Naga Travel

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Bas merupakan pengangkutan yang paling berpatutan dengan bilangan terminal yang banyak di seluruh negara dan jadual waktu yang bersesuaian untuk membantu anda merancang perjalanan anda. Bas ialah pilihan yang mudah untuk mereka yang mahu melakukan perjalanan dengan bajet yang sedikit dan mereka yang tidak mahu berkompromi dengan keselesaan. Naga Travel menawarkan perkhidmatan bas dengan khidmat tempahan dalam talian. Sebelum menempah tiket anda, baca dahulu ulasan pengembara lain untuk membuat pilihan yang terbaik.

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Harga perjalanan bas anda akan bergantung pada destinasi dan kelas tiket anda. Ambil perhatian bahawa tidak semua kelas tiket tersedia di laluan tertentu, namun untuk perjalanan yang lebih jauh, biasanya terdapat pilihan yang bagus. Pilih bas dengan kerusi tidur untuk perjalanan semalaman yang paling selesa. Bas dengan kerusi tidur biasanya dilengkapi dengan tempat tidur atau tempat duduk berbaring yang lembut, mempunyai tandas di atas bas dan tiket anda juga mungkin termasuk faedah lain seperti makanan ringan atau makan tengah hari. Menaiki bas malam juga merupakan idea yang bagus jika anda ingin menjimatkan kos bilik hotel anda. Pada siang hari, perkhidmatan ekspres selalunya memberikan nilai yang terbaik untuk wang anda kerana ia membuat perhentian yang lebih kurang daripada bas kelas biasa atau bas standard, dan perjalanannya juga lebih pantas. Di sesetengah laluan, mungkin penting untuk memilih kelas yang betul kerana bas biasa atau bas kelas kedua mungkin memerlukan kira-kira 6 jam untuk menempuh jarak perjalanan manakala bas kelas pertama atau bas ekspres hanya mengambil masa dua jam sahaja!

Kebaikan & Keburukan Perjalanan Bas

Kebaikan Perjalanan Bas

  • Bas biasanya merangkumi rangkaian destinasi yang meluas. Ia menuju ke destinasi yang tidak boleh anda capai dengan kapal terbang atau kereta api.
  • Perjalanan dengan bas adalah mudah – anda tidak perlu sampai ke terminal bas lebih awa dan daftar masuk biasanya merupakan formaliti yang sangat pantas berbanding dengan perjalanan udara
  • Tiket bas sangat berpatutan. Ya, terdapat pilihan kelas pertama atau VIP yang mahal tetapi jika anda mempunyai bajet, bas ialah pengangkutan pertama yang perlu anda pertimbangkan
  • Pada masa yang sama, terdapat kelas perkhidmatan yang berbeza untuk memenuhi pelbagai jenis bajet. Jika anda inginkan tahap keselesaan yang lebih tinggi, bas juga dapat menyediakannya kepada anda.

Keburukan Perjalanan Bas

  • Terminal bas antara bandar boleh terletak di luar pusat bandar atau di pinggir bandar. Ini bermakna anda perlu mengira kos masa dan wang tambahan untuk sampai ke sana. Di destinasi tertentu, bergerak dari terminal bas boleh menelan kos yang lebih tinggi daripada yang anda jangkakan kerana hanya sebilangan kecil sahaja syarikat pengangkutan yang dibenarkan untuk menyediakan laluan tersebut – dan harganya mungkin dinaikkan.
  • Semasa hujung minggu yang sibuk atau musim cuti, tiket bas untuk ke beberapa destinasi pelancongan mungkin akan habis dengan cepat dan memerlukan tempahan awal.
  • Walaupun bas tidak bergantung kepada cuaca seperti feri, perjalanan bas juga boleh ditangguhkan atau dibatalkan kerana cuaca buruk atau keadaan jalan raya – pertimbangkan perkara ini jika anda akan melakukan perjalanan pada musim tertentu atau ke destinasi tertentu.
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lokasi dan masa pengambilan tidak jelas. Bas Vien-pak Sleeper adalah selesa, dan selesa dengan 2 orang berkongsi katil. Perkhidmatan bas Pakse-don det tidak menentu dan komunikasi tidak lancar. Tertangguh sejam kerana seorang penumpang. Tiba dalam satu bahagian, jadi saya rasa semuanya baik-baik saja.
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Bas Intercity, Naga Travel, 6 Feb 2020
Bas adalah sangat selesa dan hampir tidak ada orang yang menaikinya supaya kami semua boleh bersurai. Tetapi sangat luas pula. Pemandu cukup baik, agak pemarah tetapi itu ok. Pek snek diberikan. Proses visa di Laos adalah pantas. Adalah awal ke Luang Namtha TETAPI telah diturunkan sebagai terminal bas di luar bandar dan tiada tuk tuk atau teksi pada waktu malam. Terpaksa mendaki yang sebagai seorang perempuan yang bersendirian adalah menakutkan. Hanya masa saya boleh sampai walaupun ialah pukul 9 malam. Hubungi hotel anda sebelum mengetahui sama ada mereka boleh menjemput anda. Selain daripada itu v pengalaman yang baik walaupun.
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Bas VIP 36, Naga Travel, 21 Nov 2019
Pengendali yang mesra dari awal hingga akhir dan sangat membantu dengan melintasi sempadan dan kad sim.
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Bas Premium, Naga Travel, 11 Jul 2019
Saya suka ini... Ia tidak kerumitan seperti yang saya alami dalam perjalanan ke Vientiane dari Bangkok... Ia adalah bas terus dari Vientiane ke Bangkok... Semuanya baik-baik saja... saya dimaklumkan dari masa anda pergi ... :) terima kasih
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Bas Premium, Naga Travel, 1 Jun 2019
Semuanya baik, kecuali tiada stesen pengecasan
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Bas Premium, Naga Travel, 16 Apr 2019
Perjalanan adalah satu pengembaraan sendiri. Tidak boleh salahkan pemandu tetapi agensi, 12go Asia adalah lebih mahal untuk bas VIP kerana saya melancong dengan anak-anak dan mahu selesa tetapi sebaliknya kami terpaksa menaiki van mini. Tidak akan menempah melalui agensi ini lagi. Syorkan anda menempah sendiri secara tempatan dengan lebih murah...
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Bas VIP 24, Naga Travel, 21 Jan 2019
Kos dua kali ganda daripada agensi. Van dari Vientiane ke viant vieng adalah dengan alout of lagedge. Hanya order jika perlu.
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Bas Intercity, Naga Travel, 29 Dis 2018
Saya mengembara dari Luang prabang ke Vientiane. Perjalanan itu okey. Mereka bermula dan berakhir kebanyakannya tepat pada masanya. Jalannya agak teruk dan tidak berturap kebanyakannya. Jika anda tinggi, anda akan menghadapi masalah dalam versi tidur bas. Ia agak sempit dan tidak cukup ruang untuk menyimpan beg tangan anda. Anda mungkin mahu membawa jaket. AC mungkin membeku. Selimut yang mereka berikan terlalu nipis untuk membantu. Satu lagi perkara yang janggal ialah kekurangan bilik mandi dalam perjalanan. Bas berhenti secara berkala (setiap 45 minit atau lebih) tetapi anda perlu mengalami kebocoran di tempat terbuka di jalan raya!
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Bas Kerusi Tempat Tidur Ekspres 41, Naga Travel, 10 Dis 2018
Mahal berbanding harga yang diiklankan di Vang Vieng iaitu 50,000 Kip untuk bas mini ke Vientiane
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Bas Tempat Duduk Berhawa Dingin, Naga Travel, 27 Nov 2018
katilnya sangat kecil, gabungan kerusi doktor gigi yang sangat sempit dan kereta lumba. tiada cara untuk menjadi selesa. Dan pemandu itu terus memainkan muzik yang kuat sepanjang perjalanan, saya sedar ia bertujuan untuk memastikan dia berjaga-jaga, tetapi tidak ada tidur di dalam bas tidur VIP semalaman untuk pelanggan yang membayar.
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Bas Kerusi Tempat Tidur Ekspres 41, Naga Travel, 27 Nov 2018
Menunggu 2 jam untuk menaiki bas, tidak diberitahu pun bila hendak bertolak
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Bas Kerusi Tempat Tidur Ekspres 41, Naga Travel, 14 Sep 2018
Bas tidak bertolak tepat pada masanya tetapi tiba lebih awal daripada yang dijadualkan. Perhentian biasa yang baik dan perhentian makanan yang baik untuk penggunaan kupon. AC mungkin lebih baik.
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Bas AC Standard, Naga Travel, 21 Mei 2018
Tiket dicetak pada pukul 6 pagi dan meminta saya hadir 1 jam lebih awal, jadi saya muncul pada pukul 5 pagi... Ternyata bas sebenar pukul 8 pagi dan pikap hanya datang kira-kira pukul 6.30 pagi. Selain itu, lelaki pikap itu membantu dan bercakap bahasa Inggeris, menunjukkan kepada saya di mana bas itu dan menjelaskan bahawa tiket itu boleh ditukar untuk makan. Ia lebih mahal daripada mendapatkan tiket di terminal bas sendiri atau melalui penjual lain, tetapi saya merasakan bahawa premium untuk perkhidmatan itu berbaloi.
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Bas AC Standard, Naga Travel, 19 Feb 2018
Ada seseorang menjemput kami di pejabat visa dan kemudian terus ke vang vieng, di mana tuk tuk lain membawa kami ke pusat bandar. Sempurna!
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Bas Tempatan, Naga Travel, 30 Mei 2016
The bus was on-time (actually got to Luang Prabang early), but the conditions were pretty bad. The shuttle that takes you to the bus station at 18:00 didn't mention that you have to wait 2.5 hours at the station (food stalls close by the time you arrive). Also, the bus operators have no idea what assigned seats mean. It's mostly first-come first-serve and everyone ignores their ticket's seat number. It was a hassle finding a bed and the sheets smelled terrible.
Bas Kerusi Tempat Tidur Ekspres 41, Naga Travel, 13 Dis 2019
Cheap and efficient.
Bas Premium, Naga Travel, 4 Dis 2019
Regular updates and reminder. Staff is nice and responsive
Bas Ekspress, Naga Travel, 3 Dis 2019
All fairly good but was dropped off at train station where couldn't get bus north which is where most people are heading so had to get half hour tuk tuk across town. Not very useful drop off point.
Bas Tempatan, Naga Travel, 6 Nov 2019
Simple bus, confortable seats. Moreover it was almost empty and I could lie down.
Bas Premium, Naga Travel, 6 Okt 2019
Stuck three of us in tiny compartment over engine at back of bus. Not impressed. These spaces not designed for three large western guys.
Bas Kerusi Tempat Tidur Ekspres 41, Naga Travel, 27 Sep 2019
waited more than 1hour before a restaurant before they search us without saying anything the barkeeper had to call twice to Naga to ask if they come and when
Bas Tempatan, Naga Travel, 26 Sep 2019
Communication on what bus to get was poor, we got told to stay on transport which was going to Paksa when we were going to Luang Prabang. The driving was crazy and my partner was unable to sleep more than 2hrs. Air conditioning was good and bed wasn’t too bad.
Bas Kerusi Tempat Tidur Ekspres 41, Naga Travel, 22 Jul 2019
Great. Left it till last minute to pick us up but suppose can understand the logistical probs.
Bas Tempat Duduk Berhawa Dingin, Naga Travel, 6 Mei 2019
All good. Lovely people running the service. Just a suggestion, maybe have the meeting place for pickup at a place where people can escape the heat while the wait for the driver. Thank you
Bas Premium, Naga Travel, 2 Mei 2019
I bought the ticket via 12go and I am aware that they are only selling the ticket and are not operating the buses. The bus had 12-15 passengers, give or take, during the tour. The trip between Vientiane and Luang Prabang was interesting and I can summarize it as: Pro: - We made it all the way without any incidents . That said there was several near-misses and some serious incidents observed on the way (see below) - The driver of the bus was politely and friendly - The air-con was not to cold (which is often a problem on this buses) - Plenty of stops en-route (might be annoying for some) ensured that the engine - and most importantly - the brakes could cool down before continue the ride. Con: - We observed a truck involved in a "front to front" collision with another heavy vehicle. This caused some delays both southbound and northbound. - We observed an incident involving two motorcycles with at least two fatalities. Shocking! - I showed up the 1 hour before pick up (as instructed on the ticket) just to experience that I had to wait for 1 hour and 20 minutes for the pick-up. - At the bus station there was some confusion about which bus to take, wen it was leaving etc, but it was sorted out in the end. - The bus was old, noisy and had seen better days. But remember- this is Laos - The roads was bumpy, and to some extent, unpaved. But remember- this is Laos
Bas AC Standard, Naga Travel, 29 Apr 2019
Good trip, good service, beds quite small for 2 people but not much you can do about that! Actually a quite enjoyable 20 hour bus ride!!
Bas Ekspress, Naga Travel, 26 Apr 2019
-do not state which bus terminal. Yes, they’re opposite and I was fortunate in having not much luggage as I went to the wrong one. Others had a lot to carry across the main road! -very hard to find the bus counter as one is inclined to look for Naga Travel when it’s actually something like ‘99’ -Company did not and still have not responded to my email sent 5 days before bus. If they had, I could have gone to the right terminal... -snacks were nice -sleeper bus never chanted at Laos border. Just reclining seats -toilet had no light or flush and smelt the whole bus within an hour of departure -driver was smoking and it filtered to the coach through the endless ‘no smoking’ signs... But, as all the other reviews are the same comments, Naga Travel clearly has no intention of doing anything!
Bas Ekspress, Naga Travel, 16 Apr 2019
It was not a sleeper bus. The only quality that could hint to a sleeper bus is that the seat reclined a bit. Only problem was that if you actually did recline the (highly uncomfortable) seat back it hits the person behind you and takes away the already non excisting leg space. In the ticket it said that it could be an older bus but that once you crossed the boarder the bus would change into a sleeper class bus. It did not. The bus ride lasted abou 20-21 hours so you can imagine the joy. I was quite dissapointed as was the whole bus full of people. I am quite short (5'2/157cm) but I left the bus with sore legs, back, neck and arse. I dont want to imagine what it would have been like for someone taller. The thought that kept occurring to me during the journey was: my school bus at home is more comfirtable than this. At least there's wifi on that. On a positive note the staff was very nice, the snacks they gave were good as well and you meet a lot of nice, new people who also think the bus is horrible. That's at least something to bond over.
Bas Ekspress, Naga Travel, 30 Mac 2019
We didn’t change into a sleeperbus. The bus was okay but not for 20 hours. Very late stop to get dinner.
Bas Ekspress, Naga Travel, 30 Mac 2019
They picked us up from our hostel. Left the bus terminal an hour late but I think that’s okay. Thank you!
Bas Tempat Duduk Berhawa Dingin, Naga Travel, 25 Mac 2019
The staff were nice and very helpful and explained what was going on and sold us SIM cards. Luckily we were a couple so the seat/bed that you have to share was fine, but if you’re on your own may be slightly weird sharing with a stranger as they’re not large.
Bas Ekspress, Naga Travel, 13 Mac 2019
Really not a good experience. If I did it again I would pay the small amount more and take a private taxi
Bas Tempatan, Naga Travel, 10 Mac 2019
The bus was late Aircon didn’t work to it fullest Sketchy road, but the driver handled it very well
Bas Tempat Duduk Berhawa Dingin, Naga Travel, 7 Mac 2019
More than 1 hour late bus with no explanation, different kind of vehicle
Bas VIP 24, Naga Travel, 4 Mac 2019
We were expected to leave at 0900hrs but left at 1000hrs. Very disappointed
Bas Tempat Duduk Berhawa Dingin, Naga Travel, 28 Feb 2019
- The information about boarding and the pickup point was inadequate. - There was a delay of 1,5 hour. - The bus was nice and clean. - The staff was friendly.
Bas Premium, Naga Travel, 27 Feb 2019
we were packed into a mini bus for over 4 hours. 2 passengers had to sit on tiny pull down seats and virtually had their knees around their ears !
Bas Tempat Duduk Berhawa Dingin, Naga Travel, 26 Feb 2019
The problem is GoAsia. They sell a trip that does not exist. It said Naga travel leaving 9am. But there is no Naga 9am trip from vientiane, only the 9.30 Soutchai one. This one left only after 10am. Trip itself fine.
Bas Tempat Duduk Berhawa Dingin, Naga Travel, 16 Feb 2019
Bring some earplugs and you are fine.
Bas Kerusi Tempat Tidur Ekspres 41, Naga Travel, 16 Feb 2019
We booked on Unfortunatly they charged more to book the bus than the cost of the bus itself. If you book the bus with a local travel shop or at the bus terminal itself it’s much cheaper. On the site it’s also sold as an VIP bus, when it’s just a normaal sleepingbus with not much of sleepingspace.
Bas VIP 24, Naga Travel, 13 Feb 2019
22 hours with no sleeping bus. No lights at the toilet and was smelling really bad. Hopefully i had bought some snacks and water because the bus did no stop for this until 19 hours later. Good thing is that drivers seemed friendly and could understand English.
Bas Ekspress, Naga Travel, 12 Feb 2019
Got my ticket very easy
Bas Ekspress, Naga Travel, 11 Feb 2019
The bus drivers were kind.
Bas Ekspress, Naga Travel, 11 Feb 2019
This was a surprisingly comfortable journey in a pretty good bus. The Air con worked and the seats were comfortable. We were late starting and late arriving but just by 30 mins which isnt bad.
Bas Tempat Duduk Berhawa Dingin, Naga Travel, 10 Feb 2019
Was not happy at all. The bus was late by two hours and there was no communication to when the bus was arriving.
Bas Tempat Duduk Berhawa Dingin, Naga Travel, 1 Feb 2019
The bus was very nice. New and clean seats. AC level just ok. The road a bit bumpy
Bas Tempat Duduk Berhawa Dingin, Naga Travel, 1 Feb 2019
Considering the road is so bad the driver managed it wonderful, but don't expect to arrive on time or sleep much: it is too bumpy. No toilet on board, the driver stopped periodically and we had to pay to use toilet. Bed was clean and water was provided :)
Bas VIP 24, Naga Travel, 31 Jan 2019
My schedule changed and I did not go. Arrived in Chiang Mai too late to go. Since it was non-refundable, just lost only money this time.
Bas Ekspress, Naga Travel, 31 Jan 2019
Upgraded from mini van to ac bus. An hour delay and very confusing staff. But the ride was fine
Bas Tempat Duduk Berhawa Dingin, Naga Travel, 30 Jan 2019
We were booked for a VIP24 bus. A day or 2 before our trip we were contacted that it required to be changed to a van. We agreed, no problem. When we showed up to the bus terminal were were guided to a van, not in the greatest shape??? OK?? Once the trip started and we got into the mountains all of us passengers realized 2 things. The van was old and might not make the trip, and the driver did not know how to drive in the mountains. It was clear to all of us that there were better vans because ALL of them passed us as we crawled up and down the mountain pass in 1st gear. What should have been a comfortable 4 hour trip, became an uncomfortable 6 hour trip. !!!!!!!!! Can't say I got any sort of a VIP service!!
Bas VIP 24, Naga Travel, 29 Jan 2019
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