21 5월 2024

Niomit Tour

고객 461 명의 리뷰
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약 Niomit Tour

버스는 전국에 수많은 터미널이 있고 편리한 시간표가 있어 여행 계획을 세우는 데 도움이 되는 가장 저렴한 교통 수단입니다. 버스는 적은 예산으로 편안함을 원할 경우, 편리한 옵션입니다. Niomit Tour은(는) 온라인 예약이 가능한 버스 서비스를 제공합니다. 항공권을 예약하기 전에 다른 여행자의 리뷰를 읽고 최적의 선택을 하세요.

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버스 여행 가격은 목적지와 티켓 등급에 따라 달라집니다. 특정 노선에서 모든 티켓 등급을 이용할 수 있는 것은 아니지만 장거리 여행의 경우 거의 항상 좋은 옵션을 선택할 수 있습니다. 가장 편리한 야간 여행을 위해 슬리퍼 코치를 선택하세요. 슬리퍼 버스는 일반적으로 침대 또는 푹신한 등받이가 있는 좌석을 갖추고 있으며 버스 내 화장실이 있고, 티켓에는 간식이나 점심과 같은 사항이 포함되어 있을 수 있습니다. 호텔 방을 절약하려면 야간 버스를 타는 것도 좋은 생각입니다. 낮에는 급행 서비스가 일반 또는 표준 클래스 버스보다 정차 횟수가 적고 이동 속도가 빠르기 때문에 종종 가성비가 가장 좋습니다. 일부 경로에서는 올바른 클래스를 선택하는 것이 중요할 수 있습니다. 예를 들어 일반 또는 2등석 버스가 1등석 또는 고속 버스가 2시간 동안 이동하는 거리를 이동하려면 약 6시간이 필요할 수 있습니다!

버스 여행의 장단점

버스 여행의 장점

  • 버스는 일반적으로 가장 광범위한 목적지 네트워크를 자랑합니다. 비행기나 기차로도 갈 수 없는 곳을 여행합니다.
  • 버스로 여행하는 것은 쉽습니다. 버스 터미널에 많이 일찍 도착할 필요가 없으며 체크인은 일반적으로 비행기 여행과 반대되는 매우 빠른 수속입니다.
  • 버스 티켓은 매우 저렴합니다. 예를 들어, 값 비싼 일등석 또는 VIP 옵션이 있지만 예산이 충분하다면 버스가 가장 먼저 생각해야 할 교통 수단입니다.
  • 동시에 모든 예산에 맞는 다양한 좌석 등급이 있습니다. 더 높은 수준의 편안함을 추구한다면 가장 높은 등급의 좌석을 탈 수 있습니다.

버스 여행의 단점

  • 시외버스터미널은 도심 외곽 외곽에 위치할 수 있습니다. 이것은 거기에 도착하기 위해 추가 시간과 돈을 계산해야 한다는 것을 의미합니다. 버스 터미널에서 오는 특정 목적지에서는 제한된 수의 운송 회사만 해당 노선을 운행할 수 있고 가격이 부풀려질 수 있기 때문에 예상보다 더 많은 비용이 들 수 있습니다.
  • 주말이나 성수기에는 일부 관광지로 가는 버스가 조기 마감될 수 있으며 사전 예약이 필요합니다.
  • 버스는 페리처럼 날씨에 영향을 받지 않지만 악천후 또는 도로 상황으로 인해 버스 여행이 지연되거나 취소될 수도 있습니다. 특정 계절 또는 특정 목적지로 여행하는 경우 이 점을 염두해두세요.
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Niomit Tour 회사후기

고객 461 명의 리뷰
버스 VIP 24, Niomit Tour, 2020. 2. 3.
We had an accident with a pick up and we lost 2hours. It was very long an any information we had. Thé driver didnt communicate with thé people
버스 VIP 24, Niomit Tour, 2020. 2. 1.
Because he puts on the whole light in the bus during the stops.... so everybody awake
버스 VIP 24, Niomit Tour, 2020. 1. 2.
Trip to Ranong from Bangkok was very smooth, comfortable seat, little snack, juice and water, the only flaw that almost ruined it was a water leak it started raining about halfway there and I woke up cause I got rained on. Luckily the bus wasn't full so I switched seat. Thank you for bringing me safe and sound to destination.
버스 VIP 24, Niomit Tour, 2019. 11. 21.
Pünktliche Abfahrt. Bequeme Sitze mit sehr viel Beinfreiheit. Man bekommt einen kleinen Snack, Wasser und Saft, sowie eine Decke und ein Kissen für die Fahrt. Der Bus macht nach ca. der halben Strecke einen kleinen Stop an einer Raststätte. Waren dann trotzdem schon 1 Stunde vor der geplanten Ankunft am Zielort. Jederzeit wieder.
버스 VIP 24, Niomit Tour, 2019. 3. 9.
Back seats were brocken, as was the aircon (you couldn't close the lid), there were 4 instead of 3 seats in the last row!
버스 VIP 24, Niomit Tour, 2019. 1. 12.
sehr bequeme und verstellbare Sitze (Rückenteil und Fussteil), es gab ein Kissen und eine Decke. Außerdem Wasser, Saft und einen kleinen Snack im Bus. Während der Fahrt machten wir einen Stop und bekamen auch eine warme Mahlzeit. Mehr Platz als in jedem Flieger also nur zu empfehlen.
버스 VIP 24, Niomit Tour, 2018. 12. 28.
Bequeme Sitze, es fühlte sich an wie in einem Liegestuhl, besser als in jedem Bus in Europa! Leckerer Bananenkuchen! Der Bus wurde sicher von A nach B gefahren!
버스 VIP 24, Niomit Tour, 2018. 11. 8.
Better than I expected. I would have preferred the stops to be announced when we stop for a toilet break or at our destination! Also I think if the company was to provide dried fruits instead of an artifical baked bun they might get more people enjoying the offer. Can their not be water refills instead of plastic bottles. I know how Thailand are trying to reduce plastic waste. Thank you!
버스 VIP, Niomit Tour, 2018. 8. 6.
The trip was actually very smooth, uneventful and with very few passengers. Reached destination an hour earlier. Only reason for 3 stars is the lack of the usual service (food, drinks) apart from one small bottle of water, and that they threw my bag in a puddle upon arrival.
버스 VIP 24, Niomit Tour, 2018. 2. 11.
Sehr pünktlich, sicher, ruhig und angenehm nach Ranong. Früher angekommen als geplant, dh wir konnten sogar drei Boote früher auf die Insel übersetzen! Warme Kleidung für den Bus einpacken.
버스 VIP 24, Niomit Tour, 2017. 12. 6.
Der Bus ist pünktlich losgefahren, Sitze zum liegen breit, bequem und viel Beinfreiheit. Leider waren die Strassen in Chumphon stark unter Wasser, der Chauffeur fuhr so lange durch die überschwemmten Strassen, bis er umkehren musste und es locker eine Alternativstrasse gab, welche problemlos begahrbar war. Unser Gepäck war dementsprechend feucht.,,, sonst wäre alles gut gewesen
버스 VIP 24, Niomit Tour, 2017. 8. 4.
Comfortable bus with plenty of leg room. Plenty of refreshments given and even a blanket too! There was also a toilet on the bus which is always a bonus!
버스 VIP 24, Niomit Tour, 2017. 1. 26.
Gut organisiert, aber ich bin schon in besseren Bussen gefahren. Die Sitze waren defekt,so auch die Lüftung. Meine bestand nur aus einem Loch und ich konnte sie nicht schließen und musste die Löcher mit Taschentücher stopfen. Die Klimaanlage war auf gefühlte -2 Grad eingestellt. Trotz Pulli,Jacke und langer Hose habe ich gefroren und konnte kaum schlafen. Der Stopp diente nur zum Verkauf von Süßwaren. Richtiges Essen gabs nicht wirklich und dafür hätte auch die Zeit nicht gereicht. Hab ich alles schon besser erlebt. Was mir bei jeder Fahrt bisher gefehlt hat,waren vegetarische Snacks.
버스 VIP, Niomit Tour, 2017. 1. 10.
Le bus est parti vers ranong et a fait demi tour a cause des inondations .les passagers qui le souhaitaient été remboursés et le bus nous a déposé en centre ville pres des hotels car la station routière est éloignée de bangkok.
버스 VIP 24, Niomit Tour, 2016. 12. 21.
The seats are comfortable even for me as a tal person. The food you get at midnight was for me not enjoyable. Try to get good food before the journey and have some nuts or fruits for the ride.
버스 VIP 24, Niomit Tour, 2016. 11. 13.
Sehr komfortabel! Kleiner Snack und Wasser sind inklusive außerdem eine Decke und ein Kissen. Kann ich nur empfehlen.
버스 VIP 24, Niomit Tour, 2016. 6. 14.
The bus was too cold and staff wasn't helpful this time.
버스 VIP, Niomit Tour, 2016. 4. 18.
After reading some of these comments we were apprehensive about going on this bus. But we had no issues, no smelly toilet,no bus breakdowns and the staff were pleasant enough. The journey was very comfortable. One warning, unless you tell them specifically to drop you off at the main bus station which is the 1st stop, they will take you to the bus depot where a swarm of tuk tuk drivers are waiting for you. We ended up at the 2nd stop and had to walk back to the Ranong bus station(less than 1km away) and then took a songethaw to the pier. No big deal in the end.
버스 VIP, Niomit Tour, 2016. 3. 5.
The bus was okay, but the transfer to the pier was not included.. They don't say this in the e-mail they send you!!!!
버스 VIP 24, Niomit Tour, 2016. 2. 22.
Quite comfortable seats but not comfortable enough for a good sleep. Drinks, a snack, a pilow and planket provided. Small lights for reading didn't work. Temperature was fine, not too Col or too hot. Staff was nice but did not understand much English.
버스 VIP 24, Niomit Tour, 2016. 2. 10.
The bus was very confy. The information a bit insufficient and they should have at least the most important facts in English to avoid confusion. The hostess didnt seem to enjoy her work so much but hey, dont blame her. In the middle of the night we stopped once in a place you could buy snacks and use the toilet but again no info in English. Then we were stopped by military looking guys who were checking the bus very quickly. No idea what it was about. When in Ranong there was transportation to the ferry pier which was great. The bus arrived 1hr 15min late but that was ok because the first speed boat to Phayam left only at 7.30. Maybe they could change the schedule a bit so that it would match better the ferry timetable and travellers would arrive at more human hours to Ranong?
버스 VIP 24, Niomit Tour, 2016. 2. 2.
Comfortable bus but crazy driver, so it is very difficult to sleep. toilet dirty and very smelly - it smelled like urin the entire trip... Rude stewardess accompaning the route.
버스 VIP 24, Niomit Tour, 2016. 1. 26.
The bus was comfortable, it was a good trip. Slightly confusing where to get off towards the end. If the lady doesn't speak English, maybe she could hold up a board with information on, like name of the stop, or where to get tickets. I noticed some of the older people and also myself with a young child was very nervous of climbing up the pier at koh phayam. Would there be anywhere to make it easier? My friend left their camera on the coach, and managed to arrange to get it sent with the next boat to koh phayam, very honest helpful people. Also, you can't beat a bit of bob marley after a 11 hour trip! Thanks to our drivers to the speedboat!xxxx
버스 VIP 24, Niomit Tour, 2016. 1. 19.
the trip was comfortable and nice. not the vest ever, but nothing special to complain
버스 VIP 24, Niomit Tour, 2015. 12. 11.
Bus kam etwas später , schlechte Info vor Ort in Ranong. Gute Sitze , könnten noch etwas flacher zum schlafen einstellbar sein . Die Fußstützen müssten definitiv höher gestellt werden , ansonsten gute Betreuung , Wasser , Snack , Saft inclusive ...
버스 VIP, Niomit Tour, 2015. 11. 5.
Bus broke down which was unfortunate otherwise fine
버스 급행, Niomit Tour, 2015. 4. 24.
Didn't know the bus only made a very brief stop at the Ranong bus terminal and since the attendant only announced it in Thai we didn't even know we had arrived until we were pulling out. The attendant had the driver stop but he was rushing us off and so several items- including a phone-were left behind. When we had our hotel call later about the items, we were told the attendant had found them but another rider must have stolen them because she couldn't find them at the end of the ride. Just seems a little suspicious because if she found them wouldn't she have put them in a safe place to turn into lost and found later? Why even bother telling us she found them? Won't use them again after this trip.
버스 급행, Niomit Tour, 2015. 3. 19.
ที่นั่งไม่ค่อยเหมาะสำหรับคนสูง 185 cm.
버스 VIP, Niomit Tour, 2015. 3. 1.
Alles super,nach kurzer Verwirrung, über den abfahrtsort,hat alles super funktioniert. Man muss direkt zum Sitz des Anbieters im ranong,wo die Busse stehen und das Büro ist.Jeder Taxifahrer weiß wo... Diesmal war die Temperatur im Bus leider etwas kalt und die luftklappen nicht zu schließen. Dickes ➕ der Bus hat uns bis nähe kaoh San mitgenommen und somit Taxi vom Südterminal gespart!
버스 급행, Niomit Tour, 2015. 1. 6.
all worked well good leg space we had 30 minutes delay very nice food on the way thanks roger
버스 VIP, Niomit Tour, 2020. 3. 23.
Leg room was amazing, you have a good meter if not 1.5m in front of you, so you can properly recline your seat, almost horizontally. You get a blanket, a small pillow, a bottle of water and a small pack of snacks. The bus is a bit run down, but nothing dramatic. The weird thing is the stop in the middle of the night at a 24hours restaurant (it was around 12am/1am), where you don't realise how long you have, if you have time for getting food, and it's a bit stressful. Having a sandwich ready with you will make it easier I reckon.
버스 VIP 24, Niomit Tour, 2020. 3. 9.
No information about any stops in between and the length of it and about the arrival time. I nearly missed the boat to the Islands. A bit more conversation between staff and costumers was great! The luggage was handled very rude.
버스 VIP 24, Niomit Tour, 2020. 2. 6.
Boarding the bus was confusing. I couldn't find the office booth to get my ticket. Otherwise everything was good.
버스 VIP 24, Niomit Tour, 2020. 2. 3.
We crashed. But wasn't bus company's fault.
버스 VIP, Niomit Tour, 2020. 1. 19.
No real problems everything was great. Some things a little unclear but it worked out great. Wasn’t as uncomfortable as I expected but I didn’t manage to sleep.
버스 VIP, Niomit Tour, 2020. 1. 3.
The bus was on time and the staff is quite nice but the bus was very old and in bad condition so I rate only 2 stars.
버스 VIP 24, Niomit Tour, 2019. 12. 31.
The bus was old and very noisy. The lamps over the seats didn't work.
버스 VIP 24, Niomit Tour, 2019. 12. 19.
I couldn’t choose my seat. Only 2 available but there were seats available
버스 VIP 24, Niomit Tour, 2019. 12. 2.
Drivers were incredibly loud talking during the Night
버스 VIP 24, Niomit Tour, 2019. 11. 23.
Unfriendly crew, no service on board, defunct safety belts, defunct toilet, busdriver smoking in the cabin, too many stops, noisily talking crew prevented us from sleeping. No free meal. The only positive: We arrived safely after all and in time. Don't book at Newmits Tours, others offer better service
버스 VIP 24, Niomit Tour, 2019. 11. 20.
Happy to find a bus, correct indication Arrive in perfect time
버스 VIP 24, Niomit Tour, 2019. 11. 18.
we use 12go via niomit every year. Good service, friendly stuff, usefull information from 12go. Traveling in asia sometimes tricky but everytimes it works because Thai staff find suitable solutions.
버스 VIP 24, Niomit Tour, 2019. 11. 18.
Bus and staff was very good
버스 VIP 24, Niomit Tour, 2019. 5. 31.
Very nice bus and quiet comfy! Pontual :) 12go is the best thing for people who are traveling to Asia !!!!
버스 VIP, Niomit Tour, 2019. 5. 1.
The bus driver is good-driving and arrive Ranong earlier than estimated. However, seats are not clean and the air-condition is not strong enough. It should be more well-prepared to become a good selection.
버스 VIP 24, Niomit Tour, 2019. 3. 3.
버스 VIP, Niomit Tour, 2019. 2. 23.
Molto confortevole il viaggio. Posti molto spaziosi e distanti, personale gentile e a disposizione mettono coperta pulita, cuscino,acqua,biscotti e salviette rinfrescanti. Forse un pochino troppa aria condizionata.
버스 VIP, Niomit Tour, 2019. 2. 18.
Pretty quick, well organised. Fairly comfy and not too cold. Beware, the ticket desk is not written as Niomit but instead New Writ. Quiet coach, arrived an hour early
버스 VIP, Niomit Tour, 2019. 1. 31.
Good service - i had to change the bus because whater where droppng down from de aircondition but they handeledbwell
버스 VIP, Niomit Tour, 2019. 1. 12.
Hey hey ... i am a bit confused. The Lady at the southern Bus Terminal says to me that i had booked for 4 persons... and i think thats the Tessin while i payed around 30€ for the onewayticket... my voucher says 2 persons, ne and my daughter... it will be very nice if you can give me a groupon for the way back from ranong to Bangkok...please let me know if its possible... big greets from kho phayam , Rhiana Riechers