Air Ubon Sombat

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약 Air Ubon Sombat

버스는 전국에 수많은 터미널이 있고 편리한 시간표가 있어 여행 계획을 세우는 데 도움이 되는 가장 저렴한 교통 수단입니다. 버스는 적은 예산으로 편안함을 원할 경우, 편리한 옵션입니다. Air Ubon Sombat은(는) 온라인 예약이 가능한 버스 서비스를 제공합니다. 항공권을 예약하기 전에 다른 여행자의 리뷰를 읽고 최적의 선택을 하세요.

Air Ubon Sombat의 주요 운항지는 어디입니까?

Air Ubon Sombat 는 다음의 목적지에 출발 및 도착합니다:

  • 솜밧 투어 비파와디 13
  • 뎃우돔
  • 모르칫
  • 우본 랏차타니
  • 분타릭
  • 칸타랄락

Air Ubon Sombat에서 가장 인기있는 경로는 어디입니까?

Air Ubon Sombat의 가장 인기있는 경로는 다음과 같습니다:

Air Ubon Sombat의 버스 클래스 및 가격은 무엇입니까?

버스 여행 가격은 목적지와 티켓 등급에 따라 달라집니다. 특정 노선에서 모든 티켓 등급을 이용할 수 있는 것은 아니지만 장거리 여행의 경우 거의 항상 좋은 옵션을 선택할 수 있습니다. 가장 편리한 야간 여행을 위해 슬리퍼 코치를 선택하세요. 슬리퍼 버스는 일반적으로 침대 또는 푹신한 등받이가 있는 좌석을 갖추고 있으며 버스 내 화장실이 있고, 티켓에는 간식이나 점심과 같은 사항이 포함되어 있을 수 있습니다. 호텔 방을 절약하려면 야간 버스를 타는 것도 좋은 생각입니다. 낮에는 급행 서비스가 일반 또는 표준 클래스 버스보다 정차 횟수가 적고 이동 속도가 빠르기 때문에 종종 가성비가 가장 좋습니다. 일부 경로에서는 올바른 클래스를 선택하는 것이 중요할 수 있습니다. 예를 들어 일반 또는 2등석 버스가 1등석 또는 고속 버스가 2시간 동안 이동하는 거리를 이동하려면 약 6시간이 필요할 수 있습니다!

버스 여행의 장단점

버스 여행의 장점

  • 버스는 일반적으로 가장 광범위한 목적지 네트워크를 자랑합니다. 비행기나 기차로도 갈 수 없는 곳을 여행합니다.
  • 버스로 여행하는 것은 쉽습니다. 버스 터미널에 많이 일찍 도착할 필요가 없으며 체크인은 일반적으로 비행기 여행과 반대되는 매우 빠른 수속입니다.
  • 버스 티켓은 매우 저렴합니다. 예를 들어, 값 비싼 일등석 또는 VIP 옵션이 있지만 예산이 충분하다면 버스가 가장 먼저 생각해야 할 교통 수단입니다.
  • 동시에 모든 예산에 맞는 다양한 좌석 등급이 있습니다. 더 높은 수준의 편안함을 추구한다면 가장 높은 등급의 좌석을 탈 수 있습니다.

버스 여행의 단점

  • 시외버스터미널은 도심 외곽 외곽에 위치할 수 있습니다. 이것은 거기에 도착하기 위해 추가 시간과 돈을 계산해야 한다는 것을 의미합니다. 버스 터미널에서 오는 특정 목적지에서는 제한된 수의 운송 회사만 해당 노선을 운행할 수 있고 가격이 부풀려질 수 있기 때문에 예상보다 더 많은 비용이 들 수 있습니다.
  • 주말이나 성수기에는 일부 관광지로 가는 버스가 조기 마감될 수 있으며 사전 예약이 필요합니다.
  • 버스는 페리처럼 날씨에 영향을 받지 않지만 악천후 또는 도로 상황으로 인해 버스 여행이 지연되거나 취소될 수도 있습니다. 특정 계절 또는 특정 목적지로 여행하는 경우 이 점을 염두해두세요.
더 읽어보기

Air Ubon Sombat 인기 경로

우본랏차타니 주 - 방콕
16:30, 17:00, 18:20, 18:30, 19:30, 20:20
시사껫 주 - 방콕
19:30, 20:00, 20:30
방콕 - 우본랏차타니 주
19:15, 19:55, 20:30, 21:10, 21:25, 21:40, 21:45, 21:50
방콕 - 시사껫 주
19:15, 19:55, 20:30, 21:10, 21:25, 21:40, 21:45, 21:50
승객 NaN 명

Air Ubon Sombat 일정 및 시간표

클래스출발역도착역출발시간도착여행 시간
VIP모르칫우본 랏차타니19:5505:309h 35m
VIP모르칫우본 랏차타니21:1006:459h 35m
VIP모르칫우본 랏차타니21:2507:009h 35m
VIP모르칫우본 랏차타니21:4007:159h 35m
VIP모르칫우본 랏차타니21:4507:209h 35m
VIP모르칫우본 랏차타니21:5007:259h 35m
VIP뎃우돔모르칫19:3004:008h 30m
VIP모르칫뎃우돔21:4506:208h 35m
VIP모르칫분타릭20:3006:3010h 0m
VIP모르칫분타릭19:1505:3510h 20m
VIP모르칫뎃우돔21:5006:258h 35m
VIP모르칫뎃우돔21:1005:458h 35m
VIP모르칫뎃우돔21:2506:008h 35m
VIP모르칫뎃우돔21:4006:158h 35m
VIP우본 랏차타니모르칫20:2005:359h 15m
VIP우본 랏차타니모르칫18:3005:3511h 5m
VIP우본 랏차타니모르칫18:2004:009h 40m
VIP모르칫칸타랄락19:1503:158h 0m
VIP모르칫칸타랄락21:5005:307h 40m
VIP모르칫칸타랄락21:4505:257h 40m
VIP모르칫칸타랄락21:4005:207h 40m
VIP모르칫칸타랄락21:2505:057h 40m
VIP모르칫칸타랄락21:1004:507h 40m
VIP모르칫칸타랄락20:3004:308h 0m
VIP모르칫칸타랄락19:5503:407h 45m
VIP칸타랄락모르칫19:3003:308h 0m
VIP칸타랄락모르칫20:0003:007h 0m
VIP칸타랄락모르칫20:3004:007h 30m
VIP분타릭모르칫16:3003:0010h 30m
VIP분타릭모르칫17:0003:3010h 30m

Air Ubon Sombat 정거장

솜밧 투어 비파와디 13뎃우돔모르칫우본 랏차타니분타릭칸타랄락

Air Ubon Sombat 회사후기

Everything was perfect
버스 VIP, Air Ubon Sombat, 2023. 1. 7.
This has been a pleasant transfer from Ubon to Bangkok with the sleeping train. The seats were comfortable, with a clean blanket, we got a bottle of water as well as some snacks. Before we arrived in Bangkok we also got a refreshment towel. The staff was really nice and we had a got sleep while transferring. As we had been the only passengers who boarded in Ubon, we left 30 minutes earlier than the actual time which made our waiting time even less to start the journey. Therefore, we also arrived a little bit earlier. We would recommend the front seats in the upper deck or the first seats in the lower deck where you have a lot of space for yourself.
버스 VIP, Air Ubon Sombat, 2020. 2. 27.
버스 VIP, Air Ubon Sombat, 2019. 9. 11.
Very very nice bus, nice staff, good temperature, bedt seats i've ever had on a bus. Slept the whole night more or less
버스 VIP, Air Ubon Sombat, 2019. 7. 3.
Great spacing on the bus. Extremely comfortable and peaceful travel. We left right on time and arrived a bit earlier that advertised which was A-Okay. Only wish that there was a meal option (ticket says so) but we didn't stop to use the voucher or buy food. We did stop at a rest stop but the driver went in and went back to driving. I did not have time to put on my shoes by the time we drove off again. I will be using this line again, I will just get a more filling dinner beforehand
버스 VIP, Air Ubon Sombat, 2019. 6. 5.
I chose a single seat for my journey from Sombat Tour and it was the best bus seat I've ever got. I've been traveling inside of Thailand a lot with buses and I liked it every time. It was almost 10 hours of journey from Ubon to Bangkok and since it was after a tough trip in Ubon, I wanted my seat to be comfy. The seat I reserved was on the first floor and single row. I could take a really good rest and I will use this company's bus again.
버스 VIP, Air Ubon Sombat, 2019. 5. 6.
Everything went quite well, except the neck support thing on the seat couldnt be adjusted above a certain height. I'm 193cm which meant I had to travel with that thing behind my shoulders instead of getting a good sleep.
버스 VIP, Air Ubon Sombat, 2019. 2. 9.
버스 VIP, Air Ubon Sombat, 2019. 1. 4.
Professional drivers, bus is clean and leave at time. Prices includes some snacks and water. Films & entertainments but not wifi, thats why i rate 4 stars.
버스 VIP, Air Ubon Sombat, 2018. 4. 16.
+Price +service +lots of space -very cold -seats not so comfy
버스 VIP, Air Ubon Sombat, 2018. 4. 1.
It was very clean and quiet. Yoi receive snacks, water, and a soy milk carton. The driving seemed safe. My only issue is that it arrived an hour early and getting into Bangkok at 5am before BTS starts is inconvenient.
버스 VIP, Air Ubon Sombat, 2018. 2. 17.
Everything was fine except the broken TV (but we changed seats and it was fine). Nice staff. We also arrived one hour too early (5AM instead of 6)...
버스 VIP, Air Ubon Sombat, 2018. 1. 30.
버스 VIP, Air Ubon Sombat, 2017. 4. 13.
We were expecting a sleeping bus and it was just bending seats, confortable on the first hours but quite hard for the whole night. The service on board is really nice(personnal screen tv with movies, games and internet, food and water provided). Unluckily, we had a lot of delay(more than 3 hours) and we missed our connecting flight.
버스 VIP, Air Ubon Sombat, 2017. 1. 6.
Overall, a comfortable and safe journey. Arriving in Morchit at 3am and not knowing where the connecting bus is can be a bit daunting. Some guidance please.
버스 VIP, Air Ubon Sombat, 2016. 12. 29.
the bus left on time and arrived 30 minutes early. thank you!
버스 VIP, Air Ubon Sombat, 2016. 12. 29.
Comfortable seats with personal screens to watch movies was fantastic! Clean vehicle and clean blankets. Wish the snacks weren't straight sugar though.
버스 VIP, Air Ubon Sombat, 2016. 7. 23.
I like my trip very much. Very fast, comfortable chair, good staff.
버스 급행, Air Ubon Sombat, 2016. 2. 5.
Awesome. Left on time; arrive on time. Smooth, quiet ride. Comfortable seat. In fact, I slept so soundly, I couldn't believe 9 hours had flown by. Very modern and professionally run bus line. I would consider booking with them again. [note: if taking the night bus on this route, they do not stop for meal or to get out and stretch. Bring your own snacks, if you wish...although they do provide a decent snack box and a bottle of water for you]
버스 급행, Air Ubon Sombat, 2015. 8. 1.
GOOD - Modern, clean, spacious bus, and a relatively smooth, quiet ride. Decent snacks and free water, but still recommend you bring some of your own if you're on a long trip. I took the overnight bus from Bangkok to Ubon (long trip). Good blanket (not itchy, and not too short). Very good personal audio/video entertainment screen with headphones. No one already sitting in my assigned seat. Overall, one of the best buses I've been on. (my advice is to book early and get seat at front window on upper level (good leg room and nice shelf to prop up your feet, if you wish). BAD - Even with my overhead air conditioner turned off, my feet were still freezing. Couldn't figure how to turn off floor level A/C, or if that's even possible. Seat was very comfortable, at first (good recline angle, soft seating, adjustable headrest), but the longer the trip took, the less comfortable it became. I chose to go the Wednesday night before a long, four-day holiday weekend. Bad idea. Most of Bangkok decided to leave for Issan that same night. Between the traffic, bad weather and road construction, it took nearly 15 hours(!) to reach Ubon from Bangkok, which is normally about a 9-hour bus ride. We left around 9:20pm and arrived in Ubon just before noon. In the first six hours alone, in stop-and-go, bumper-to-bumper traffic, we hadn't even reached Nakhon Ratchasima! I'm sure this wasn't the driver's fault, but perhaps passengers should be warned when purchasing tickets during holiday weekends that long delays are likely.
버스 급행, Air Ubon Sombat, 2015. 8. 1.
The trip and service was good. The only problem was the bus being late. Morchit is probably one of the worst places to have to wait longer than originally planned.
버스 급행, Air Ubon Sombat, 2015. 3. 18.
버스 VIP, Air Ubon Sombat, 2023. 3. 7.
버스 VIP, Air Ubon Sombat, 2023. 1. 4.
버스 VIP, Air Ubon Sombat, 2022. 12. 11.
버스 VIP, Air Ubon Sombat, 2022. 10. 18.
버스 VIP, Air Ubon Sombat, 2022. 6. 18.
버스 VIP, Air Ubon Sombat, 2019. 6. 5.
버스 VIP, Air Ubon Sombat, 2019. 2. 27.
버스 VIP, Air Ubon Sombat, 2018. 4. 7.
버스 VIP, Air Ubon Sombat, 2018. 3. 27.
버스 VIP, Air Ubon Sombat, 2018. 1. 12.
버스 VIP, Air Ubon Sombat, 2017. 2. 15.
버스 VIP, Air Ubon Sombat, 2017. 2. 9.
버스 VIP, Air Ubon Sombat, 2016. 8. 10.
고객 43 명의 리뷰
97.7% of 43 명의Air Ubon Sombat와의여행경험을만족했다고평가하였습니다