Saigon DMC

고객 212 명의 리뷰
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약 Saigon DMC

택시 여행은 정해진 일정과 경로에 얽매이지 않고 목적지까지 편리하고 즐겁게 이동할 수 있는 방법입니다. 택시는 개인 맞춤형 방문 서비스를 제공합니다. 특별한 요구 사항이 있는 경우 특히 유용합니다. 카시트, 특정 클래스의 자동차, 또는 도중에 여러 곳에서 호출해야 합니다. 안전한 여행을 위해 최소한 며칠 전에 여행을 예약하는 것이 좋습니다.

Saigon DMC은(는) 온라인 예약으로 택시 타기를 제공합니다. 다른 여행자의 리뷰를 확인하여 서비스를 평가하는 방법을 알아보세요.

Saigon DMC의 주요 운항지는 어디입니까?

기본적으로 택시는 서비스 지역 내 거의 모든 곳을 데려다 줄 수 있습니다. 대부분의 택시 회사들은 운영 목적지를 정해놓기도 합니다. 다음은 Saigon DMC가 제공하는 택시로 이동할 수 있는 목적지입니다:

  • 하이퐁 곳
  • 하장
  • 부온마투옷
  • 닌빈 뜨랑 안
  • Phu Yen
  • Bai Dai Beach Phu Quoc
  • 붕따우
  • 하이퐁
  • 하롱
  • 깟바
  • 벤 쩨
  • 달랏
  • 라기
  • Cu Chi
  • 다낭 공항
  • Doc Let Beach
  • 사파
  • Thu Dau Mot
  • 호짬 해변
  • Bao Loc
  • 푸 마이 항구
  • 꽝빈
  • 챠우독
  • 호이안
  • 껀터 공항
  • 미토
  • 푸꾸옥 공항
  • 후에
  • An Thoi
  • Bien Hoa
  • 닌빈
  • Qui Nhon Center
  • 다낭
  • 다랏 공항
  • 바나힐
  • 까이베
  • 목바이 국경
  • 닌빈 호텔 환승역
  • Lang Co
  • 캠 란 공항
  • 투안 추아 섬
  • 판랑
  • 하노이
  • Tam Giang Lagoon
  • Tam Coc
  • 판티엣
  • 마이 차우 호아 빈
  • 하노이 공항
  • 락자
  • 냐짱
  • 라오까이 기차역
  • My Son
  • 롱하이
  • 즈엉 동 타운
  • 따이닌
  • 무이네
  • Bach Ma National Park
  • 깟 띠엔 공원
  • 호치민 공항
  • 옹랑 해변
  • 껀떠
  • 깜라인
  • 하 띠엔
  • 후에 공항
  • 호치민
  • 깟비 공항

Saigon DMC에서 가장 인기있는 경로는 어디입니까?

택시로 원하는 곳 어디든 이동할 수 있으나, 대부분의 여행자들은 다음과 같은 Saigon DMC의 택시 경로르르 선택합니다:

Saigon DMC의 택시 클래스와 요금은 어떻게 됩니까?

Saigon DMC은(는) 다양한 차량을 택시로 사용합니다. 그룹의 인원수와 편안함 수준에 대한 요구 사항에 따라 가장 적합한 차량 등급을 선택할 수 있습니다. 유용한 팁 - 표준 등급을 타는 것이 편안하더라도 상위 등급 차량의 요금을 확인하세요. 예를 들어, 때때로 운영자는 밴에 대해 엄청난 할인을 제공하고 밴 택시는 표준 클래스 차량과 같거나 거의 같은 비용이 들 수 있지만 다리 공간과 수하물 공간이 더 많기 때문에 밴으로 여행하는 것이 확실히 더 편안합니다.

택시 이동의 장단점

택시 이동의 장점

  • 택시로 여행하면 출발 시간, 경로, 경유지를 유연하게 선택할 수 있습니다. 기억해야 할 것은 택시 기사에게 사전에 요구 사항을 알려 적절한 요금을 계산할 수 있도록 하는 것입니다. 그렇지 않으면 최종 청구액이 예상보다 높을 수 있습니다.
  • 택시는 전염병 기간 동안 사회적 거리를 유지할 수 있는 최고의 교통 수단입니다.
  • 택시는 항공편, 기차, 버스, 밴 등으로 이동이 불가할 때 이용할 수 있는 유일한 운송수단입니다.

택시 이동의 단점

  • 택시는 밴 또는 버스를 이용할 때 보다 비용이 많이 들 수 있습니다. 하지만 개인 서비스가 가격에 포함된 것이기 때문에 합리적인 가격이기도 합니다
  • 예상치 못한 경로 이탈 또는 대기 시간이 발생할 경우 추가 비용을 지불해야 할 수 있습니다. 모든 요청에 ​​대해 사전에 논의하고 요금 계산에 포함되도록 하세요.
  • 택시 기사와 같은 언어를 구사한다면, 이동 중 택시 기사가 말을 많이 걸 수도 있습니다.
  • 택시 기사가 교통 체증 또는 상태가 안좋은 길을 피하기 위해 Google Maps가 아닌 다른 경로 또는 지름길로 이동하는 경우 승객이 당황할 수도 있습니다.
더 읽어보기

Saigon DMC 인기 경로

승객 NaN 명

Saigon DMC 정거장

하이퐁 곳하장부온마투옷닌빈 뜨랑 안Phu YenBai Dai Beach Phu Quoc붕따우하이퐁하롱깟바벤 쩨달랏라기Cu Chi다낭 공항Doc Let Beach사파Thu Dau Mot호짬 해변Bao Loc푸 마이 항구꽝빈챠우독호이안껀터 공항미토푸꾸옥 공항후에An ThoiBien Hoa닌빈Qui Nhon Center다낭다랏 공항바나힐까이베목바이 국경닌빈 호텔 환승역Lang Co캠 란 공항투안 추아 섬판랑하노이Tam Giang LagoonTam Coc판티엣마이 차우 호아 빈하노이 공항락자냐짱라오까이 기차역My Son롱하이즈엉 동 타운따이닌무이네Bach Ma National Park깟 띠엔 공원호치민 공항옹랑 해변껀떠깜라인하 띠엔후에 공항호치민깟비 공항

Saigon DMC 회사후기

saigondmc. 예약 후 문의하는 메일에 빠르게 응답해주고, whatsapp을 이용해서 실시간 대화도 가능했습니다. 예약한 시간에 정확히 도착하였고 (생각에 근처에서 기다리다 시간 맞춰서 온 것 같았습니다.) 과속하지 않고 안전하게 운전해 주었고, 가는 동안 3개의 휴게소가 있고, 필요하면 미리 말하라고 하는 등 여러가지로 승객을 배려해 주었습니다. 궁금한 것에 대해서는 번역기를 통해서 잘 알려주었습니다. 감사합니다. 다음에 인연이 닿으면 또 이용하도록 하겠습니다.
택시 SUV 4인승, Saigon DMC, 2024. 1. 9.
호치민 공항에서 Cai Be 항구까지 체계적으로 교통편을 제공합니다. 운전자는 편안하고 안전하게 운전했으며 예상 시간에 도착했습니다.
이 리뷰는 자동 번역되었습니다
택시 SUV 4인승, Saigon DMC, 2023. 10. 20.
훌륭한 서비스. 자동차는 연기 냄새가 나기 때문에 방향제가 필요하지만 그렇지 않으면 예약보다 일찍 Tay Ninh에서 우리를 데려가도록 요청했을 때 운전자는 매우 전문적이고 수용적이었습니다.
이 리뷰는 자동 번역되었습니다
택시 SUV 4인승, Saigon DMC, 2023. 3. 15.
매우 안정적이고 부드러운 드라이버. 추천!
이 리뷰는 자동 번역되었습니다
택시 컴포트 3인승, Saigon DMC, 2023. 2. 17.
환상적 - 우리가 도착했을 때 우리 운전자는 이미 거기에 있었고 또한 매우 친절하고 호의적이며 매우 주의 깊은 운전자였습니다.
이 리뷰는 자동 번역되었습니다
택시 컴포트 3인승, Saigon DMC, 2023. 1. 29.
처음부터 끝까지 전체 경험은 훌륭했습니다.
이 리뷰는 자동 번역되었습니다
택시 SUV 4인승, Saigon DMC, 2023. 1. 12.
Driver was extremely aggressive and often unsafe.
택시 SUV 4인승, Saigon DMC, 2024. 4. 8.
The driver was kind, careful. Vehicle was big for 3 people so we can go very comfortably.
택시 컴포트 3인승, Saigon DMC, 2024. 4. 6.
The driver very punctual and reach airport on time! Thank you for your service
택시 컴포트 3인승, Saigon DMC, 2024. 4. 1.
2nd time that I use this company and both times the provided highly professional drivers and good clean cars. Always on time waiting to pick up. Even the 2nd time when the pickup point was hard to find. I truly appreciated the services. For the 12go app.. Would be good to have a contact possibility via app or something to the transport company in case the driver can't find it or if the customer provided a wrong address.
택시 컴포트 3인승, Saigon DMC, 2024. 3. 24.
Driver was on time. Meeting me at the airport in 5 minutes even though I was 45 minutes early. Perfect ride in comfortable can. He even called my AirBnb host to make sure my arrival at condo went well. A truly 5 star experience.
택시 컴포트 3인승, Saigon DMC, 2024. 3. 11.
All as planned, nice service.
택시 컴포트 3인승, Saigon DMC, 2024. 3. 1.
Perfect transfer. Driver was on time and the car was spacious and comfortable.
택시 컴포트 3인승, Saigon DMC, 2024. 2. 29.
My bad, the comment below was for another company. Saigon DMC driver was perfect, he arrived 30 min before to the meeting point, stopped whenever we wanted on the way, and we arrived on time (even earlier). Thank you
택시 SUV 4인승, Saigon DMC, 2024. 2. 11.
Very good, maresses could be a bit thicker. Blancket was perfect.
택시 SUV 4인승, Saigon DMC, 2024. 1. 31.
Fantastico, recommended, nice car and professional driver.
택시 컴포트 3인승, Saigon DMC, 2024. 1. 24.
The driver was early, and pick up/drop off went effortlessly. No issues!
택시 컴포트 3인승, Saigon DMC, 2024. 1. 7.
Almost new car in very good condition, spacious SUV (although we‘ve only booked a smaller car), very friendly and good driver, good contact with provider over WhatsApp - all in all an excellent experience
택시 컴포트 3인승, Saigon DMC, 2023. 12. 18.
Although the driver did not speak English, he was very friendly and politely took us to our pre-specified destination. Fares are cheap, and I can rest assured knowing the fare in advance.
택시 컴포트 3인승, Saigon DMC, 2023. 12. 8.
The pick-up was really sketchy as we had to walk several blocks to the car. It negates the idea of door-to-door service. There was plenty of room for pickup on the doorstep of the hotel. I was barely ambulatory which is why I wanted door-to-door service in the first place, otherwise I would've taken a sleeper bus. I feel I wasted money on a service I didn't receive. Driver was nice and professional otherwise.
택시 컴포트 3인승, Saigon DMC, 2023. 12. 6.
Driver seemed friendly enough, but had a few stops where they delivered parcels on the way. Reason chose the car was for direct route, not go elsewhere along the way using our time. During drive driver turn down aircon as he said too noisy. Would not recommend
택시 SUV 4인승, Saigon DMC, 2023. 11. 28.
Very helpfull. Professionnal. Clean car. Driver was kind. Many toilet stop if meeded.
택시 컴포트 3인승, Saigon DMC, 2023. 11. 27.
Punctual. Organized. Easy pick up with a sign at the airport. Easy drop off at the other end. Safe driving. Helped us with our luggage. Helpful. Professional.
택시 컴포트 3인승, Saigon DMC, 2023. 11. 19.
Safe driver. Very relaxed ride.
택시 컴포트 3인승, Saigon DMC, 2023. 11. 18.
Very clear with information and very friendly.
택시 컴포트 3인승, Saigon DMC, 2023. 11. 16.
Everything was very good, except the arrival time did not match with Ehe proposed time due to an always heavy traffic. This needs adjustment. The driver was very punctual in the morning.
택시 컴포트 3인승, Saigon DMC, 2023. 11. 2.
Our driver was spectacular kind and thoughtful driver. He spoke great Vietnamese and was able to use google translate if required. We didn't need his communication skills with non verbal cues was great. Picked us up perfectly timed and was a little early and waited without any stress. He was great. Dropped us off at the hotel in nha Trang as per my paste into the booking. As I booked an apartment rather the a hotel he was very careful to make sure I was at the right place as. It was perfect. He did a great relaxed job and considering the noise amdstress of that road as there is some road works I'd highly recommend getting this for 3 people. It was easy and well prepared car.
택시 컴포트 3인승, Saigon DMC, 2023. 10. 31.
Nice drive, safe and comfortable. Unfortunately the car arrived 45 minutes late.
택시 밴 9인승, Saigon DMC, 2023. 10. 29.
On time
택시 컴포트 3인승, Saigon DMC, 2023. 10. 22.
Driver was on time. Drove a little recklessly towards the end but there was more traffic too so hard to tell if it was his fault. He did ask for money at the end too which I found a little weird and didn’t read anything about this on the website or other reviews. Overall it was a good trip though and would use again for an airport transfer.
택시 SUV 4인승, Saigon DMC, 2023. 9. 25.
It was so good trip, and thank u for your service.
택시 컴포트 3인승, Saigon DMC, 2023. 9. 14.
All together it was flawless. No delays. Tuan as an operator was always responsive, gave all info needed automatically. Kien drove us their. He was polite and super professional. Really wished I spoke Vietnamese as he seems like a really nice guy! We got REALLY bad weather going up to Sa Pa. Road became flooded like a river. Trees falling, stones and chairs rolling down…pretty bad. He kept calm, knew when to wait and when to go, always using google translator to communicate with us and keep us relaxed. His past experience as truck driver really showed. Would love to work with Tuan and Kien again! 100% worth the money.
택시 컴포트 3인승, Saigon DMC, 2023. 9. 14.
The driver was in time. He was friendly and took us safe from Ho Chi Minh City to Mui Ne.
택시 컴포트 3인승, Saigon DMC, 2023. 9. 5.
Use several times this car company. Always on time, always good driver, always good car and prices are cheap
택시 SUV 4인승, Saigon DMC, 2023. 9. 2.
Wonderful communication via WhatsApp to make arrival and finding driver easy, great service from driver
택시 컴포트 3인승, Saigon DMC, 2023. 9. 1.
The driver has been On time , kind and safe on the way. Many thanks
택시 SUV 4인승, Saigon DMC, 2023. 8. 27.
The only issue was the seatbelt in the back seat was broken. The driver was great and very considerate.
택시 SUV 4인승, Saigon DMC, 2023. 8. 25.
It was a SUV but sadly a bit old. Anyway… we had a good and fast trip.
택시 SUV 4인승, Saigon DMC, 2023. 8. 23.
Our trip was quick, comfortable and car was clean.
택시 SUV 4인승, Saigon DMC, 2023. 8. 21.
Our flight was delayed. Driver was waiting us patiently and met successfully at the airport. Comfortable transfer along the long distance to Sapa.
택시 SUV 4인승, Saigon DMC, 2023. 8. 17.
Clean private car Helpful driver, safe journey Nothing to complain about, Saigon DMC Travel was my good choice for the trip from Hue to Hoi An last week and will be my choice for the next time..
택시 SUV 4인승, Saigon DMC, 2023. 8. 16.
Careful driver and car was fine. The driver was one time
택시 SUV 4인승, Saigon DMC, 2023. 8. 11.
The driver was on time and drove safely
택시 컴포트 3인승, Saigon DMC, 2023. 8. 9.
It went fine, but the driver took a longer road... Could it be for avoiding paying a toll?
택시 컴포트 3인승, Saigon DMC, 2023. 8. 1.
Driver arrived early and helped with heavy luggages. Very polite and offered us a break during the journey in which we declined, however he still cane back straight away. We wouldn't have minded if he needs a break.
택시 컴포트 3인승, Saigon DMC, 2023. 7. 28.
We did a lot of research before going to Vietnam and Saigon dmc kept coming up as the transfer service to use between Saigon and Mui Ne. We used their cars twice in 10 days. From the first point of contact with Tuan to meeting the drivers on time and being expertly navigated through the hectic traffic and road conditions of Vietnam, both transfers were excellent. Very good experience and highly recommend this company for private car hire.
택시 SUV 4인승, Saigon DMC, 2023. 7. 20.
Punctual and easy to locate driver.
택시 컴포트 3인승, Saigon DMC, 2023. 7. 16.
It was fine. The driver stopped at 2 hours of 4 for us to go to the toilet. No English at all, and was following a map that took him up a goat track that cars couldn’t drive on and we had to turn back. Wasted about 15 mins.
택시 컴포트 3인승, Saigon DMC, 2023. 7. 16.
I have booked transportation twice with SaigonDMC. Once for a long trip from Vung Tau to Ho Chi Minh City and the second time from HCM city to the airport. For both times, I had an excellent service from the company which was very responsive via text messages to confirm the trips and provide information about the véhicules. Moreover, for both times, the drivers were waiting for us at the time chosen for the transport ensuring that we weren’t late for the next part of our journey. I highly recommend the service of this reliable company.
택시 SUV 4인승, Saigon DMC, 2023. 7. 10.
Driver was very kind and kept us informed. Even though he did not know much english, he used the translator to explain anything we needed. He also stopped at places we asked him to. At the end, we forgot one piece of luggage and only realized couple hours later. He must have realized by himself, dropped it to our hotel without making any fuss about it. Overall highly recommend!
택시 SUV 4인승, Saigon DMC, 2023. 7. 5.
고객 212 명의 리뷰
98.1% of 212 명의Saigon DMC와의여행경험을만족했다고평가하였습니다