Boonsiri High Speed Ferries

Opinie klientów: 1809
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O Boonsiri High Speed Ferries

Aby dostać się na najbardziej malownicze wyspy, najlepiej będzie skorzystać z przeprawy promowej. Niektóre miejsca są obsługiwane przez większe i bardziej stabilne promy samochodowe, inne są połączone mniejszymi, ale szybszymi łodziami motorowymi lub katamaranami. Jeśli cierpisz na chorobę morską, unikaj podróżowania katamaranem, który pływa po falach, gdy morze jest wzburzone – wybierz raczej szybką łódź, ponieważ przecina wodę, co powoduje mniej kołysania. Również zajęcie miejsca na górnym pokładzie na świeżym powietrzu może pomóc w przetrwaniu wysokich fal. Boonsiri High Speed Ferries oferuje bilety na rejsy promowe dostępne online – nie trzeba nawet przychodzić do ich biura, aby je kupić.

Gdzie zatrzymuje się Boonsiri High Speed Ferries?

Promy Boonsiri High Speed Ferries kursują do wielu popularnych miejsc. Lista stacji obsługiwanych przez Boonsiri High Speed Ferries obejmuje między innymi:

  • Darasakor Boonsiri
  • Bangkok Transfer
  • Laem Sok Pier
  • Port lotniczy Don Muang
  • Ban Phe
  • Darasakor Boonsiri
  • Port lotniczy Trat
  • Pattaya Boonsiri Office
  • Koh Kood Transfer
  • Laem Sok Pier
  • Trat Transfer
  • Trat Town Hotel Transfer
  • Sdach Pier
  • Koh Kood Pier
  • Chanthaburi Transfer
  • Port lotniczy Trat
  • Center Point Pier
  • Koh Rong Transfer
  • Sattahip
  • Koh Mak Ao Nid
  • Laem Sok Pier
  • Chao Lao Beach Chanthaburi
  • Khao San Boonsiri
  • Khao San Boonsiri
  • Port lotniczy Suvarnabhumi
  • Siem Reap Transfer
  • Ban Hat Lek Border
  • Laem Sing
  • Koh Chang Transfer
  • Laem Ngop Pier Trat
  • Laem Sok Boonsiri Office
  • Pattaya Transfer
  • Battambang Transfer
  • Hat Lek Boonsiri
  • Koh Kong Boonsiri Office

Najpopularniejsze trasy Boonsiri High Speed Ferries?

Oto niektóre z najpopularniejszych miejsc objętych kursami Boonsiri High Speed Ferries:

Jakie są klasy i ceny rejsów Boonsiri High Speed Ferries?

Zasada jest taka, że im szybsza łódź, tym wyższa cena. Przed dokonaniem rezerwacji zdecyduj, czy potrzebujesz usługi ekspresowej, czy bierzesz pod uwagę również wolniejsze pojazdy. Ceny za te ostatnie są znacznie bardziej przystępne. Jednak różnica w czasie podróży może być naprawdę duża, dlatego przed zarezerwowaniem biletu zawsze sprawdź, jak długo trwa podróż. Również dostępność niektórych zajęć może być ograniczona i zawsze wymaga wcześniejszej rezerwacji. Zawsze pamiętaj, aby sprawdzić przystań, z której odpływa i do której cumuje Twoja łódź, aby wybrać najdogodniejsze miejsce na dalszą podróż przeczytaj recenzje innych podróżnych.

Podróż promem za i przeciw

Zalety podróżowania promem

  • Do niektórych zakątków można dostać się tylko statkiem. A w wielu przypadkach są to jedne z najpiękniejszych, pocztówkowych i rajskich wysp, które zawsze były marzeniem!
  • Często dostępne są różne klasy biletów, więc można wybrać taryfę, poziom komfortu, czas podróży i rozkład rejsów, który najbardziej Ci odpowiada.
  • Zarezerwuj online, aby zaoszczędzić czas – na wielu trasach rezerwacja z wyprzedzeniem jest absolutną koniecznością. Dotyczy to przede wszystkim dłuższych rejsów, a także podróży w okresach wzmożonego ruchu, takich jak święta państwowe, długie weekendy czy szczyt sezonu. Dobrym pomysłem jest rezerwacja co najmniej kilka dni przed datą podróży, jeśli Twoja trasa jest obsługiwana przez ograniczoną ilość kursów dziennie.
  • Podróżowanie promem jest fajne. Zawsze miło jest spojrzeć na odwiedzone miejsca z innej perspektywy – w tym przypadku – z wody. Prawie każde miejsce wygląda wtedy wspaniale, a Ty zyskujesz świetną okazję do zrobienia pięknych zdjęć.

Wady podróżowania promem

  • Choroba morska jest głównym zmartwieniem osób podróżujących promami. Im dłuższa podróż i im bardziej wzburzone morze, tym większe prawdopodobieństwo, że żołądek zacznie protestować. Aby podróż była przyjemniejsza, zażyj lek na pół godziny przed planowaną podróżą i postępuj zgodnie z naszymi zaleceniami.
  • Rejsy promem są w dużym stopniu zależne od pogody. Oznacza to, że w deszczowe dni rejsy mogą być opóźnione lub nawet odwołane. Nierzadko zdarza się, że podczas sztormowej pogody połączenia promowe są zawieszane na kilka dni nawet z większymi wyspami. Ważne jest, aby pamiętać o tym, jeśli Twoja podróż promem łączy się z lotem – w pewnych okresach zwiększają się szanse na dotarcie na stały ląd później niż planowano.
Czytaj więcej

Boonsiri High Speed Ferries Popularne Trasy

Koh Chang - Koh Rong
Pattaja - Koh Mak
Prom Catamaran + Bus
07:30, 08:00
Minivan Van + Bus + Ferry + Taxi
Koh Chang - Koh Mak
Koh Mak - Bangkok
Autobus Minibus + Prom
Autobus Bus + Bus
Prom Ferry + Bus
Prom Catamaran + Bus
Koh Kood - Battambang
Trat - Koh Rong
12:00, 12:30
Koh Kood - Siem Reap
Siem Reap - Trat
Autobus Taxi + Bus
Minivan Taxi + Taxi
Koh Chang - Koh Kong
Prom Taxi + Ferry + Bus + Boat
Prom Taxi + Ferry + Bus
Koh Kood - Bangkok
Autobus Taxi + Ferry + Bus
Prom Standard
08:00, 09:45, 11:00
Bangkok - Battambang
07:30, 08:00
Koh Kong - Pattaja
Prom Longtail boat + Bus + Bus
Autobus Bus + Bus
Prom Bus + Ferry + Bus
Koh Kood - Koh Kong
Prom Taxi + Ferry + Bus + Boat
08:00, 09:45
Prom Taxi + Ferry + Bus
08:00, 09:45
Koh Mak - Koh Rong
09:45, 10:00
Pattaja - Siem Reap
Minivan Van + Bus + Taxi
07:30, 08:00
Autobus Taxi + Bus
Koh Mak - Pattaja
Prom Catamaran + Bus
Prom Ferry + Bus
Koh Kood - Koh Mak
12:30, 13:00
Trat - Koh Mak
Prom Catamaran + Van
Prom Katamaran
11:30, 13:00, 15:00
Prom Prom
12:30, 13:00
Koh Chang - Bangkok
Prom Taxi + Ferry + Bus
08:00, 09:00, 10:00
Prom Prom + Minivan
Bangkok - Siem Reap
Autobus Taxi + Bus
Autobus Bus + Taxi
07:30, 08:00
Koh Rong - Koh Kood
Koh Kood - Pattaja
08:00, 09:45
Koh Kong - Koh Mak
Prom Longtail Boat + Bus + Ferry
Prom Katamaran
Autobus Minibus + Prom
Koh Kong - Trat
Prom Katamaran
Autobus Express
Bangkok - Koh Mak
Prom Catamaran + Bus
07:30, 08:00
Autobus Minibus + Prom
Autobus Minibus + Prom
Battambang - Trat
Koh Kong - Bangkok
Prom Bus + Ferry + Bus
Prom Longtail boat + Bus + Bus
Autobus Bus + Bus
Koh Chang - Siem Reap
08:00, 09:00, 10:00
Koh Kong - Koh Kood
Prom Ferry + Bus + Ferry + Taxi
Prom Katamaran
Prom Bus + Ferry + Taxi
Koh Kong - Koh Rong
Prom Longtail boat + Ferry + Taxi
Prom Prom + Taksówka
Prom Bus + Ferry + Taxi
NaN pasażerów

Boonsiri High Speed Ferries Plan i Rozkład

KlasaStacja odjazduStacja docelowaWylotPrzybycieCzas podróży
ExpressKhao San BoonsiriKoh Chang Transfer08:0013:305h 30m
ExpressKhao San BoonsiriKoh Chang Transfer06:0016:3010h 30m
ExpressKhao San BoonsiriKoh Chang Transfer07:3015:007h 30m
Taxi + Ferry + BusKoh Chang TransferKhao San Boonsiri08:0017:009h 0m
Taxi + Ferry + BusKoh Chang TransferKhao San Boonsiri09:0017:008h 0m
Taxi + Ferry + BusKoh Chang TransferKhao San Boonsiri10:0017:007h 0m
StandardKoh Kood TransferKhao San Boonsiri11:0020:009h 0m
StandardKoh Kood TransferKhao San Boonsiri09:4519:309h 45m
StandardKoh Kood TransferKhao San Boonsiri08:0017:009h 0m
ExpressKhao San BoonsiriKoh Kood Transfer06:0015:009h 0m
ExpressKhao San BoonsiriKoh Kood Transfer07:3016:208h 50m
ExpressKhao San BoonsiriKoh Kood Transfer08:0015:207h 20m
Taksówka + prom + TaksówkaKoh Chang TransferKoh Kood Transfer08:0011:303h 30m
Taksówka + PromKoh Chang TransferKoh Mak Ao Nid08:0010:002h 0m
Taksówka + prom + TaksówkaKoh Kood TransferKoh Chang Transfer13:0015:302h 30m
Catamaran + BusKoh Mak Ao NidKhao San Boonsiri09:4517:007h 15m
Bus + Ferry + TaxiPattaya Boonsiri OfficeKoh Chang Transfer07:3014:006h 30m
Bus + Ferry + TaxiPattaya Boonsiri OfficeKoh Chang Transfer08:0013:305h 30m
Taxi + Bus + TaxiKoh Chang TransferSiem Reap Transfer09:0020:0011h 0m
Taxi + Bus + TaxiKoh Chang TransferSiem Reap Transfer10:0020:3010h 30m
Taxi + Bus + TaxiKoh Chang TransferSiem Reap Transfer08:0020:3012h 30m
KatamaranKoh Mak Ao NidKoh Kood Transfer10:0011:301h 30m
Taxi + Bus + TaxiSiem Reap TransferKoh Chang Transfer03:3015:0011h 30m
ExpressKoh Kood TransferPort lotniczy Trat09:4513:003h 15m
ExpressKoh Kood TransferPort lotniczy Trat08:0011:453h 45m
Bus + TaxiKhao San BoonsiriSiem Reap Transfer08:0019:0011h 0m
Bus + TaxiKhao San BoonsiriSiem Reap Transfer07:3020:3013h 0m
Bus + TaxiKhao San BoonsiriBattambang Transfer07:3017:009h 30m
Bus + TaxiKhao San BoonsiriBattambang Transfer08:0016:308h 30m
Minibus + PromKhao San BoonsiriKoh Mak Ao Nid06:0014:308h 30m

Stacje Boonsiri High Speed Ferries

Darasakor BoonsiriBangkok TransferLaem Sok PierPort lotniczy Don MuangBan PheDarasakor BoonsiriPort lotniczy TratPattaya Boonsiri OfficeKoh Kood TransferLaem Sok PierTrat TransferTrat Town Hotel TransferSdach PierKoh Kood PierChanthaburi TransferPort lotniczy TratCenter Point PierKoh Rong TransferSattahipKoh Mak Ao NidLaem Sok PierChao Lao Beach ChanthaburiKhao San BoonsiriKhao San BoonsiriPort lotniczy SuvarnabhumiSiem Reap TransferBan Hat Lek BorderLaem SingKoh Chang TransferLaem Ngop Pier TratLaem Sok Boonsiri OfficePattaya TransferBattambang TransferHat Lek BoonsiriKoh Kong Boonsiri Office

Opinie o firmie Boonsiri High Speed Ferries

Fast and efficient, maybe the drivers need to be a bit more careful. They were very good with communication though, and even sent a message through WhatsApp stating the exact pickup point, van number and their picture. In general positive experience
Prom Taksówka + prom + Taksówka, Boonsiri High Speed Ferries, 9 mar 2024
Waited after the ferry for over an hour before the big bus left for Bangkok. Big bus driver also needs driving lessons. Baht bus was good pretty much on time for pick up from hotel and good.
Prom Taxi + Ferry + Bus, Boonsiri High Speed Ferries, 7 sty 2024
Quick and easy driver.
Prom Express, Boonsiri High Speed Ferries, 4 sty 2024
On schedule and nice boat and bus. Friendly staff.
Prom Standard, Boonsiri High Speed Ferries, 4 sty 2024
Nice trip, everything was ok
Prom Express, Boonsiri High Speed Ferries, 26 gru 2023
Easy and prompt.
Prom Express, Boonsiri High Speed Ferries, 15 gru 2023
Well organised
Minivan Van + Bus + Ferry + Taxi, Boonsiri High Speed Ferries, 7 gru 2023
Smooth trip almost in schedule
Prom Taksówka + Prom, Boonsiri High Speed Ferries, 21 lis 2023
We were very impressed with how smooth the trip from Siem Reap to our hotel in Koh Kood went. We booked the day (morning) before our departure, Boonsiri got in touch the night before via Whatsapp to confirm the exact pickup time, I sent the exact Google location (the resort was outside Siem Reap, hidden in a side street) and the next morning at 4.30am sharp the bus driver stood in front of our resort. We were picked up with a large overland bus, but were the only passengers. The driver dropped us off at Pailin & took a photo of us. We went through customs and the Thai driver waiting for us at the Thai side recognised us immediately and took us to a petrol station near Trat in a minivan, where we were picked up by the large bus, coming from Bangkok. Ferry, the transfer to our Koh Kood resort on a pickup truck. It could not have been easier & smoother. We also booked the trip from Koh Kood to Bangkok and it was just as smooth.
Autobus Taxi + Bus + Ferry + Taxi, Boonsiri High Speed Ferries, 1 lis 2023
Easy Transfer with very helpful driver
Prom Express, Boonsiri High Speed Ferries, 1 lis 2023
I'm impressed how well organized Boonsiri is. Can absolutely recommend. Cheapest to buy is at the Boonsiri Offices
Prom Taksówka + prom + Taksówka, Boonsiri High Speed Ferries, 30 paź 2023
Good, but no toilet breaks in Cambodia
Autobus Taxi + Bus + Taxi, Boonsiri High Speed Ferries, 26 paź 2023
Excellent service, will book again
Prom Express, Boonsiri High Speed Ferries, 16 paź 2023
Everything was fantastic 😊
Prom Express, Boonsiri High Speed Ferries, 14 paź 2023
Excellent. Boonsiri is the best bus travel agency in South East Asia. The bus leaves at 5 am at Boonsiri office near Khao San Road, which is the only negative part (I cannot stand Kao San Road) and you just have to be there at 4.10 am for check in. You get a bottle of water, banan bread muffin and 1 free meal before taking the ferry.
Prom Express, Boonsiri High Speed Ferries, 26 wrz 2023
Everything went smoothly until we arrived to Koh Chang and the taxi driver refused to take us until more ferries came and his taxi filled or we paid him more, even though we had already paid for transport to the accommodation. Luckily, we called BoonSiri and they called the driver and made him take us.
Prom Prom, Boonsiri High Speed Ferries, 24 wrz 2023
The only missing thing was socket in the bus to charge the phone but apart from that everything was perfect.
Prom Standard, Boonsiri High Speed Ferries, 19 wrz 2023
Very good service. The trip is well organized, and they stick to an schedule and are always on time. Also the staff are very kind, they give you food and water along the way.
Prom Express, Boonsiri High Speed Ferries, 17 sie 2023
Bus driver was very unfriendly
Prom Standard, Boonsiri High Speed Ferries, 12 sie 2023
Friendly driver, well maintained minivan, and a nice stop on the way. The journey took 6 hours from door to door.
Taksówka Minivan 10pax, Boonsiri High Speed Ferries, 4 lip 2023
Besr driver ever!
Taksówka Minivan 10pax, Boonsiri High Speed Ferries, 5 cze 2023
Very nice and reliable driver, good organised!
Prom Prom, Boonsiri High Speed Ferries, 24 maj 2023
Great transfer, comfortable bus, we got snack (muffin) and water right at the beginning at 5am, we left on time, and we got lunch at pier to Kood Kood, boat catamaran was also great and safe. Also got free transfer directly to our hotel on Kood Kood. Excellent service and transfer indeed. Surely use this company gladly it again.
Prom Express, Boonsiri High Speed Ferries, 20 maj 2023
Everything went smoothly and on time!
Prom Express, Boonsiri High Speed Ferries, 27 lut 2023
Very comfortable and comfortable efficient transport to the island!
Prom Standard, Boonsiri High Speed Ferries, 23 lut 2023
Alltrough all was easy going.
Prom Prom, Boonsiri High Speed Ferries, 14 lut 2023
We arrived on time. Everything was clear and well explained.
Prom Prom, Boonsiri High Speed Ferries, 13 lut 2023
Great stuff. We arrived at the pick up point ( a travel office). Got directed to the bus —- received water and small snack for the bus ride - then arrived in Trat ( you stop at a restaurant / bus station kind of place) and there we were given our lunch. You have about 20min to eat it - and then they take you to the pier with an open car sort of transfer. There we entered the ferry, it’s a nice ride to the island - there a car takes you to your resort :) super easy - super convenient - everybody is really nice - classic Thai style :) p.s. the only think that could have been better is the bus - I’ve traveled on some nice VIP buses with super wide sits soth massage option and little tv in front of you like on the plane - this wasn’t one of those heheh :)
Prom Express, Boonsiri High Speed Ferries, 9 lut 2023
Everything Went smooth. From beeing picked Up By Bus to the fairy and Then By the Taxis to the Hotel at Ko Kot. U Even got water + Snacks + lunch before hopping on the fairy! It was easy to Book and the People gave u all the informations u Need. Will definitly Book them again on out way back from Ko Kot to Bangkok. + super friendly Crew all over !
Prom Express, Boonsiri High Speed Ferries, 5 lut 2023
I had to buy an all new ticket from ko kood to Trat airport, it was impossible to add only trat pier to Trat airport
Prom Express, Boonsiri High Speed Ferries, 2 lut 2023
Everything smooth from Bangkok to the hotel in Koh Kood
Prom Express, Boonsiri High Speed Ferries, 1 lut 2023
Used this service twice now and was great both times
Prom Prom, Boonsiri High Speed Ferries, 30 sty 2023
3rd time I have done this trip. Comfy bus. Always been on time (Thai time). Well organised. Happy to recommend.
Prom Express, Boonsiri High Speed Ferries, 28 sty 2023
Prom Express, Boonsiri High Speed Ferries, 23 sty 2023
Very good seats great driver well organized
Prom Prom, Boonsiri High Speed Ferries, 22 sty 2023
Good vegeterian meal included, everything comfortable and on time
Prom Express, Boonsiri High Speed Ferries, 20 sty 2023
Fast and smoth travel. Arrival before schedule. A little trouble that the booking had not been registrated at Bonsiri, but that was solved.
Prom Express, Boonsiri High Speed Ferries, 19 sty 2023
Everything went according to timeline, very well organized.
Prom Express, Boonsiri High Speed Ferries, 15 sty 2023
The ladies at Trat pier were so rude and unhelpful, however our driver were so nice and drove well. The ladies acted like prison warders.
Prom Prom, Boonsiri High Speed Ferries, 14 sty 2023
We had to drive in een taxi between the ferry and the big bus to Bangkok which was waiting for us more than half hour drive from the ferry. I was traveling alone as 50 year plus woman. I had to sit on the smallest seat in the big bus in the middle completely at the back of the bus. Squeezed between 2 guys. because there were no normal seats left.I could only sit if I leaned forward. The seats in the back of the bus were also not possible to adjust. The youngsters on the bus came in the bus and picked all as quickly as possible the best spots, specially younger couples don’t realize these things. nobody stood up halfway the trip to swap places. I went to the driver but the bus was fully booked. So my trip was disappointing if you see al these youngsters sleeping with the chair fully comfortable. The company should not sell this chair, maybe for children but not for adults. And give the people a chair number with their booking. After this bus trip I had a flight to Europe and had a little hope before the flight to sleep a bit. If I had normal seat this would have been better.
Prom Prom, Boonsiri High Speed Ferries, 31 gru 2022
Except the first pickup at koh chang, the trip was good. Minibus would be appreciated from hotel to pier at koh chaang. The way back to bangkok was great, the driver incredible !
Prom Prom, Boonsiri High Speed Ferries, 26 gru 2022
Fast and easy!
Prom Katamaran, Boonsiri High Speed Ferries, 11 gru 2022
Departure on time, the connections were perfect and they gave us a lunch. Highly recommended
Prom Express, Boonsiri High Speed Ferries, 6 gru 2022
The bus came more than one hour late and had us waiting in the middle of nowhere
Prom Prom, Boonsiri High Speed Ferries, 23 lis 2022
Plenty of room on the coach and it only took just over 5 hours to get to the ferry. The people were very friendly
Prom Prom, Boonsiri High Speed Ferries, 23 lis 2022
Great service perfectly ontime
Prom Express, Boonsiri High Speed Ferries, 23 lis 2022
Everything was perfectly arranged from the pick up at the hotel until the drop off at the airport!!
Prom Express, Boonsiri High Speed Ferries, 20 lis 2022
The trip was long, with several transfers. All transfers took place, we got to our destination. But each transplant was fraught with difficulties. At the hotel, we were at the reception exactly on time, we were expecting a driver, but it was not there and we did not know why. We had to contact customer service who told us that the driver was running late. He was late, but arrived, unloaded us at the pier and left without saying a word. We had to figure out where to go and what to do. Having safely boarded the ferry and swam to Trat, we again faced difficulty - we did not know where the next driver was waiting for us, who should take us to the Airport. We searched for him, asked - without result. As a result, we had to contact support again to find out where the driver was and where we should go, in response to this appeal, they wrote to us that we were "disturbing customers". After that, we thanked the support and did not turn to them anymore, we found out everything ourselves. This was our first bad experience with the "" service. All other trips were perfect! I hope this was an exceptional case and we were just not very lucky. In any case, the "" service is convenient and useful.
Prom Express, Boonsiri High Speed Ferries, 12 lis 2022
Verry fine ride with a brand new car, smelled nice. Driver was verry friendly. Drove like a pro
Prom Prom, Boonsiri High Speed Ferries, 7 lis 2022
All on time and very helpful efficient staff. Well done guys.
Prom Express, Boonsiri High Speed Ferries, 6 lis 2022
1809 opinii klientów
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