Satun Pakbara Speed Boat Club

Opinie klientów: 1281
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  • Plan i Rozkład

O Satun Pakbara Speed Boat Club

Aby dostać się na najbardziej malownicze wyspy, najlepiej będzie skorzystać z przeprawy promowej. Niektóre miejsca są obsługiwane przez większe i bardziej stabilne promy samochodowe, inne są połączone mniejszymi, ale szybszymi łodziami motorowymi lub katamaranami. Jeśli cierpisz na chorobę morską, unikaj podróżowania katamaranem, który pływa po falach, gdy morze jest wzburzone – wybierz raczej szybką łódź, ponieważ przecina wodę, co powoduje mniej kołysania. Również zajęcie miejsca na górnym pokładzie na świeżym powietrzu może pomóc w przetrwaniu wysokich fal. Satun Pakbara Speed Boat Club oferuje bilety na rejsy promowe dostępne online – nie trzeba nawet przychodzić do ich biura, aby je kupić.

Gdzie zatrzymuje się Satun Pakbara Speed Boat Club?

Promy Satun Pakbara Speed Boat Club kursują do wielu popularnych miejsc. Lista stacji obsługiwanych przez Satun Pakbara Speed Boat Club obejmuje między innymi:

  • Port lotniczy Krabi
  • Hat Yai Hotel Transfer
  • Satun Pakbara Immigration Point
  • Koh Lipe Immigration point
  • Pak Bara Pier
  • Koh Kradan Beach Resort
  • Koh Tarutao Pier
  • Port lotniczy Hat Yai
  • Khao Lak
  • Rassada Pier Phuket
  • Koh Lipe
  • Rassada Pier
  • Bulone Resort Koh Bulone
  • Phuket Transfer
  • Donsak Piers
  • Koh Lanta Transfer
  • Patong Phuket Hotel Transfer
  • Ban Sala Dan
  • Koh Ngai Transfer
  • Phuket Transfer
  • Koh Lanta Ban Sala Dan Pier
  • Ao Nang Transfer except Krabi Town and Railay
  • Koh Lanta Hotel Transfer
  • Saladan Pier
  • Pak Bara
  • Port lotniczy Trang
  • Ton Sai Pier Koh Phi Phi
  • Pak Bara Pier
  • Tammalang Pier
  • Pattaya Beach Koh Lipe
  • Port lotniczy Phuket
  • Sea Open Diving
  • Koh Lipe Pattaya Beach
  • Port lotniczy Hat Yai
  • Hat Yai Transfer
  • Telaga Harbour Marina
  • Koh Muk Pier
  • Hat Yai Railway Station
  • Surat Thani
  • Trang Hotel Transfer
  • Hat Yai Transfer
  • Pattaya Beach Koh Lipe
  • Międzynarodowy port lotniczy Langkawi
  • Krabi Town Hotel Transfer
  • Pak Meng
  • Koh Ngai Transfer

Najpopularniejsze trasy Satun Pakbara Speed Boat Club?

Oto niektóre z najpopularniejszych miejsc objętych kursami Satun Pakbara Speed Boat Club:

Jakie są klasy i ceny rejsów Satun Pakbara Speed Boat Club?

Zasada jest taka, że im szybsza łódź, tym wyższa cena. Przed dokonaniem rezerwacji zdecyduj, czy potrzebujesz usługi ekspresowej, czy bierzesz pod uwagę również wolniejsze pojazdy. Ceny za te ostatnie są znacznie bardziej przystępne. Jednak różnica w czasie podróży może być naprawdę duża, dlatego przed zarezerwowaniem biletu zawsze sprawdź, jak długo trwa podróż. Również dostępność niektórych zajęć może być ograniczona i zawsze wymaga wcześniejszej rezerwacji. Zawsze pamiętaj, aby sprawdzić przystań, z której odpływa i do której cumuje Twoja łódź, aby wybrać najdogodniejsze miejsce na dalszą podróż przeczytaj recenzje innych podróżnych.

Podróż promem za i przeciw

Zalety podróżowania promem

  • Do niektórych zakątków można dostać się tylko statkiem. A w wielu przypadkach są to jedne z najpiękniejszych, pocztówkowych i rajskich wysp, które zawsze były marzeniem!
  • Często dostępne są różne klasy biletów, więc można wybrać taryfę, poziom komfortu, czas podróży i rozkład rejsów, który najbardziej Ci odpowiada.
  • Zarezerwuj online, aby zaoszczędzić czas – na wielu trasach rezerwacja z wyprzedzeniem jest absolutną koniecznością. Dotyczy to przede wszystkim dłuższych rejsów, a także podróży w okresach wzmożonego ruchu, takich jak święta państwowe, długie weekendy czy szczyt sezonu. Dobrym pomysłem jest rezerwacja co najmniej kilka dni przed datą podróży, jeśli Twoja trasa jest obsługiwana przez ograniczoną ilość kursów dziennie.
  • Podróżowanie promem jest fajne. Zawsze miło jest spojrzeć na odwiedzone miejsca z innej perspektywy – w tym przypadku – z wody. Prawie każde miejsce wygląda wtedy wspaniale, a Ty zyskujesz świetną okazję do zrobienia pięknych zdjęć.

Wady podróżowania promem

  • Choroba morska jest głównym zmartwieniem osób podróżujących promami. Im dłuższa podróż i im bardziej wzburzone morze, tym większe prawdopodobieństwo, że żołądek zacznie protestować. Aby podróż była przyjemniejsza, zażyj lek na pół godziny przed planowaną podróżą i postępuj zgodnie z naszymi zaleceniami.
  • Rejsy promem są w dużym stopniu zależne od pogody. Oznacza to, że w deszczowe dni rejsy mogą być opóźnione lub nawet odwołane. Nierzadko zdarza się, że podczas sztormowej pogody połączenia promowe są zawieszane na kilka dni nawet z większymi wyspami. Ważne jest, aby pamiętać o tym, jeśli Twoja podróż promem łączy się z lotem – w pewnych okresach zwiększają się szanse na dotarcie na stały ląd później niż planowano.
Czytaj więcej

Satun Pakbara Speed Boat Club Popularne Trasy

Koh Ngai - Koh Phi Phi
Prom Speedboat + Ferry
Prom Prom
Satun - Koh Lipe
Prom Speedboat + Ferry
Prom Prom
Koh Phi Phi - Koh Muk
Prom Prom
Prom Speedboat + Ferry
Koh Ngai - Koh Lipe
Prom Speedboat + Ferry
Prom Prom
Koh Lanta - Koh Bulone
Prom Prom
Prom Speedboat + Ferry
Langkawi - Koh Lipe
Prom Prom
Prom Speedboat + Ferry
09:30, 10:00, 14:30
Koh Lanta - Koh Phi Phi
Prom Speedboat + Ferry
09:00, 13:00
Prom Prom
09:00, 13:00
Koh Muk - Trang
Prom Prom
10:30, 15:30
Prom Speedboat + Ferry
10:30, 15:30
Koh Phi Phi - Langkawi
Koh Kradan - Koh Lipe
Prom Prom
Prom Speedboat + Ferry
Koh Bulone - Phuket
Prom Prom
Prom Speedboat + Ferry
Koh Kradan - Trang
Prom Prom
10:10, 15:10
Prom Speedboat + Ferry
10:10, 10:50, 15:10, 15:50
Hat Yai - Koh Lipe
Prom Speedboat + Ferry
09:30, 11:30
Prom Prom
09:30, 11:30
Koh Lipe - Koh Bulone
Prom Speedboat + Ferry
Prom Prom
Koh Muk - Phuket
Prom Speedboat + Ferry
Prom Prom
Koh Muk - Langkawi
Koh Lanta - Koh Kradan
Prom Speedboat + Ferry
Prom Prom
Koh Phi Phi - Koh Kradan
Prom Prom
Prom Speedboat + Ferry
Koh Kradan - Phuket
Prom Speedboat + Ferry
Prom Prom
Koh Muk - Koh Lanta
Prom Prom
Prom Speedboat + Ferry
Koh Lanta - Koh Muk
Prom Speedboat + Ferry
Prom Prom
Koh Lipe - Koh Phi Phi
Prom Prom
Prom Speedboat + Ferry
Koh Kradan - Koh Muk
Prom Prom
10:10, 10:45, 15:10
Prom Speedboat + Ferry
10:10, 10:45, 15:10
Pak Bara - Koh Lipe
Prom Speedboat + Ferry
11:30, 13:30
Prom Prom
11:30, 13:30
Koh Kradan - Koh Phi Phi
Prom Prom
Prom Speedboat + Ferry
Koh Lipe - Koh Muk
Prom Prom
Prom Speedboat + Ferry
Phuket - Koh Ngai
Prom Speedboat + Ferry
Prom Prom
Koh Phi Phi - Phuket
Prom Speedboat + Ferry
09:30, 13:30
Prom Prom
09:30, 13:30
Koh Muk - Koh Phi Phi
Prom Prom
Prom Speedboat + Ferry
Koh Phi Phi - Koh Lipe
Prom Prom
Prom Speedboat + Ferry
NaN pasażerów

Satun Pakbara Speed Boat Club Plan i Rozkład

KlasaStacja odjazduStacja docelowaWylotPrzybycieCzas podróży
Speedboat + FerryKoh LipeTelaga Harbour Marina16:0017:301h 30m
Speedboat + FerryKoh LipeTelaga Harbour Marina15:0016:301h 30m
Speedboat + FerryKoh LipeTelaga Harbour Marina12:3013:000h 30m
Speedboat + FerryKoh LipeTelaga Harbour Marina12:0013:301h 30m
Speedboat + FerryKoh LipeTelaga Harbour Marina10:3012:001h 30m
MotorówkaRassada Pier PhuketTon Sai Pier Koh Phi Phi12:3013:301h 0m
MotorówkaRassada Pier PhuketTon Sai Pier Koh Phi Phi08:3009:301h 0m
Speedboat + FerryRassada Pier PhuketKoh Lanta Ban Sala Dan Pier12:3014:001h 30m
Speedboat + FerryRassada Pier PhuketKoh Lanta Ban Sala Dan Pier08:3010:001h 30m
MotorówkaTon Sai Pier Koh Phi PhiRassada Pier Phuket13:3014:301h 0m
MotorówkaTon Sai Pier Koh Phi PhiRassada Pier Phuket09:3010:301h 0m
Speedboat + FerryTelaga Harbour MarinaKoh Lipe14:3016:001h 30m
Speedboat + FerryTelaga Harbour MarinaKoh Lipe10:0011:301h 30m
Speedboat + FerryTelaga Harbour MarinaKoh Lipe09:3011:001h 30m
MotorówkaRassada Pier PhuketKoh Lanta Ban Sala Dan Pier12:3014:001h 30m
Speedboat + FerryKoh Lanta Ban Sala Dan PierRassada Pier Phuket13:0014:301h 30m
Speedboat + FerryKoh Lanta Ban Sala Dan PierRassada Pier Phuket09:0010:301h 30m
Speedboat + FerryKoh LipeKoh Lanta Ban Sala Dan Pier09:3015:306h 0m
Speedboat + FerryKoh LipeKoh Lanta Ban Sala Dan Pier09:0012:003h 0m
MotorówkaSatun Pakbara Immigration PointPort lotniczy Hat Yai11:3015:003h 30m
MotorówkaSatun Pakbara Immigration PointPort lotniczy Hat Yai09:3013:003h 30m
MotorówkaPort lotniczy Hat YaiSatun Pakbara Immigration Point11:3015:003h 30m
MotorówkaPort lotniczy Hat YaiSatun Pakbara Immigration Point09:3013:003h 30m
Speedboat + FerryKoh Lanta Ban Sala Dan PierKoh Lipe10:3013:303h 0m
Speedboat + FerryKoh Lanta Ban Sala Dan PierKoh Lipe09:0015:006h 0m
Speedboat + FerryTon Sai Pier Koh Phi PhiKoh Lipe09:3013:304h 0m
Speedboat + FerryRassada Pier PhuketKoh Lipe08:3013:305h 0m
PromTelaga Harbour MarinaSatun Pakbara Immigration Point14:3016:001h 30m
PromTelaga Harbour MarinaSatun Pakbara Immigration Point10:0011:301h 30m
PromTelaga Harbour MarinaSatun Pakbara Immigration Point09:3011:001h 30m

Stacje Satun Pakbara Speed Boat Club

Port lotniczy KrabiHat Yai Hotel TransferSatun Pakbara Immigration PointKoh Lipe Immigration pointPak Bara PierKoh Kradan Beach ResortKoh Tarutao PierPort lotniczy Hat YaiKhao LakRassada Pier PhuketKoh LipeRassada PierBulone Resort Koh BulonePhuket TransferDonsak PiersKoh Lanta TransferPatong Phuket Hotel TransferBan Sala DanKoh Ngai TransferPhuket TransferKoh Lanta Ban Sala Dan PierAo Nang Transfer except Krabi Town and RailayKoh Lanta Hotel TransferSaladan PierPak BaraPort lotniczy TrangTon Sai Pier Koh Phi PhiPak Bara PierTammalang PierPattaya Beach Koh LipePort lotniczy PhuketSea Open DivingKoh Lipe Pattaya BeachPort lotniczy Hat YaiHat Yai TransferTelaga Harbour MarinaKoh Muk PierHat Yai Railway StationSurat ThaniTrang Hotel TransferHat Yai TransferPattaya Beach Koh LipeMiędzynarodowy port lotniczy LangkawiKrabi Town Hotel TransferPak MengKoh Ngai Transfer

Opinie o firmie Satun Pakbara Speed Boat Club

Prom Prom, Satun Pakbara Speed Boat Club, 16 kwi 2024
Punctual and Organized
Prom Prom, Satun Pakbara Speed Boat Club, 30 mar 2024
Prom Speedboat + Ferry, Satun Pakbara Speed Boat Club, 13 mar 2024
Staff was waiting for us at the arrivals of the airport. The airport is quite small so no much time from the landing of the plane to the end of the airport. Super possible to catch the tour 30 min after arrival. Everything was quite organized and we arrived earlier than the expected time.
Prom Speedboat + Ferry, Satun Pakbara Speed Boat Club, 9 lut 2024
Poor weather conditions, delayed departure and rude check-in staff at the pier.
Prom Speedboat + Ferry, Satun Pakbara Speed Boat Club, 27 sty 2024
all on time. sea conditions were great. crammed on the boat but managed to get the seats at the front by boarding first.
Prom Speedboat + Ferry, Satun Pakbara Speed Boat Club, 4 sty 2024
perfect time, quick and comfortable
Prom Speedboat + Ferry, Satun Pakbara Speed Boat Club, 3 sty 2024
All was great but the location that it says to meat is incorrect. It says to meet at the pier at the bridge, not the main pier.
Prom Speedboat + Ferry, Satun Pakbara Speed Boat Club, 2 sty 2024
Rough sea with waves so the trip was bumpy
Prom Speedboat + Ferry, Satun Pakbara Speed Boat Club, 27 gru 2023
3 hrs ride too cramp. Too many people. One seat should occupy 2 persons comfortably. But 3 is just too cramp for long ride…..
Prom Speedboat + Speedboat, Satun Pakbara Speed Boat Club, 7 gru 2023
Packed more poepole on boat than seats available, so quite unconfortable. Departure was ~30minutes late. Horrible Check in Situation, one Lady for all the passengers.
Prom Motorówka, Satun Pakbara Speed Boat Club, 27 lis 2023
Overall it was a good transfer. After arrival, the day trippers were the last to have their passports returned. As a result they lost about 45 minutes of their five hour stay.
Prom Prom, Satun Pakbara Speed Boat Club, 18 lis 2023
The boat was missing plastic side curtains and we were completely soaked after only 10 minutes of the 2 hour trip. We were freezing through the whole trip because of the mix of high speed winds and being continued to be soaked in water because of the waves
Prom Motorówka, Satun Pakbara Speed Boat Club, 17 lis 2023
Everything good organized, as well when ist Looks at first experience a Little Bit chaotic
Prom Motorówka, Satun Pakbara Speed Boat Club, 16 lis 2023
No WiFi at the Rassada pier for taxi or transport, regular transport really expensive compared to rest of Thailand
Prom Motorówka, Satun Pakbara Speed Boat Club, 2 lis 2023
Very smooth operation no issues and on time
Prom Motorówka, Satun Pakbara Speed Boat Club, 30 paź 2023
Fun ride in bad weather. Would not recommend it in choppy sea if your stomach is weak. The crew was nice and handed bags and watter to the customers.
Prom Motorówka, Satun Pakbara Speed Boat Club, 27 wrz 2023
The shuttle to pier was on time and comfortable.. and they took our bags and transferred to speed boat which was very nice. But the seas were so rough and our boat seemed like it would capsize any minute. I feel these conditions were not any we should have been traveling in. It was very dangerous
Prom Motorówka, Satun Pakbara Speed Boat Club, 16 sie 2023
Worth going on the early boat 0830. There was only 12 people on board which was comfortable. These boats are fast travelling around 55 kilometres/hour and very noisy. If you can bring ear plugs or noise cancelling earplugs it is advisable.
Prom Motorówka, Satun Pakbara Speed Boat Club, 7 sie 2023
Everything well organised and in time, well doen👍
Prom Motorówka, Satun Pakbara Speed Boat Club, 30 lip 2023
Minus 1 star because they ripped the raincover of my backpack :(
Prom Motorówka, Satun Pakbara Speed Boat Club, 25 lip 2023
The Shuttle Van dont coming. We wait 35 min And Must Go Witz the Taxi !!
Prom Motorówka, Satun Pakbara Speed Boat Club, 24 lip 2023
The driver was in the pickup spot about 15' earlier than the booked time, great service and the ride was smooth.
Prom Motorówka, Satun Pakbara Speed Boat Club, 23 lip 2023
The seas were to rough! People in the back were throwing up I would would not recommend riding again especially when boat only has seats that are along the side and luggage in the center only 2 motors and not 3 like going there
Prom Motorówka, Satun Pakbara Speed Boat Club, 20 lip 2023
Well done to the driver, who did an excellent job navigating the boat in rough conditions. We were about 15 minutes late departing, but I’m guessing that was due to weather delays. Staff at Rassada Pier desk were really helpful and friendly too
Prom Motorówka, Satun Pakbara Speed Boat Club, 19 lip 2023
Great experience, they were waiting for us when we got to the port. Driver was very nice!
Taksówka Economy 3pax, Satun Pakbara Speed Boat Club, 16 cze 2023
it was really good
Prom Motorówka, Satun Pakbara Speed Boat Club, 11 maj 2023
Driver speeding up like mad, although the van was good and on time, we feared for our life’s on multiple curves…
Prom Motorówka, Satun Pakbara Speed Boat Club, 27 kwi 2023
Boat was on time. Staff helpful with luggage and getting on/of the boat.
Prom Motorówka, Satun Pakbara Speed Boat Club, 24 kwi 2023
Nice boat trip, felt very compfortable
Prom Motorówka, Satun Pakbara Speed Boat Club, 15 kwi 2023
The trip was alright, everything was on time, but the van and the speedboat are too packed! Almost two hours in a full small van and then two more hours on a full speedboat. But would do it again for a stay on Koh lipe!
Prom Motorówka, Satun Pakbara Speed Boat Club, 9 kwi 2023
For the child of 2 yo the trip is not very comfortable.
Prom Motorówka, Satun Pakbara Speed Boat Club, 30 mar 2023
They put extra 2 stops in between for about 20-30 minutes wich are really unnecessary (like stopping on a „nationalpark island“ wich we have to pay for in advance, even if you don’t want to visit it.
Prom Motorówka, Satun Pakbara Speed Boat Club, 30 mar 2023
Very long waiting a and warm
Prom Motorówka, Satun Pakbara Speed Boat Club, 29 mar 2023
Cafe not open when all the customers are waiting for the boat. Queue to give ticket to one girl, then get it back from another, then show again to a third girl, etc etc. But, overall, we got there in the end
Prom Szybki prom typu High Speed, Satun Pakbara Speed Boat Club, 27 mar 2023
Had to wait 45 minutes for the driver to pick us up in a taxi (not minivan).
Prom Motorówka, Satun Pakbara Speed Boat Club, 24 mar 2023
Jumpy, terrible experience. Late for one hour
Prom Motorówka, Satun Pakbara Speed Boat Club, 14 mar 2023
Very excellent. Thank's a lot for assistance.
Prom Motorówka, Satun Pakbara Speed Boat Club, 11 mar 2023
The people was so nice and they did everything to make the ride good for us. But the boat was very full, lot of people and we had a delay of one hour because of some trouble with the engine.
Prom Motorówka, Satun Pakbara Speed Boat Club, 11 mar 2023
More than half an hour
Prom Motorówka, Satun Pakbara Speed Boat Club, 5 mar 2023
Perfect thank you
Prom Motorówka, Satun Pakbara Speed Boat Club, 4 mar 2023
Well the only part I didn't like and was not aware when I was buying a tickets is that while on speed boat we stopped twice on some islands on a way with not really any reason since there was nothing and it took us to gather and be moving next 1 hour extra. I would not mind this sight seeing, but after 3 hours on a bus I was just thinking about getting into Koh Lipe as soon as possible...
Prom Motorówka, Satun Pakbara Speed Boat Club, 2 mar 2023
Well organised and nice ferry. We arrived 1.5h before departure to get the immigration paper work done which takes a bit of time. Ferry ride was comfortable and went quick!
Prom Szybki prom typu High Speed, Satun Pakbara Speed Boat Club, 16 lut 2023
We went from Koh Phi Phi to Koh Mook, we had to change boats in Koh Lanta, overall the boat was about 30 Minutes late. The boat from Koh Lanta to Koh Mook/Lipe was very crowded, some people didn‘t get a seat, which is not acceptable for this price.
Prom Speedboat + Speedboat, Satun Pakbara Speed Boat Club, 15 lut 2023
Pier has poor signage only one sign in desk. Boat was on time however there was an issue with the motor so had to stop numerous times. Ride was extremely tough as I don’t think the Capitan could get up on plane they strangely shuffled everyone to the back which makes no sense. I have rode and driven speed boats many times and you need to trim properly to make it a smooth ride. Worst ride ever. Luggage was shifting all over the place life jackets everywhere. They lost my sandels which they said it would be fine. Would not recommend
Prom Motorówka, Satun Pakbara Speed Boat Club, 12 lut 2023
Pretty expensive for not even with a pick-up service.
Prom Motorówka, Satun Pakbara Speed Boat Club, 10 lut 2023
The boat itself and the logistics work very well. Though I did not expect being in a boat on rough sea without the ability to see outside the boat could be so nauseating.
Prom Motorówka, Satun Pakbara Speed Boat Club, 7 lut 2023
We started half an hour later than scheduled and broke down because the tank was empty. 1 hour delay for a journey that was supposed to be 30 minutes...
Prom Motorówka, Satun Pakbara Speed Boat Club, 5 lut 2023
Due the weather it was horrible 2hours on a very small Speedboat from Pakbara Club
Prom Motorówka, Satun Pakbara Speed Boat Club, 30 sty 2023
It was on time! Very fast service. But no snack and drink provided during 1,5 hours travel. 12go says that there is drink and snack during the travel
Prom Motorówka, Satun Pakbara Speed Boat Club, 24 sty 2023
1281 opinii klientów
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