05 mai. 2024
Só de Ida

King Travel

378 comentários de clientes
  • Schedule
  • Reviews

Cronograma e Horário King Travel

Trang - Koh Muk
Táxi Embarcação de Cauda Longa 12pax,
Táxi Private Speedboat 4pax,
Táxi Van + Speedboat 10pax,
Táxi Van + Longtail Boat 12pax,
Táxi Econômica 3pax,
Táxi Embarcação de Cauda Longa 6pax,
Táxi Private Speedboat 10pax,
Táxi Van + Speedboat 4pax,
Táxi Van + Longtail Boat 6pax,
Táxi Van 9pax,
Táxi Van + barco Longtail,
Táxi Van + Ferry
Koh Muk - Trang
Táxi Embarcação de Cauda Longa 12pax,
Táxi Private Speedboat 4pax,
Táxi Van + Speedboat 10pax,
Táxi Van + Speedboat 4pax,
Táxi Van + Longtail Boat 6pax,
Táxi Econômica 3pax,
Táxi Embarcação de Cauda Longa 6pax,
Táxi Private Speedboat 10pax,
Táxi Van 9pax,
Táxi Van + barco Longtail,
Táxi Ferry + Van
Trang - Koh Kradan
Táxi Embarcação de Cauda Longa 12pax,
Táxi Private Speedboat 4pax,
Táxi Van + Speedboat 10pax,
Táxi Van + Longtail Boat 12pax,
Táxi Van 9pax,
Táxi Econômica 3pax,
Táxi Embarcação de Cauda Longa 6pax,
Táxi Private Speedboat 10pax,
Táxi Van + Speedboat 4pax,
Táxi Van + Longtail Boat 6pax,
Táxi Van + barco Longtail,
Táxi Van + Ferry
Koh Kradan - Trang
Táxi Embarcação de Cauda Longa 12pax,
Táxi Private Speedboat 4pax,
Táxi Van + Speedboat 10pax,
Táxi Van + Longtail Boat 12pax,
Táxi Econômica 3pax,
Táxi Embarcação de Cauda Longa 6pax,
Táxi Private Speedboat 10pax,
Táxi Van + Speedboat 4pax,
Táxi Van + Longtail Boat 6pax,
Táxi Van 9pax,
Táxi Van + barco Longtail,
Táxi Ferry + Van
Ao Nang - Phuket
Táxi Econômica 3pax,
Táxi Van 9pax
Trang - Koh Ngai
Táxi Embarcação de Cauda Longa 12pax,
Táxi Private Speedboat 4pax,
Táxi Van + Speedboat 10pax,
Táxi Van + Longtail Boat 12pax,
Táxi Econômica 3pax,
Táxi Embarcação de Cauda Longa 6pax,
Táxi Private Speedboat 10pax,
Táxi Van + Speedboat 4pax,
Táxi Van + Longtail Boat 6pax,
Táxi Van 9pax,
Táxi Van + Ferry,
Táxi Van + barco Longtail
Koh Ngai - Trang
Táxi Embarcação de Cauda Longa 12pax,
Táxi Private Speedboat 4pax,
Táxi Van + Speedboat 10pax,
Táxi Van + Speedboat 4pax,
Táxi Van + Longtail Boat 6pax,
Táxi Econômica 3pax,
Táxi Embarcação de Cauda Longa 6pax,
Táxi Private Speedboat 10pax,
Táxi Van + Longtail Boat 12pax,
Táxi Van 9pax,
Táxi Ferry + Van
Krabi - Koh Muk
Táxi Econômica 3pax,
Táxi Van 9pax
Phuket - Ao Nang
Táxi Econômica 3pax,
Táxi Van 9pax
Koh Jum - Krabi
Táxi Econômica 3pax,
Táxi Van 9pax,
Táxi Van + Ferry,
Táxi Van + barco Longtail
Krabi - Koh Jum
Táxi Van 9pax,
Táxi Econômica 3pax,
Táxi Van + barco Longtail,
Táxi Van + Ferry
Trang - Koh Lanta
Táxi Econômica 3pax,
Táxi Van 9pax
Koh Muk - Krabi
Táxi Van 9pax,
Táxi Econômica 3pax
Koh Libong - Trang
Táxi Van 9pax,
Táxi Econômica 3pax,
Táxi Van + barco Longtail,
Táxi Ferry + Van
Krabi - Koh Ngai
Táxi Van 9pax,
Táxi Econômica 3pax
Ao Nang - Koh Muk
Táxi Van 9pax,
Táxi Econômica 3pax
Trang - Koh Libong
Táxi Econômica 3pax,
Táxi Van 9pax,
Táxi Van + barco Longtail,
Táxi Van + Ferry
Koh Ngai - Krabi
Táxi Van 9pax,
Táxi Econômica 3pax
Koh Lanta - Trang
Táxi Econômica 3pax,
Táxi Van 9pax
Krabi - Koh Kradan
Táxi Econômica 3pax,
Táxi Van 9pax
Koh Kradan - Krabi
Táxi Econômica 3pax,
Táxi Van 9pax
Koh Muk - Ao Nang
Táxi Van 9pax,
Táxi Econômica 3pax
Koh Kradan - Ao Nang
Táxi Van 9pax,
Táxi Econômica 3pax
Krabi - Trang
Táxi Econômica 3pax,
Táxi Van 9pax
Ao Nang - Koh Ngai
Táxi Van 9pax,
Táxi Econômica 3pax
Trang - Krabi
Táxi Econômica 3pax,
Táxi Van 9pax
Ao Nang - Koh Jum
Táxi Van 9pax,
Táxi Econômica 3pax
Surat Thani - Krabi
Táxi Econômica 3pax,
Táxi Van 9pax
Phuket - Koh Muk
Táxi Van 9pax,
Táxi Econômica 3pax
Koh Lanta - Koh Muk
Táxi Van 9pax,
Táxi Econômica 3pax

Sobre a King Travel

Embora alguns viajantes fiquem desconfiados em relação às vans, a escolha de destinos e os preços competitivos fazem das vans um dos meios de transporte mais populares para os demais. As vans são sempre mais flexíveis do que os grandes ônibus. Caso haja um pedido repentino de passeios para alguns novos destinos, os operadores de van são sempre os primeiros a oferecer seu serviço. Na verdade, é mais fácil iniciar uma nova rota se você operar um veículo de 10 a 15 passageiros, não é mesmo?

A King Travel opera serviço de van e oferece passagens com fácil reserva online. Confira se você está querendo opções para viajar de van.

Quais são as Estações Principais da King Travel?

As vans da King Travel circulam de e para os seguintes terminais:

  • Trang Aeroporto
  • Transferência de Koh Muk
  • Ao Nang Transfer
  • Krabi Aeroporto
  • Trang Aeroporto
  • Transferência de Koh Kradan
  • Trang Transfer de hotel
  • Koh Ngai Transfer
  • Transferência de Koh Libong
  • Patong Phuket Transfer de hotel

Quais são as Rotas Mais Populares da King Travel?

Quais são as Classes e Preços de Vans da King Travel?

Como regra, não é possível escolher uma classe de passagem quando se viaja de van. No entanto, você pode verificar com o operador e/ou escolher o tipo de van que serve sua rota. Algumas vans acomodam apenas 9-10 passageiros, outras acomodam até 15 viajantes. No primeiro caso, você pode ter mais espaço para as pernas, assentos mais largos e um passeio mais confortável, no segundo - esteja preparado para um espaço limitado para suas pernas, cotovelos e sua bagagem. Leia os comentários sobre o serviço de van da King Travel para ter certeza de que eles atendem às suas expectativas.

Prós e Contras de Viagens de Van

Prós de Viagens de Van

  • As vans muitas vezes chegam aos destinos onde nem ônibus nem trens viajam. Estes incluem cidades secundárias e vilarejos menores.
  • Em muitos casos as vans são a maneira mais rápida de chegar ao seu destino se viajar para distâncias relativamente curtas por terra, simplesmente porque são menores que os ônibus e mais manobráveis.
  • As vans podem deixá-lo descer em um ponto mais conveniente da rota - não necessariamente no terminal, o que pode realmente economizar muito tempo e dinheiro em alguns casos.

Contras de Viagens de Van

  • Algumas vans podem ser bastante apertadas com espaço limitado para bagagem. Na verdade, quase todas as vans oferecem espaço limitado para bagagem e se você tiver mais de uma bolsa, mala ou mochila, pode ser uma boa ideia comprar um assento separado para sua bagagem - e claro, você pagará o dobro por sua viagem, infelizmente.
  • Vale a pena verificar se sua van funciona dentro do horário ou sai quando está cheia - neste último caso, você pode acabar esperando muito tempo, pois em várias rotas pode levar bastante tempo para uma van ficar cheia.
  • Você precisa saber que os motoristas de van são conhecidos por sua velocidade de condução. Mesmo as empresas de maior reputação às vezes não conseguem convencer os motoristas a respeitar os limites de velocidade. Mesmo que seu motorista de van não insista, sempre coloque o cinto de segurança enquanto viaja de van.
  • Se você fica enjoado facilmente e sua viagem inclui trechos sinuosos, as chances de sentir enjoos de movimento são maiores durante a viagem de van do que de ônibus. Tome seu remédio meia hora antes de sua viagem para ficar tranquilo.
Leia mais

Comentários Sobre a Companhia King Travel

378 comentários de clientes
Van Van + Ferry, King Travel, 6 de fev. de 2024
Большое, огромное спасибо King Travel и 12Go.Asia, всё было замечательно!!!
Táxi Econômica 3pax, King Travel, 3 de jan. de 2024
They provide an amazing service! We used private transfer twice and both times the driver was on time and facilitated our journey in every way!
Van Van + Ferry, King Travel, 13 de dez. de 2023
Vooraf werd al telefonisch contact gezocht om de boeking nog een keer mondeling te bevestigen. Bij aankomst op het vliegveld in Trang werden we goed op de hoogte gehouden van de aankomsttijd vd taxi. Aansluiting op de boot naar Koh Libong was perfect. Vervolgens stond er vervoer klaar om ons naar ons verblijf te brengen. Uitstekend geregeld allemaal.
Táxi Econômica 3pax, King Travel, 22 de nov. de 2023
Lovely lady brilliant driver , very comfortable for 5 hours in her car . Highly recommend this company
Táxi Econômica 3pax, King Travel, 3 de jul. de 2023
Picked up earlier than expected which was great. Massive monsoonal rain meant blocked roads which our driver very cheerfully went around or got us through when told that it was safe to do so. Would absolutely book again with King Travel
Van 14pax regional, King Travel, 24 de mar. de 2023
Driver was on time. Smooth drive to port. Boat (private, only for us) was waiting for us. Easy boat ride. Pick up at pier in Ko Mook was organised as well. All in all a very efficient transfer. And friendly people!
Táxi Econômica 3pax, King Travel, 14 de mar. de 2023
Driver was 35 minutes late, was driving insanely and using 2 cellphones nonstop while driving. I did not feel safe at all the whole trip.
Táxi Econômica 3pax, King Travel, 2 de mar. de 2023
Driver arrived a little late because my resort was hard to find, but he was very friendly, the car was super comfortable and I had planned enough time, so I got to the airport plenty ahead of time.
Van 14pax regional, King Travel, 23 de fev. de 2023
The driver was waiting for us at the airport, the drive to the pier took around an hour. Then the boat ride took something around an hour too, we had a short stop at Koh Mook to drop off some other travelers. Overall it was well organized and quick, we didn't have to worry about anything, we were taken from the airport straight to our resort on Koh Kradan.
Van 14pax regional, King Travel, 21 de fev. de 2023
Everything was as expected. Everything is clear without delays.
Táxi Econômica 3pax, King Travel, 20 de fev. de 2023
I used this company for first time and found no issue at all.
Van 14pax regional, King Travel, 18 de fev. de 2023
I booked my trip to Ko Mook at 10PM for next morning. Received immediate confirmation. Because of my late booking the owner of King Travel had to take me to the Pier (some 60 km or so) with his own car at no extra cost. Great service!
Táxi Econômica 3pax, King Travel, 6 de fev. de 2023
Everything ran very smoothly considering the 3 different modes of transport. All operatives were professional and were ready on arrival at each destination. You do pay a bit more but it was definitely well with the extra cost.the trip was completed in just over an hour. I would thoroughly recommend
Táxi Van 9pax, King Travel, 29 de jan. de 2023
Fantastic service and very well organised. Only complaint is the Thai habit of constantly pushing the accelerator on and off to moderate speed instead of just driving at a consistent speed. Makes the drive much less comfortable.
Van 14pax regional, King Travel, 22 de jan. de 2023
Tout était excellent: la ponctualité, la qualité des véhicules et le gentillesse du personnel. Un chauffeur m'attendait avec mon nom sur une pancarte. C'est idéal !
Táxi Econômica 3pax, King Travel, 27 de dez. de 2022
Haben im Nachhinein den Preis geändert obwohl Abholort genau angegeben wurde.
Táxi Econômica 3pax, King Travel, 12 de dez. de 2022
Sehr freundliche Fahrerin. Pünktlich abgeholt und abgelassen. Die Fahrt war super.
Táxi Van 9pax, King Travel, 6 de dez. de 2022
Driver could not find our hotel in Patong for some time though I provided an accurate address. I received several calls from 12Go in this regard and even handed my phone over to a Thai speaking person at our hotel so she could give directions. Once we were picked up our (3 hr ride) was fine.
Táxi Econômica 3pax, King Travel, 27 de nov. de 2022
Empfehlenswert, gute Kommunikation, nettes Personal
Táxi Econômica 3pax, King Travel, 17 de nov. de 2022
Great service and punctuality. Went from Koh Kradan to Ao Nang and the boat picked us up right at hotel. The transfer by private van afterwards was very comfortable.
Táxi Econômica 3pax, King Travel, 2 de nov. de 2022
Excelente driver! We were a little bit afraid of getting late to the airport due to change of departure time of the airline but in 2:30 hours we were there, super fast.
Táxi Econômica 3pax, King Travel, 30 de jun. de 2022
Everything is wonderful! We were very satisfied and appreciate it!
Táxi Econômica 3pax, King Travel, 28 de fev. de 2022
Pick up at hotel in time, same with Logtailboat and car. Driver was very friendly and safe.
Táxi Econômica 3pax, King Travel, 30 de jan. de 2022
Reliable and on time… Nice and comfortable vehicle.
Táxi Econômica 3pax, King Travel, 8 de jan. de 2022
Both van drivers were professional and very welcoming. The long tail boat drivers were helpful too. Communication from support staff was helpful and effective.
Táxi Econômica 3pax, King Travel, 7 de jan. de 2022
All went very smoothly. From the pick-up at the hotel by motorbike taxi to the longtail boat ride to the taxi who was waiting at the pier.
Táxi Econômica 3pax, King Travel, 5 de fev. de 2021
Great, smooth service. My driver was waiting just as my flight arrived in Trang. Very friendly and professional. I was going to Koh Muk and as soon as we got to the pier a boat was waiting. Very efficient.
Táxi Econômica 3pax, King Travel, 15 de mar. de 2020
Alles gut. Abholung am Flughafen, Fahrt mit einem großen Van, alles bestens!
Táxi Van 9pax, King Travel, 3 de mar. de 2020
Blev hentet på hotellet som aftalt. Både taxi, båd og minibus stod klar til tiden, så hele oplevelsen var helt perfekt.
Táxi Econômica 3pax, King Travel, 2 de mar. de 2020
Everything was perfect ! No delay, very good taxi, I recommend.
Táxi Econômica 3pax, King Travel, 2 de mar. de 2020
Be aware, that the taxis have air condition (take a jacket with you)
Táxi Econômica 3pax, King Travel, 2 de mar. de 2020
Their name is their mission. Everything was arranged and prepared perfectly. Highly recommended.
Táxi Econômica 3pax, King Travel, 2 de mar. de 2020
Very smooth and punctual. No delays. Well organised.
Táxi Econômica 3pax, King Travel, 29 de fev. de 2020
Transfert parfaitement organisé, bonne coordination entre les 3 intervenants (tuk-tuk puis longtail boat puis taxi), arrivés à l’heure à l’aéroport sans temps mort : super!
Táxi Van 9pax, King Travel, 24 de fev. de 2020
Thank you so much for the yesterday's transfer from Koh Mook to Trang APT. Everything was perfectly organized (motorbike taxi, longtail boat, minivan) and on time. The best transfer service we met during our 2 weeks trip through Thailand. Well done!!!
Táxi Econômica 3pax, King Travel, 24 de fev. de 2020
Pünktlicher, freundlicher & sicherer Transfer! Das gebuchte Auto war sogar ein Van eig für 9 Personen. Wer schon einmal mit den auf Koh Lanta angebotenen Vans ( kein stauraum,Beinfreiheit Null) gefahren ist, weiß Bescheid. Nur noch so!!!????
Táxi Econômica 3pax, King Travel, 23 de fev. de 2020
everything was organised as per description. perfectly on time, nice and clean car, all people very kind and professional. strongly recommended!
Táxi Van 9pax, King Travel, 20 de fev. de 2020
The driver was ready to pick us up at arrivals at the airport and he also went out of his way to take us to our accomodation. I highly recommend this service to get to koh lanta.
Táxi Econômica 3pax, King Travel, 18 de fev. de 2020
Taxi driver was waiting at the airport with a sign. She asked if we would like to stop at a supermarket; very nice! At the pier was someone waiting for us to take our luggage to the boat and help us getting on the boat. At the pier of Koh Mook was someone else waiting for us to take our luggage to a “taxi” who brought us straight to the hotel. Well organized! We were at our hotel within 2 hours, perfect!
Táxi Van 9pax, King Travel, 18 de fev. de 2020
the driver introduced himself and told about the route.
Táxi Econômica 3pax, King Travel, 16 de fev. de 2020
Immaculately clean taxi with leather interior. Really lovely young lady driver who was so helpful and let us stop off at a shop and pick up supplies on the way. Great service thank you
Van 14pax regional, King Travel, 16 de fev. de 2020
Perfect. And the driver was very friendly and helpful
Táxi Econômica 3pax, King Travel, 15 de fev. de 2020
Très bonne prise en charge. Nous sommes ravie de ce transfert. Je recommande
Táxi Econômica 3pax, King Travel, 14 de fev. de 2020
Everything went as agreed. We even called the operator on pick up day and changed pick up time which was professionally handled
Táxi Van 9pax, King Travel, 8 de fev. de 2020
The transfer from Koh Lanta to Koh Libong worked perfectly! The van was nice and comfortable and right on time and our driver (named Pico) was super nice and drived safely. There was a longtail boat waiting for us at the Trang pier and after a short trip we arrived at Koh Libong. Here we were picked up by two scooters and driven to our hotel. All in all a very smoothe and easy way to travel between the two islands and I would definetely book with 12go.asia and King Travel again!
Táxi Econômica 3pax, King Travel, 6 de fev. de 2020
Lief alles reibungslos bis auf die Bootsfahrt,der Motor ging zweimal aus.
Táxi Van 9pax, King Travel, 4 de fev. de 2020
Very nice and lovely driver. Very punctual. Private longtailboat from small pier near Trang. Scenic longtail ride to Koh Ngai. Just perfekt. We 2 booked a private minibus, since we travelled with our folding kayak. Last year we travelled to Koh Bulon with the speedboat. This option by minibus and longtail boat is for 2 people only a bit more expensive, but very much better. We also travelled from Krabi to Phuket with private minibus with another company. King Travel is much better!
Táxi Van 9pax, King Travel, 1 de fev. de 2020
perfekt! pünktliche Abholung im Hotel, Transport zum Pier, sofort weiter mit dem Boot zum nächsten Hafen, Van wartet bereits - 100%ig zu empfehlen Beschreibung des Transportes könnte etwas klarer sein, aber Kundendienst hat sehr gut unterstützt
Van 14pax regional, King Travel, 30 de jan. de 2020
Everything on time. There was some confusion on the pier, the van driver just pointed at the boat and drove away, and the boat driver said he wasn’t going to Koh Mook. But that was quickly sorted out.
Táxi Cauda Longa 3pax, King Travel, 28 de jan. de 2020
Einfach perfekt.,schnell,,Keine Wartenheiten,,immer wirder