tour, 23 янв. 2023 г.
Bus and ride as expected. Comfortable and on time. My only complaint is I paid significantly more buying my ticket online than a friend did at the actual terminal.
Автобус Микроавтобус, Good Luck Lanta Tour, 17 янв. 2023 г.
The buss broke twice. Yeah sometimes cars break, but telling every one they will fix it or another buss will arrive soon, when clearly there was no one coming to fix it. 10 hours for a 4 hour ride… that was longest 4 hours since last time
Автобус Микроавтобус, Good Luck Lanta Tour, 14 янв. 2023 г.
My ticket stated I would be picked up from my hotel with the final destination being Bus Terminal 1 in Phuket. My pickup time was 7-7:15AM with a note stating the bus could be 30 minutes early or late. I started waiting at 6:30AM. By 7:25AM there was no sign of the bus, I called the number on my receipt (+66611698236) and the person told me the driver was close by. I ended up getting on the bus (small white bus with a pink stripe around it) around 7:40ish. I think the bus made it to the Khlong Mak Pier at the very northern part of the island just before 9AM. The bus is brought to Hua Hin Pier via ferry, you stay on the bus. After, the bus makes a stop at the Krabi airport, then the Krabi bus terminal. I had just enough time to use the bathroom at the bus terminal before getting onto a different bus (larger bus with a little bit more room) to Phuket. We arrived at the Phuket Bus terminal 2 at 1:30PM, which was the ETA on my ticket. However, this is the bus terminal 2, which is about 14 minutes north of bus terminal 1 (destination stated on the ticket) via car. I was told to just take a taxi to get to wherever I was going. I ended up taking the local pink bus at terminal 2 for 15 baht versus the taxi which I think was something like close to 300 baht. :0 All in all, it was an adequate service. I just liked the convenience of the hotel pick-up since I was staying so far south on Koh Lanta. It would have cost me around 400 baht just to get to Saladan Pier. I took a dramamine pill before the trip so I slept through most of the ride : ). It was annoying that the destination wasn't what was indicated on the ticket, but it was fairly easy to get to my actual destination via public transport. I don't know if this service always stops at bus terminal 2 or if it sometimes stops at bus terminal 1. The employee's reaction upon seeing my ticket when I inquired about the change in final destination made it seem like they always stop at terminal 2. Anyway, it wasn't a major inconvenience because I got to my hotel at the check-in time. ( : Yes, if you're tall you might feel cramped, especially on the first bus that takes you from your hotel on Koh Lanta to Krabi. Yes, people's large backpacks and suitcases are just kind of placed wherever. The A/C is blasting so make sure you have something you can drape on yourself should you get cold. Bring a book and a snack if you can't sleep through the ride. This bus didn't make any stop for us to use the restroom or get snacks. If I ever find myself back on Koh Lanta , I would consider using this service again.
Автобус Микроавтобус, Good Luck Lanta Tour, 13 янв. 2023 г.
Transfer from hotel to first change od a bus was great after we changed the bus it was weird because the driver left us in different terminal that was on the ticket and said he is not going any further.
Автобус Микроавтобус, Good Luck Lanta Tour, 5 янв. 2023 г.
We sat at the back of the bus with all the suitcases next to us. We were completely built in. We had several bus stops and then people had the opportunity to buy something or go to the toilet. At one bus stop, the driver had brought a box that apparently contained fish with water. This box started leaking so there was a fish smell in the bus. The bus driver did not maintain a constant speed which made you feel like a bobble head.
Автобус Микроавтобус, Good Luck Lanta Tour, 4 янв. 2023 г.
La hora salida no fue la indicada, el conductor paro en más de una ocasión para hacer no sé exactamente qué, pero finalmente llegamos con tiempo de sobra a Krabi. El autobús no es muy cómodo pero no está mal para las pocas horas que son.
Автобус Микроавтобус, Good Luck Lanta Tour, 21 дек. 2022 г.
We got a small van and there were to many people for the van so we didn't leave on time. The driver just looked confused and kept counting the seats. After an hour he told 8 people to get off and take another bus. All the Passengers bags were inside the van so we couldn't move at all, kept falling over at people. I wouldn't want to take this van again, very small place in the seats also but the way there was Okey and the driver drove Okey.
Автобус Микроавтобус, Good Luck Lanta Tour, 21 дек. 2022 г.
War OK, nur leider 1,5 Std länger als angegeben, da wir auch noch Postbote mitspielen und überall Pakete mitgenommen und abgegeben haben
Автобус Микроавтобус, Good Luck Lanta Tour, 17 дек. 2022 г.
The bus was easy to find, and was good value for the relatively low price. We left 15 minutes late and had a small, about 15 minute loop on the way, but other than that, we went quite fast and steady. Despite this, the trip took about 1.5 hours longer than estimated, which is why I find it weird that they have a clearly too low trip duration estimate on the site. It should be 5.5 hours. The driver was cool and the aircon was adequate. We had two quick toilet breaks. I would recommend this to travellers on a budget and would NOT recommend this to people who want luxury or people with small children who can't sit quietly still for hours.
Автобус Микроавтобус, Good Luck Lanta Tour, 16 дек. 2022 г.
The bus was comfortable enough (not much leg space though, and lots of luggage taking up floor space) but set off 15 minutes late and made multiple stops (delivering packages, picking up people from the side of the road, dropping people at the airport). Actual journey time about 2 hours longer than stated. When we drove onto the car ferry, the driver said for an inflated fee per passenger, he would drop each of us at our accommodations instead of the drop off point on the map. He said taxis were expensive. We declined his offer, got off and found a Tuktuk for half the price he offered us.
Автобус Микроавтобус, Good Luck Lanta Tour, 16 дек. 2022 г.
It went pretty much as expected and according to previous reviews. The driver arrived somewhat late but without much trouble. We reached the destination with somewhat less than 2 hours of delay due to some stops throughout. The driver was quite friendly in the beginning, though seemed more bothered in the end. It was a fair deal overall but be aware that the longer your legs, the more uncomfortable it’ll be, especially given the amount of time you spent squished onto an A/C minibus from early in the morning until the afternoon. You’ll know to make the best choice for yourself.
Автобус Микроавтобус, Good Luck Lanta Tour, 15 дек. 2022 г.
This was quite long but we did 2 or 3 breaks. Everything was good.
Автобус Микроавтобус, Good Luck Lanta Tour, 12 дек. 2022 г.
The driver was excelent but the car was full of packages and it was crowded.
Автобус Микроавтобус, Good Luck Lanta Tour, 7 дек. 2022 г.
We left too late, there's mainly no room for your legs and I'm only 1.54m and in the end some people had to stand because of lack of seats. However, staff was really friendly and helpful and waited even for people who were too late.
Автобус Микроавтобус, Good Luck Lanta Tour, 4 дек. 2022 г.
We had to wait in the full car on the pier for 15 minutes! The driver was drinking caffe. So we missed the ferry and has to wait a other 15 minutes. Then we changed the car on a petrolstation , but after a 5 minutes drive we stopped to fully the car!! The transfer was not very good this while the driver was not good.
Автобус Микроавтобус, Good Luck Lanta Tour, 1 дек. 2022 г.
Aircon was bad. Driver was weird. Once going 20km/hour and suddenly 90km. With normal speed we would be on time!
Автобус Микроавтобус, Good Luck Lanta Tour, 28 нояб. 2022 г.
The drive was pleasant but we were almost 2 hours late...the reviews show that this is very common so why not change the time in the schedule so that people can plan better....
Автобус Микроавтобус, Good Luck Lanta Tour, 28 нояб. 2022 г.
The trip was good until the bus broke down an hour away. They sent a much smaller van which not everyone fitted in, luckily there were 3 kids that sat on laps. Aircon didn’t work and driver drove very fast.
Автобус Микроавтобус, Good Luck Lanta Tour, 25 нояб. 2022 г.
Delayed without a reason, trip took over 6 hours. Some boxes under seats so barely space for feet.
Автобус Микроавтобус, Good Luck Lanta Tour, 14 нояб. 2022 г.
Ride was good, no complaints other than the A/C was leaking water onto my seat whenever the driver braked.
Автобус Микроавтобус, Good Luck Lanta Tour, 10 нояб. 2022 г.
good bus if you have a XL luggage. Make sure you to get a minibus from Phuket bus terminal 1 to patong beach (if you going to patong beach). It should be less 100 baht but not more! And also if you are coming from Ao Nang beach to krabi bus terminal, you can take a local “bus” (“bus” has name of stops on side).