Baan Phe 출발 꼬창 도착택시

Baan Phe 출발 꼬창 도착택시

Baan Phe
6월 8일 (토)
승객 NaN 명

기타 옵션

Baan Phe발 꼬창행 Charter 스케쥴

Baan Phe발 꼬창행 Charter 스케쥴
교통수단 이름경로 이름가격
Thailand Limo by Datum Van 9pax 항시 운행฿ 5,500

Baan Phe 출발 꼬창 도착 교통편

  • 택시
    $ 89.74
  • 기차은 유효하지 않습니다
  • 버스은 유효하지 않습니다
  • 페리은 유효하지 않습니다
  • 항공편은 유효하지 않습니다
  • 승합차은 유효하지 않습니다

택시에 대한 Baan Phe에서 꼬창까지의 사실

가장 저렴한 택시US$90
가장 빠른 택시3시간 30분
가장 이른 택시12:00 AM
최신 택시12:00 AM
일일 택시 노선10
거리151 킬로미터
택시 회사BangkokTaxi24, Five Star Taxi, Glassflower, Thailand Limo by Datum

Baan Phe 에서 꼬창 여행지 리뷰

The service provided was very good. We originally booked the taxi for 12pm, ended up needing to be picked up earlier, gave the driver a call and he was there within 10 minutes. Car very comfortable and driver very friendly. Would recommend Bangkok taxi 24 to anyone travelling around Thailand.
택시 컴포트 3인승, BangkokTaxi24, 2024. 1. 9.
After reservation we received an email from the company stating the driver would wait for us with a sign with our name. Instead we waited around and got a call that we had to walk to the nearby 7-11. No problem but we are not familiar around and we were informed otherwise. When booking, a photo of a vehicle was showed of a brand new clean and neat car. We understand that not every car can be brand new, this was an old car with very different style than shown on the picture. We did not really mind this, we were comfortable and it was clean. The email also stated that ferry fare was not included (very understandable) and would be 80 thb for the passengers. Instead we had to pay 360 thb in total. Not much but we were informed otherwise. About 1,5 hrs before arrival, driver started making many comments about it being a long drive and long day. We agreed but it was not something we could change. Then at the arrival he immediately asked us for a tip. We did not give one because of all this. We wanted to beforehand but it was an expensive trip for us as well and there were just too many things adding up.
택시 컴포트 3인승, BangkokTaxi24, 2023. 11. 14.
We were almost 30mins early at the pier but the driver arrived as soon as we were there. I was contacted by WhatsApp priorly, which made everything easy even if there was not much info on the voucher. Price ok. 100% would do it again
택시 컴포트 3인승, Five Star Taxi (ห้าดาวแท็กซี่), 2023. 3. 10.
고객 28 명의 리뷰

Baan Phe, 에서꼬창까지택시타고이동하는방법.

Baan Phe, 에서꼬창까지택시로이동하는것은쉽고빠른방법입니다. Grab, Uber,기타카풀서비스등의인기가많아짐에따라,택시를타는것이유일한방법은아닙니다.그러나모든국가에서Uber또는Grab서비스를제공하는것은아니며,이러한서비스는큰도시에국한되어있습니다.공항도착후호텔또는다른곳으로이동하기위해택시를타는것이가장효율적이고편한방법입니다.탑승객들이동시에도착함으로,택시, Grab, Uber를잡는것이쉽지않을수있습니다.일부공항은와이파이서비스를제공하지않음으로, Grab또는Uber를예약하는것이불가능할수있습니다.일부공항에는택시탑승공간이지정되어있으나,항상이용가능한것은아니며,가격또한불규칙합니다. Baan Phe, 에서꼬창까지온라인예약서비스를제공하는회사목록은다음과같습니다.

Baan Phe, 에서꼬창까지의거리는얼마인가요?

택시로이동시Baan Phe, 에서꼬창까지의거리는선택한경롤에따라상이합니다.종종택시기사들은지름길을아는구글맵이필요없는현지인들입니다.능숙한택시기사가선택한길은더욱먼길일수있으나,교통체증,공사등을피하는길일수있습니다.능숙한택시기사의택시이동이Baan Phe, 에서꼬창까지가장빠른이동방법이될수있습니다.

Baan Phe, 에서꼬창까지택시로이동시간은얼마나소요되나요?

택시로이동시, Baan Phe, 에서꼬창까지의이동시간은교통상황에따라상이합니다.버스는고정된경로로이동하는반면,택시는승객이원하는픽업및드롭장소에정차하여,도시내이동시가장빠르고효율적인이동방법입니다.운전사의운전실력도여행시간을결정하는요소입니다.능숙한현지운전사의머리속에모든경로가있기때문입니다.운전사들이택하는지름길은구글맵이제안하는경로보다더욱빠를수있습니다.

Baan Phe, 에서꼬창까지택시로이동할경우요금은얼마인가요?

Baan Phe, 에서꼬창로택시로이동시,고정요금또는미터요금이있습니다.미리계산된고정요금은더욱비쌀수있으나,버스와기차와는다르게각탑승객이표를구매할필요가없습니다. 4인이하의승객일경우, 1대의택시를타면됩니다.요금은'승객수'가아닌'차량당'으로계산됩니다.소규모그룹의경우택시가저렴한옵션이될수있습니다.택시회사가SUV와같은대형차량을제공할경우,요금은더욱비싸지만,최대6인이탑승할수있으며,짐을두기에더욱충분한공간이있습니다.이방법은그룹과가족여행객에게더욱저렴한방법이될수있습니다.

Baan Phe, 에서꼬창까지시간표.

저희는수백개의위치에서여러택시회사들과파트너십을맺고있습니다. Baan Phe, 출발꼬창도착택시시간일정표에서날짜와시간을선택하세요.


택시이용은많은장점을가지고있습니다.대부분의택시회사들은중앙콜센터에서차와운전사를통제합니다.이덕분에,원하는시간에택시서비스를이용할수있습니다.일부택시회사의경우그룹또는큰수하물이있는여행객들을위해더욱큰차량을제공합니다.택시이용에가장큰장점은Baan Phe, 에서꼬창까지이동중상점,슈퍼마켓등원하는장소를들릴수있다는점입니다.