Lotus Phibun Tour

고객 55 명의 리뷰
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  • 인기 경로
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  • 리뷰
  • 일정 및 시간표

약 Lotus Phibun Tour

버스는 전국에 수많은 터미널이 있고 편리한 시간표가 있어 여행 계획을 세우는 데 도움이 되는 가장 저렴한 교통 수단입니다. 버스는 적은 예산으로 편안함을 원할 경우, 편리한 옵션입니다. Lotus Phibun Tour은(는) 온라인 예약이 가능한 버스 서비스를 제공합니다. 항공권을 예약하기 전에 다른 여행자의 리뷰를 읽고 최적의 선택을 하세요.

Lotus Phibun Tour의 주요 운항지는 어디입니까?

Lotus Phibun Tour 는 다음의 목적지에 출발 및 도착합니다:

  • 나콘 파놈
  • Phibun Mangsahan
  • 사콘 나콘 버스 터미널 2
  • 종 멕
  • 모르칫
  • 우본 랏차타니
  • 븡깐 버스 터미널

Lotus Phibun Tour의 버스 클래스 및 가격은 무엇입니까?

버스 여행 가격은 목적지와 티켓 등급에 따라 달라집니다. 특정 노선에서 모든 티켓 등급을 이용할 수 있는 것은 아니지만 장거리 여행의 경우 거의 항상 좋은 옵션을 선택할 수 있습니다. 가장 편리한 야간 여행을 위해 슬리퍼 코치를 선택하세요. 슬리퍼 버스는 일반적으로 침대 또는 푹신한 등받이가 있는 좌석을 갖추고 있으며 버스 내 화장실이 있고, 티켓에는 간식이나 점심과 같은 사항이 포함되어 있을 수 있습니다. 호텔 방을 절약하려면 야간 버스를 타는 것도 좋은 생각입니다. 낮에는 급행 서비스가 일반 또는 표준 클래스 버스보다 정차 횟수가 적고 이동 속도가 빠르기 때문에 종종 가성비가 가장 좋습니다. 일부 경로에서는 올바른 클래스를 선택하는 것이 중요할 수 있습니다. 예를 들어 일반 또는 2등석 버스가 1등석 또는 고속 버스가 2시간 동안 이동하는 거리를 이동하려면 약 6시간이 필요할 수 있습니다!

버스 여행의 장단점

버스 여행의 장점

  • 버스는 일반적으로 가장 광범위한 목적지 네트워크를 자랑합니다. 비행기나 기차로도 갈 수 없는 곳을 여행합니다.
  • 버스로 여행하는 것은 쉽습니다. 버스 터미널에 많이 일찍 도착할 필요가 없으며 체크인은 일반적으로 비행기 여행과 반대되는 매우 빠른 수속입니다.
  • 버스 티켓은 매우 저렴합니다. 예를 들어, 값 비싼 일등석 또는 VIP 옵션이 있지만 예산이 충분하다면 버스가 가장 먼저 생각해야 할 교통 수단입니다.
  • 동시에 모든 예산에 맞는 다양한 좌석 등급이 있습니다. 더 높은 수준의 편안함을 추구한다면 가장 높은 등급의 좌석을 탈 수 있습니다.

버스 여행의 단점

  • 시외버스터미널은 도심 외곽 외곽에 위치할 수 있습니다. 이것은 거기에 도착하기 위해 추가 시간과 돈을 계산해야 한다는 것을 의미합니다. 버스 터미널에서 오는 특정 목적지에서는 제한된 수의 운송 회사만 해당 노선을 운행할 수 있고 가격이 부풀려질 수 있기 때문에 예상보다 더 많은 비용이 들 수 있습니다.
  • 주말이나 성수기에는 일부 관광지로 가는 버스가 조기 마감될 수 있으며 사전 예약이 필요합니다.
  • 버스는 페리처럼 날씨에 영향을 받지 않지만 악천후 또는 도로 상황으로 인해 버스 여행이 지연되거나 취소될 수도 있습니다. 특정 계절 또는 특정 목적지로 여행하는 경우 이 점을 염두해두세요.
더 읽어보기

Lotus Phibun Tour 인기 경로

우본랏차타니 주 - 방콕
버스 VIP 24
08:30, 10:30, 11:45, 13:30, 13:45, 15:15, 15:30, 15:45, 15:50, 17:15, 17:30, 17:45, 17:50, 19:15, 19:30
버스 급행
07:45, 08:30, 10:30, 11:30, 11:45, 12:30, 13:30, 13:45, 14:30, 15:30, 15:45, 17:30, 18:00, 18:15, 19:30, 19:45, 20:00, 20:15
버스 VIP
08:30, 10:30, 11:00, 11:30, 11:45, 13:00, 13:30, 13:45, 15:15, 15:30, 15:45, 15:50, 17:15, 17:30, 17:45, 17:50, 19:15
나콘파놈 주 - 방콕
버스 VIP
08:15, 16:30, 17:00, 17:15, 18:00, 18:15, 18:30
버스 급행
17:00, 17:15, 17:30, 18:00, 18:15, 18:30
버스 VIP 24
08:15, 16:30, 17:00, 17:15, 18:00, 18:15, 18:30
방콕 - 시사껫 주
버스 VIP
07:30, 07:45, 14:30, 15:30, 16:00, 16:30, 18:00, 18:15, 18:20, 18:30, 19:45, 21:30, 21:45
버스 VIP 24
07:45, 14:30, 18:00, 18:15, 18:30, 20:30, 21:30
버스 급행
00:00, 07:30, 07:45, 14:30, 14:45, 15:30, 16:00, 16:15, 16:30, 18:15, 19:45, 21:30, 21:45
븡깐 주 - 방콕
16:45, 17:00, 17:30
방콕 - 우돈타니
00:00, 18:45, 19:15, 20:45
방콕 - 농카이
00:00, 18:45, 19:00, 19:15
방콕 - 나콘파놈 주
버스 VIP
17:30, 17:50, 18:15, 18:30, 20:30
버스 급행
16:40, 18:30, 18:40, 18:50, 19:00, 19:40, 20:00, 20:15, 20:30, 20:50
버스 VIP 24
17:30, 17:50, 18:15, 18:30, 20:30
방콕 - 븡깐 주
버스 VIP
19:30, 19:50
버스 급행
00:00, 18:20, 18:45, 19:00, 19:15, 19:30
버스 VIP 24
19:30, 19:50
방콕 - 우본랏차타니 주
버스 VIP
07:30, 07:45, 14:30, 15:30, 16:00, 16:30, 18:00, 18:15, 18:20, 18:30, 19:45, 21:30, 21:45
버스 급행
00:00, 07:30, 07:45, 14:30, 14:45, 15:30, 16:00, 16:15, 16:30, 18:15, 19:45, 21:30, 21:45
버스 VIP 24
07:45, 14:30, 16:30, 17:00, 18:00, 18:15, 18:30, 20:00, 20:15, 20:30, 21:00, 21:30
방콕 - 사꼰나콘 주
버스 VIP
18:30, 19:30, 19:50, 20:45
버스 급행
18:20, 18:30, 19:00, 19:30, 19:40, 20:15, 20:30, 20:50
버스 VIP 24
18:30, 19:30, 19:50, 20:45
승객 NaN 명

Lotus Phibun Tour 일정 및 시간표

클래스출발역도착역출발시간도착여행 시간
급행모르칫농 카이18:4503:308h 45m
급행모르칫우본 랏차타니21:4510:1512h 30m
급행모르칫우본 랏차타니21:3010:0012h 30m
급행모르칫우본 랏차타니19:4505:4510h 0m
급행모르칫우본 랏차타니18:1504:059h 50m
급행모르칫우본 랏차타니16:3002:209h 50m
급행모르칫우본 랏차타니16:1502:059h 50m
급행모르칫우본 랏차타니16:0001:509h 50m
급행모르칫우본 랏차타니15:3001:209h 50m
급행모르칫우본 랏차타니14:4500:359h 50m
급행모르칫우본 랏차타니14:3000:209h 50m
급행모르칫우본 랏차타니07:4517:359h 50m
급행모르칫우본 랏차타니07:3017:209h 50m
급행모르칫우본 랏차타니00:0009:509h 50m
급행우본 랏차타니모르칫20:1505:008h 45m
급행우본 랏차타니모르칫20:0004:458h 45m
급행우본 랏차타니모르칫19:4504:158h 30m
급행우본 랏차타니모르칫19:3004:008h 30m
급행우본 랏차타니모르칫17:3002:158h 45m
급행우본 랏차타니모르칫15:4500:308h 45m
급행우본 랏차타니모르칫15:3000:158h 45m
급행우본 랏차타니모르칫14:3023:158h 45m
급행우본 랏차타니모르칫13:4522:308h 45m
급행우본 랏차타니모르칫13:3022:158h 45m
급행우본 랏차타니모르칫10:3019:158h 45m
급행우본 랏차타니모르칫08:3017:309h 0m
급행븡깐 버스 터미널모르칫17:3004:0010h 30m
급행븡깐 버스 터미널모르칫17:0004:4011h 40m
급행븡깐 버스 터미널모르칫16:4503:1510h 30m
급행모르칫븡깐 버스 터미널19:1507:0511h 50m

Lotus Phibun Tour 정거장

나콘 파놈Phibun Mangsahan사콘 나콘 버스 터미널 2종 멕모르칫우본 랏차타니븡깐 버스 터미널

Lotus Phibun Tour 회사후기

버스는 적시에 목적지를 왕복하며 음식/시장 휴식을 위해 한 번 정차합니다. 각 승객은 담요, 물, 약간의 간식을 받습니다. 이것은 나의 두 번째 야간 버스 타기 였지만 처음 (오후 7시) 버스 타기 시작 (오전 5시)에 스피커를 통해 현지 태국 음악을 (크게) 1 시간 30 분 동안 연주했습니다. 그것은 엄청나게 짜증나고 필요하지 않았습니다. 모두가 야간 버스를 이용하여 최선을 다해 잠을 자고 싶어합니다. 이 버스를 타는 것은 어려웠습니다.
이 리뷰는 자동 번역되었습니다
버스 VIP, Lotus Phibun Tour, 2020. 2. 14.
거의 얼어 죽을 뻔했는데, 출발 후 1시간이 지나도 TV가 꺼지는데 버스에 TV가 있는 이유는 무엇입니까? 하지만 우리가 원하는 곳에 빨리 도착해서 저장했습니다.
이 리뷰는 자동 번역되었습니다
버스 VIP, Lotus Phibun Tour, 2018. 1. 19.
서비스가 빠릅니다^^
이 리뷰는 자동 번역되었습니다
버스 급행, Lotus Phibun Tour, 2017. 10. 6.
Bus was 2hours late departing, had to change vehicle as it wasn't working
버스 VIP, Lotus Phibun Tour, 2019. 10. 29.
Bus left and arrived on time, please wrap up warm as the bus AC is very cold. For all buses to north east the payment booth is 3rd floor and kiosk 19.
버스 VIP, Lotus Phibun Tour, 2019. 9. 17.
Fantastic and so good
버스 VIP, Lotus Phibun Tour, 2019. 6. 23.
Very comfortable!
버스 VIP, Lotus Phibun Tour, 2019. 3. 29.
Efficient, siimple
버스 VIP 24, Lotus Phibun Tour, 2019. 3. 2.
Really cold bus ride. Ridiculous to harm the environment for nothing. They gave blankets, but it was still very cold. I don't get the point of this. Everybody had a own tv screen with movies, I went to the English section and found a nice movie, when they started to talk it was in thai without subs. The massage function in the chair was funny. I didn't understand why there was a dinner break at 2 in the night...
버스 VIP, Lotus Phibun Tour, 2019. 1. 22.
Easy trip ! I booked it online and had no problem getting my ticket once at the bus terminal. Very nice to get money voucher at the stop although it would be nice to explain what it is. People came to tell me when we got to my destination at 5am (a 5 minutes notice would be appreciated though). Thank you !
버스 급행, Lotus Phibun Tour, 2018. 9. 27.
It was another bus an old one not with the seats.
버스 급행, Lotus Phibun Tour, 2018. 4. 7.
We came from Nakhon Phanom to Bangkok. Had the more expensive lower seats. No WiFi while on the bus was a sign free WiFi. The attendant did not speak English so no explanation. There was andere alarmclock which gave alarm every hour but unfortunately the attendant did not do anything (he did not understand us). We arrived in Bangkok quite sudden and were chased out like catlle. The seats were ok and the time schedule was punctual. Take care for warm clothes and socks
버스 VIP 24, Lotus Phibun Tour, 2018. 2. 22.
Surprised to get food on bus and at stop. Not easy as English speaker. No signs in Eng. My seat mate helped clue me in a few times with key Eng words. Only got right bus cause I asked multiple times.
버스 급행, Lotus Phibun Tour, 2018. 2. 20.
All was ok except wifi Last year, no pb with wifi This year no connection, always disconnected
버스 VIP 24, Lotus Phibun Tour, 2017. 3. 14.
버스 VIP 24, Lotus Phibun Tour, 2017. 2. 25.
No wifi code provided. False advertising. No WiFi.
버스 VIP 24, Lotus Phibun Tour, 2017. 2. 6.
버스 급행, Lotus Phibun Tour, 2016. 5. 4.
nice! Thank you!
버스 급행, Lotus Phibun Tour, 2016. 4. 1.
Terribly cold. We were in dawn jackets and under blankets and it was still cold. The sound of tv could not be regulated, btw the screen was not working.
버스 급행, Lotus Phibun Tour, 2016. 1. 4.
Too cold in the bus. Try to rise AC temperature
버스 VIP, Lotus Phibun Tour, 2015. 11. 2.
##Getting From Bangkok to Nakhon Phanom by Bus From *Don Mueang* to *Mo Chit Bus Terminal*: The bus to Nakhon Phanom, a city built along the mighty Mekong River which forms the border with Laos, is easy to access from Bangkok. The buses to this region (the northeast of Thailand) all leave from the Mo Chit 2 bus station in the north of Bangkok. We flew in to the Don Muang Airport (DMK), and got on the shuttle bus which goes to Mo Chit BTS station. The shuttle bus is the A1 bus and picks up just outside the arrivals section at a fixed point, just to the left of the tourist information desk. You pay the 30 baht on board. Internet searching had told us that you then had to take a taxi from the BTS station. However, the lady working on the shuttle bus told us that the BTS stop was Mo Chit 1 and that the shuttle kept going to Mo Chit 2, which was the big bus station. Good news! So we just stayed on the shuttle bus after the first stop and then 15 minutes later we were there. It is the last stop of the shuttle bus. *[**Note**: if I was coming from the center of Bangkok or the Suvarnabhumi airport (BKK) on a budget I would probably find my way to the Mo Chit BTS station and take the ten minute or less taxi to the bus depot.]* When we first got off the shuttle bus it didn't look like a bus station. But you pass the ice coffee vendors and go through a literal tunnel of market stalls and you'll eventually come out to find the big, 3-story bus station. **Where and How to Buy the Ticket:** The counters for the northeastern region are all on the third floor (the elevator is nice). From the elevator, the companies that run to Nakhon Phanom are on the opposite wall to the left. The first one you come to (where a lady tries to make you think it is the only option) is the 999 company. But there appear to be several companies running buses to Nakhon Phanom: 999 and Lotus Phibun. The signs are all in Thai but if you walk along the counters further you will find Nakhon Phanom written in English. We chose the second company, Lotus Phibun. There were a variety of afternoon options, from 17:30 to 20:00. The earlier ones (17:30 and 18:00) had the cheapest options, at around 550 baht. The 427 baht price listed doesn't seem to exist for the nighttime trip. All the later ones were the upgraded “First Class” price, coming in at 615 to 1k baht. We booked with 12Go a day before, (the Lotus Phibun VIP/First Class bus for 1k baht at 18:30), and were told we'd arrive at around 6 in the morning. You show the booking ID and they confirm everything with you on their computer screen: departure time, date, arrival time, seat numbers. Then they confirm everything with you on the printed ticket as well, and tell you to arrive at your platform 30 minutes early. **Departure Platforms**: The platforms for departure are down on the ground level. You walk out the doors opposite of where you came in originally, and there are many attendants to show your ticket to who will direct you to your correct platform. They are very clearly labeled. One confusing thing is that many buses leave from the same platform consecutively, so if your bus is a little late then the bus taking off at your departure time isn't actually yours. This can be hard to accept, but the guys working the doors seem to know what they are doing. We were twice told “not yet, not yet,” but then our bus finally came 15 minutes late. Just be sure to check with them each time, even though they say “we call you.” Big bags go below, and then we were quickly ready to go. ##Useful Information *Station:* The ground level of the bus station has a food court with a variety of options. All signs are in Thai but they have food in transparent cases so you can just point at what you want, and the prices should come out to 30 – 40 baht for a meal. There is also a 7-eleven next to the food court to buy whatever you need for your journey. [media 23 right half] **On the Bus:** The Lotus Phibun bus was surprising in quality. It had an airplane theme; there was a “flight attendant” and the driver spoke to the passengers with a microphone before “take-off.” The seats were very spacious, and after we were underway the attendant gave us blankets, water, snacks, juice, and even a rice and chicken meal. The bus had two floors, with upper being less expensive option which hosted about 20-30 seats, while the more expensive lower floor is more quiet and comfortable. The seats were pre-reclined, which was fine at night though might be a pain in the daytime. The seats also have leg supports that you can raise up or down. There was no wifi or outlets. The air conditioning was strong, though blankets and pillows are provided. Also, the bathroom in the bus – small but relatively clean - allowed for this with no problems. The bus stopped once at a University an hour and half before the terminal to drop some students off, and then the attendant woke everybody up with a soymilk breakfast. At about 6:30 a.m. we arrived in Nakhon Phanom, so the 11 hour journey estimate was correct. In **Nakhon Phanom**: The bus station in Nakhon Phanom is very small, with a 3-baht bathroom and a couple travel agency offices. There is also a setup at one end selling basic mini-market type items: cookies, instant soup and cold drinks, etc. There are, of course, a couple guys waiting to take you to a hotel or wherever you want to go, even that early in the morning. Just remember that nothing is very big here and shouldn't be more than a 40 baht ride away. The city center isn't too big, so whatever the destination one of the guys waiting in a tuk tuk is happy to take you where you want to go. The tuk tuks here are actually used by local people, which was interesting to see. In the city, there are a couple of cool temples, like the Wat Okat. Of course, there is also the Mekong itself. The waterfront is an interesting walk, and just south of the Wat Okat temple there is a two story market where you can shop for a variety of not-overpriced items, as well as enjoy a meal on the second story balcony, taking in the view of the Mekong and mountainous Laos on the other side.
버스 VIP 24, Lotus Phibun Tour, 2015. 4. 29.
버스 VIP 24, Lotus Phibun Tour, 2023. 12. 20.
버스 급행, Lotus Phibun Tour, 2023. 8. 7.
ณ บ
버스 급행, Lotus Phibun Tour, 2023. 7. 29.
버스 VIP, Lotus Phibun Tour, 2023. 2. 28.
버스 급행, Lotus Phibun Tour, 2023. 1. 18.
버스 급행, Lotus Phibun Tour, 2022. 8. 2.
ป บ
버스 VIP, Lotus Phibun Tour, 2021. 5. 14.
버스 VIP 24, Lotus Phibun Tour, 2021. 4. 4.
버스 VIP, Lotus Phibun Tour, 2021. 2. 26.
버스 급행, Lotus Phibun Tour, 2020. 3. 12.
버스 급행, Lotus Phibun Tour, 2020. 1. 4.
버스 VIP, Lotus Phibun Tour, 2019. 12. 22.
버스 VIP, Lotus Phibun Tour, 2019. 12. 10.
버스 급행, Lotus Phibun Tour, 2019. 11. 15.
버스 VIP 24, Lotus Phibun Tour, 2019. 2. 7.
버스 VIP, Lotus Phibun Tour, 2018. 12. 15.
버스 VIP 24, Lotus Phibun Tour, 2018. 8. 19.
버스 급행, Lotus Phibun Tour, 2017. 12. 14.
버스 VIP 24, Lotus Phibun Tour, 2015. 7. 30.
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