Ozo George Town Penang hotel 출발 이포

Ozo George Town Penang hotel 출발 이포

Ozo George Town Penang hotel
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Ozo George Town Penang hotel 출발 이포 도착 교통편

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Ozo George Town Penang hotel 에서 이포 여행지 리뷰

버스 곳곳에 대형 금연 표지판이 있음에도 불구하고. 운전자는 창문을 5cm 정도 열어둔 채 운전 중 담배를 피웠습니다. 마스크를 써도 냄새가 났다.
이 리뷰는 자동 번역되었습니다
버스 Executive, Transnasional MY, 2022. 12. 16.
좋은 선택이지만 도착 시간을 엄격히 준수하지 않고 위치 설명이 약간 부실합니다. 역에 도착하면 안내소에서 물어보면 메인 스트리트에 큰 간판이 있는 회사가 많지만 KPB 익스프레스라고 적힌 회사가 없기 때문에 어디에서 기다려야 하는지 알려줍니다.
이 리뷰는 자동 번역되었습니다
버스 VIP 24, KPB Express, 2022. 6. 14.
Bus was nice enough but the journey time was completely inaccurate. It took over 4 hours and was supposed to take around 2. Traffic was minimal so don’t see how we would have ever arrived in the time they said.
버스 급행, KPB Express, 2024. 5. 11.
The service is fine, but i face the terrible traffic jam. Take 4 hour.....
버스 급행, Sri Maju Group, 2024. 4. 3.
Decent aircon. No WiFi. No sockets I could see. Left on time. Journey delayed by an extra 45 mins due to traffic. Was a full bus. Okay.
버스 급행, Sri Maju Group, 2023. 10. 1.
When I got to the bus company I was sent on the wrong bus (KL instead of Ipoh). Before entering and on the bus I'd ask the staff several times if this was the bus going to Ipoh, which they confirmed. And yet, when someone checked tickets (after one hour) I was told to get off the bus and wait for 30 minutes to get on the right bus. When I finally got on the right bus, there was no seat with the number printed on my ticket. So I ended up being moved around until a staff member finally gave me a seat that hadn't been booked.
버스 VIP, Billion Stars Express, 2023. 7. 19.
Vehicle was ice-cold, driver didn’t understand English, we had almost 2 hours delay
버스 급행, Super Nice Express, 2022. 8. 10.
All at all it was good online that we have to pay 2RM / pax more because the buyed ticket doesn't function with theyr scan system
버스 급행, KPB Express, 2022. 8. 1.
The nice one
기차 #9371 ETS 플래티넘, KTM, 2021. 4. 13.
고객 78 명의 리뷰

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