VicSapa Train

고객 110 명의 리뷰
  • 운송 사업자 정보
  • 인기 경로
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  • 리뷰
  • 일정 및 시간표

약 VicSapa Train

철도 여행은 편리한 이동수단입니다. 느린 장거리 열차 또는 현대식의 초고속 열차 모두 우리의 여행을 즐겁게 해줍니다. VicSapa Train에서 기차 여행을 예약할 수 있습니다. 예약 확인 전, 여행 날짜, 좌석 등급, 가격, 운임 조건을 확인하세요

VicSapa Train의 주요 운항지는 어디입니까?

VicSapa Train의 주요 기차 정거장 경로는 다음과 같습니다

  • 하노이
  • 사파 라오 까이

VicSapa Train에서 가장 인기있는 경로는 어디입니까?

여행자들이 즐겨 찾는 기차 여행 경로는 다음과 같습니다VicSapa Train:

VicSapa Train의 열차 클래스 및 가격은 무엇입니까?

여행 기간과 선호도에 따라 야간 여행을 위한 슬리퍼 코치의 1등석 또는 2등석 티켓을 선택하거나 가능한 경우 딱딱한 좌석 또는 부드러운 좌석을 선택할 수 있습니다. 티켓 등급의 선택은 경로와 여행 기간에 따라 다릅니다. 기본적으로 기차에 일등석이 있을 수 있지만 짧은 2시간 동안만 이동하는 경우에는 좌석을 예약할 수 없습니다. 일반적으로 2등석은 장거리 여행에 좋은 선택이며 기차를 타는 데 4-5시간 미만이 소요될 경우 부드러운 좌석이 제공됩니다.

기차 여행의 장단점

기차 여행의 장점

  • 기차 여행의 가장 좋은점은 교통 체증이 없다는 것입니다. 출퇴근 시간, 긴 주말 또는 성수기에도 길이 막히지 않습니다
  • 온라인으로 쉽게 예약할 수 있습니다. 기차역에 가서 표를 예매할 필요가 없어졌습니다!
  • 항공 티켓에 비해 기차표는 저렴한 편이나, 일부 경로의 이동 시간은 비슷할 수 있습니다
  • 기차 여행은 항공편보다 느리지만, 기차역이 주로 도심에 위치해 있어 공항에 가는 것보다 쉽게 도착할 수 있습니다
  • 밤에 이동함으로써 호텔비를 아낄 수 있고, 야간 버스와는 다르게 이동하며 누워서 잠을 잘 수 있습니다
  • 특정 경로에서는 고급 서비스를 제공합니다

기차 여행의 단점

  • 일부 장거리 여행의 경우, 항공편보다 훨씬 더 많은 시간이 소요됩니다
  • 기차는 정시에 운행되지만 시간이 지연될 수 있습니다. 기차가 지연되고 항공편으로 갈아타야 하는 경우, 기차가 역에 도착하는 시간을 주의 깊게 확인하세요
  • 화장실, 2등석과 3등석은 청결하지 않을 수 있습니다
  • 열차가 정차하는 횟수가 많은 경우, 전광판을 제외하고는 정류소가 항상 명확하게 안내되거나 표시되어 있지 않아 내릴 때를 알기 어려운 경우가 있습니다
더 읽어보기

VicSapa Train 인기 경로

하노이 - 사빠
기차 VIP Double Bed
21:35, 22:00
기차 VIP 침대 칸
21:35, 22:00
기차 VIP 침대칸 4x
21:35, 22:00
사빠 - 하노이
기차 VIP Double Bed
20:55, 21:30
기차 VIP 침대 칸
20:55, 21:30
기차 VIP 침대칸 4x
20:55, 21:30
승객 NaN 명

VicSapa Train 일정 및 시간표

기차 번호클래스출발역도착역출발시간도착여행 시간
SP1VIP 침대칸 4x하노이사파 라오 까이21:3505:307h 55m
SP3VIP 침대칸 4x하노이사파 라오 까이22:0005:557h 55m
SP1VIP 침대 칸하노이사파 라오 까이21:3505:307h 55m
SP3VIP 침대 칸하노이사파 라오 까이22:0005:557h 55m
SP2VIP 침대 칸사파 라오 까이하노이20:5504:507h 55m
SP4VIP 침대 칸사파 라오 까이하노이21:3005:257h 55m
SP2VIP 침대칸 4x사파 라오 까이하노이20:5504:507h 55m
SP4VIP 침대칸 4x사파 라오 까이하노이21:3005:257h 55m
SP1VIP Double Bed하노이사파 라오 까이21:3505:307h 55m
SP3VIP Double Bed하노이사파 라오 까이22:0005:557h 55m
SP2VIP Double Bed사파 라오 까이하노이20:5504:507h 55m
SP4VIP Double Bed사파 라오 까이하노이21:3005:257h 55m

VicSapa Train 정거장

하노이사파 라오 까이

VicSapa Train 회사후기

욕실은 매우 나쁜 냄새가 났고 그곳의 온도는 약 35도였습니다.
이 리뷰는 자동 번역되었습니다
기차#SP2 VIP 침대칸 4x, VicSapa Train, 2019. 7. 20.
기차는 정시에 도착했습니다. 공기가 너무 나빠서 잠을 잘 수 없었습니다. 기차는 매우 시끄럽고 완전히 흔들렸습니다. 우리는 때때로 약간의 배멀미를 느꼈습니다. 키가 1.60m보다 크면 침대 크기 때문에 어려움을 겪게 될 것입니다. 짧고 빡빡하며 실제로 편안하지 않습니다. 그것은 재미있는 모험이었지만 긴장을 풀거나 그런 것은 아니었습니다.
이 리뷰는 자동 번역되었습니다
기차#SP1 VIP 침대칸 4x, VicSapa Train, 2019. 4. 3.
모든 것이 계획대로 잘 진행되었습니다. 우리는 우리 셋을 위한 완벽한 객실을 가졌습니다.
이 리뷰는 자동 번역되었습니다
기차#SP2 VIP 침대칸 4x, VicSapa Train, 2019. 1. 20.
대부분의 여정 동안 마차 외부에서 놀라운 소리가 들렸습니다. 일련의 폭발적인 쾅, 땡그랑 소리, 마차 전체에 울려 퍼지는 소음이 마치 마차가 부서지는 것처럼 들렸습니다! 너무 시끄러워서 잠을 자기가 힘들었습니다. 운전사는 밤새도록 몇 차례 급정거를 했고, 그로 인해 당신은 깜짝 놀라 잠에서 깼습니다. 커피를 원하지 않으면 직원이 심술궂게 굴었습니다(120,000 VND!!) 침대는 상당히 편안했지만 무료 스낵/물은 감사했습니다. 또한 12go Asia를 통해 티켓 구매 및 수령 절차가 쉬워졌습니다.
이 리뷰는 자동 번역되었습니다
기차#SP1 VIP 침대칸 4x, VicSapa Train, 2018. 12. 14.
하노이에서 까오라우(Cao Lau)까지 가는 침대 열차에서 보낸 훌륭한 경험이자 매우 편안한 밤이었습니다. 관계자 여러분 모두 수고하셨습니다 :)
이 리뷰는 자동 번역되었습니다
기차#SP1 VIP 침대 칸, VicSapa Train, 2018. 7. 14.
시설은 좋았지만 기차가 시끄럽고 승차감이 매우 울퉁불퉁했습니다. 잠을 거의 자지 못했습니다.
이 리뷰는 자동 번역되었습니다
기차#SP1 VIP 침대 칸, VicSapa Train, 2017. 10. 15.
캐빈은 오래된 목조 스타일이었지만 전용 2침실이 아닌 2인이 사용하는 4침실이었습니다. 화장실을 더 자주 청소할 수 있어요! 예약 시 역 위치가 명확하게 설명되지 않았습니다. 품질은 좋지만 가격이 다소 비쌉니다.
이 리뷰는 자동 번역되었습니다
기차#SP1 VIP 침대 칸, VicSapa Train, 2016. 12. 1.
완벽한 여행, 다과는 좋은 감동이었고 기차에서 더 많이 사기 쉬웠습니다.
이 리뷰는 자동 번역되었습니다
기차#SP1 VIP 침대 칸, VicSapa Train, 2016. 5. 19.
Everything went perfect with 12go, but we could hardly sleep because the bed was as hard as a board
기차#SP4 VIP 침대칸 4x, VicSapa Train, 2023. 10. 27.
As expected from Reading other reviews, if not better. Small carriages with 4 beds (cramped if you are tall. Water and oreos and banannas ready on arrival. Cleaner beds than expected with nice sheets / pillow. Chargers above every bed. Rattly train, never going to be an amazing night's sleep but did the job.
기차#SP3 VIP 침대칸 4x, VicSapa Train, 2023. 10. 1.
Great boarding service with perfectly English speaking staff, free welcome drinks and snacks as well as comfortable and clean amenities. Only the AC did not really manage to cool down the space.
기차#SP3 VIP 침대칸 4x, VicSapa Train, 2023. 6. 18.
The journey and facilities were excellent and clean You are never going to get a great night's sleep on the bouncy, noisy train, but a good experience once.
기차#SP3 VIP 침대칸 4x, VicSapa Train, 2023. 2. 3.
Train was easy to access and on time. Snacks and water were left for us in our 4 person cabin. There were no interruptions we were able to get in and go to sleep. Woke up in Sapa!
기차#SP1 VIP 침대칸 4x, VicSapa Train, 2020. 3. 12.
Our train was cancelled and we were moved to a later train but this was not communicated to us in advance. Otherwise the cabin itself was clean, the beds firm but completely fine to sleep for 6-7 hours on the way to Sapa.
기차#SP1 VIP 침대칸 4x, VicSapa Train, 2020. 3. 10.
"Luxury" is another thing but we sleeped well.
기차#SP1 VIP 침대칸 4x, VicSapa Train, 2020. 2. 16.
Pumpkin train was better
기차#SP2 VIP 침대칸 4x, VicSapa Train, 2019. 11. 11.
Disgustingly dirty bed. The only good part was that the train was on time.
기차#SP1 VIP 침대칸 4x, VicSapa Train, 2019. 11. 10.
great trip
기차#SP2 VIP 침대칸 4x, VicSapa Train, 2019. 10. 15.
Train is little bit noisy. Beds are hard.
기차#SP1 VIP 침대 칸, VicSapa Train, 2019. 10. 13.
The train it self is clean and nice. The beds are to short if you’re european. Also we had a cockroach in our cabin. The train is so bumpy it is hard to sleep.
기차#SP1 VIP 침대 칸, VicSapa Train, 2019. 10. 13.
Booked the 1st class. The room was adequately clean. It was certainly better than when we had Pumpkin Express. There were no bed bugs this time but there are small roaches. They gave us complimentary drinks and snacks. The toilet was unusable and incredibly noisy (from the train and its occupants).
기차#SP2 VIP 침대 칸, VicSapa Train, 2019. 9. 30.
Me and my friend bought ticket for 4 berth cabin and lucky only us on the cabin maybe due to low season. The cabin is bad there is coakcroch everywhere, we have to pay VND 20,000 each for coffee or tea in the morning ( In Fansipan Express it's free). We have to pay VND 10,000 for a cup of hot water. ( In local train vietname railway it's free). In others words our trip from Hanoi to Loa Cai using Fansipan Express is way better compare to Orient Express
기차#SP2 VIP 침대칸 4x, VicSapa Train, 2019. 9. 19.
Pas de cabine à 4 disponibles à l’arrivé, devons négocier pour avoir une place. Le personnel d’Orienexpress nous coupe la ligne téléphonique.
기차#SP2 VIP 침대칸 4x, VicSapa Train, 2019. 9. 19.
The cabin was clean and comfortable. Just seem a bit more vibration than the cabin that we had with King Express for our journey from Hanoi - Lao Cai. But it is definitely not terrible at all.
기차#SP2 VIP 침대 칸, VicSapa Train, 2019. 8. 3.
Awful dirty toilets. Beds and cabins are okay
기차#SP1 VIP 침대칸 4x, VicSapa Train, 2019. 7. 31.
Great experience for what it is. We had the VIP sleeper; it was clean, there was complimentary drinks and snacks (water, 1 can of beer and coke, 2 bananas and some biscuits). The beds are quite hard and not a lot of space in the cabin, but rocked off to sleep quite easily. One thing to note is the address on the ticket voucher; it says to go to the train station at one address, however on arrival to there from the taxi, we were then directed to walk around the block (about 800m) to the other side of the station to exchange our tickets and board the train from there. (It is in the small print I found out after). But overalll pleasant and fun experience
기차#SP1 VIP 침대 칸, VicSapa Train, 2019. 5. 29.
Nice but not realy comfortable
기차#SP1 VIP 침대 칸, VicSapa Train, 2019. 4. 19.
Treno instabile e sporco
기차#SP2 VIP 침대 칸, VicSapa Train, 2019. 4. 14.
The train car was pretty old. The toilet was dirty and covered in either urine or water. The cabin itself was ok, but we killed at least a dozen cockroaches and a couple other insects during our 8 hour ride. We slept maybe an hour of the entire trip because of the insect problem. Overall not a great experience.
기차#SP1 VIP 침대칸 4x, VicSapa Train, 2019. 3. 10.
Return trip - no AIRCON in room. So hot that we had to leave door open. Noisy.
기차#SP2 VIP 침대칸 4x, VicSapa Train, 2019. 2. 28.
Easy to travel on train but beds are very very hard.
기차#SP1 VIP 침대칸 4x, VicSapa Train, 2019. 2. 24.
Bad beds and no aircondition. Nasty toilet. But cheapest one thats why it was "good"
기차#SP1 VIP 침대칸 4x, VicSapa Train, 2019. 2. 22.
Orient Express Vietnam style. Beds were OK we slept great. Clean sheets that no one else had slept in, duvet with clean cover and pillow case. Water, biscuits and banana given for free. The train had suspension. The top bunk was for lying down only no head space to sit up. clean toilet with tissue! Clean cabins.
기차#SP1 VIP 침대칸 4x, VicSapa Train, 2019. 1. 29.
way better than the roach coach we had on the way from Hanoi to Lao Cai
기차#SP2 VIP 침대칸 4x, VicSapa Train, 2018. 12. 7.
Do not go in to this with high expectations. Know that the train is old, beds are uncomfortable, journey is a bit wild and it is very noisy. It’s clean enough, but if you’re expecting luxury then that it is not.
기차#SP1 VIP 침대 칸, VicSapa Train, 2018. 11. 15.
Really hard matrass and aircondition did not work properly. It was burning hot until 1 A.M. when it popped back on. I slept only two hours because of it. Nevertheless a great experience :) the staff looked really busy and a bit stressed. Probably they had a lot of work
기차#SP1 VIP 침대칸 4x, VicSapa Train, 2018. 10. 14.
The onward journey from Hanoi to Lao cai Sapa was awesome !!! But the return journey was terrible, why this partiality ? For the same ticket same company same price.
기차#SP1 VIP 침대칸 4x, VicSapa Train, 2018. 9. 27.
I liked it! I thought it was comfortable and had everything I needed.
기차#SP2 VIP 침대칸 4x, VicSapa Train, 2018. 8. 18.
Is not a compliment, but I think they simply can’t do it better. The train is very old, as the cabin aswell.. we reserved the “private” cabin (if you are 2 you pay for 4), the bunk was rock hard. They include a basquet with water, bananas and some biscuits, and a hitting jar, but no instant coffee or tea (wich you’ll appriciate so much at 5:30 in the morning, but also you’ll have to pay for it). The toilet was disgusting. I think it’s expensive for what you receive, but at this time is the best option to get to Sa Pa.
기차#SP1 VIP 침대 칸, VicSapa Train, 2018. 8. 14.
Quite expensive and no coffe/tea included
기차#SP1 VIP 침대 칸, VicSapa Train, 2018. 8. 14.
Il treno era pulito, personale gentile
기차#SP1 VIP 침대 칸, VicSapa Train, 2018. 7. 28.
Good trip, on time, had a good sleep!
기차#SP2 VIP 침대 칸, VicSapa Train, 2018. 7. 3.
The train was on time, clean and the bedding was clean comfortable. The bunk was rock hard but it’s not a hotel so you can’t expect super comfort. We slept pretty well. Ticket exchange and boarding was pretty smooth once we asked a couple of officials for directions. The interior of the railway car was quite old but we were provided with complementary water, biscuits, fruit and soft drinks. We booked the private compartment for 2 and although expensive it was worth it for the privacy and space for our luggage
기차#SP1 VIP 침대 칸, VicSapa Train, 2018. 6. 30.
Toilets very dirty. Blankets dirty.
기차#SP1 VIP 침대 칸, VicSapa Train, 2018. 6. 2.
Smooth and easy. We liked it :)
기차#SP2 VIP 침대칸 4x, VicSapa Train, 2018. 4. 23.
We originally booked for Sapaly Express but were transferred to "Oriental Express". The agent said they were on similar on all levels. She was so Far From Wrong. We just did the Hanoi to Sapa sleeper train on ET-Pumpkin and they were great. Bunks folded up for our private room for 2 and had electrical outlets. Oriental Express was clean. Mattresses just a uncomfortable firm but we asked for a private room for 2. We got private quarters but there was NO functioning electrical outlets and the top beds were bolted down giving a very Claustrophobic sleeping situation. We got a private room for 2 to avoid that but the extra we paid for was a waste. This company is not good for a private room. I would go with Sapaly or Pumpkin only in the future.
기차#SP2 VIP 침대 칸, VicSapa Train, 2018. 3. 17.
We ordered a 2 bed room, but we get 4 bed room for 2 persons. We ordered soft sleeping beds but we get hard sleeping beds. Very bad. Toilet stinks. In the beginning the airco was very cold. Later it was better. To expensive
기차#SP1 VIP 침대 칸, VicSapa Train, 2018. 3. 14.
The toilet is the worst. However the the bed and the rest was considered fine.
기차#SP2 VIP 침대칸 4x, VicSapa Train, 2018. 3. 10.
Perfect trip. No problems.
기차#SP1 VIP 침대 칸, VicSapa Train, 2018. 2. 24.
The trip was comfortable, the bed was very hard.
기차#SP1 VIP 침대칸 4x, VicSapa Train, 2018. 2. 5.
고객 110 명의 리뷰
83.6% of 110 명의VicSapa Train와의여행경험을만족했다고평가하였습니다