06 mei 2024

Monsiri Travel Kanchanaburi

177 beoordelingen van klanten
  • Schedule
  • Stations
  • Reviews

Monsiri Travel Kanchanaburi Schema en dienstregeling

Kanchanaburi - Bangkok
06:20, 08:30, 09:50, 11:50, 12:30, 13:50, 15:50, 18:00
Bangkok - Kanchanaburi
05:00, 07:00, 09:00, 11:00, 12:00, 14:00, 16:00, 17:00

Over Monsiri Travel Kanchanaburi

Hoewel sommige reizigers sceptisch staan tegenover busjes, maken een ruime keuze aan bestemmingen en concurrerende prijzen busjes tot een van de populairste vervoermiddelen. Busjes zijn altijd flexibeler dan grote bussen. Als er plots vraag is naar ritten naar nieuwe bestemmingen, zijn bedrijven met busjes altijd de eersten om hun diensten aan te bieden. Het is immers gemakkelijker om een nieuwe route te lanceren als u een voertuig exploiteert met een capaciteit van 10-15 personen, nietwaar?

Monsiri Travel Kanchanaburi biedt reizen per busje aan die eenvoudig online kunnen worden gereserveerd. Kijk bij hen als u op zoek bent naar mogelijkheden om met een busje te reizen.

Wat zijn de belangrijkste stations van Monsiri Travel Kanchanaburi?

De busjes van Monsiri Travel Kanchanaburi rijden van en naar de volgende terminals:

  • Mochit Nieuwe Minibusterminal
  • Kanchanaburi Bushalte
  • Zuid-Terminal
  • Kanchanaburi

Wat zijn de populairste routes van Monsiri Travel Kanchanaburi?

De meest populaire reisbestemmingen van Monsiri Travel Kanchanaburi zijn:

Wat zijn de minibusklassen en -prijzen van Monsiri Travel Kanchanaburi?

Het is normaal niet mogelijk om een ticketklasse te kiezen als u met een busje reist. Toch kunt u bij de exploitant navragen en/of u het type busje kiest dat op uw route rijdt. Sommige busjes bieden plaats aan slechts 9-10 passagiers, andere aan maximaal 15 passagiers. In het eerste geval hebt u meer beenruimte, bredere stoelen en een comfortabelere rit, in het tweede geval hebt u maar weinig ruimte voor uw benen, ellebogen en bagage. Lees beoordelingen over Monsiri Travel Kanchanaburi om er zeker van te zijn dat ze aan uw verwachtingen voldoen.

Voor- en nadelen van reizen per busje

De voordelen van reizen per busje

  • Busjes komen vaak op bestemmingen waar geen bus of trein komt. Deze omvatten secundaire steden en kleinere dorpen.
  • In de meeste gevallen zijn busjes de snelste manier om op uw bestemming te komen als u over land relatief korte afstanden aflegt, simpelweg omdat ze kleiner zijn dan bussen.
  • Met busjes kunt u uitstappen op een gunstiger punt onderweg en niet noodzakelijkerwijs bij de terminal, wat u in sommige gevallen veel tijd en geld kan besparen.

Nadelen van reizen per busje

  • Sommige busjes kunnen nogal krap zijn met beperkte ruimte voor bagage. Wel, eigenlijk bieden bijna alle busjes beperkte bagageruimte en als u meer dan één tas, koffer of rugzak heeft, kan het een goed idee zijn om een aparte zitplaats voor uw bagage te kopen. U betaalt dan wel dubbel voor uw reis, helaas.
  • Het is de moeite waard om te controleren of uw busje volgens schema rijdt of vertrekt wanneer het vol is, want in het laatste geval kunt u te lang wachten, aangezien het op verschillende routes behoorlijk lang kan duren voordat een busje vol is.
  • U moet weten dat chauffeurs berucht zijn om hun snelle rijstijl. Zelfs de meest gerenommeerde bedrijven slagen er soms niet in de chauffeurs ertoe te brengen zich aan de snelheidsbeperkingen te houden. Zelfs als de chauffeur er niet op aandringt, moet u altijd uw veiligheidsgordel vastgespen.
  • Als u gemakkelijk wagenziek wordt en uw reis kronkelige stukken bevat, is de kans groter dat u last krijgt van wagenziekte wanneer u met een busje reist dan wanneer u met de bus reist. Neem uw medicijnen voor de zekerheid een half uur voor uw vertrek in.
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Monsiri Travel Kanchanaburi Stations

Monsiri Travel Kanchanaburi Bedrijfsbeoordelingen

177 beoordelingen van klanten
Busje Minibusje, Monsiri Travel Kanchanaburi, 26 okt. 2023
Good driver.
Busje Minibusje, Monsiri Travel Kanchanaburi, 5 sep. 2023
On time and reasonable price - confusion at the terminal saw them put me on and off three busses before the took me back to the original funny but I'm 73 with a dud knee and I had two bags one big heavy one that I had to get in and out of the bus unnessesarily. I also had to pay for a seat for my bag even though te bus was less than 50% full I'm also 6'3" and couldn't get my legs into the seat because they are too close together - bI ewill not do it again however 25 years ago I would have been real good with it.
Busje Minibusje, Monsiri Travel Kanchanaburi, 23 feb. 2023
There was no van at 2 p.m. that we booked but the staff found us another van at the same time. Fast with AC.
Busje Minibusje, Monsiri Travel Kanchanaburi, 13 feb. 2023
the driver was shamelessly coughing the whole trip and also often phoning, not handsfree...
Busje Minibusje, Monsiri Travel Kanchanaburi, 3 jan. 2023
Driver was very fast. We arrived a half hour earlier then expected
Busje Minibusje, Monsiri Travel Kanchanaburi, 10 dec. 2022
Perfekte Abwicklung. Scheller Transport in sauberen Bussen mit viel Komfort
Busje Minibusje, Monsiri Travel Kanchanaburi, 11 aug. 2022
We were late because of traffic, but without extra charges we could take another bus a few hours later. No mini-van, but a lardger one. Good solution and good transfer
Busje Minibusje, Monsiri Travel Kanchanaburi, 12 mrt. 2022
These trips are all about the driver and I wish there was a way to link the driver to these ratings so they could be held accountable. Driver nearly hit an older man walking across the street. Driver drove like an angry teenager on speed for entire drive.
Busje Minibusje, Monsiri Travel Kanchanaburi, 9 jan. 2022
It was a good trip, but we had our reservation at 9 and we could only join a minivan at 10.
Busje Minibusje, Monsiri Travel Kanchanaburi, 5 jan. 2022
The bus got us to our destination in reasonable time, but there are issues about the operator's COVID precautions, which need to be improved. Specifically, drivers need to wear masks continuously, and there need to be more reminders about social distancing for all those onboard.
Busje Minibusje, Monsiri Travel Kanchanaburi, 6 dec. 2021
They made many unscheduled stops picking up more people then I could fit in the van people were sitting in the aisle sitting anywhere they could almost 30 people in the van that I think was set up to handle 22 or 24
Busje Regionale 14pax, Monsiri Travel Kanchanaburi, 12 mrt. 2020
Le bus était un peu plus grand qu'un van. Très confortable.
Busje Regionale 14pax, Monsiri Travel Kanchanaburi, 28 feb. 2020
not the cleanest nor newest van but comfortable enough for the price paid and they follow the schedule.
Busje Regionale 14pax, Monsiri Travel Kanchanaburi, 24 feb. 2020
Vieille van, mais quand même un minimum de confort. Plusieurs arrêts en chemin.
Busje Regionale 14pax, Monsiri Travel Kanchanaburi, 16 feb. 2020
Très bien. Chauffeur conduit tranquillement. On est arrivé en avance et du coup on a pu prendre le bus précédent !
Busje Regionale 14pax, Monsiri Travel Kanchanaburi, 16 feb. 2020
Excellent trajet, économique et pratique. Pas facile d'avoir les infos en anglais pour savoir où aller et où sortir mais rien d'insurmontable.
Busje Regionale 14pax, Monsiri Travel Kanchanaburi, 7 feb. 2020
There was no indication that there was a transfer needed. The bus stopped in Kanchanaburi and we were told to get off when we thought we were going direct to the National Park. Then they tried to charge us 50 baht each for the bus from Kanchanaburi to Erawan. And there was an hour wait in between. Disappointing.
Busje Regionale 14pax, Monsiri Travel Kanchanaburi, 3 feb. 2020
Sale et chauffeur parle aucun anglais. Mauvaises indications au terminal...
Busje Regionale 14pax, Monsiri Travel Kanchanaburi, 28 jan. 2020
Mini van en bien meilleur état qu’a l’aller. Départ à peu près à l’heure. Le rangement des bagages meme les plus petits est un réel problème car rien n’est prévu
Busje Regionale 14pax, Monsiri Travel Kanchanaburi, 25 jan. 2020
I thought it would be a direct connection to our destination but the driver stopped about 10 times along the way. The seats were very worn out. Ok value for the money spent.
Busje Regionale 14pax, Monsiri Travel Kanchanaburi, 26 dec. 2019
Sehr zuvorkommendes Personal am Stand. Top Fahrer und pünktlich angekommen!
Busje Regionale 14pax, Monsiri Travel Kanchanaburi, 21 dec. 2019
Bit confusing at bus terminal to find the right bus.. But the bus was clean and the drive was uneventful. Got dropped off without incident. Was plenty of space for luggage
Busje Regionale 14pax, Monsiri Travel Kanchanaburi, 18 dec. 2019
The ride was fast arrived earlier than the estimated time.
Busje Regionale 14pax, Monsiri Travel Kanchanaburi, 14 dec. 2019
It got me there on time. The van had to stop to pick up oil. The van was older and if you had baggage it would have been hard to fit it all in. As I said, it got me there on time and that’s all that mattered.
Busje Regionale 14pax, Monsiri Travel Kanchanaburi, 6 dec. 2019
Dit was a very old Van . The shock absorber were worm out . Inside the ceiling was very and damage .
Busje Regionale 14pax, Monsiri Travel Kanchanaburi, 21 nov. 2019
On est arrivés une heure avant l'heure de départ, on a pu modifier notre billet pour partir plus tôt très facilement. Cheuffeur serviable qui a bien voulu s'arrêter pour une pause pipi sans sourciller. Bon conducteur.
Busje Regionale 14pax, Monsiri Travel Kanchanaburi, 21 nov. 2019
On Asia13go was that bus starts at 6 but at the terminal in Konchanaburi we were informed that it starts at 5:50 (according its schedule)
Busje Regionale 14pax, Monsiri Travel Kanchanaburi, 19 nov. 2019
Das Check In war laut und hektisch und der Fahrer hat sich an keine einzige Verkehrsregel gehalten. Und rede nicht von überhöhte Geschwindigkeit und Überholmanöver, sondern von Fernsehen während der Fahrt.
Busje Regionale 14pax, Monsiri Travel Kanchanaburi, 17 nov. 2019
Personnel très sympathique. Nous sommes arrivés 1 heure plus tôt à la gare routière, nous avons demandé à échanger d’horaires. Cela n’a pas posé de soucis. Départ à l’heure ! Conduite du chauffeur assez brute selon nous !
Busje Regionale 14pax, Monsiri Travel Kanchanaburi, 11 nov. 2019
The bus a bit newer than the average buses in Thailand and the seats were quite comfy. We lefr on time and arrived a bit early.
Busje Regionale 14pax, Monsiri Travel Kanchanaburi, 8 nov. 2019
We were able to take the bus 1 hour earlier than we first intended to. The bus was a bit dirty and the a/c didn't work very well but it was ok. We left and arrived on time.
Busje Regionale 14pax, Monsiri Travel Kanchanaburi, 6 nov. 2019
Ponctuel mais le chauffeur roulait vite. Nous étions secouer dans tout les sens
Busje Regionale 14pax, Monsiri Travel Kanchanaburi, 24 okt. 2019
Busje Regionale 14pax, Monsiri Travel Kanchanaburi, 21 okt. 2019
Ticket stated one small to medium bag, but there was no storage on the bus. Fortunately, there was one seat spare to accommodate my suitcase.
Busje Regionale 14pax, Monsiri Travel Kanchanaburi, 19 okt. 2019
The bus was a little bit old and not so clean and confortable. We didn't stop for a break but only stop several times for pick up and drop off. We were on time. That's fair for the price.
Busje Regionale 14pax, Monsiri Travel Kanchanaburi, 12 okt. 2019
Old car, trip longer than in schedule about 40 minutes.
Busje Regionale 14pax, Monsiri Travel Kanchanaburi, 10 okt. 2019
Buscondition inside poor and driver didn’t sprak english at all
Busje Regionale 14pax, Monsiri Travel Kanchanaburi, 17 sep. 2019
The experience was great, everything arrived on time, we were fortunate enough to catch early connections and staff helpful and informative. Look forward to the next trip.
Busje Regionale 14pax, Monsiri Travel Kanchanaburi, 4 sep. 2019
It has enough space, not crowded and the driver was accommodating but there were many mosquitoes.
Busje Regionale 14pax, Monsiri Travel Kanchanaburi, 4 sep. 2019
The female driver was so accommodating and friendly. But the van itself had no enough space for luggage.
Busje Regionale 14pax, Monsiri Travel Kanchanaburi, 1 sep. 2019
Bus un peu étroit Climatisation limite Et pas de prise de recharge téléphone et pas wifi.
Busje Regionale 14pax, Monsiri Travel Kanchanaburi, 16 aug. 2019
Van leaved 1 hour late without notice because we were the only 3 passengers. Driver speaked all the time at telephone.
Busje Regionale 14pax, Monsiri Travel Kanchanaburi, 9 aug. 2019
Bus was technically not ok, clutch 1st gear failed, brakes were sloppy whilst driver -unbuckeled- drobvr in city heavy traffic as he was Thai F1 driver Albon Felt less safe, no wonder we were at bus terminal ahead of schedule
Busje Regionale 14pax, Monsiri Travel Kanchanaburi, 21 jul. 2019
The drive was okay but the driver was talking on the phone a lot.
Busje Regionale 14pax, Monsiri Travel Kanchanaburi, 8 jul. 2019
Very good support. We get a Mini Van at 12:00 instead of 15:00. Good driver.
Busje Regionale 14pax, Monsiri Travel Kanchanaburi, 4 jul. 2019
Booking process ran smoothly, but we were made to buy an extra ticket for our bags. After a 20min delay the bus ran pretty much on time, stopping a few times to pick up/drop off. Being a minibus it was very cramped and uncomfortable for most of the trip, but I'd do it again for short trips
Busje Regionale 14pax, Monsiri Travel Kanchanaburi, 9 jun. 2019
Good journey, good air con, bit of picking up and dropping off without which could have been quicker. Monk had a soothing effect on driver's music.
Busje Regionale 14pax, Monsiri Travel Kanchanaburi, 8 jun. 2019
On time, on budget. Would be perfect if the driver didn’t have the tendency to always put some gas, then brake, then accelerate, then brake again. Made the whole trip look like a bad rollercoaster. ????
Busje Regionale 14pax, Monsiri Travel Kanchanaburi, 6 jun. 2019
I think the driver had a death wish - swerving between lanes and speeding like crazy. I would’ve felt safer if there had been seatbelts, instead I had to resort to praying to God (and I’m not even religious). We did arrive in Kanchanaburi 30 min earlier than the expected arrival time, and we survived, so that was good. Otherwise the seats were okay, and sitting right beneath the big fan was good.
Busje Regionale 14pax, Monsiri Travel Kanchanaburi, 6 jun. 2019
We booked 3 o’clock ride to Kanchanaburi and arrived the Mochit station at 1.15. Lady arranged us in 2 o’clock ride! Van was air conditioned and in time. No toilet stops.